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The Y&R Update Tuesday 12/16/08--Canada; Wednesday 12/17/08--U.S.A.
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Written By
Karen M.
Pictures By Suzanne
At the station, Gloria vigorously tries to remove the black ink from her fingers. Kevin feels the ink is the least of her worries. Gloria becomes frantic to learn that Michael is dealing with Lowell. Never wanting to hear his name again summarizes if she wasnt browbeaten to help him, Jeffrey wouldnt have turned on her.
Michael comes home, whipped only to learn Gloria was arrested, but Lauren has no details. Eden tries to press Michael for answers about her father only to be sharply silence. Lauren finds it bizarre that his father is free, and now his mothers in jail. Michael tells her one fire at a time. Thats all he can do. His cell rings. Its Victor wanting updates from Heathers office. Its been crazy, but will get on it as soon as possible. Hanging up he tells Lauren one more fire.
Adam learns from the ticket agent that theres no update on his flights departure. He remembers his last encounter with Heather telling him to run before she changes her mind, as he watches two lovers being reunited due to the delay. Staring out her office window Heather remembers Adam begging her to come with him.
Billy meets Jack on the Crimson Lights patio only to be scolded about his lack of communication since the takeover. Jack wants to implement some changes to the Ashley line, and expect Billy to follow through on their agreement. Billy needs Jack to be patient. Ashley gets furious at the mention of his name. Jack closes the patio doors before announcing that Sharon threw him out of the house because of his sex addition. Billy smirks finding it hard to believe with a hot wife like his. Jack wants to get back on track stating Ashley will be a problem, so theyll meet in his room at the club. Billys willing to listen to his suggestions Jack cuts in threatening hell do more than listen. He will not be cut out. Billy explains hell not be treated like a flunky; he has a brain, kept the Hong Kong office afloat during the crisis with Ji Min, and he has ideas of his own. Jack questions his loyalty. Billy will honor the deal when the time is right, but for now he needs to go and do some damage control with his mother. Jack alone, John comments about how much Billy takes after him with the big smile, oozing charm, and the uncanny ability to walk over any family member that gets in his way.
Murphy arrives at the dinner with a stranger when Pearl suggests to Katherine to take a break with her roommate. Katherine agrees, especially after standing for six solid hours. Murphy laughs as they sit. Behind the counter, Pearl gives the stranger the specials as he displays its Lowell. He only wants herbal tea.
At Michaels, Eden becomes agitated not getting answers from Michael. First he needs to deal with Gloria and Victor then theyll talk about Lowell. Eden realizes her fathers not coming back as she angrily runs to her room. Michael updates Lauren about Lowell admitting to everything they suspected. He went to rob the bank not stop the bombing. The janitor was just a casualty of his greed. He bought the ashram from stolen money. How does it feel to be married to a man with two criminals for parents? Lauren married him not his father. His father is a full-blown sociopath. His voice breaks as he continues to call Lowell a liar, a cheating, manipulating, murdering son of a bitch. How does he spare his little sister from knowing all that? Michael releases his frustration as he breakdowns crying in Laurens lap.
Heather sits behind her desk looking at Adams picture remembering their first encounter at the Athletic club gym. An anguish Heather exhales deeply as she leaves another urgent message for Paul.
Jack still at Crimson Lights continues to talk to John upset how Billy dismissed him. Jack refuse to discuss the diary, hes in the clear. John points out that he escaped punishment, except, he alienated his sister and destroyed is marriage. And hes no closer to being a part of the family business. Jack would be a happier man if he focused on those he loves than revenge on those he hates. Maybe one day hell realize that.
Billy is greeted by his mother at the Chancellors. Jill complains that shes not sleeping well. Billy realizes that the takeover didnt help. The stockholders meeting hurt, but the last few weeks has taught her how quickly someone precious can be lost. She would like to start fresh.
At the station Michael cant believe Gloria would confess knowing Jeffrey used the cream on himself to entrap her. Gloria never believed he would follow through, and she never expected a cop behind the curtain taping her. Kevin notes hes a weasel. Gloria only wants to know when shes getting out. Michael states hes got his work cut out for him. He tells a disappointed Gloria that its too late to go in front of a judge; shell have to spend the night. Its not a speeding ticket, its manslaughter. Kevin calms Gloria down then talks to Michael about whats at stack. They need a miracle like the one he did for Lowell.
At Michaels, Eden returns from her bedroom inquiring about him. At the jail. Hes dealing with a lot. Lauren says. Eden pulls out her phone, and before she can dial Lauren asks for it. Michael will explain about Lowell when he gets home, and if after, she wants to leave Lauren will take her to the ashram herself. Eden hands her the phone.
Lowell sips on his tea as Pearl serves his sandwich. As Pearl serves Murphy and Katherine some appetizers, she asks if Lowell is one of his strays. Murphy found him on the road with just the clothes on his back. A tuna sandwich wont break him. Pearl scolds him for spending money he doesnt have. Katherine asks what that was all about, only to be told Pearls being Pearl worrying about nothing.
Jill explains to Billy that they wont be having a tree this year. Katherine used to love to decorate for the holidays. She didnt appreciate her efforts. And now shes gone, so last thing she wants is to lose her son. How about a truce? Billy quip, that she doesnt want to beat him, spank him, nothing? Jill laughs. They promise that mother and son will come before business. Jill inquires about Jabot, only to be told theyre restructuring. Her dream once she had her two sons was for them to work together at Chancellors Industries. Its his legacy not Jabot. Billy declines stating hes not the favorite in her eyes. She banished him to boarding school. Hes unsure which is worst, not having a mother at all, or having on that doesnt even know you exit. Not having a mother cant disappoint you time after time. With the Abbotts hes not treated like a peon. Jills surprised he felt that way then realizes he did the takeover for money not loyalty to his fathers family. She reminds him that being her son will always make him an outsider to them. Hes not one of the original three. After Jack and Ashley take their share how much will be left for him. Being her son will always make him an outsider to them. Dont complain when it all falls apart at Jabot. Hes going to take his chances. He loves her, but doesnt want to work for her. He kisses her good-bye then leaves.
Jack enters an empty house when John notices Sharons redecorating. Jack wanted her to feel at home. John doesnt believe he meant those words. He did nothing to ensure Sharon and Noah had a real home.
Back at the station, Gloria complains that all her hard work is destroyed, no matter if shes cleared, shes through at Jabot. She understands Kevins bitterness, she promised him a lot. Kevin thinks that maybe Jana is right about karma; he did bad things to get Mrs. Chancellors stock.
Waiting for clearance, Adam sits in the airport staring at Heathers picture on his phone remembering when he proposed to her. His thoughts are interrupted when his flight is announced. He wonders if Heather will show up.
Michael is at Heathers office laying out how her case is falling apart. She has Franks confession. Adam is toast, so why is Victor still in jail? She refuses to discuss the case until she has all the facts. Michael feels Heather should recuse herself because she has a conflict of interest the size of Texas. She promises if the time comes that she cant be objective she will. Alone, Heather remembers when she accepted Adams proposal. She calls the airport inquiring if the London flight has left.
Katherine receiving a refill from Pearl inquires about Murphys finances. Pearl states his too bighearted for his own good. Hell give a person his last. The problem is his business isnt doing well. Katherine asks about his savings. Pearl comments he cant have savings if he gives it all away.
At the airport, a woman announce for passengers to board when Heather arrives. Adam is glad to see her.
John comments about the amount of Christmas cards when Jack begins to reminisce of past holidays. Remembering Mamies gingerbread, Christmas Eve reading the Christmas story aloud; everyone took their turn reading. Afterward, theyd sit by the fire drinking mulled win. John knows Jack was hoping it would be that why with Sharon. He points out that everything he loves is slipping away, but its not too late to turn his life around. Jack states the truth is not an option. Hes not spending his life in jail. John believes Jacks addicted to lying, and those distrusting you have gotten larger. Hes made a lot of mistakes. John begins to list his mistakes. What Jack wouldnt give to undo when he was railroaded out of Jabot. Jeff enters showing his chemical burns letting Jack know he used Glorias face cream.
Back at the diner, Katherine plays with her ring remembering Pearls visit to the pawn shop. Murphy joins Katherine when she inquires about his finances and business. He assures her hes fine, but appreciates the offer. The pleasure of her company every day makes him fine like a rich man. When he comes back with dessert, theyre gonna talk about the toy drive.
At Crimson Lights, Billy text Fallout Girl stating he's had a rough day; wont bore with details, but would like to hear from a friend then signs it Sonny.
Michael returns home updating Lauren that the charge is manslaughter. Eden interrupts wanting information about her father. Michael wont be hearing from her. Lauren chimes in that River laid, he used them all. Michael finishes stating their father was guilty. He bombed the bank, but not before stealing millions. He bought the ashram with that money, putting it in your name so it wouldnt be traced. Thats why theres a tax bill in your name. He admitted it before he took off again. Eden asks how the police find out. His concern is to protect his family which includes her, and the best way to do that was to tell the authorities the truth. A teary eyed Eden tells a sadden Michael to go to hell then storms away.
At the station, Kevin encourages Gloria to stay strong, and above all else be very quiet. He'll return first thing in the morning. Before Gloria leaves for her cell, she tells Kevin to give a message for Michael. Do whatever the hell he needs to do to get this nightmare over with.
At the airport, Heather announces that she wont need a ticket and neither will he. Shes not there to run away with him, but to arrest him. Heather tearfully looks on as the police approach handcuffing Adam while reading him his rights. Adam begs Heather not to this.
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