The Y&R Update Tuesday 5/31/11--Canada; Wednesday 6/1/11--U.S.A.
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Pictures by Juanita
Chloe waited at Crimson Lights for her lawyer. Kevin asked if she was sure she wanted to go through with the custody battle. He thought things were a lot better now that Jana was out of the picture, but Chloe thought things were worse. She said Billy was up to his neck in problems.
Nikki went to Gloworm and settled in at the bar. Victoria called to wish her a happy birthday and asked if she was still coming for lunch later. Nikki said she wouldn't miss it. She told Victoria that she had a full morning planned of shopping and getting a mani, pedi and facial. When Nikki hung up, she ordered a ginger ale. The bartender joked that he needed ID and Nikki said she'd rather not, because he'd notice it was her birthday and she didn't want the fuss. She looked across the room and spotted Victor talking to a man. After Victor finished, he walked over to Nikki and told her that he'd spoken to Abby and she was wrong about saying Abby was the one driving the night Tucker was hit. Nikki pointed out that it didn't make sense that Ashley would suddenly drive up to the cabin to check on Tucker, when she hadn't believed Abby's story that he was having an affair. Victor told Nikki it was none of her business. Nikki didn't understand why Victor was lashing out at her, when she'd never tried to hurt him, unlike Abby. Victor was irritated because he felt Nikki had badgered him for years to be more compassionate to his children and now that he was, she still wasn't happy. He asked if she only wanted him to be compassionate toward their children together, Nick and Victoria. Nikki said that Nick and Victoria were the ones who deserved compassion. As she was about to say why, the bartender returned with a sticky bun with a candle in it. He said happy birthday to her. Victor looked embarrassed and Nikki snidely told him not to worry about forgetting her birthday, since he did remember to treat her like a child. Nikki told him if he wanted to get her a birthday gift, she'd like him, going to Hell. Nikki walked off as Victor told her to keep her speculation about Abby to herself.
Victor finished up his business, then looked at the uneaten sticky bun. He had a flashback to his own birthday, when Nikki gave him a present, and he hugged her and asked her not to leave.
Phyllis was at Crimson Lights in front of her laptop. She said she was sorry, but getting her family back was too important to stay quiet, so she was writing another blog post. Phyllis said she was going to “bait another hook” and she wrote a post telling the readers that she'd been fired, but that she stood by every word she said. Phyllis wrote that she wondered if she misjudged Daisy and said she'd like to sit down and talk with her. Phyllis said that it would never happen since Daisy was on the run and that while it was for the best, she couldn't imagine that anyone would want to abandon a precious child like Lucy. Phyllis posted the article, then said “come out, come out wherever you are, Daisy.”
Chloe met with her lawyer, Lance Young, and told him that Billy was doing dangerous things, like dealing with baby brokers and that she didn't think he was fit to have custody of Delia. Lance left to take a phone call and Phyllis walked up to Chloe. She shocked Chloe by telling her that Billy had fired her over her article. It was clear Phyllis didn't regret it and that she was pleased with herself for the article. Chloe said she thought it was clever and that she liked it. Chloe said she'd miss seeing Phyllis at Restless Style. Phyllis said she'd miss the magazine, too, but she was doing what was best for her granddaughter.
Victoria was at home holding Lucy on her lap when Daniel came in and asked if she minded watching her while he ran errands. Victoria let him know it was no problem and she told him how grateful she was that he'd moved in and allowed her and Billy to spend more time with Lucy, even though she knew it caused friction between him and Phyllis. Daniel said he knew Lucy loved her and Billy and that he was doing what was best for her and not worrying about Phyllis. Billy and Rafe arrived after Billy had gone to his meeting with the judge. Rafe told them it went well and that the judge was satisfied by Billy's explanation for why Phyllis had violated the gag order by publishing a story about Lucy. She was also impressed that Billy had showed up and explained in person. Billy said he promised the judge that it wouldn't happen again. Billy played with Lucy and thanked Rafe for his help. Rafe said he would do Billy another favor and not tell anyone he saw Lucy, there. Kevin arrived to visit with Lucy. Billy was annoyed, but Kevin assured him he just wanted to see her, not take her. Kevin sat next to Billy and Lucy, which made Lucy start to cry. Kevin asked to hold her. Billy was reluctant to hand her over, and told him that she got fussy around strangers. Kevin said he wasn't a stranger, he was her uncle. Billy said Lucy could just ask Kevin if she ever wanted any acorns. He gave Lucy to Kevin and he talked to her and tried to calm her, because she was crying.
Billy received notification that Phyllis had posted another entry. Rafe said that this was very bad for them. Billy and Victoria looked at each other with worried expressions. Kevin worked to remove the article, but he told everyone that Phyllis had password protected it. Rafe told Billy that he needed to go talk to the judge and explain what happened before she saw the post. He also said Lucy and Daniel had to move, because they didn't want to do anything to ruin Daniel's chances of getting full custody. Victoria was concerned Daniel didn't know how to care for her, but he told her he had spent a lot of time around Summer as an infant. Victoria held Lucy and told her how much she was going to miss her. Billy took the baby and promised that she wouldn't be gone for long, because they were going to fight to get her back. Victoria left and returned with a bag of Lucy's things. She made sure Daniel still had a car seat in his car, then Billy handed the baby over to Daniel. Daniel left with Lucy. Kevin told everyone that he deleted the blog, but a couple thousand people saw it before it was removed. Rafe went outside to try and schedule another meeting for Billy and the judge. Kevin thanked Billy and Victoria for letting him spend some time with Lucy, then he left. Victoria stood staring at the empty playpen. When Billy tried to comfort him, she lashed out and shoved him away. She asked what was wrong with him, and she expressed her anger that he'd failed to prevent Phyllis from posting again. Victoria stormed out of the house.
Rafe returned and told Billy that he couldn't get a meeting today. Billy was angry that his family was paying for Phyllis' actions. He said Victoria needed her daughter. Rafe understood, but told Billy that lashing out wouldn't help and that he had to find a way to blow off steam that wouldn't hurt the case. Billy called Phyllis, but she let the call go to voicemail.
Nikki sat on a park bench and took a gulp from a liquor bottle. She sadly said happy birthday to herself, then drank some more.
Deacon went to an AA meeting and told everyone how he'd been struggling with staying sober. He talked about how difficult it was to be surrounded by alcohol all day at work. Nikki walked in, drunk and obnoxious. She gave Deacon a mock clap for keeping his sobriety and then loudly told everyone how Deacon pushed her back into drinking by spiking her drinks when she wasn't looking. A woman asked if she'd like to sit down, but Nikki wasn't interested and she continued her tirade. Deacon watched her with concern and tried to go over to her a couple of times, but she ordered him to stay away. Nikki told everyone that she didn't know why they bothered going to meetings, because drinking was the only thing helping her get through the day.
When Nikki finished, she sat down and asked who was going to get up and say something next. After someone else shared, Nikki rushed to the podium. The woman running the meeting said she had to be sober to share, but Nikki would not back down. Nikki told everyone that AA was a farce, because no one was around to help all of them, when they weren't in the meetings. Nikki said that people would turn back to the bottle, or food, or sex, or the same dysfunctional relationship they'd been in on and off for years, for comfort. Nikki said it wouldn't work, because it wouldn't get rid of the pain that was in their “pitiful” lives. The organizer stood and defended the program, but Nikki said that going to meetings wouldn't help any of them. She told them all that she was sure Deacon's story wasn't inspiring, because he was an enabler and that if the pay was right, he'd pour drinks for all of them. Deacon begged Nikki to let him help. Nikki ordered him not to come near her. She walked out of the meeting.
Phyllis began to write something else, when Victoria walked up and slammed her laptop shut. Victoria confronted Phyllis on the blog posts she made. Phyllis dismissively said she took full responsibility for the posts, so it wasn't like Billy was going to get in trouble. Victoria shocked Phyllis by telling her that because of her posts, Daniel had moved Lucy back into his old apartment. Phyllis was bothered that she hadn't known, but she was sure Daniel would call her soon. Victoria told Phyllis to keep dreaming if she thought she was going to be able to convince Daniel to move himself and Lucy in with her. Phyllis told Victoria that she had no say in Lucy's life and Victoria responded that the same applied to Phyllis. Victoria raised her voice and told Phyllis she was delusional if she thought Daniel was going to let her be a part of Lucy's life. Chloe walked over and remarked that they were in a public place. Victoria told Phyllis to back off and walked out. Chloe asked what was going on and Phyllis told her she was trying to get Lucy so she could be with her “real” family.
Chloe finished up her meeting with her lawyer. After the lawyer left, Kevin walked over and Chloe told him that he was optimistic about her chances of getting full custody of Delia. She asked where he'd been and he told her he'd gone to see Lucy at Billy's. He said he enjoyed a nice visit with his niece, then some things happened that he'd tell her about later. Kevin then told Chloe that he thought she was making a mistake taking Delia from Billy. Chloe was irritated that Kevin was defending her ex, but Kevin said Billy was a great dad. Kevin asked if the custody suit was really about Delia or if she was trying to prove a point to Billy. Kevin asked if Chloe still had a thing for Billy. Chloe wished they could be a normal couple without so many huge issues cropping up, like Jana, Angelo, and Billy. Kevin thought Chloe was being dramatic and said that couples disagree all the time. Chloe said they were talking about her daughter's safety. Chloe said she knew from experience, such as the time she was married to Billy, that although he had long stretches of acting responsibly, he would eventually slip up and do something reckless. Kevin thought that Billy might have changed and said he deserved a chance. Chloe said Billy might have acted more mature now that he married Victoria, but she knew he'd do something irresponsible soon.
Billy called someone at the magazine and asked if they'd gotten any feedback on Phyllis' blog. While he was looking at his laptop, an ad popped up for sports betting. Billy sighed that that was the last thing he needed, and he closed the ad.
Daniel and Lucy were at his home. He held her on his lap, and referencing Victoria, told her that her mommy had packed a lot of her things and sent them with him. Daniel looked around and told Lucy they were going to need to go shopping, because he didn't have a crib or her bouncer. Daniel wrinkled his nose and playfully talked to Lucy when he realized she needed a diaper change. Daniel went out and got a bouncer and struggled to put it together. Lucy giggled and laughed from her playpen and Daniel had a great time talking to her.
Victoria arrived and said she was there to see if he needed anything. Daniel didn't mind her stopping by and he let her come in and see Lucy. Phyllis showed up and found Victoria standing over Lucy's playpen. The two women glared at each other and Phyllis asked Victoria if she thought this was a good idea. Phyllis smirked and told Victoria that she wasn't practicing what she told Phyllis to do. Phyllis then told Daniel about the run in at the coffeehouse. Victoria refused to argue in front of Lucy. She told Daniel she was leaving, but before she did, she told him that she was having a crib and changing table delivered. Phyllis said to cancel it, because she ordered some furniture, too. In a cheerful tone, Daniel informed them both that he and Lucy had picked out some furniture already. He told Phyllis and Victoria that they should both go. He clarified that in Victoria's case it was because Rafe thought it was a bad idea for her to be there and because he didn't want to be around Phyllis right now. Daniel said he and Lucy were going to spend some time alone. Victoria said goodbye to Lucy and said “Momma loves you.” Phyllis said goodbye to Lucy and both women left. Daniel told Lucy that they should probably not open the door, since they didn't know who was going to come by next.
Victor opened his door and found a distressed Deacon there. Victor slammed the door in his face. Deacon knocked again and when Victor opened the door, he told him that Nikki was spiraling out of control and that she needed Victor's help. Victor was skeptical, but Deacon insisted that he was right and that Nikki wasn't going to make it unless Victor reached out to her. Victor shut the door and walked away.
Nikki stumbled around the park, carrying her high heels in her hand. She settled on a bench, next to her empty liquor bottle and wiped away her tears. Victor arrived and walked up to her, with a concerned expression.
Daisy sat at a bus terminal, holding her ticket to Genoa City.
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