[an error occurred while processing this directive] Friday Y&R Update 10/10/08 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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The Y&R Update Friday 10/10/08--Canada; Monday 10/13/08--U.S.A.

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Written By Karen M.
Pictures By Suzanne

At Michael’s apartment, Lauren tells Michael how proud she is of him. Why? Michael smirks because he convinced the big, mean federal prosecutor not to oppose bail for dear old daddy? Lauren tells him because he hung in there, and... He fought for his father against all odds. Michael jokes, he did, didn’t he. Michael decides to go to the hospital and tell Lowell the good news, and hopefully, he’ll awake. Lauren asks when he does post bail, where will he go? Michael tells her he hadn’t thought about that. Lauren suggests here, where he can be closer to Eden. Michael opens the door only to be greeted by Detective Calvert, G.C.P.D. who tells Michael his father has escaped from the hospital. Confused and stun Michael says I don’t believe this. I do not believe this Lauren becomes frantic as she tells Michael she left Eden with River at the hospital.

Eden hides in the alley waiting on her father’s arrival. She rushes into River’s arms as he approaches. Excitedly she informs her father that she snuck out right after he made his great escape, and she’s glad they had a contingency plan. He remarks they’ve done this kind of thing before, and Eden confirms. Eden asks what happened to his leg. River explains he landed in shrubs when he jumped from the window. He hurt his ankle something awful. Sirens wailing in the background as Eden propose they move inside the abandon warehouse for his safety. River, limping toward the build as Eden collects all the things she brought.

At the Abbott Mansion, Gloria pranks into the room smug that Jeff return saying she thought for a minute there - Jeff interrupts saying he knows. Gloria grinning remarks he threatened to walk out on her if she helped Michael, and for one minute, she thought she might not see him again. Jeff not amused frowns saying she won’t. Gloria still not grasping the seriousness of the situation continues to tool with Jeff telling him he’s here. She’s here. They had their little song and dance, now life goes on. Jeff disgusted with their situation comments that she thinks this is just one more idle threat, doesn’t she? She smirks they do kinda like those threats, though, do he? As he walks away, he remarks, not anymore. She made her choice. She chose Lowell or River, or whatever she’s calling him today. He just came back to pack his things, and get out of her life. Gloria's stunned that Jeff's had enough as he slams out the door.

At the Chancellor’s, Ester serves drinks to everyone, and points to the ginger ale for Katherine. Jill is glad they decided to have a welcome home party for Billy. She remarks her two sons, building a friendship. Cane begins the party with a toss to his brother, Billy, except Billy interrupts the toss says they still have guests coming. It’s just etiquette. Cane apologizes stating he didn’t know he was breaking any rules, just wanted to get a head start. Katherine comments there're nothing wrong with that, what they don’t know won’t hurt them. Jill interjects absolutely; they don’t need to stand on ceremony. Hell with protocol. They can make toasts to him all night. Welcome home, Billy. Billy thanks his mother as all clink glasses. Cane followed with the welcome home. Again Billy says thanks.

Outside the Chancellor’s, Sharon instructs Jack that she can’t stay too long because she wants to get home and make sure Noah’s fine. Jack tries to ease her mind states Noah can handle himself for a few hours. Sharon not impressed reminds him it’s what he’s gonna do in those few hours that bothers her. After lying to them about that party, and then completely ignoring the fact that he was grounded, she thinks he could use extra supervision. Jack agrees. He’s just glad she can be here for any part of it. Billy invited him. He doesn't want to miss an opportunity to celebrate his return. Sharon remarks that maybe he wants to mend some fences? Jack smirks something like that.

At the athletic club, Nikki, Nick, and Victoria stroll pass Heather only to be halted. Victoria remarks they’re very busy right now. Heather asks for a minute as she introduces them to agent Robert Aguilar from the A.F.I., and F.B.I. agent Oliver Dillon. They exchange pleasantries. Heather in turn introduces the agents to the Newman’s who they were just speaking about. Nikki utters, were you. Heather states yes they were discussing the fact that Nikki was in Mexico just after Victor's boat sank. Agent Aguilar says Mrs. Newman; he looks forward to speaking with her about that accident, at her convenience, of course. Nikki graciously replies yes, of course. You'll excuse us. Moving away from Heather, Victoria wonders how exactly they are supposed to talk about their plan to help Victor with the agents here. Nikki agrees, they do need their privacy, but not until they put Phase One of their operation into play. Victoria questions, Phase One? Nikki explains, let them think that we know what's going on with Victor, and then lead them on a wild goose chase. Nick comments he’d say they already think they know what's going on with dad. Nikki attests great, and then they're ahead of the game. Nick expresses his concerns about his mother’s plan, but Nikki tells him to trust her, and just act very nervous and suspicious on the way out. They stroll pass Heather’s table when Heather smirks leaving so soon. Victoria and Nikki both hurriedly tell Heather they’ve changed their minds about the club tonight on their way out.

Outside the ranch, Adam flashback to his earlier meeting with Frank Ellis requesting more extensive handwriting samples and the pen used to write the original diary. He wants the ink to match. Using his key Adam let’s himself in, and riffles through Victor’s desk.

Back at the Chancellor, Billy greets Jack stating it’s good to see him. Katherine agrees saying it’s been a while, since they’ve been in her home. Sharon remarks, way too long. Jack acknowledges. Jill says her hello’s and instructs Esther to bring champagne. Esther serves everyone and give Cane a beer stating she knows it more his speed. Jill proposes a toast to Billy. Jack responds he’ll drink to that. Cane acknowledges. Jack asks Billy how things are going at Jabot. Have things calmed down since the S.E.C. scandal? Jill asserts there was no scandal. She was never charged with any wrong doing. But thank you for asking. Things are going very well. Especially, now that Cane is on the job. But, Jack, didn't she hear that he had some trouble of his own? Losing "Restless Style" to Nick and Phyllis? Jack remarks they can have it. Best business move he ever made. Jill belittled, yeah, but you're out of work again. Jack baited there’s that one thing, they have in common. He always lands on his feet. Katherine asks Sharon does she think Jack and Jill will ever grow up. Sharon snickers, she won’t give up hope if she won’t. Esther offers canapés, and announces dinner will be ready very soon. Jack thanks Billy for the opportunity to see the new Jabot leadership team in action. This should be an interesting evening. Chloe makes a grand entrance by announcing to all, that she has evening sickness too.

Back at Michael’s apartment, Lauren quietly updates him that most of Eden's things are gone. Michael grasps she went with him. Lauren remarks they must’ve planned this. Fierce, Michael asks what the hell Lowell was thinking. Lauren summate that maybe River just couldn’t take being locked up, and he’s gotten pretty good at eluding the law. The search done, the detective thanks the Michael for their cooperation. Lauren wants to make sure that Eden is safe.

At the warehouse, sirens wail in the distance. Eden informs River that the sirens don’t seem to be coming any closer. She tells River they should be safe here for some time at least. Looking at his ankle Eden realizes its bad, as she wraps it. River comments she came prepared with food and water. She’s learned from the best, but she wishes she could have said good-bye. Lowell informs her he left a note behind for Michael.

The detective tells Michael there’s something they found in his father’s hospital bed. Detective handed Michael and note saying because its private correspondence from client to lawyer, he didn't read it. But he trust that he'll let him know if there's any evidence in it that'll lead to where River is. Good evening, Michael dismisses without agreeing. Alone Michael reads the note then tells Lauren he’s going underground again.

Back at the warehouse, Eden says if one of his underground contacts coming for them. No underground anymore. She says they’ll take care of each other then. River sadly confirms that life on the run, especially now, with this new danger, it's no place for a kid. Eden won’t hear of it. River insists she stays here with Michael and Lauren. Eden, sobbing, continues to protests until River agrees saying right now they need to get their rest. They have a long road ahead of them.

At Michael’s apartment, he continues to read aloud "He can't live with the prospect of spending the rest of my life behind bars. He wishes he'd done things differently, but there's no going back, and Jeff’s visit made it clear." Jeffrey. My god, doesn't that man think that he's done enough damage by turning River in the first place? Infuriated Michael continues ranting that Lowell’s life, now Eden’s life, all shot to hell because of the materialistic, opportunistic jackass! Lauren wants to know where he is going. Michael boiling remarks he thinks he prefer his mother as a widow.

In the pool house, Jeff packs, claiming he's had enough of Gloria's games - this is betrayal - with the father of your son - the one man you love. You made your choice - and I've made mine. On cue, Gloria gets a call from Lowell.

At the ranch, Adam is still looking through papers on Victor’s desk when he hears Nick asking for the key. Nikki notices the door is open. Nick confirms it’s open. Once inside they all asks Adam why he’s there. Nick grabs Adam by his jacket collar, and again asks what he’s doing here, and how did he get in. Adam informs them he has a key. Nick holding his hand out instructed Adam to relinquish the key. Victoria again asks okay; now tell us what you're doing here. Adam responds she evicted him without any notice. He had some important files here he came to get. Nick wants to know why he didn’t just ask them for them. Adam tells them because he wouldn't have let him get 'em, so he came to get 'em himself. What are they doing here? Nikki remarks like that're any of your business? Looks like Adam snooping. Trying to help Heather with her case against your father? Adam informs he’s not snooping. He came to get his important files like, he mentioned, and now he’s gonna go home. He could not care less if you believe him. Nick instructed Nikki to call the police.

Back at the Chancellor, Sharon compliments Chloe how terrific is looks. Chloe wish she felt that way, but Sharon tells her every woman goes through it. She still has months to go. Cane enjoys them asking how Chloe feeling. Chloe responds aside from being sick to death of ginger ale and dying for a real drink, I'm just fine. Sharon remarks look like they are handling things fairly well. She tells Sharon they’re learning to put a face on things. Sharon tells her sounds like a typical marriage. When Esther brings Chloe milk, Chloe asks for a martini. Sharon and Esther were stunned until Chloe announces it's a joke! After Jill again toasts her sons, Billy toasts his mother, and to his brother, the Hurricane, for giving him hopes that absolutely anybody can make it to the top of Jabot. Oh ho, Jill chuckles at the sparring though Katherine doesn't appear as amused. Cane toasts his brother, Billy saying he might soon be looking for a new job. Over dinner, Katherine has a story that will cure the brothers of their rivalry.

Gloria pretends its Lauren on the phone as she and Jeff spar about his departure. Jeff tells her she’s not listening because he’s outta here. Jeff wants the suitcases. Gloria tells him in the attic in the main house, Jeff leaves. River asks for her help telling her he’s on the run again. Gloria tells Lowell he can’t do this that he has to go back because Michael is so close. River not listening continues telling Gloria she needs to come get Eden. It’s too dangerous for her to stay with him. Gloria insists he call Michael. River tells her she’s the only one who won't turn him in. He’s begging her, for old time's sake and Eden’s. Gloria upset remarks so you wanna leave her again... with a child? River says he can count on her. The way she made Michael her priority years ago, with her, her kids come first, so he wants Eden to be safe, too, with her. He trusts her, He trusts her with a life. Where are you, Gloria asks?

At the Chancellor, Billy asks Cane, being from Australia, is he a meat guy? Cane says wait, he’s feeling kangaroo jokes coming on. Katherine interrupts saying it’s time for her story. All right, she wants everyone to listen up, pilgrims, because this has to do with Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve, being new to the Garden of Eden, decided their two sons should make a sacrifice to God because of all the abundance around them. Jack remarks that were their first big mistake. No one likes a smart ass, Jack. Anyway, God preferred Abel's sacrifice, and this did not sit at all well with Cain. God saw the evil in Cain's, and he banished him east of Eden. God saw the evil in Cain's, and he banished him east of Eden. Jack questions what does that make him in her story? Chopped liver? I'm Billy’s brother, too. Does he need to worry? Sharon tells him no, honey, she thinks her brotherly story will have a much happier ending. Jill asks is there a point to all this. The point is that brothers are always rivals, but don't let it get too serious. And she wants them to promise her that they won’t. Cane and Billy both agree.

At the warehouse, Lowell hides a gun as Gloria arrives. Gloria tells River that driving over here she thought about It - you’re turning me down? Yes, she is. He has got to turn himself in. He’s so close to complete freedom because of Michael. River: Not after this! He’s heard that before. Sirens wailing, she gotta get her out of here. Honey, honey, honey, wake up. Wake up, come on. Eden at first refuse to leave without him, but River convinces her to go with Gloria. Lowell shoves them out as cop cars pull up outside.

Michael arrives at the pool house look at Jeff. Finding it empty, Michael starts to make a call when Jeff returns. Michael questions, seen my father lately?

Back at the dinner party, Jack talks to Cane about Jabot, when Cane talks about increasing profits and reformulating the base product to cut down cost. Reformulated the eye care line? Jack remarks they're his father's creation - cornerstone of the business? Cane means no disrespect, but you have to change with the times. Sharon comments that she's the spokesperson for Beauty of Nature, and then excuses herself stating she has to work in the morning. Billy thanks Katherine for a great night a good story. Katherine chuckles, you are in that story, you know? Billy tells her he knows who he is. The other guy is the one named Cane. Katherine tells him he’s all grown up, but there’s still a lot of the devil in him. Stay out of trouble. Billy smirks he’ll be a good boy.

Back at the ranch, Heather inquires what’s going on. Victoria questions, does the assistant D.A’s always rescue their boyfriend. You’d think there’d be a conflict of interest. Heather not here for Adam, but curious what all of them are doing in Victor’s house. Nikki remarks she really doesn't think they're any of her concern. However, she will tell her when they arrived, we found your little snooper here. He had broken in. Adam replies he wasn't snooping. And he has as much right to be here as all of you do. Nick answers, like hell he does. This isn't the first time he's been arrested for trespassing around here. Victoria responds Newman enterprises own this house, and this guy here is not welcome. The cop asks if they want to press charges. Nikki says no we don’t want to give them a reason to search the house. Heather says she’ll have reasons soon enough. Heather and Adam leave the ranch. Victoria curious to what is he up to?

At Michael’s, Gloria tells Lauren that River’s on the run again. He called me to come get her. Gloria and Eden refuse to give River’s location. Gloria wants to know where Michael is, Lauren says comforting Jeffrey, who is the reason that River broke out. Lauren takes the call the police have located River.

Jeff insists he did nothing to River that River didn't ask for. If that hippie is so high on the truth, he ought to be glad that I told the cops just that. Michael remarks he doesn't care if you're married to Gloria. I'm gonna use every tool at my disposal, legal or illegal, to dismember your world piece by painful piece. I'm gonna make you pay for what you've done to my father. (Cell phone ringing) Lauren tells Michael they found him. The police have surrounded a warehouse on Crescent Street in downtown. They say River has a gun. Michael upset leaves without saying another word to Jeff.

After the Chancellor, Cane tucks a blanket around Chloe as she tells him its okay. He doesn’t have to put an act. Nobody’s here. Cane answers he’ not. He’s just helping out the mother of his child. Jill comes into the room asking Cane to join Jack and her in the dining room. Billy chats with Chloe. Billy asks if it’s hard keeping all this straight—Kate, Chloe, maid’s daughter, Cane wife, my ex-stalker chick? Chloe responds the stalker thing’s not funny. She doesn’t know, Billy, Liam, surfer dude, Jabot executive. Billy tells her she got this Mom act down good, and all the identities. But you were more fun before his brother knocked her up.

In the dining room, Jill brags how proud of Cane, for stepping into John's shoes. Jack says his dad was Jabot. Cane tells Jack he has great respect to his father for building the company into what it is today. Jack told him they all worked very hard. Cane remarks yes, he did. And the fact that it's a family business gives it the foundation, Jack, for Billy, mom and himself, now to continue that tradition. Jack says the Abbott family business has always been about just that--family. Jack says his good-byes stating he has a busy day ahead tomorrow. Jill tells Cane Jabot is the one thing that Jack will never be able to control, and he hates it. Jill asks Esther where her mother is. Esther doesn’t know.

Back at the ranch, Victoria read the notes Nick retrieved from Adam. She asks why Adam would want these. Nothing dad wrote here would mean anything to him, or anyone else, for that matter. Nikki says it's a good thing he was here. We want everybody to have the impression that we're in touch with your father. This'll just start the ball rolling. How exactly you see this playing out, Victoria asks. I’d really like to know that too, because I think this whole wild goose chase idea of yours could really backfire. Nick added. Nikki tells them it won’t backfire. She knows what she’s doing.

Back at the club, Adam toys with a pen as he explains to Heather that he was trying to help her figure out what Victor was doing in Mexico. Heather thinks him breaking in was 'pretty dumb' - regardless of him having a key. Adam loves it when she gets all professional on him, and asks if she kept the letter Victor wrote him. She replied of course she thought he might want it someday. He tells her she was right. He was angry, and in light of being totally ostracized by the family he’d really like to have it. Heather indicated it’s upstairs in her room, and she’ll go get it.

Jill finds Kay admiring the lovely evening air. Jill says the party’s winding down, come in , Esther’s starting to serve dessert. Katherine tells Jill to hold off on dessert until Phillip gets here. Phillip? Katherine says you know how much he loves chocolate, and that's what we're serving for dessert--chocolate dessert. Jill puzzled by Katherine’s behavior.

Inside, Cane declines a cigar saying he can’t stand the smell. Billy tells him he doesn’t know what he’s missing, but he guesses to each their own. Quite an interesting night, wasn't it? Never heard the, uh, Cain and Abel story told that way before. Cane remarks he knows, and just for the record, he doesn't really plan on following down the path of his biblical counterpart and killing him. Billy says oh, well, then maybe they should call him "Cain." Laughs come on, man, I'm joking with you.

Nick drops by to see Noah when Sharon claims her new boss is welcoming any time. Nick is pleasing, she gonna take the spokesperson job. Nick asks is everything okay with her and Jack but said never mind when Jack enters. Jack approaches saying hey you two. Nick just wanted to thank him for supporting Sharon’s return to Newman enterprises. That’s big. Jack question if Nick washer to welcome, he back. He's there to see Noah before he takes off to the airport. Jack's glad they wanted her back. Nick leaves. Now alone, Jack claims Jill spent the evening needling him, but he took it on the chin. That's my man, Sharon beams then with a kiss, heads to bed. Jack lingers to drink, and think.

Still at the ranch Nikki explains that's the first part of the plan. They need someone they can trust, and they won't suspect. Victoria will make sure JT understands he knows how much Dad means to you. Nikki assures Victoria she'll be fine alone there. Everywhere she looks, she sees Victor. She misses him so much. She’ll always love him.

Back at the club, Adam meets Frank and hands over his letter as a handwriting sample. Interesting style, a complicated man, consistent. Adam also got a few pens. They might match making the forgery impossible to detect. Adam tells Frank he will be dictating what he's to write.

Back at the pool house, Jeff takes out the glass jar then calls Gloria to say his last good bye. She asks if she can see him before he goes. She had to help with something important. And she thinks he’s understood if he just let her explain, so, please stay put. Don’t go. Good bye Gloria, Jeff hangs up. Gloria tells Lauren that he's leaving her - because, she helped Lowell, and Gloria’s eyes are wide. Lauren says she’s doing the right thing, he doesn't get it. When Gloria heads off to see if she can catch him, Eden doesn't understand why she'd want him back. He's the cause of all this? Eden cries, I'm so scared. Its ok, Lauren consoles.

Arriving at the warehouse, Michael thanks detective Calvert for notifying him, and is updated that Lowell has a gun and refuses to come out. Michael wants a chance before they call the SWAT team. He won't shoot his own son, let me try. The detective agrees to give him 5 minutes.


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