Monday Y&R Update 1/4/10

The Y&R Update Monday 1/4/10--Canada; Tuesday 1/5/10--U.S.A.


Written By Brad
Pictures By Juanita

Chloe and Chance sit at the coffee house and Chloe mentions that she needs to find something new to do with her time. They joke bout some new occupations until they are interrupted by Sgt. Biggs who comes over to say hi to Chance. Chance introduces him to Chloe and then asks him if there are any leads on Riggs. The Sgt. avoids his questions and when Chance asks why he hasn't taken his statement yet, the Sgt. makes an excuse to leave. Chance and Chloe share a confused look.

Phyllis comes down the stairs and spies Nick cooking breakfast. She stands at the foot of the steps and recalls their conversation where she stated how much she hated Sharon, Adam and even him. Phyllis walks over to Nick, who tells her he was surprising her with breakfast in bed. She laughs at his bacon and reminds him that he cannot cook. Nick informs her that Summer is on a play date with Finn and that they have the house to themselves. She lets him know that sex will not solve the problem that Adam and Sharon's marriage is driving him crazy.

Adam carries his new wife across the threshold of her house. They talk about just getting married when Sharon hears Noah coming. She shushes Adam as Noah runs down the stairs an hugs his mother telling her he was worried about her after the crash.

Emily is leaving a note for Jack telling him that she is going with Paul to see Patty when Jack comes in. Paul leaves for the hospital and Emily says she will follow. Jack asks if Patty found out about their engagement but Emily tells him that she is going because the she feels bad and has decided to tell Patty that she can no longer treat her. She says Patty may heal quicker with another doctor, but they may have to postpone the wedding.

Patty is beating the newspaper bringing news of Jack and Emily's engagement and screaming when an orderly knocks and asks if she is okay. she pulls herself together and She said she thought she saw a spider and he leaves. Patty hides the shredded newspaper behind her mattress. She calms herself down and decides to come up with a plan.

At the coffeehouse, Chloe asks Chance if it is weird for him to be at the place he got stabbed, knowing Riggs is still on the loose. He tells her that he is upset that the Sid isn't is actively looking for Riggs. Chance sees the EMT that was on duty the night Riggs escaped. He walks over to the EMT and asks him if he can ask him some questions about the night he was stabbed.

Jack asks Emily if she wants to postpone the wedding or if Paul guilted her into doing it. Emily admits she feels guilty for living Patty's dream unintentionally. Jack assures her that it happened so quick cause it's right. Emily says that Patty may never be able to be as happy as they are but she knows what she is missing. She agrees that she and Patty got to close for doctor patient relationship. Jack and Emily both decide they don't want to put off the wedding unless need be. Emily defends Paul actions saying that he loves his sister and wants the best. Emily kisses Jack and goes off to see Patty. After she leaves, Jack places a call and asks someone to meet him.

Nick tells Phyllis he wasn't trying to placate her with sex. She tells him that when they made love last night it was Nick's way of letting her know convincingly that he wants and needs her. She asks how to make Nick see how intolerable it is for her to always be waiting for him and for him to always be with Sharon. Phyllis apologizes for her actions and begs Nick to talk to her more about being jealous and worried. Nick says he is not jealous or worried about Sharon, he is pissed.

Noah tells his mom and Adam he is glad they are okay. Adam says he has to go see Ashley and leaves Sharon and Noah alone. Noah asks if Sharon and Adam got closer while he took care of her. Sharon tells Noah that he meant a lot to her before the crash and Noah tells her he is trying to stay cool with Adam. Sharon tells Noah that Adam proposed on Christmas eve. Noah asks if she said no and Sharon reveals that they just eloped.

Adam gets to Ashley's and she is happy he is okay. He has flashbacks of him and Sharon on the plane with oxygen masks over their faces. He was holding a napkin up to Sharon that read, "Your Baby's Alive." Adam tells Ashley that they went to Nevada for a reason and shows her his wedding ring. She says congrats and hugs hm.

Noah is less than thrilled about his mom marrying Adam. She tries to explain that she thought it over and didn't jump in. Noah says that Christmas eve wasn't that long ago and Sharon tries to make Noah see that Adam makes her more herself. Noah asks if his dad knows and Sharon says she doesn't care about anyone's reaction but his. She tells Noah that Adam will be moving in and asks Noah to compromise and try to be civil. Noah admits he isn't happy.

The EMT admits it happened so quickly that he couldn't stop Riggs. Chance thanks him and walks away. He runs into Heather and tells her he needs a favor.

At the coffeehouse, Jack meets Chloe and Chloe tells Jack that Billy fired her. Jack is stunned and asks Chloe if she would consider being his wedding planner. He tells her her wedding last year was perfect and Chloe agrees to help him out. She congratulates him and he tells her that he and Emily will contact her.

Emily and Paul stand outside Patty's door and Paul decides to wait outside while Emily goes in to see his sister. Emily walks in and Patty's back is to her. When Emily says hello, Patty has an evil look on her face. As she turns, she paints on a smile and wishes Emily a Happy New Year.
Patty gives Emily a collage she made as thanks for being such a loyal friend. Emily says she is glad she was there to help but admits that she has realized that there are other doctor's who might be able to help her better. Patty becomes upset and says she doesn't want another doctor.

Nick tells Phyllis that Sharon doesn't wanna be alone but doesn't know why she keeps making mistakes and not learning. And he is upset Noah is there to see it all. Phyllis says Noah can live with them if he wants, trying to help Nick out. Phyllis asks to talk about them and Nick says this is part of the problem. Phyllis says that it is the whole problem. Phyllis says she knows he is fed up with Sharon, and wants to believe him but he spent the better part of last year following her all over but she doesn't know if Nick will be there when she needs him. Nick says he is here now but Phyllis tells him that he isn't. He is always after Sharon, or in Adam's face. She tells Nick if he wants to rescue someone, to rescue her.

Noah tells Sharon that if Adam loves her then she can tell him she needs more time. Noah tells her that he knows with losing the baby and being alone it was rough on her. Sharon tells her son to stop worrying that it will all turn out fine. Sharon compares Adam to Eden and Noah tells his mother that there is no comparison. Noah admits he is scared for his mother but Sharon keeps telling her son that he has nothing to worry about. Noah tells her he won't do anything drastic.

Ashley and Adam discuss when Nick found out about Adam and Sharon's wedding. Adam asks Ash if she thinks it's happening to fast but she tells him that she completely understands. Ashley is sad to realize that Adam will be moving out to Sharon's place. Ashley realizes that it's just Faith and her living there and that Abby is almost never around. She comes up with the idea of Sharon, Adam and Noah moving in with her.

Chance tells Heather he thinks Sid isn't investigating his case well enough and Heather tells Chance that she cannot get in the middle of it.
She leaves and he goes back over to Chloe. He sits down and she informs him that Jack just hired her as a wedding planner. Chance is amused how quickly things turned around for her. She asks about the EMT and Chance just shrugs. Chloe admits she is really nervous Riggs hasn't been found.

Emily tells Patty that change is good and it will help her heal. Emily says that she will gently wean her onto another doctor until she is comfortable. Paul comes in and Patty hugs him and cries. Paul tells Patty he thinks that her getting new doctor will be fine. Patty says that it will be sad not having Emily around but promises to try.

Adam tells Ashley that he can't ask Sharon to move. Ashley tries to convince him that the house is so big that they wont even run into each other. The doorbell rings and it's Jack. He walks in and is not happy to see Adam. Adam tells Jack he was just leaving and tells Ash good-bye. Jack tells Ashley that he and Emily are engaged and getting married on Valentine's day. He tells her that he knows it might be rushed. Ashley tells him compared to Sharon and Adam's engagement it is long. She informs her big brother of Adam and Sharon eloping.

Phyllis asks Nick what she has to do is get his attention. She says she is not desperate and needy like Sharon but she is getting there little by little. Phyllis cries to Nick that she needs her husband and a partner. She says she is tough but she is not Superwoman. She breaks down and tells Nick that she cant do this anymore, telling Nick that she has Lauren and Michael to talk to but its not enough and that Noah came by to check on her to make sure she wasn't alone. Nick apologizes saying that he had no idea. Phyllis tells him he is preoccupied. He hugs her but she pulls away saying that she is going to check on Summer.

Chance and Chloe are leaving the coffeehouse when Sid comes in furiously asking Chance why he is asking questions about him. He tells Chance he had better not be starting any more trouble. Chloe calls him a jerk and Chance tells her that Sid is nothing like that.

Noah shows up at Nick's and asks him why he didn't tell him about his mother's wedding. Noah asks what to do and Nick tells him that it's all up to Sharon and Adam. Nick tells his son to focus on his life and Eden and thanks him for checking on Phyllis the other day. Noah tells Nick that Phyllis was there for him when he needed her.

Jack tells Ash that it breaks his heart to see Sharon mess up her life. Ash tries to convince Jack that Adam is honestly in love with Sharon and that he and the new Newman are more a like then they think. Jack calls Adam a snake and tells Ashley he has to put a stop to it. Ash tries to stop him but he storms out.

Back at the Chancellor mansion, Chance gets a text message from Riggs telling Chance that he needs help and to meet him at an old Christmas tree lot. Chloe begs him not to go.

Emily stops by to see Ashley and asks her to be her matron of honor. Ashley is thrilled and agrees saying that now she has a reason to look forward to Valentine's Day. Emily explains it may be postponed and tells Ashley about switching Patty's treatment to another doctor.

In her cell, Patty pretends to take her pills but hen the orderly leaves she spits them out and hides the under her mattress.

Noah leaves his fathers house and Nick promises Phyllis that there will be no more Sharon talk. He vows to give her his complete attention and apologizes for taking her strength for granted. He tells her its time she depended on him since the whole family depends on her. They admit they missed each other and kiss.

Adam literally runs into Heather at Crimson causing her to drop papers. She spots the ring and is stunned to hear him say he and Sharon are married.

Sharon is admiring her new ring when her doorbell rings. She opens the door to Jack asking her to please tell him it isn't true.

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