[an error occurred while processing this directive] Thursday Y&R Update 12/18/08 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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The Y&R Update Thursday 12/18/08--Canada; Friday 12/19/08--U.S.A.

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Written By Karen M.
Pictures By Suzanne

At Crimson Lights, Michael wants Jana at lock up to calm Gloria down. Kevin not sure that’ll happen since he never told her about the manslaughter charge. He felt the less people who knew about what Gloria did the better. Jana overhears, what did she do? Michael excuses himself as Kevin admits he broke his promise about lying to her.

At the Abbotts, Jack apologizes for just dropping by, but he has news. The tainted face cream fiasco was orchestrated by Gloria. She’s been arrested. Sharon invites Jack in.

At the jail, Ashley remembers Gloria denying that she wouldn’t jeopardize her husband’s legacy. And she definitely wouldn’t subject herself or a child to toxic substance. Gloria surprised to see Ashley, but decides to leave knowing she won’t listen to her side of the story. Ashley stops Gloria from leaving as she firmly demands Gloria to sit her ass down.

At the tack house, Phyllis is still frustrated about Paris. Nick stops decorating to find out what’s gotten her on edge. Phyllis blurted out that he kissed Sharon. You kissed her, and it wasn't just some small kiss, it was like it was out of "Casablanca" or something. She doesn’t want to think or talk about it anymore. She wants to celebrate their daughter’s birthday. He hurt her so figure it out. She kisses him then leaves.

There’s a knock on Heather’s door. It’s Adam. She reaffirms it’s over between them. Adam wants her to reconsider blaming it on the town and people. She assures him their problem is not the town, but him. She wants him to leave. Adam declares that he tried. This is the last time they’re going to see each other. He stops at the door then turns and leaves her the ring telling her that she can sell it, keep it, he doesn’t need it anymore. Heather picks up the ring and cries. She hears a knock on the door. It’s Paul. She opens and weeps into his arms.

At the jail, Nikki updates Victor about the problem with the children’s annual deposits. They’re joint account’s are frozen due to one of the signatures assumed dead, it creates complications. Victor’s accountant is out of town until the first of the year, and Michael is busy with his murder charges. The deposit needs to be done before Christmas. She asks him not to be difficult. Victor proclaims it’s all difficult. Nikki inquires what being in jail or having to cooperate with her? He tells her to take her pick. Nikki reminds him of Summer’s birthday. Before he leaves, he tells Nikki to wish her a happy birthday.

At Crimson Lights, Jana can’t believe Gloria could do such a thing. Michael has worse news. Gloria’s sacrifice was wasted because Lowell is guilty. Lowell is a fraud. He lied about everything. After admitting he used everyone he went on the lam again. Kevin yells I knew it. Michael receives a phone call. He’ll be right there. He will fill them in on the details later. Michael tells them as he rushes off. Jana in denial remarks River’s a good man. Kevin criticizes her belief as she becomes upset.

At Michael’s place, Eden is holding her teddy bear, discusses with Noah her uncertainty about her father’s innocence’s. Noah needs to get to Summer’s party. She looks at her bear stating teddy’s really good at figuring things out. She notices her teddy bear feels weird. The seam’s loose. She rips it open to discover a bundle of cash. Getting nervous she has to hide it, but where? Noah suggests he hide it at his house then replace the cash with paper.

At the tack house, Nick and Phyllis get romantic until Nikki arrives with a gift. Nikki noticed some tension between the two. Phyllis goes to check on Summer. She asks her son if everything is fine. Nick admits he messed up. They’re fine, if they can work it out. You think? Nikki asks.

Jack continues to rant to Sharon that nothing was right for him after the Jabot sabotage. She and Noah was the exception. His rage, bitterness, and anger stopped him from letting her in. Sharon believes that Gloria and her idiot husband deserve everything they get. Jack gives his blessing to evict them. His voice breaks as he apologizes to Sharon for putting his faith in the wrong people. He has so many regrets. We all make mistakes, Sharon explains. What’s important is what you’ve learned from them. He could have such a good life if he would only stop standing in his own way. Are you ready to do that?

Lowell sneaks into Michael’s place where he notices Eden’s bear. He grabs her bear and attempted to leave except Eden catches him. She asks, weren’t you even going to say good-bye?

Heather cries to Paul about how wrong she’s been about Adam. He hates seeing her hurt. Her voice creaking wishing she’d taken his advice. He wished he’d been wrong, but she’s doing the right thing. Sniffling, she inquires if he found evidence against Victor in Mexico? He tells her not on Victor, but plenty against Adam. It’s ironclad. She cries as she tells Paul her first thoughts when Adam proposed was that a wife can’t testify against her husband. Next time she’ll trust her instincts.

At the jail, Gloria continues to claim that Jeffrey framed her to Ashley. It’s never your fault, Ashley screams. She tells Gloria that she ruined lives and nearly ruined her father’s company. She thought Gloria was a shameless gold digger, but she was wrong. Gloria's more dangerous than even she could imagine. Gloria yells back once she’s cleared Ashley gonna eat those words. Ashley corrects her, once convicted, Jabot is gonna file a civil suit against her to recover the cost of the damages to the company, her brother’s career, and her reputation. They will take her shares of Jabot stock, and leave her penniless. Ashley leaves her speechless.

Jack wanders the halls of Jabot as he remembers apologizing to John for selling Jabot to Chancellor. Strolling into the boardroom he’s greeted by John. Jack thought he might find him here. Jack has a short conversation with John before Ashley comes in ranting. What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be anywhere nears this property. She should have never let him have her proxies, especially with Gloria involved. Jack insists they both got had. How they proceed from here that's what important? Ashley is having the legal draft up a civil suit to gain control of Gloria's stock. She tells him to leave, she doesn’t need the complication. John agrees with Ashley, but Jack blames him for shaming him into giving Gloria a break.

At the jail, Jeffrey visits Gloria only to learn that Jabot is gonna sue them for their stock. His petty jealousy might cost them everything. Jeffrey came prepared as he hands her an envelope. Divorce papers? Jeffrey insists she signs them and the lawyers can’t touch her. She refuses stating she’d rather give her money to Satan himself. Go back to hell. Jeffrey laughs as he leaves the papers for her to sign stating once Jabot files their lawsuit, it’ll be too late.

Adam enters as Victor states he’s been expecting him. Has he come to gloat? To say good-bye, Adam informs. He wants to thank him. Genoa City has been one big learning experience. It was a real eye-opener. He realized that he wanted to be just like him. Victor asked if he’d succeeded. He has; he’s studied his moves, and memorized his playbook. He laughs stating the seasoned pro rot in jail while the rookie gets to walk. Victor asks so you’re the winner? He chuckles as he states he’s learned a lot about him too. He’s bewildered how an extraordinary woman like Hope could have raised a son with such low character. He’s been a great disappointment in his life. Adam says Merry Christmas as begins to leave when Detective Wallace announces he’s under arrest. Michael informs he’s being charged with fraud, obstruction of justices as Paul looks on. Victor sits silently as Adam's lead out in cuffs. Michael grins stating now that's entertainment. Paul and Michael sit. That was a hell of a show you put on, Paul commented. Michael tells him that the DA's been spooned fed everything he needs. It’s time for the grand finale. After all the hard work they put in, Victor doesn't want them to be disappointed.

At Michael’s, Eden is disappointed when Lowell informs her that she’s better off staying with Michael. As he holds her bear, he tells her he’ll miss her. You have my bear, Eden notices. It’s his way of feeling closer to her. He hugs her then tells her good-bye as he rushes out the door.

Sharon arrives at Nick to deliver gifts for Summer. Nick steps outside and informs Sharon that it’s not the best time to come in because Phyllis knows about Paris. How? Photo shoots for Restless Style. She came to surprise him. Sharon feels terrible. Inside, Phyllis brings Summer down then wonders where’s Nick Nikki informs that’s he’s outside talking to Sharon. Annoyed, Phyllis dash outside telling Nick it’s time to sing happy birthday then tells Sharon hi and bye. Sharon stumbles with have fun, as she hands the gifts to Nick and leaves. Nick states its freezing, shall we go in? Without further word, Phyllis marches back inside. Summer blows out her candle. Everyone but Phyllis goes to the kitchen for ice cream. Phyllis begins cutting the cake. Staring at Sharon's wrapped gift, she cuts off the bear cake head.

Returning home, Sharon notices Jeff lounging in the living room, and instructs him to get his feet off her new sofa. She informs him that his presence in her house is no longer welcome. Jeffrey claims to be a victim, but Sharon’s not hearing it. Pack everything and get out today. He never wanted to live there anyway. Sharon smirks as she sends Fisher to chase Jeffrey out.

Still at Jabot, Jack is still conversing with John angry that John’s loyalty to Gloria was wasted. John had no reason to be suspicious. Jack sarcastically tells him now he knows what she’s capable of. From where he sits John Abbott’s widow has had her last free ride.

Kevin, Jana, and Michael arrive to see Gloria. She’s anxious for news of her release. Michael delivers the back news that the docket’s full, and may be in for possibly two days. Gloria cries for Michael not to do that to her. Kevin tells her there’s more. Michael tells her it’s about Lowell. He’s not the man they thought he was. He lied, and now he’s gone. Gloria collapses into Kevin’s arms.

At the jail, Victor gives Ashley some good news stating that certain people have come forward to testify that the diary is a fake. Soon he’ll be vindicated. Victor tells Ashley to say it. She does. Aren’t you glad you came back home to face those charges? He tells her for many reasons. Soon they’ll be together. They have a lot to celebrate.

In the courtroom, Dennis is all set and then some then asks Heather if she’s sure she wants to do this? She’s wants to see Adam put away. Adam enters staring at Heather then meets Rafael, the public defender. Adam is confident there’s no case. Heather instructs him to look and see who’s coming through the door. His face down when he realizes it’s the bartender and his daughter escorted by Paul. Remember me?

Back at Jabot, Jack wants John to acknowledge he was wrong about Gloria. John knows Gloria’s behavior was deplorable. And he has every right to hate her. You were the target of deliberate sabotage. How can Andrew Gibson continue to punish you for his wife's death? Allow the universe to deal with Gloria. She'll get what's coming to her. Nobody skips through life without consequences.

At the warehouse, Lowell sits behind a dumpster trying to rip into the teddy bear, but is horrified to find nothing but rolled up paper. Throwing a tantrum, he yells, where's my money?

Back at the jail, Gloria paces, stating she went out on a limb for his father. It was for nothing? Michael sadly agrees. That damned cream. And she can't even blame Jeff. She thought she was being so noble helping his father. And it turns out he’s an evil, selfish user. Gloria’s voice began to break. Its karmic justice! It’s true. Crying she states that she intended on screwing over Jack and Ashley. Now she’s just screwed over herself. Kevin stands to comfort Gloria.

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