The Y&R Update Monday 1/6/14
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Pictures by Juanita
Adam proposes officially, and Chelsea accepts enthusiastically. They kiss.
At the athletic club, Victor learns from his PI that Adam is guilty of killing Delia with his car. Victor isnt sure what hell do now, but he warns the detective to keep the information to himself. After the detective leaves, Paul happens by Victors table. Just the guy Victor wanted to see.
Jill is haunted by the music box Katherine left her. She tells Kevin how it moved mysteriously from one spot in the living room to another.
At Crimson Lights, Cane attempts to distract Lily from thinking about her blood test results, which are due anytime now. Shes startled when Stitch, wearing his hospital scrubs, approaches with a lost cell phone, thinking it might be hers. Stitch proceeds to the patio, where he has a contentious conversation with Kelly. He observes that she must be friends with Victoria, as he saw them talking earlier. Kelly denies any friendship and becomes defensive. They agree again to mind their own business and avoid each other. After she leaves, Stitch opens the pink phone to discover its Victorias.
Billy thinks having Kelly to dinner is a bad idea. Hed hoped two of them could have an evening alone. Victoria is baffled. She thinks Kelly is a good person and can understand why Billy has befriended her.
Lily asks Cane to take a photo of her, just in case the news is bad. Last time she had little time to mentally prepare for the side effects of chemo and how it altered her appearance. Cane obliges.
Victor grills Paul about Delias case and taunts him about his lack of progress. What kind of punishment would the killer face if hes caught? Victor wonders. Maximum, twenty-five years in prison and a fine, Paul answers. Victor continues to pry and Paul becomes suspicious. Does Victor have new information? No. Showing his annoyance, Paul assures Victor that hell be among the first to know when theres something to report.
Adam suggests they waste no time and get married tomorrow. Chelsea giggles, but she wants to do things right this time. Theres more at stake with Connor in the picture. And along those lines, she wants to clear the air: If either of them is concealing something from the other, now is the time to reveal it. Adam is ready to put the past behind them, including both his and her sins.
Jill takes a break from complaining about the music box to commend Kevin on the excellent care hes taking of Chloe. Kevin voices his concern about Chloes unhealthy interest in Connor.
Billy squirms, and Victoria notices and comments. Billy explains that it will be awkward because he knows Kelly from support group. He meets her for coffee and drinks, though, Victoria points out. Someone knocks: Its Stitch returning Victorias phone call. It was so nice of him to go out of his way to return it. Its not out of the way; he was on his way to grab a burger for dinner, anyway. Billy, eager to diffuse the tension thats sure to come with dinner, invites Stitch to stay. He accepts. Victoria announces they have a friend joining them, so it should be a fun evening. While Victoria tends to dinner, orders it, that it, and looks after Johnny, the two men to talk uneasily. Then Kelly arrives, and Victoria makes the introductions.
Chelsea guards against unrealistic expectations. Its OK for them to have separate lives outside of the marriage, something she couldnt accept the last time. Well, Victor was the issue then, and hes longer a factor, so Adam predicts smooth sailing and wants to marry as soon as possible.
Kelly reveals that she and Stitch are already acquainted. Victoria is mildly surprised but continues to play the good hostess, making small talk about Kellys job at the nonprofitthe same one that set up the fund for Delia. After a few moments of stilted conversation, Victoria offers wine. No takers. A game to break the ice? Even Billy is quiet, which is unusual.
While Kevin and Jill talk, she gets a phone call from the auction house that handled the botched sale of the music box. She winds up making an appointment with an antiques dealer and hangs up with the hope of solving the riddle behind the box. Delighted, too, that she might make out financially, she says a few kind words about Esther, who sabotaged the first sale, and about Katherine.
Cane and Lily wait at the doctors office. He enters with her results.
Billy offers to entertain his guests with jokes, which sends Victoria to the kitchen for a glass of wine. Stitch decides to have one as well and follows her. Kelly and Billy have a frantic discussion about their predicament. She fears Victoria will discover their tryst. Billy assures her that Victoria has no idea. No idea about what? Victoria asks from the doorway.
Kevin runs upstairs to fetch something from Chloes room while Jill prepares to meet the potential buyer of the music box. Giddily, she walks out the door and is immediately seized and drugged.
Chelsea is flying so high she declares she doesnt need a diamond ring from Adam. But they *do* need champagne, he says. He goes out to buy it. Chelsea revels in thoughts of her new life and memories of recent conversations with Adam about the happiness they both deserve.
Paul waits for Chris at the athletic club but gets a call from her instead. Good news: Theyre ready to make a deal with the witness in Delias case.
In the garage, Adam finds an unexpected passenger in his car: Victor.
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