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The Y&R Update Monday 10/13/08--Canada; Tuesday 10/14/08--U.S.A.
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Written By Karen M.
Pictures By Suzanne
At Restless Style, Phyllis, Daniel, and Amber are on separate phones. Phyllis is discussing the magazine. Daniel is complaining about his computer constantly crashing, and Amber leaves a message for Billy that she’s sorry she’s late coming home, and they can nuke the chicken, and see what’s on the DVR. Daniel gives Amber an evil look as Phyllis pipes in saying Billy? Home? Soon, is that what you said? Amber tells her it's really none of her business. Phyllis tells her none of her business says the person who’s living on her property, yeah it is her business.
At Crimson Lights, Kevin asks Jana to do a search for cheap coffee and look for ways to cut staff without making them hate him. Jana asks Kevin if he’s spoken to Michael tonight because there’s a news report about River's escape, and he’s on the run, AGAIN.
At the warehouse, Michael calls frantically out for Lowell telling him it’s Michael. He tells Lowell there’s no police, no guns, he’s alone. Lowell tells Michael to get out, go away. Michael comments that the police said he had a gun, but that’s not his style. Lowell tells him it’s fake, but the police doesn’t know that. He just needs to run out there and point it in the direction of some cop. Michael tells Lowell that they would blast him in a second. Michael realizes that’s exactly what he wants.
At the Chancellor Mansion, Jill asks Katherine did she hear what she just said, that she’s waiting for Philip. Katherine remarks it's a joke, and Jill can blame Amber’s friend Jana that she’s been talking to her about séance, and communicating with the other side, and for a moment she got carried away with the possibility. Jill disturbed tells Katherine not to stay out long.
At Crimson Lights, Lily and Colleen sit at Lily’s laptop checking the online dating site. Lily asks why all the guys have to have dorky names like McDreamy, McLoving, and Mc Don’t You Want Me Baby. Colleen comments with no pictures you can’t even tell if they’re cute, and asks if they’re any that’s interesting. Lily reads one, “Fallout Girl, I’ll catch you and never let you go, McDreamy. Both laugh then Lily gets another message, saying here we go again. Colleen pushes her to open it for entertainment. Lily notices the name Sonny Crawford, and becomes intrigued, but Colleen false to understand so Lily explains. She tells her it’s from the boy from the Last Picture show. Colleen chimes in says the boy falls in love with the beauties girl in town. Lily remarks she loves that book. Colleen tells Lily at least they have something in common when Lily reads his message saying “What the hell Fallout Girl, you stole my profile name. You’ll be hearing from my people.” Colleen and Lily think it cute, as Lily giggles.
At the Chancellor Mansion, Billy smirks, as he text messages the remarks your move “Fallout Girl,” Billy starts laughing. Cane asks if he caught him texting his girlfriend. He tells Cane he wouldn’t be surprised which displeased Chloe as she listens.
At the Ranch, Nikki packs a suitcase with Victor's personal things. She grabs some papers from his desk when she passes by the sketch of Sabrina. She gazes at it for a moment then settles onto the couch and look through some of Victor’s folders.
At Crimson Lights, Kevin calls Lauren who tells him that River escaped from the hospital, is held up at a warehouse, and now Michael is trying to get him to give himself up. Kevin asks about the gun the news reporter says Lowell has, but Lauren assures Kevin that Michael is use to these kinds of things. Kevin insists on knowing where they are. She tells Kevin that she has Eden in the other room falling apart, Michael walking into a police standoff, and Fen unaware that his father is walking into a war zone. The last think she need is to worry about him, they won’t let him in, and she will call once she knows something, and for him to stay put. Now she has to go to talk to a girl who thinks she’s never going to see her father again.
Back at the warehouse, Lowell tells Michael about 40 years on the run, fake names, dodging bull horns, flashing lights, fake lives, and he’s tired. Michael tells him his ankle, he needs medical attention, food, water, rest, no wander, and he’s tired. Lowell slowly shakes his head saying 40 years in a cell he’s not a brave man. That’s what Michael said when he met him. Michael tells him he was angry, but Lowell utters insightful. Michael tells him he’s not going to rot in prison, and he’s not going to let them gun him down. Michael begs his father to listen to him "He knows he’s not a criminal, he knows he’s innocent. He knows he didn't kill that man."
Back at Restless Styles, Daniel tells Amber that’s some big news her and Billy boy shacking up. Amber corrects him saying it’s crashing, and she barely gave him room for his toothbrush, no draw space, no closet space, none. Daniel smirks that at least she learned his real name before he moved in. Amber asks Daniel why he even cares. Phyllis interrupts saying, "He doesn't, but she cares a great deal.” Amber smiles as she walks toward Phyllis telling her she can’t kick her out of the penthouse, but Phyllis disagrees. Amber has two weeks to get her tacky stuff off her property. Amber looks for Daniel to speak up, but he doesn’t. Amber storms out.
At the Chancellor Mansion, Chloe declines Esther’s drink claiming he’s already forced milk and juice down her, and she’s an adult she can make her own decisions. Esther remarked that it looks like she popped one, since she’s been here. Katherine agrees. Jill comments how quickly it happened. Chloe covers saying it’s a Chancellor. Billy chuckles as he eyes a message on his phone. Cane asks if it’s Amber again except Billy remarks just checking on some investments. Cane remarks must be paying off then Billy excuse himself without answering Cane. Chloe becomes suspicious wondering what Billy really is up too.
Back at Crimson Lights, Lily giddy informs Colleen that she replied back; see you in court, now he’s going to think she wants to go out with him. Colleen questions, doesn’t she, but Lily explains she's not ready for a relationship. Colleen reminds her it’s not a relationship it’s one date. Billy calls to find out what Colleen is doing. Colleen informs him that she’s hanging out with Lily while on her break then asks his opinion that sending an email doesn’t mean you have to marry someone, right? Billy tells her that question deserves deep thought and undivided attention. He’s on his way. Billy comes back into the room when Jill announces how happy she is to have her two sons together. Billy answers her yes, but it doesn’t get old. Billy thanks everybody, and announces that he has to meet a friend over at Crimson Light's. He asks Esther for some of her chocolate cake to take with him. Chloe hearing where Billy is going informs Cane she’s stuff but the little one once a cranberry scone at Crimson Lights and then they can go home right after.
Back at the ranch, Nikki thinks back to the old romantic days with Victor when he tells her they should always cherish moment like these, and Nikki remarks she wish they weren’t so few, and far in-between. Victor tells her that sometime when she’s in his arms he feels their souls intertwine, and they are one.
Back at the warehouse, Michael explains about Howie Sullivan, and how the F.B.I. made him a deal that if he testified that Lowell blew up the bank they would make the drug charges go away. Howard refused saying Lowell was innocent, and for that laps of honesty, they sent him to prison. Lowell can’t believe that Kite did time for him. Michael also tells him they have proof. Gloria of all people found corroborating evidence in the file, a note stating that Howard won’t play ball cross his name off the list. River still has doubts, but Michael reminds him about Eden and Fenmore. He tells him to put that thing down and let him do his job. Let him clear his name. Michael reaches down and helps his father up, and they head outside with Lowell hobbling. The police take Lowell into custody while the decretive reads him his rights. Michael answers a call from Kevin, telling him they're fine. "Calm down!"
At Restless Style, Phyllis asks Daniel which shot, he likes and without looking, he picks one. Phyllis snaps at Daniel to quit looking at Restless cartoon Amber instead of looking at the pictures. She tells Daniel if having Amber around does this to him they should think about releasing her. Daniel objects saying she just evicted her now you want to fire her too. Phyllis claims the first decision was a legal, it’s a liability, but the second one is just for him, just say the word, and it’s done. Daniel mutters aloud that they are living together; she met him at Kevin and Jana’s wedding. How long has that been? Phyllis remarks about as long as he’s been seeing the lovely Colleen, her deal with Jabot. He’s dating a super model. Daniel claims he's not worried about Amber now, drop it.
At Amber’s apartment, she greets Jana while Kevin is busy talking to Lauren. Kevin is upset about the situation with Lowell. Pouring a glass of wine, Amber complains that she got evicted – again, and Daniel being a jerk again because of her. Amber was hoping for a little takeout and some sympathy instead found a note from Billy saying, "Don't wait up." Jana asks is that all he said. Amber wonders why she’s being punished for every single thing she’s every done wrong. Jana urges her to make the call she knows she wants to make. Amber dials "Hello Love line. This is Marina, yeah again."
At the warehouse, Mike leads Lowell out with his hands up. Michael tells the police they’re unarmed and his client's is prepared to surrendering just be careful. Michael yells that the gun was a fake and it’s inside as Lowell's on the ground being cuffed. The detective tells Lowell that his lawyer just saved your butt, buddy, and the arresting officer read Lowell his rights as they take him away. We're fine, Michael tells Kevin on the phone.
Still at the ranch, Nikki looks through Victor’s desk and sees a photo of them, and remembers when he discovered her drinking and told her he only wanted to help her. He’ll be back, and he won’t abandon her. Tears slide down her face as she gazes at a photo.
Back at Restless Style, Daniel becomes frustrated with his computer crashing that Phyllis instructs him to go home. He refused saying Jack and Sharon no long there, Nick is busy dealing with Newman Enterprises, and that leaves her so he’s staying. Daniel goes to get coffee, and Phyllis turns on the radio. She hears Amber referring to her as a full-on witch. Phyllis quickly looks up "Love line" online and calls, asking to be patched through.
At Crimson Lights, Colleen sits with Billy and Lily as Billy updates Colleen on the dinner party with the rockin addition of the Cain and Abel story. And there was lots of talk about Chloe's belly popping with Cane’s son to be. Looking at Lily’s discomfort Billy apologizes. Colleen announces that she's over him, and Lily is interviewing new prospects on the web. Lily is embarrassed saying it’s a joke, it’s just for fun. Billy thinks she’s doing the right thing getting back on the horse again. Billy asks her has she come across anyone that doesn’t make it such a joke. Before Lily can answer Cane and Chloe approach their table. Billy asks them if they’re following him. Chloe remarks to Billy, "So the person you had to meeting was Lily?!" Lily quickly tells them that he came to see Colleen. Suddenly, Chloe gasps that the baby just kicked her. Chloe grabs Cane hand and puts his hand on her tummy. Lily looks grim.
Alone in the living room, Esther asks Mrs. Chancellor what the doctor said about her forgetfulness. Katherine waves it off, saying, and “senior moments." Katherine tells Esther don’t look so smug it’s going to happen to her one day. Esther asks if she can get her anything, but Katherine just tells her she’s heading up to bed. Jill enters the room saying she heard Katherine’s voice. Esther informs Jill she went to bed. Jill tells Esther about Katherine wanting to hold dessert for Philip. Esther gasps, "Oh God!" Jill demands that Esther tell her what she knows. Esther remarks something is off and she’s worried sick.
Michael gets home and Lauren greets him with relief, saying he did it. Lowell is safe and he’s home. Michael asks if she was worried, and Lauren concurred, she was. Lauren wants Michael to update her on how he got Lowell to come out. Michael responded, lawyer stuff. Eden rushes into the room, and tells Michael to look her in the eyes and tell her it’s true. Michael tells her that he injured his leg, and he's taking her to see him when they can. She leaps into his arms. Locked in the spontaneous embrace, Michael looks to his wife in amazement!
Back at Crimson Lights, Chloe is still talking about her baby kicking. Cane grabs Billy’s hand in order for him to feel the baby. Lily feeling discomfort excuses herself, and leaves the table, causing the other three to fall silent. Colleen turns on the radio and is surprised to hear, Amber and Phyllis on the radio.
At Amber apartment, Kevin and Jana listen while Amber continues to spar with Phyllis. As they get into it, the radio announcers suggest that maybe they see despicable traits in themselves in one another. Amber asks 'Red' if she ever cheated. Phyllis tells Amber why doesn’t she go back to Los Angeles as she keep threatening just as Daniel returns, and quickly realizes Amber and Phyllis is battling on the radio. He tries to wrestle his mother for the phone, but she and Amber continue to completely trash one another. Daniel dashes across the room to secure another phone line, and once he’s on the air he tells Dr. Drew that he’s sick of the both of them.
Still at the ranch, Nikki flashes back to when she was in the hospital and Victor was telling her, that even though they had divorced, he wanted to be a family again. "I've always loved you." Nikki puts the sketch of Sabrina into the suitcase, and closes it as tears stream down her face. She then closes it. J.T arrives and picks up the suitcase. She says, "You know what to do." He replies, "Exactly what we talked about."
At Crimson Lights, Cane goes after Lily, and apologizes. Lily tells him she didn’t know it would hurt so much. Billy stays at the table with Chloe as she rambles on about baby clothes. Not being able to stop look over at Cane and Lily, Billy tells her to keep her eyes on him. He tells her if she wants to keep Cane, she's better start working harder. Chloe tells Billy she has the ring, and she is carrying his baby, she doesn’t have to work hard. Billy sets her straight that when he left her house, he went to Jabot, and got a really great view of Cane and Lily kissing in the elevator. Chloe gets up and goes to claim her husband and go home.
At the Chancellor Mansion, Jill asks Esther why she wasn’t informed about Katherine misstating Jeff for William. Esther fires back stating she’s risking everything telling her. Jill upset tells Esther that she lied straight to her face. She’s the toughest old bird she knows and she lied. At a bar Marge is seen downing a drinking.
At Crimson Light, Cane tells Lily he didn’t want to hurt her. Lily doesn't want to discuss the kiss with Cane. Cane tells Lily that every second of every day he feels this baby should be theirs, and he doesn’t want to let it go. Chloe interrupts them, but Cane asking for another minute alone with Lily. Lily says no actually you all have a good night, and leaves Crimson Lights with Chloe huffing off in the other direction.
Billy joins Colleen on the patio to listen to Amber, Daniel and Phyllis going at it. That's my boyfriend and your girlfriend, she updates him. Daniel tells them that he’s sick of the dirty looks, the drama, the bitching, and he’s sick of the two of them thinking they know what he should say or do. Dr. Drew asks Daniel why he hasn't moved on. As they all pressure him to answer the question, he blurts, "'Because I still love her, did you ever think of that." Dr. Drew notes that their work here is done. Phyllis hangs up dejectedly. Colleen looks mortified at the revelation as Amber momentarily drops the phone.
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