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The Y&R Update Friday 11/21/08--Canada; Monday 11/24/08--U.S.A.
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Written By Karen M.
Pictures By Suzanne
At the Abbotts, Jack impatiently tries to contact Ashley. Finally answering she agrees to have lunch with him, but asks if hes told Sharon the good news about Jabot. Ashley tells him first she has to see Victor. Jack wants to know what is it gonna take for her to learn? Pretending she suddenly have a bad connection as Jack continues to talk about not wanting her to be sucked into that emotional black hole again. In the other room, Sharon answers the phone. Its the F.B.I. Making another appointment to speak with then he hangs up. Sharon asks when the F.B.I. came to the house. The day of Katherines funeral. They want a statement about Victors journal. Its a piece of evidence in Walter Palins murder investigation. All he did was introduce Adam to the publisher. Sharon fierce, that Jack once again wasnt forthcoming. If hed just told her this in the first place, they wouldnt have problems like this. Forget it. She begins to leave when Jack calls out for her to wait. Why so he can try to sweet talk her into forgetting about all of his secrets and lies? Forget it. She departs.
At Restless Styles, Phyllis continues to investigate Jacks charges. No new ones. Upon Nicks arrival she deletes the history while Nick fuss over Nikki. Phyllis happy to see Nikki back at work, and admired her gorgeous necklace. She soon learned it was Katherines. Nick inquired about Phyllis meeting. Shes off, and the Retrolicious article is right there on Nicks desk. After Phyllis leaves Nick insists Nikki move in with either him or Victoria. It was appreciated and refused. Nick recruits Pauls help in handling Nikki stating hes worried about mom.
At Heathers office, she quickly informs Adam there are no changes since he kissed her good-bye this morning. Victor still claims the journal is a forgery. Adam remarks he would, too, if he wrote a murder confession. Is Victor still saying hes the guy responsible, or did he find someone else to pin it on? Heather tells him hes his go-to guy for everything wrong in the world. The journals a fake. Hes to blame for it. Adam admits this is the most attention from his father hes had in a long time. But believe it or not, that's not why he came. Heather teases, is it because he cant stay away from her? That goes without saying. This is the reason, as he displays a beautiful necklace. Heather loves it but insists he saves his money. Knock is heard. Its Dennis, her boss, and hes not pleased. He needs to speak with Ms. Stevens alone. Adam leaves but intensely watches outside her office door. Heather inquires, whats this about, Dennis?
At the county jail, Michael updates Victor, whos now wearing prison issue attire that the Mexican authorities would like to extradite him. Victor instructs Michael to not let that happen. Hes on it. For the moment, the F.B.I. prefers you here. They'd like to question you about Walter Palin, because of his ties to the mob. The F.B.I. knows far more about Walter Palins ties to the mob than he does. Michael tells Victor please doesnt repeat that or he could end up on the next plane to Mexico. Victor wants to make one thing perfectly clear to Michael. He did not kill Walter Palin. They were on a boat together out at sea. A storm came up. The damn thing sank. He made it to shore, Walter didnt. Michael explains unfortunately there are no eyewitnesses, which is why the diary is key. Victor is confident that their experts will clear him. Victor insists its a forgery. They will have their chance since the F.B.I. has finished their examination. The judge granted Michaels request. Hes expecting that diary here this morning. The sooner they get a hold of the diary, the better. Now for your information, Victor wants Adam Wilson prosecuted to the full extent of the law. You got that?
At Crimson Lights, Phyllis, examining every charge from Jacks expense report, approaches Sharon at the counter. How you doing? Hows Jack? Good. You seem very shaky. Sharon's curious to why all the questions. Sharon fires back, so wheres Nick working today, Newman or the magazine? Magazine! Why? Family business, Sharon sharply responds. Phyllis asks was Noah okay, but Sharon refuse to answer. She should go. After Sharon walks off, Phyllis calls to cancel her first meeting.
At Pauls place, Nikki wonders how she let him talk her into leaving work. Paul jokes, because of his charm. Nikki knows her son put him up to it. And for his information, she doesnt need a babysitter. Not his call, besides hes wanted to see her for some time. What to check up on her? Paul feels thats what old friends do. They also respect each others space. She wonders would Paul actually drag her out of there if she refused to go. Paul was amused by the image. Nikki insists shes not falling apart. Paul knows shes struggling and states who wouldn't be after everything shes been through? There's nothing to be ashamed of. If the roles were reversed, she would be here in a flash to help him. Nikki admits she would. She just cant turn her mind off. Shes up all night thinking about Katherine. Why her, of all people? If she had been more attentive to her, instead of worrying about her own problemsat 3:00 A.M., shes wide awake! Going back on everything in her lifeher marriage to Victor, the mistakes she made. He doesn't wanna ever talk to her again. He doesn't wanna see her, look at her, nothing. And as much as it kills her, she does accept that. Paul offers a supportive hug.
At the county jail, Ashley embraces Victor stating he looks wonderful. Victor updates her on their progress. The F.B.I. is releasing the so-called diary. Then their experts will prove that it's a fraud. And he'll be out of here soon. Victor tells Ashley she was right to insist he face the music. Shes proud that he mended his relation with his kids, but theres one more he needs to forgive. Nikki!
At the Abbotts, Phyllis storms in stating they need to talk. Jack informs this is not a good time. Not listening, Phyllis rants they discussed this. She told him, please, Jack, keep an eye on your wife. Keep an eye on your wife. What part of that did he not understand? Jack doesnt need her to tell him how to live his life. She just ran into his wife. She was very upset. Does he know where she is now? She's with her husband. Looking for comfort! Yet again!
At Restless Style, Nick noticing Sharon ends his phone conversation. He jokes, so did she forget she works at Newman now? Or did she just want to visit her old stomping grounds. Sharon grins. Uh, door number three. She came to see him then notice the staff missing. Late session! He gave them the morning off. Is it Noah? Shes happy to announce hes been on perfect behavior lately. He guesses her visit was about the kiss in Paris. He cant stop thinking about it either.
Back at Heathers office, Adam re-enters after Dennis storms off, inquiring what was that about. Heather hesitates at first then reports everyone will know soon enough. The F.B.I. is handing over the journal to Michael Baldwin. And Victor's experts are going to comb through every inch of it. Adam reminds her that the publisher vetted it. Itll hold up. Off the record, the feds are investigating anyone connected to the journal. Adam says meaning him. She wants him to explain to her why he transferred most of his $2 million advance into a Swiss bank account.
Back at the jail, Victor doesnt want Ashley to mention Nikkis name again, and dont try to play peacemaker. Ashley explains that she never would've found him if Nikki hadn't asked her to step in. Does he know how difficult that must've been for her? She risked so much trying to help him. Victor wont hear it. She is not part of his family. It is because of her selfishness that hes in this mess right now. She's responsible for the death of his child and wife. Ashley insists that he cant punish her any more than she's punished herself. She's done everything she can to make amends. He cant move on with his life if hes holding on to this anger for her. He needs to release her so that she can move on. He has the power to do that.
Back at Paul’s place, as Nikki drinks his tea, she apologizes for lashing out at him. She needs the same to Nicholas earlier. Paul smirks stating at least he’s in good company. She hates when her kids hover over her. She should be looking after them. They love her so much they’ve both asked her to move in with them. She can’t. They have their own families to look after. Paul suggests she move in with him. He would love the company. Nikki’s cell phone rings. It’s Ashley. Victor really wants to see her.
At Heathers office, Adam wants to know whos asking about his Swiss bank account. His fiancée! Or the assistant district attorney? As an officer of the court, it's her job to uncover the truth. And as his fiancée, she just needs to know that she can trust the man that shes marrying. He was gonna tell her. When, Adam?! Does he have any idea how this looks to the D.A. and the F.B.I.? Not good. He knows. If she didnt know him she wouldnt give him the benefit of the doubt. And their entire case against Victor hinges on that journal. She needs to know, is he hiding the money out of fear that he thinks hell have to return it? She questions, will the journal hold up in court.
Back at the Abbotts, Jack comments that the last time they talked she told him her marriage was perfect. Jill continues to rant that her marriage is not the problem here. Every time he upsets his wife, she goes crying to her husband. Did you know that? Every single time, Jack. She can't take it anymore. Put your wife on a leash, okay? Maybe she should talk to Mr. Perfect. The more she talks to Nick, the more he becomes involved in his business. Is that something he really wants now? What's really going on here? No, you're obviously not telling me something. What has you quaking in your boots? Phyllis flashes back to Paris, with her standing on the bridge watching Nick and Sharon kiss. She wants Jack to keep her away from her family. Jack flashes back to when he saw them hugging in his living room. Phyllis tells him if anybody should be afraid, it should be him. His wife is slipping away from him. Shes wrong, Jack argues. Is she?
At Restless Styles, Nick notices by the look on her face, he never shouldve brought up Paris. Sharon feels its time to discuss it. She just didnt expect him to bring it up, so hes been thinking about the kiss? Nick knows it was completely unexpected. He surprised himself. That makes two of them. Its no surprise her marriage is in trouble. She knows he knows that, but what about him and Phyllis? She thought things were good, and then that kiss made her wonder where did that come from?
Back at Pauls place, hes curious why the change of heart in Victor wanting to see her. Ashley didnt give her any details. Its strange that she put her trust in Ashley after all these years. When it comes to Victor, she trusts Ashley. She wouldn't have gone to her for help in the first place if she didnt. He just wants her to be cautious. Ashley wouldn't want her anywhere near him if she thought she would upset him. Paul states its not Victor hes worried about, but that he still blames for Sabrinas death. That's why Nikki has to go, because the Victor she saw in that hospital was a broken man. He wouldn't have cared about Katherines funeral. But there he was. He's back in Genoa City, and she pray that's a sign to let her back in.
Back at the county jail, Ashley informs Victor thats Nikkis on her way. He hopes she right about this. Ashley reminds him that theyre living proof. Even they overcame the most painful memories. Michael smiling enters with latex gloves, and the sealed diary wanting Victor to look it over before he gives it to their team. Ashley notices Victors face, and asks what wrong. Michael questions if hes seen the diary before. Victor admits he bought the journal in Mexico.
At Pauls place, Nikki knows hes still skeptical about her going. Paul points out that Victor was stoic at Katherines funeral. Why the suddenly change? Possibly all the loss has given him a new perspective. Suffering that much loss, you realize lifes too short for resentment. Shes not being unrealistic, nor expecting a romantic reunion. Shell be shocked if he even forgives her. Shes going because theyll always be connected through their children, and grandchildren. They need to be civil. Shes hoping this is a step in the right direction.
At county jail, Michael wants Victor to be sure the notebook is his. Victor wrote Tony Amato, and the directions pertaining to the medication. The rest is forgery. Ashley notices the handwriting looks exactly the same. Michael chimes in that the pen looks the same. Did he bring this home from Mexico? No! Adam claims he found this at the ranch, but Victor insists he left everything he owned on the beach except for the clothes he was wearing. A little girl who brought him food, and then Nikki visited.
At Heathers office, Adam claims Victor is why he opened a Swiss bank account. He hates him, and he didnt want to wake up one morning and find out his money just magically disappeared. Heather explains it raises questions. Moving that money makes them both looks really bad. She just wish hed told her before her boss reamed her out about it. Hes been waiting for the right time. Theres another reason why he opened that account. He wants to married her, leaves Genoa, and makes a fresh start with an ocean between Victor and him.
At Restless Style, Nick feels very guilty about Paris and putting her in a difficult position. Sharon admits she didnt have to kiss him back. Nick knows it wasnt fair to her or his wife. He has a great marriage with Phyllis. Things are really working for them. And what happened in Paris was... Sharon finishes his sentence; it was a throwback to when they were kids. Nick agrees. They got caught up in the past with the carousel and talks about Cassie. Nick's grateful that Sharon was the voice of reason stopping them from doing something they'd regret. He'll never forgive himself for what he did to her. Sharon understands that not very many marriages survive the loss of a child. She likes to think they've healed and grown. We'll blame the kiss on the chocolate croissants. Nick wonders if they're good then. Sharon smiles, do you have to ask?
At the Abbotts, Jack holding the door open angrily tells Chicken Little, Phyllis, that the next time she thinks the sky is failing, keeps it to herself. Theyre not done. Its one thing to ignore your problems, but it's another thing to create them. Is he trying to get Sharon to divorce him? Jack wants to know what she is blathering about. Mexico! He told Sharon he was visiting Ashley in New York, but he stopped by Mexico first. He went to Mexico to dig up information on Victor. Next time he does something like that; don't use your "Restless Style" press credentials. Trip was a bust, Jack claims. Phyllis tells him hes lying to his wife, and she has proof handing him the expense print out.
At Pauls place, he offers to escort her over for moral support, but Nikki feels she needs to do this by herself. Paul stops her before she goes. He understands why she didnt want to move in with her kids, but he really hates the idea of her staying in that hotel room all by herself. Move in with him. Hell even relinquish the control of the remote. Nikki finally agrees displaying a smile and then hugs him before leaving. Wish her luck.
At the county jail, Neither Michael or Ashley believes Nikki helped Adam. Victors not so sure. Ashley informs him that Nikki flew all the way to London and begged her to help you. Victor asked her to stay away from me. She didn't listen. She tracked him to Mexico. Who the hell knows if Adam or someone else followed her? Michael divulges that Adam claims he found the journal in a trash can at his house. Hes a liar. Authorizes havent finished their interviews yet. Hell contact the publisher to see what they know. Victor knows Adam was too stupid to have conceived of this forgery. Someone was helping him. Find them, and get him out of here.
Back at Restless Styles, Nick asks Sharon if she forgot something. She tells him this is gonna come out sooner or later, and she feels she owe it to him and his family to tell him personally that Jack introduced the publisher to Adam.
At Abbotts place, Jack states this proves nothing. No, lets see what Sharon thinks, Phyllis threatens. Jack threats to have her arrested stating those were fraudulent charges on his credit card. Hes having them reversed as they speak. Phyllis wonders if thats what he told his wife. Did she believe him? Is that what you're going to tell her? She loves this. It's rich. The wife is always the last to know, isn't she? But you know something about wives? They always find out, Jack. Shes telling him to wake up. His wife is slipping away from him. Every single moment he spends with some hooker in some motel room, his wife is spending with her husband. And shes done with it. Get a hold of your life. Jack insists its handled, and if she ever digs into his personal information again, if she ever sticks her nose in his marriage again, it's war, sweetheart. And he promises her, shell lose. Jack shouts.
At Heathers office, shes has a deposition to go to. Adam wants her to think about it. Brussels, Geneva, London, he has contacts in all of these cities. Not to mention her favorite restaurants in Brussels. She reminds him that Victor can reach across the ocean. He doesnt have the same kind of sway in Europe. Trust him. He can get a job there. If she did, what would she do? Princeton has an alumni association in Europe, and he doesnt expect her to shop and eat bon bons. Shes not quitting her job and moving on a whim. If he really knew her, hed know how much her job means to her.
At Restless Styles, Nick wonders about his father. Not so great, Michael informs, they finally got their hands on the infamous journal, but unfortunately, Victors confession was written in a notebook that he himself had purchased and consequently scribbled in. Some of it is, and its impossible to tell which is which. And now he's convinced that someone conspired with Adam to pull this off. Thats why Nick called him. Guess who helped Adam publish this garbage? Simultaneously they say Jack.
At the Abbotts place, Jack apologizes with the F.B.I. for being detached when Sharon storms in stating they need to talk. She cant do this anymore. Cant now, but theyll talk soon. Outraged, she asks him whats more important than this? And is furious to learn he hasnt taken care of the F.B.I. yet. He explains its business. He has great news. The Abbott family has regained controlling interest in Jabot. It's done. Hes gonna be running the company again. She accuses him of scheming. That he couldnt have put this together overnight. Hes obviously been working on this for some time and he didnt bother to mention it to him and it concerns her. Sharon displeased tells him to go. Sharon looks at the portrait of them and starts to smash it then stops herself stating hes not worth it.
At Brads door, Phyllis wants talk to him about Jack and Sharon's marriage.
At the jail, Victor remarks the situation is more complicated than he thought, and wants Ashley to go back to London. She is, but only to bring Abby back. Shes moving back to Genoa City. Hes not going to get rid of her so easily. Shes gonna be by his side, every day, until the truth comes out. As Victor and Ashley embrace, Nikki enters with the guard. Nikkis stunned, by the coldness in Victors eyes as he stares over Ashleys shoulder.
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