Friday Y&R Update 11/5/10

The Y&R Update Friday 11/5/10--Canada; Monday 11/8/10--U.S.A.


Written By Christine
Pictures By Juanita

Katherine, Victoria and Nina are in the Chancellor living room after Mac, JT and the wedding guests have left. Kay compliments Victoria on how she handled saying goodbye to Reed; she says that she didn't burden her son with her pain. Victoria talks about how much she's going to miss him. Nina says that there should never be distance between a mother and son, then excuses herself. Kay tells Victoria she has something to tell her that affects Nikki, then informs her that Victor and Meggie got married the night before. Victoria's shocked, and concerned about how her mother will handle the news. Kay tells her Meggie's plan to kill Victor and inherit his fortune. Victoria asks if he's safe, and Nina walks back in and tells her that Ronan and Murphy are with him. Nina and Kay tell Victoria how Ronan discovered Murphy was using Morse code. They explain that Murphy told them that Meggie was responsible for the death of his son Francis, and that a trap was set for Meggie by having Victor pretend that he was really being drugged. Victoria starts to piece things together, saying Meggie only got her chance because Nikki was in rehab. Kay says Nikki didn't know the kind of person Meggie really was, or the lengths Victor would go to protect Nikki.

Deacon and Nikki share a passionate kiss. When they stop, Nikki has a flashback to finding Meggie and Victor's wedding picture online. Deacon asks if she wants him to stop. In response, she begins to kiss him again, then they fall to the bed, caressing each other. Deacon says that there are rules against what they're doing. Nikki says Victor can do what he wants, no matter who gets hurt, and so can she.

At the ranch, Meggie sits next to Victor, who appears to be passed out, on the couch. He suddenly leaps forward and grabs her by the head. He tells the panicked Meggie that he's not dead, and that he found her stash of pills, and switched them out for fakes. When he lets go, she jumps up, but before she can go anywhere, Ronan, Heather, and Murphy, who's in a wheelchair, enter the room. Ronan tells Meggie that he bets she's shocked Victor and Murphy are still alive. Meggie says she barely knows Murphy, but Murphy uses his finger to tap out 'liar' in Morse code, while Ronan translates. Heather says that she's been in contact with the District Attorney in the area where Murphy's son was murdered. Heather tells Meggie that they know she murdered several men for their money, and used some of it to start her business. Ronan says that she couldn't resist trying it one more time, when Victor came to her bar.

Victor says that that's why Meggie hit on him, and followed him back to Genoa City. He asks Meggie if she really thought he'd leave Nikki to be with her. Meggie nervously laughs and tries to lie her way out of it saying that Murphy is a confused old man, and that everyone else is insane. She then tries playing the victim and says she only wanted to help Victor through his hard times, and be a friend to Nikki. Victor flashes back to Nikki saying Meggie tried to fix her an alcoholic drink, then he has more memories of Nikki's drinking being tied to Meggie's presence. He then tells Meggie that he's figured out that she's the reason Nikki started drinking again. He tells Ronan and the others that he wants them to get 'that piece of trash' out of his house, and tells Meggie that he never wants to see her again. He then goes to see Nikki. Meggie looks at Murphy, who glares back.

Jack runs into Diane at the club, and tells her that he wants to see Kyle. She's very angry and says he should have thought about that before he allowed Phyllis to write that article. She says that without Tucker's job offer, she might have to go to NY to find work. Jack says that doesn't have anything to do with his relationship with his son. She says he had his chance, but blew it. Diane says it was hard for Kyle to be uprooted from his old home and friends, but he was willing to do it to be closer to Jack, but he got hurt because Jack let his ex wife run wild. Jack tells Diane not to move Kyle again as a way to punish him [Jack]. He says she's not taking him to NY. Diane says that she and Kyle will be better off if they're not anywhere near Jack, and rushes out.

Phyllis goes to the tack house to get Summer. Nick asks how Daniel is handling the news from Daisy, and Phyllis says he's okay, but that Daisy had better stay away from her son. She says she'll take her out if she has to. Nick is opening some mail, and shows Phyllis their final divorce decree, which has just arrived. The mood turns serious, and Nick asks if she's okay. She says she is, then smiles and asks if he thought she was going to throw something at him, which gets him to smile as well. Phyllis asks if he's okay, and Nick says he's concerned for Summer having to go between two homes. Summer runs in, and excitedly calls out to her mom. She asks if two houses means two Christmases. Phyllis hugs her, and she and Nick smile at her, and are relieved at how well she's handling things.

Phyllis and Summer are at Crimson Lights when Sharon and Faith walk in. Summer is glad to see Faith, and runs over to play with her sister. Phyllis tells Sharon that Summer found matching outfits for her, and Faith, then goes over to place an order. Sharon leaves Faith's stroller with Summer, and goes to the counter as well. They have a light, but snippy conversation. She comments that Phyllis seems calmer than usual, and asks if she used up her energy writing another scandalous article. Phyllis tells her that she is more mellow and that her divorce from Nick is final. Sharon says she heard, and Phyllis says she figured she'd be the first to know. Phyllis asks if Sharon thought she was going to blame her, and says she probably would have in the past, but doesn't want to do that anymore. Sharon says Phyllis was a little less irrational and destructive when she was with Nick. Phyllis says that’s because she was being subservient and submissive, but she doesn’t need Nick's approval anymore, and his herself again. Sharon smiles and says that Phyllis' 'self is vindictive and vicious. She says it suits her, and walks away. Phyllis laughs in disbelief, then goes over to Summer.

Nick orders take out from the Club, and runs into Jack, who's doing the same. Nick tells Jack that Phyllis was with him when they got their divorce papers. Jack asks if there was any fallout, but Nick says that this is the way it needed to be. The dinner Jack is buying is for him, Summer and Phyllis. Nick is buying food for him, Sharon and Faith. Jack laughs and says this is a repeat of where they were five years ago, right down to Diane also being in the picture. Nick asks how it's going, and Jack tells him that Diane is keeping him from Kyle again, even though he and his son want to be together. Nick says Diane would be cheating Kyle by keeping Jack out of his life. Jack says he hopes Kyle turns out as well as another boy that he spent time with years ago (referencing his time as Nick's stepfather). Nick smiles. Nick asks if Jack is going to fight for Kyle. Jack plans to fight with all he has. Both leave the Club.

At the Club, Diane and Kyle come downstairs, and she tells him she's flying out that night to interview for a job she really needs. Diane tells Kyle that the sitter is going to spend the night with him. Kyle asks he can't stay with his dad instead. He asks why they moved in the first place if Diane was going to leave him alone with strangers, and suggests they call his dad. The sitter arrives, and Diane says it's too late to call Jack, because the sitter is there. Kyle says nothing, and opens on his laptop. Diane kisses him goodbye, but he doesn't respond to her. Kyle has found the article Phyllis wrote on Diane. He calls out to his mother, but she's already left. Kyle tells the sitter that he wants to put his computer in his room, and asks her to order him dinner. She tells him to go, but come right back. He waits until she's reading the menu, then leaves the Club.

Ronan takes Murphy home, and Kay and Nina greet them. Ronan tells them that Meggie is going to jail, and Murphy is a hero. It's clear that Nina is very proud of Ronan and tells her son that he and Murphy make a good team, then compliments him on being so kind to him. Ronan gives all the credit to Murphy. Heather comes in and tells them Meggie is being booked, thanks to Murphy. Kay lovingly caresses Murphy, and thanks God that Victor wasn't hurt, and says his relationship with Nikki is intact as well.

Heather, Nina, and Ronan watch Kay and Murphy sitting together, and smile. Heather tells Ronan that she needs his help getting a formal statement from Murphy. Ronan says Murphy has been through a lot, just getting out of the hospital, saving Heather's career, and Victor's life, and needs some rest. Nina says it's sad that Murphy still doesn't entirely have his own life back, and has to depend on other people, and is trapped in his own body. Heather says it must be hard for him not knowing if he'll get better or worse. Ronan is uncomfortable with the conversation, and quickly goes outside, saying he has to make a call. Heather asks if they said something wrong, and Nina says she has no idea. They watch Ronan through the window, and Heather asks if Ronan could be offended by what they said about Murphy, and says she didn't mean any disrespect. Nina says that it could be because he cares about Murphy, and says Ronan doesn't like to show that he cares about anyone, and just when she thinks she's made progress with him, he shuts down. Ronan eats something, or takes a pill. Heather is convinced something is going on.

Murphy taps on Kay's hand, and tries to speak. Kay calls Nina and Heather over, then asks Murphy if he's trying to say something about the case. Ronan walks back in, and over to everyone. Murphy struggles, but is able to 'love you old girl' to Kay. Kay rubs his face, and tells him he's back. The camera pans to Ronan, who smiles, slightly.

Victor walks into Nikki's room at Solidarity House, and finds her and Deacon naked in bed. Nikki and Deacon cover up. Victor says he should have throttled Deacon the last time he went near his wife. Nikki angrily says she's not his wife, she's the woman he abandoned. Deacon calls Victor an idiot for mistreating Nikki, and Victor yells at him to shut up. Nikki tells Victor that Meggie is his wife. She thinks Victor and Meggie have been having an affair all along, and laughing behind her back. Victor says he didn't marry Meggie out of love. Nikki sarcastically asks if it was for the sex. A staff member comes in, and throws Deacon out of the room, and tells Victor that he's not supposed to be there either, then leaves. Victor asks if Nikki really thinks he'd move another woman into their home.

In the hallway, Victoria walks up as the staff member tells Deacon that he and Nikki are being kicked out. Deacon begs for Nikki to be given another chance. He tells Victoria that her mother needs her and asks her to apologize to Nikki for him. Nikki has tears in her eyes as she talks about Victor giving her an engagement ring, then marrying Meggie. Victor tells her that he didn't really marry Meggie, and then fills her in on Meggie's scam to spike Nikki's drinks to get her out of the way then marry and kill him. Nikki realizes she had alcohol in her system long before she chose to take a drink, and that Victor didn't abandon her. Nikki softens and asks why Victor didn't tell her before. He sharply says he had to act quickly. Nikki tries to touch him, but Victor tells her to stay away from him. Nikki asks if he's hurt, and he snaps that he's fine. Nikki says he's not fine, because she's hurt him, and starts apologizing for doubting him. She says her only constant throughout the ordeal has been loving Victor. Victor says she disgusts him, and asks if she loved him when she got in bed with Deacon. Nikki tries to explain that it was the alcohol. Victor yells that they are finished, and tells her to never come near him again. Nikki pleads, saying they were so close, but Victor yells that they were never close. He screams that he'll never forgive her. Nikki asks how he can be so cold. Crying, she says she loves him. Victor says he doesn't care. He says he'll never touch her again, and storms out, as Victoria walks in. Nikki is crushed.

Nikki is shaken and says she needs a drink. When Victoria asks what's going on, she explains that Victor caught her with Deacon. Victoria is shocked, and asks her mother what's wrong with her. Nikki says she remembers what Deacon did to Victoria, but he's been so kind, and supportive, and now everything is out of control. Victoria says she's glad Deacon got kicked out. When Nikki finds out that Deacon begged the center to let her stay, she says she owes him. Nikki beats herself up for betraying Victor. Victoria says it's Meggie's fault, and tells Nikki how Meggie married, then killed Murphy's son, then how Murphy exposed her. Nikki blames herself for failing Victor. Victoria comforts her, and says it's Meggie and Victor's fault, not hers. Victoria says Victor makes it impossible for people to trust him, because he breaks people's hearts. The staff member comes in, and asks Victoria to leave, and suggests that Nikki not have visitors for a few days, to get back on track. Victoria says she hates to leave Nikki like this. Nikki says she's not blameless, and wonders how right she and Victor could be when things always fall apart. She says that maybe the situation with Meggie was a sign that she and Victor are not going to work, and never will. Victoria hugs her and leaves. Nikki seems to be in a state of shock.

Sharon and Faith arrive at Nick's house, where he's laid out dinner. He tells Sharon he got pork chops, because they're watching Babe again. She tells him that she doesn't want to hear any pork jokes, but he says he can't promise her that. Nick tells Sharon he got his divorce papers, and she says she heard, then stares as if she's waiting for a reaction. The movie starts, and they settle in.

Summer and Phyllis go to the Abbott house, and Summer goes to clean up for dinner. Jack tells Phyllis he heard about the divorce papers, and asks how she's doing. She says that she, and everyone else expected there to be a lot of emotion, but she feels free. She and Jack kiss. Jack starts kissing her neck, but she stops him, out of concern that Summer might walk in. She doesn't want her to see that, yet. The doorbell rings, and Jack opens it to find Kyle. Kyle explains that Diane is in NY, and he ditched the babysitter, because he had to find out the truth about the article Phyllis wrote. Phyllis tells him he shouldn't be reading that kind of thing, but Kyle ignores her and tells Jack he came to talk to him, not her. He's upset and confused, and asks if his mom really did the things that the article said she did.

Phyllis tries to explain that Restless Style isn't meant for kids, but Jack asks her to give them some time alone. Before she leaves, she offers Kyle dinner, but he just stares at her. Jack tells Kyle that there are a lot of different ways to tell a story, and that he, Jack and Diane will sit down and talk about it all, one day. Jack says the most important thing Kyle needs to know is that his mother loves him, and tells him he's a great kid. Jack thanks Kyle for knowing he could come to him for answers, and sends him to go check out his new room upstairs, telling him that he can stay there tonight. Kyle seems to feel better about everything, and goes to see his room. When Kyle is gone, Jack calls Diane, and explains what happened. Diane says she'll come back if Kyle needs her, but Jack tells her that he's fine. Jack tells her that he called the sitter, and asks why Diane hired her. Diane apologizes, and says she won't try and interfere with his relationship with Kyle. Phyllis walks in as Jack says he's back in Kyle's life and isn't going to let anyone mess things up. He ends the call.

Phyllis seems a bit cautious, and says it was impressive to hear him say he wouldn't let anyone interfere with his bond with son. Jack just wants to be there for Kyle. Phyllis asks if he knows she didn't write the article to upset Kyle. Jack shakes his head, and says he hates it, but Diane was right. Summer comes running downstairs, dragging Kyle by the hand. Kyle says that Summer says it's movie time, and they all have to watch together, like a family. He's not enthusiastic about it. Phyllis says not like a family, but as friends. Kyle looks at her, and says 'yea, right.' He then asks Jack if he still wants to spend time with Phyllis after the things she wrote about his mom. Then, he says he's going back to his room. Jack suggests that they do the movie and dinner another time. Phyllis tells Summer that they'll watch the movie at home. Jack says he'll try and smooth things over, which will be easier because they're in the same town, instead of him being in NY. Phyllis says it's no problem; she had some issues with Noah, when she was his stepmother, and is sure Jack went through the same thing when he was Nick's stepfather. She and Phyllis leave.

Sharon puts Faith in her room upstairs, then comes back down, and asks Nick if he wants to talk about his divorce being final. Nick says his marriage was over for a long time, and was over before he even realized that it was over. He says he'd rather enjoy being with Sharon. Sharon says he's living in the present, and he says the future matters, as well. Sharon says things could be so amazing, then explains that she means everyone's future, in general. Sharon brings up Victor and Nikki working through their problems together, and says it's brave and helpful. Nick says his dad loves his mom, and wants to be there for her. Nick says deep down Victor probably knew it would always come back to Nikki. As he says this last line, he and Sharon stare at each other.

Victor is at the airport, and tells the pilot to gas up the jet, because he wants to go somewhere, but isn't sure where, yet. Diane walks over, and is complaining about missing her flight to NY, and having to buy another ticket, or miss her job interview. Victor offers to take her. Diane says she wasn't fishing for a ride, but Victor says she'd better get on the plane if she wants to go. She smiles, but seems confused about why Victor would offer to fly her there.

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