[an error occurred while processing this directive] Tuesday Y&R Update 11/11/08 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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The Y&R Update Tuesday 11/11/08--Canada; Wednesday 11/12/08--U.S.A.

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Written By Karen M.
Pictures By Suzanne

At the Abbott Mansion, Jack stares at the phone wondering why Sharon has not called him. He looks at this watch as he contemplates calling, then changes him mind.

In Paris, at Noah’s hotel, Nick waits for Sharon to appear. He sits in the lobby and his mind immediate flashes back to the tender kiss him and Sharon shared the other day. He shakes his head slowing in confusion. As Sharon approaches her phone rings. It’s Jack. He’s happy to finally get through admitting he’s been trying to reach her since yesterday. What’s going on? Why aren’t you answering your phone? Although Jack was trying to play it cool, Sharon looking at Nick was desperately trying to get off the phone with Jack telling him it’s been crazy here. As Jack continued to talk to Sharon tells Nick she’ll be with him in a… Nick asks does she want him to… signal to leave, but Sharon quickly got off the phone with Jack. Nick asks if that was Jack, and Sharon acknowledge it was. Jack hearing Nick’s voice in the background inquired what was he doing in Paris. Sharon explains that they are there to pick up Noah and then everyone going home. Hanging up Nick asks Sharon how she slept. Sharon asks for Nick to leave it alone about the kiss. He agreed, and then changed the subject to Noah. They are stunned to learn that Noah isn’t there, and that he left the group with Miss Gerick, another student from his school, yesterday. Stating he had his parent’s permission to leave and meet them. He is upset that they let a 15-year-old roam the streets of some foreign city with some girl they don’t know, and they’re on their own. Nick fusses at the young man from the tour company saying get someone in charge, and while he’s at it, get him a lawyer, because he’s gonna sue someone’s ass.

Victoria drags herself to the door only to be greeted by a divested Nikki. Victoria asks her mother what’s wrong. What happened? Nikki can’t only get out Katherine… was in a car accident. She’s dead. Victoria stood in shock over the news.

At Chancellor Estate, Jill offered consoling hugs from Cane and then Esther. Jill in a daze can’t believe Katherine’s gone. was like watching a movie underwater. The police cars, you know, and the fire truck and the ambulance. There were all these flashing lights. Unable to control her grief as she tries to contact Billy breaks down in Cane’s arms, with him telling her let him take care of calling Billy.

At Crimson Lights, Billy approach Lily, struggling with her Econ homework, if she’s waiting for her secret admirer. The guy, from the Internet! She wishes. Billy jokes that if he was here, maybe he could help her with her Econ homework. Lily grins stating oh, if he could, then he would be the man of her dreams. Because she stares at these equations and her eyes glaze over. Really? Billy lies, stating it just so happen that Econ was his best subject in school. Lily says, "Et tu, brute?” (Last words of Julius Caesar, "You too, Brutus?”) Billy laughs as he answers his cell phone. All right, hold on. Sorry, hold that thought. Ugh. Hey, man, uh, I'm sorry. I got out the door and realized that my phone's been off all day. What's going on? Is there a problem in Hong Kong? What? Oh, no.

At Michael’s apartment, a reporter calls wanting him to verify or comment on an alleged diary. He tells the reporter he can inform his readers that Newman Enterprises, and the Newman family have filed a joint lawsuit against "Sophisticate" magazine asking that the original document be turned over to independent experts so it can be examined to verify its authentic-- to verify its authenticity. You got all that? Great! Don't ever call him here again. How the hell did this guy get my phone number? He asks Lauren. Michael wants to turn off his cell, but Lauren reminds him what if Eden needs them. He tells her she can call her cell phone. If they leave it on they’ll be up all night. Lauren inquires how much he does really know about it. He tells her, that he knows that it exists. That it is reportedly in Victor's handwriting. That "Sophisticate" magazine apparently paid someone a great deal of money for the rights to publish it. If that's proof Victor wrote it, damned if he knows. Because he no longer in contact with that particular client.

In Paris, Ashley awakens, telling Victor she needed the rest. He’s hasn’t slept this well in a long, long time. Ashley wanna go for a walk. Victor feels it’s a good idea. Ashley wants to get some coffee and a chocolate croissant. Let’s do that. Victor kisses Ashley repeatedly.

Back at the Abbott mansion, Jack frustrated, throws his phone across the room. John appears, tells Jack he can get as angry as you like, but make sure he gets angry at the right person. Jack frustrated states Sharon gets on her high horse about him lying? If he hadn't heard Nick, if he hadn't confronted her with it, you think she would've volunteered that information? John believes maybe its best that Sharon’s on a trip; give them both a chance to cool down. That’s what he thought. She could go off to Paris, have a couple days with her son. Come back with a different mood. They could maybe talk things out. Sharon and Noah. John tells him why doesn’t he think about who is really to blame here.

Back in Paris, Sharon worries about the whereabouts of her 15 year old son. Nick tries to insure her that they’re gonna find him. Sharon comments that when they were together reminiscing, sightseeing, he was out there all this time in the city god knows where. How did they know he was gonna pull a stunt like this? Feeling guilty, Sharon thinks Noah probably went to her hotel room, and she wasn’t there, and he didn’t know what to do. He‘s with a girl, Nick informs Sharon, he highly doubts Noah wanted any parental guidance. Sharon calmer thanks Nick for reminding her of that. He’s just a kid on an adventure. And eventually, he's gonna show up. And when he does show up, he’s gonna strangle Noah. Sharon can’t believe this is happening when Nick’s phone rings. He’s Noah’s father. What? You gotta be kidding me. Hanging up he looks at Sharon. He’s fine. He’s just in jail. Jail? Sharon can’t believe this. Ashley and Victor strolls through the streets of Paris arm in arm basking into each other’s eyes.

Back at Victoria’s, Victoria tries to comfort her mother, but Nikki is still in shock, as she describes that Katherine’s eyes were open. She’s always hated that… when people die that way. It’s like they tried so hard to stay… to hang on. Victoria is sorry that she had to go through that. She and Jill knew that she was drinking again, and behind the wheel of her car. That's why they went looking for her. And in the back of her mind, there was that fear, but... she didn't really think anything would happen. She thought everything would turn out okay. That she would be one of the lucky ones. Why wasn't she one of the lucky ones? Why?

Back at Chancellor Mansion, Cane thanks Chloe for being so wonderful with both their mothers. Chloe states no big deal, but Cane feels it’s a big deal, and he appreciates it. Cane tells her that his childhood fantasy of having a family came true when he came here. He finally found people who cared for him, especially her. God, she embraced him. Now she's gone just like that. Arriving with Billy, Lily looks extra devastated at the sight of Chloe and Cane hugging. Chloe notices Billy an embrace him stating she’s sorry about his grandmother. Chloe hesitates first, but them embrace Lily and thank her for coming. Lilly stunned says sure. Jill sees Billy and embraces him as he breaks down in her arms.

Back at Abbott Mansion, John asks what it is that’s eating away at him. Jack questions, if he’s not afraid that they've crossed any lines? Jack wants to know why he wasn’t informed Nick would be there. Why is Sharon avoiding his calls? John points out now he’s getting a taste of what he put his wife through. Asking him to be straight about Adam about the mysterious trips he’s been taking. Sharon told him that she felt shut out of his life. Now if a person is led to believe they're not worthy of his trust, how on earth does he expect her to behave? Still talking to John, Jack asks so what, now this is his fault. John reminds Jack that Sharon doesn't know that he’s behind this-- this ridiculous scheme with Victor's diary. Now what in the world is he gonna do when it comes out--the truth? Now once again, you had to let your obsessive need to out maneuver Victor undermine what's really important. In other words, he’s screwed. And there’s no fixing this. John tells him to call Sharon. And tell her what? Jack inquires. Tell her you're sorry. And then tell her why you're sorry. And if you really want to make points with her, you could really mean it. And let her know that you care about this marriage. He ends telling Jack he’s such a fool.

In Paris, at the police station, the policeman informs Sharon and Nick that Noah has been charged with defacing property and disturbing the peace. Noah runs to his parent. The policeman needs to see their passport. Nick wonders how he could do this. Sharon asks does he have any idea what went through her mind when she found out, he was missing. Noah apologizes for not thinking. Noah explains three guys started to hassle them. He asks if Eden’s all right. Sharon tells him nobody knows. Nick informs the police that one of Noah’s classmates is missing. Noah explains that they wanted to see Jim Morrison’s grave. They were about to leave when three guys came up asking them for money. They told them no, but they wouldn't back off. One of them ripped the chain off Eden’s neck and then grabbed her, so... Nick cuts in, you lost it. He couldn’t let them hurt her. Nick understands. The police inform them that he’s inclined to believe their son. They have an ongoing problem in that cemetery with vandals and thieves. They often prey on tourists. Nick asks as far as charges, if any fine or any restitution he’s taking care of it. As the police charges to see if any charges will be made, Eden rushes into Noah’s arms. Nick wants an introduction. Noah introduces Eden Gerick to his parents. Nick remembers her as the young lad that was dancing with Noah at the party. It's nice to meet you. Eden announces.

Ashley comments. This area is so gorgeous. What is she saying; every area is gorgeous in Paris? Victor confesses that until this morning he didn’t even notice. Look at the leaves. Ashley guess that’s what they mean when they say “going out in a blaze of glory.” Victor asks her to please stay with him, but she doesn’t answer.

At the Chancellor Estate, Billy doesn’t understand, she’s hasn’t had a drink in years. Jill says that’s the way it is with alcoholics. Sometimes it seems like its all fine until it's not fine. Billy? What if it's her fault that she drank again? Look at all the back and forth antagonism they had over Chancellor since she retired. And things got so ugly at the end. She tried to force her to see a doctor. God, She was willing to have her declared incompetent if that would get her help. What if her last thoughts on earth were that she wanted to get rid of her? Billy, she did love her. All those harsh things she said she can never take back again.

Chloe hands Esther a cup of tea, and listens as she reminisces that Katherine never made her feel like a maid. Chloe's admits she does love her mother, and she only wanted more for her.

Lily expresses condolences to Cane. She knows that he must be hurting right now. And she really wishes that there was something she could do to help. Cane thanks her for saying that. Lily knows she’s lost people that she’s loved, too. People that she thought will... always be a part of your life. People that you don't wanna let go of. And she knows that it's hard to lose someone like that.

Back in Paris, Nick informs Sharon that they all will be going back to Genoa City. Sharon asks about his search for his father. He explains that he has no idea their son was this out of control. He’s not responsible for his father's actions, but he’s responsible for Noah’s. And he needs to come first right now. Sharon tells Eden she’s going back with them, and she needs to speak with her parents. She asks for their phone number. At first she tells them she doesn’t have to tell them, and then says her mother is dead and her father’s in jail. Good luck getting either of them on the phone. Nick finds out that her guardian is none other than Michael Baldwin. Michael and Lauren are enjoying hot chocolate until Nick calls with an update what Eden and his son been up to while in Paris. Michael asks to speak with Eden and lays down the law. She sniffs. Michael questions are you crying? He’s glad she’s safe but when she returns, they will sit down and talk about this. At length. Clear? She said clear.

At the tack house, the babysitter update Phyllis that Summer missed her mommy and daddy. She hasn’t been sleeping very well. Phyllis tells her she’ll pay for all the day they agreed. Holding on to Summer Phyllis flashes back to Nick and Sharon kissing.

Billy calls Jack to inform him that Katherine’s dead. Jack can’t believe it saying our Katherine. Billy explains that she was in a car accident a few hours ago. Jill found her. He knew he’d wanna know. He’s staying at his mother’s so if he could tell Sharon. Jack hangs saying he’s can’t believe it. He always thought …John finishes that she would live forever? He’s at an age now where this is going to happen more and more. It's just the way it is. Everyone moves on eventually. There's no stopping it. But, Jackie... that's why we must cherish the people we love. We must hold onto them for as long as we have them. Now if you love Sharon, you must show it. Let her know that you really care for her.

Victoria tries to comfort her mother. Nikki can’t understand why this happened. Victoria states they don’t always get to know that, do they? Nikki tells Victoria that Katherine had been drinking. For weeks. And I had no clue. I-I didn't have the slightest inkling that my dearest friend was in trouble. And you know why? She was so wrapped up in my own disasters that she had stopped being her friend. There she was, battling her own demons while she was desperately trying to help her. Victoria explains everything that goes wrong in the world it’s not our fault. Nikki says your father thinks it is. Victoria remarks he’s going through his own thing right now, isn’t he? Nikki hasn’t told her the part that she’s most ashamed of. Jill wanted to call the mayor and the police commissioner so that they would waive the 24-hour missing rule and get the police out there looking for her immediately. And she wouldn't let her do it. But she knew something was wrong. She still stopped her. If she had let her make that call, they might've found her before she got in the car. So... you see, baby, it is her fault. David and... Sabrina and now Katherine. All that blood is on her hands. Nikki breaks down crying over her lost.

In Paris they return to the room. Victor asks why she’s so quiet. Are you surprised? Victor says yes, you never answered his question. Will you stay with him in Paris? What’s the matter? Ashley shows him the paper where on the front page reads Billionaire Admits Murder in Diary. Victor just shakes his head as he looks at the paper.

At Chancellor Estate, Esther tells the story about the duel. It was eons ago, but she was married to this man named Derek Thurston. You remember him, Jill. Anyway, there was this other man named Colonel Austin—Jill corrects Douglas. Esther says he was madly in love with Mrs. C. Though I guess she would've been "Mrs. T." At the time, anyway, he didn't like the way that Derek was treating Mrs. C., so Colonel Austin challenged him to duel. Well, Mrs. C. Was fit to be tied that they were acting like children. But she thought that there was a part of her that really loved the attention. Are you really gone? Jill snivels through her tears.

Jack calls and Sharon updates him that they've run into a little snag. Jack's not calling to check up on her, he got news. Katherine Chancellor died. Thanking Jack, Sharon hangs up and tells them that there was an accident, it’s Katherine. Nick wants to know if she’s okay. Sharon shakes her head indicating no.

Phyllis is surprised to get a call from Jack so late. She is shocked to learn that Katherine passed.

With Nikki head still in Victoria’s lap crying uncontrollable Victoria’s phone rings. It’s Nick. She starts to tell him when Nick says he already knows. She tells that Nikki and Jill found Katherine’s car in the ravine. Nikki continues sobbing. She’s pretty upset, she informs Nick. Hanging up Victoria tells her Nick is sorry for her loss.

At Michael’s apartment, Michael’s phone rings, but he refuses to answer the phone. Lauren grabs her phone and announces its Phyllis? Wait, wait, slow down. What about Katherine? Oh, my god. Yeah, he’s here. She’ll tell him. What could Katherine possibly be up to this late at night? Michael asks. Lauren informs him that she was killed in a car accident. Shocked, Lauren rushes into Michael's arms.

In Paris, Victor states this is outrageous as he looks at the newspaper. Ashley can't think about having a future together with this mess hanging over his head? He needs to go home and clear it up. Victor has no home, except with her. She tells him that when she came to Paris it was to find him and bring him back to the people that love him. she didn't know about a journal. Victor didn’t write a journal. Ashley tells him he needs to tell the police that. Victor being stubborn states he doesn’t have to tell them a damn thing. He doesn’t ever want to set foot in that town again.

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