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The Y&R Update Friday 12/12/08--Canada; Monday 12/15/08--U.S.A.
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Written By Karen M.
Pictures By Suzanne
At Michaels, he and Lauren are busy going through the discovery material from Lowells case in search of the insurance form when Eden returns. Eden inquires why if the judge dropped the charges. Hes just clearing up loose ends for his records. Eden leaves as both agree she looked worried. Hes convinced that Lowell was there when he called earlier, and whatever he told her upset her. Michael sarcastically remarks what, that hes been conning them from the beginning. Lauren excitedly reports she found it. Eden returns stating shell be staying with a friends tonight. Michael stops her from leaving and asks where you really going. At the warehouse, Lowell impatiently awaits Edens arrival then flashes back to him stuffing her teddy bear with money given by Jana. Eden goes on the defensive. Michael explains that they like having her live with them. This is her home. Torn, she reiterates that she promised shed be there. Without any further words Michael gives her a hug.
At the Chancellors, Esther returns with Mrs. Cs cleaning as Jill instructs her to give everything to the shelter. Esther refuses. Jill informs shes moving into Katherines suite, theres better light. Esther declares she wants to keep her suite untouched forever.
At Murphys, Katherine and Murphy are laughing on how well they did at the fundraiser. She recalls how he worked the room getting the two men to double their donations. He has real business acumen then calls his Phillip. Murphy asks who Phillip is. You called me Phillip. Confused, Katherine whispers, who is he?
At Crimson Lights, Kevin frantically search for the money then announce to Jana the moneys gone. Did she move it? She confirms she did. Exhaling, he tells her he thought the money was stolen. Kevin is paralyzed when he hears she gave it to River.
Back at Michaels, he lets Eden know that he knows and understand that she has spent her whole life looking over her shoulder, not trusting anyone, and putting Rivers secret above all else. Eden insists her friend is probably wondering where she is. Michael stops her stating she doesnt have to run anymore, lie, or cover. She can just stay. With sadden eyes she asks, what if hes mad at me? Michael reassures her that hell explain to Lowell.
At Crimson Lights, Neil sadly informs Ana that she wont be coming home for Christmas. Those with authority, think Tyra is just your aunt, and not the woman that raised you and love you. Tyra reaffirms how much she loves Ana. Karen tells Anna she cant get married without her walking down the aisle first on Martin Luther King Day. The social worker informs Ana its time to go as everyone says their good-byes. Ana gone Tyra verbally attack Karen until Neil steps in announcing that Karen has good reason to hope. Hes renewing his foster parent status. Rafael thinks theres a better shot if theyre married. Tyra directs her apologize toward Neil only then hugs him. Karen looks irritated at Tyras blatant disregard of her.
At the Chancellors, Jill express to Esther that its just things, its not Katherine. Its where she lived, slept, and dreamed. You never cared about her. Esther declared. Jill fires back, you mean like her? Fawning over her? Being the good servant? She was my mother, not yours. She doesnt have to prove it. Katherine knew she loved her. She did.
Katherine repeats Phillips name then asks Murphy why she called him that. He jokes that hes been called worse. Katherine racks her brain wondering if Phillips a brother or possibly a boyfriend. Shes sick of not knowing, and asks for his help. He agrees. Katherine feels that somehow she thinks its important.
At Crimson Lights stockroom, Kevin slightly agitated needs clarification from Jana that she only gave $1,000 as agreed, and not all to a stranger. Hes not a stranger, she declares. River has all of it. It was to save his soul. Jana explains it wasnt a gift or something they earned. It was left by a drunken Mrs. C.; it was never going to help him. He knows it was wrong to keep it. Shes rather be poor than to see him suffer. Kevin wants the money back now. She refuses saying it was never theirs to keep. Kevin fires back asking then how it is hers to give away.
At the warehouse, Michael slowly enters as Lowell rises with a pipe in his hand. Interesting reflex for a pacifist, Michael states. Lowell asks where Eden is. Shes not coming. Lowell nervously explains its time to move on. Hed plan to leave a thank you letter. Really? Michael pulls an envelope from his jacket. He found a letter about a substantial amount of missing funds that led him directly to him.
At Neils place, Devon praises Neil as being the best foster parent ever on record. Neil has to remind Devon that it was him and Dru that convinced him, but this time hes good. Neil updates them that he started the process after Ana were taken. They didnt want to announce anything until it looked like a possibility. Thats why Karen tried to give Ana hope. Karen asks if Tyras still angry with her, but Tyra only shrug her shoulders.
At Crimson Lights, a tense Kevin sits at the counter as Jana acknowledges his anger. Kevin states it more. Was its your path a load of crap? You didnt get your way so you went rogue? Jana was worried for him and them. Kevin been distant and defensive over the money. It wasnt the answer, but the problem. Kevin doesnt want to follow her on her spiritual journey like a puppy dog. He was willing to give River some, but not all, for her instead she took it all which tells him its not their journey at all. Kevin storms away.
At the warehouse, Michael speaks of a tax bill in the name of a teenager. He became curious and did some digging. He learned that from the beginning Lowell has owned the ashram. But he wonders how could Lowell afford the purchase price of over $4 million? He now knows who he really is. Waving the envelope in front of Lowell, its just a stupid insurance letter. Lowell reads the letter. Michael snatches the letter back stating he fooled Gloria and Howie. The insurance document tells him that he didnt return to stop the bombing, but instead used the opportunity to steal the supposedly incinerated $4.5 million in payroll. You're nothing but a thief hiding behind lofty ideals. And hes the bastard, in every sense of the word that helped him go free.
Back at Murphys, he uses a metaphor that her memories are like fish. You cant go chasing after them. You have to wait, quietly and still. He wants to know something about her. She states its too late to pick her up, she lives here. He laughs then tells her to take it slow; go with the feelings no matter how small. Sitting quietly a memory of her arguing to keep her home surfaces. She informs Murphy that she had a home. Someone was fighting her for it, and she was so angry. Getting excited, she could feel that it was her home. Murphy encourages her to continue. Jills voice emerges in her mind upset that every turn; there she was, trying to take everything away. He house and her husband. In a daze Katherine mumbles who is she? Who? She drifts toward the window as Jills voice continues to rant that the law on her side. This time she loses.
Back at the Chancellors, Jill and Esther continues to argue. Jill states if it wasnt for the will she would have thrown Esther out immediately. Esther not intimidated, stating she may be her daughter, but shes no Katherine Chancellor. Jill maliciously states that Esthers just the maid where shes blood. Esther fires back that although shes not blood Mrs. Chancellor loved her to give her half of the house. Katherine knew she loved her, the place, and would honor both. The doorbell rings. Delivery man has packages for both. After signing both realized Katherine sent them Christmas present before her death.
At Michaels, Lauren begins to unpack Edens bag assuring her that Michael is very persuasive. They all want her to stay. She understands her love for her father, but its okay to have friends, go to school, and stay put, too. Lowell wants her happiness. Lauren knows Eden couldnt walk away thats why she spoke up. She tells her thats shes a good person, and her dad will understand. He wont, Eden informs. Hell think she let him down. On the floor, in Edens bag is teddy bear stuffed with money.
At the warehouse, Michael deduces that he put the money in real estate, which is a good way to launder money. He put the ashram in Edens name to keep his hands clean. He used her, like he used him the night of the rally. Michael disgusted. Your children, your human shields. Technicalities? Michael insists he tell him the truth to his face, or hell connect the dots himself, and deliver the proof to the police. River begs Michael to be on his side. Thief! Con! Liar! Killer! Hes definitively not on his side. Michael yells with cold, icy eyes.
At Crimson Lights, Kevin still angry about the lost of his money, informs Jana that the plumbing will cost $2,000. Itll take a months take to pay it off; leaving them with nothing to show. Jana feels its nothing they cant handle together. Kevin sarcastically remarks, says the girl who want to be poor. Lucky her, shell get her wish, then walks away.
Michael continues to rant how Lowell conned him with the fake gun. Making him think he wanted to be gunned down by the police. He begged him to live. The laughs he mustve had at his expense. Hes an idiot. Lowell played him from day one. Michael asks was it at Kevins wedding when he chose him as his mark. The wonder lawyer? Michael yells, do not call him son then asks was there any authenticity in there? Lowell reminds Michael he could have stayed in Malibu, but he came to see him and his family. No matter what he thinks of him know that his feels for him and his family is true. Lowell insists. What? He first clears his name then start a franchise of his Malibu cult. Con a few pathetic rich people. Michel screams, you made me believe in you. I should just What? River cut in yelling back. Go public? No one cares. Theyve closed the books. Its over! You want to reopen to make yourself feel better? Destroy Eden? Michael furious tells Lowell dont turn this around on him. Be a man. Have some guts. Own it.
At Neils place, Rafael returns stating its become clear that Ana wont be released back into Tyras custody. And that the two of them crosses state lines. Devon upset that Yolanda pretended to be sober just long enough to ruin everything. Tyra thinks Neil would be a great foster father. Karen adds that living with them puts her close to her brother. Rafael indicates theres an issue there. The court view co-habitation as an unstable household. Neil states its only a few weeks. Rafael understands, but unmarried people have no legal obligation to each other. Tyra happily suggests Karen can move out then Anna could come here.
At the Chancellors, Jill and Esther sit with their package in laps contemplating if they could open them. Esther would rather wait. Jill reminds Esther that Katherine ordered these while hiding her drinking. She still loved them, Esther remarks, even though she was shutting them out. Jill doesnt want to think how awful Katherines last few weeks mustve been. The bartender said shed been coming for a month. Esther recalls the time they did an intervention. We should have done it again. Simultaneously they all flash back to that time.
Katherine, staring out the window, has a revelation. Katherine uttered, I was an awful drunk, wasnt I? Murphy states shes sober now and doing great at AA. Katherine remembers it wasnt the one time. Some women where helping her. She wasnt very nice to them. How can he put up with her? Piece of cake, Murphy grins. Anybody would have done the same. Katherine states, not true, but thank you for not being just anybody. Katherine says as she drops her head on Murphys shoulder.
Back at Neils, Karen doesnt understand how an addict making a false police report is reliable, but an engaged couple is unstable. Devon states thats why he hates the system. Karen believes her moving out isnt the answer, but moving up the date to New Years Eve would solve the problem. Neil thinks its a good idea. Tyra silently dislikes it. Rafael will check to see which idea will get Ana home faster. He wont be calling, but meeting face to face. A childs well-being is at stake. Hell be in touch. Tyra looks on discussed, as Neil praise Karens idea.
At Chancellors, Esther decides shell help Jill move her things into Mrs. C's suite. Jill declined. It was a stupid sentimental idea. Maybe she just wanted to be closer to Katherine. Esther doesnt think its silly. When theyre both ready they can go through her things. Esther leaves with the tea tray as Jill looks upward in pain asking if she has any idea the emptiness she left behind. Jill picks up Katherines picture, looks down at the photo then returns it. Was she that horrible to her? Is that why she cant feel her spirit? She yells out in distress Katherines name. Teary eyes she puts her hand on her present from Katherine.
Back at Murphys, Katherine is beating the couch pillow when Murphy delivers a plate of cookies. He jokes, in a fight his money on her. She knows shes a tough old broad, and shes getting some feelings and memories about Phillip, and her daughter. She realizes she has a daughter. Murphy thought she had no kids. Katherine remembers there was a baby. An adoption, yes, once upon a time she had a baby girl.
Back at the warehouse, Lowell doesnt care if Michael hates him, but he wont betray Eden. Michael feels for that deluded girl stating she would have come to save his sorry ass no questions asked if they hadnt begged her to stay home. Now he has to decide whether to rip him out of her life or not. The only parent shes ever known, the only person shes ever trusted. If he turns him in, Eden will run then hell spend every night wondering if his little sister is alive. Lowell pleads for Michael to let them go, its just paper. Michael reminds him, its paper he killed for. Turning him in wont bring that man back. Turn your back, let them walk away.
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