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The Y&R Update Friday 5/16/08--Canada; Monday 5/19/08--U.S.A.
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Written By
Pictures By Suzanne
At Restless Style, Nick is on the phone, trying to get the
elevators working. Katherine is sitting at the desk with Phyllis, so she is
showing her the website. Jack, Sharon, Daniel, and Amber are also around.
Victoria arrives, having climbed the stairs in heels and out of breath. When she
asks how things are going, Nick tells her nonchalantly that their parents are
stuck in the elevator, with David and Sabrina. She is horrified. Katherine notes
that it's too bad they don't have cameras in the elevator so they can see the
The light comes back on in the elevator. Victor, Sabrina, Nikki, and David are
relieved, but things are tense. Victor is annoyed at Nick for not making sure
that the electrical things work properly. They all argue. Nikki admires
Sabrina's ring but then things turn very catty and insulting. Nikki gives them a
hard time about Victor buying extravagant gifts for his wife. She warns Sabrina
that there will be not only strings but barbed wire attached to the gifts after
they are married. They all argue more. Victor yells at Nikki to move on already.
Nikki snarks that they are supposed to be having a truce, being civil for the
kids. Victor replies that she broke it. Their elevator finally gets power, and
it moves. The others all watch as they walk out, looking glum.
They all celebrate at Restless Style with cookies and champagne, waiting for
feedback on the first issue. They find out it sold out in some places and got
some good reviews. Sharon tells them that they got congratulations from Neil.
Nikki mentions that the new cover was a shock, but she thinks that it was the
right decision going with the celebrity, Samantha, even though it was not that
good for Jabot. Victoria mentions that Nikki and David got married. There is
stunned silence after David confirms that they eloped. Amber gets excited and
wants a toast. David toasts to Nikki. It is a very nice toast, which makes Nikki
smile. Victor looks like he wants to throw up. They all toast, except for Victor
and Sabrina. Victor just says, "Good luck!"
Jack is on phone to Traci in another room. They briefly discuss the success of
Restless Style. Nick walks in and wonders if he's having fun. Jack says that he
is, despite the problems. Jack is confident that the second issue will be
easier. Nick makes sure that Jack knows they still need to have consensus on all
major decisions. Victor walks in and asks to speak to Nick. He tells Jack that
it's not business. Jack is happy to hear that Victor is here to congratulate his
son on his victory, and that it's a nice surprise. Jack leaves them alone.
Victor tells Nick that he's very proud of him. He congratulates him for sticking
by his convictions. Nick is touched and thanks him.
Amber chats with Sabrina about Daniel's photographs, She really tries to sell
him, so Daniel jokes that she is his agent. Sabrina advises him to take classes,
to develop his craft, and find his voice. He is not happy to hear that he should
take more classes. She invites him to come downstairs to look at their pieces,
so he can get inspired. Daniel thanks her for the suggestions.
Sharon congratulates Sabrina on her engagement. They have a nice chat about the
Newmans and how they fit into their family. Sabrina has hope that she and Vicki
may be friends again some time. Sharon points out that may be true, but she
won't ever be friends with Nikki. Sabrina reminds her that she got together with
Victor after they were divorce, but Sharon says they are still family. Sabrina
looks dismayed. Nikki chats with Kay, David and Vicki about their trip to Mexico
and their wedding. Phyllis takes Kay aside to ask her if they can do article on
her, about life at Chancellor estate. Katherine thinks it would be a good idea
to show all three generations. Phyllis agrees and says that women will love to
see Cane's photo.
Nikki gets a call, so she walks away from the group. David talks to Nick and
Vicki about the elopement, saying that it must have been a big surprise. They
agree that it was. He says that it can't be easy seeing their parents with other
people. Vicki praises the nice speech he made about Nikki. He assures her that
he meant every word. Nikki returns to hear David tell them that he intends to
make her very happy, and if he doesn't, they should call him on it. They all
seem very impressed. Nikki compares him favorably to Victor, saying Victor would
never act like this. Victoria and Nick have to agree.
Sabrina chats with Victoria. She asks Vicki if she was surprised to hear that
David and Nikki ran off to get married. Vicki says she was somewhat surprised,
but it made more sense (than Sabrina and Victor) since they'd been together for
a while. Sabrina tries to show sympathy because she knew that Victoria wanted
her parents to reunite, but Vicki won't take her sympathy and acts sarcastically
towards her. She asks Sabrina how she got Victor to attend this party, but
Sabrina reminds her that he can't be talked into doing something he doesn't want
to do. Victor comes up just then, so Vicki thanks him for coming, since it means
a lot to Nick. Victor agrees and tells her that he wished Nick good luck. He
wishes her the same and asks her how her new job is going. She says it's very
refreshing working for her mom instead of him. A little later, Sabrina admires
the Restless Style website, so Victor tells her that it was Phyllis' work.
Sabrina is glad that Victor saw his kids today and enjoyed it. He thanks her for
convincing him to go. She knows that he must be proud of Nick. He admits that he
is but says he wishes Nick had asked him for advice because he had some ideas
about adding a DVD to the first issue and approaching the European magazines. He
still thinks that they won't last a year.
Phyllis asks Nick what Victor said to him, so he shares that Victor told him
that he was proud of him. Phyllis is glad to hear it but also reads him a great
review that praises Nick and wonders if he will one day eclipse his father. Jack
also reads the same review. Sharon is not happy to hear that they didn't give
Jack much credit. He is fine with that idea. He thinks that one day, people will
realize that he's really the one in charge.
Nikki chats with Katherine about her wedding in Mexico. She tells her that the
guitar player played "Through the Eyes of Love", which is her song with Victor.
Nikki assures Katherine that David makes her happy, so Katherine wonders why
they had to rush to get married. Nikki says they were just feeling impetuous.
Katherine wonders if she did it so she would be married by the time Victor
walked down the aisle. Nikki insists she didn't, but Katherine knows better.
Nikki tells her with a hurt look what awful things Victor said in the elevator.
Katherine dismisses that and says that no matter what, she and Victor always
come first with each other.
Jack chats with David, noting that the campaign manager ended up with the
candidate. Jack warns him to keep his eye on Victor because he doesn't give up.
Jack thinks that Nikki will go running back to Victor sooner or later.
Amber is very disappointed to read on the website that there are no comments
about her clothes. The only comment so far was about liking Daniel's backdrop.
Daniel tries to make her feel better, saying it hasn't been very long yet.
Katherine invites them out to lunch. Jack tells them that they did a great job
and says that lunch is on him. Katherine urges Amber to have patience about
Paul and J.T. meet at the club. J.T. shows him new baby pictures of Reed. Paul
tells him that he's learned more about David. They wonder whether he's gambling
or not. J.T. informs Paul that Nikki and David were married yesterday. He fills
him in on that and on Victor and Sabrina's engagement. He is amazed but wishes
Nikki hadn't rushed in to marriage. He intends to keep looking for info on
David. They chat about the little bit J.T. found about David's background. They
think it's suspicious that he has two dead wives and that all three of his
ex-wives were rich. Paul tells him that he hasn't been able to get David's third
wife, the one that worked at Granville Global, to talk to him. J.T. thinks it's
weird that when he checked David's credit, it was bad. Paul agrees that David
should have lots of money from being married to all of these rich women.
J.T. and Victoria catch up. She tells him what happened at Restless Style,
particularly on the elevator. She thinks David really loves Nikki. Meanwhile,
Paul runs into David and Nikki. He congratulates them on their marriage. David
leaves to make a call. Paul tells Nikki that he's surprised they ran off to get
married, since she confided to him that she didn't trust David. She tells him
that David is working on his gambling problem and that he's a good man. Paul
tells her that he's happy for her. After leaving Nikki, Paul phones someone to
tell them to have their boss call him because someone dear to him just married
her ex-husband.
David surprises Nikki with the honeymoon suite at the club. She feels that she
should apologize for Victor, but he tells her that she doesn't have to do that.
He tells her that he will put up with anyone for her.
Paul meets with J.T. again to return the credit card that J.T. left behind at
the club. Paul wonders if he told Victoria about what they said, but J.T.
doesn't want to worry her until they know more about David. Paul gets a phone
call from David's ex-wife, but she hangs up quickly. Paul tells J.T. that she
said to stop harassing her, that she feels sorry for any woman married to David,
that she figures his new wife must be rich, and the day she divorced him was the
best day of her life. They are a bit mystified about why she hung up so fast and
Jeffrey and Jill are at her place. He is frustrated about Gloria, saying that
he's a fool for loving her and would have been better off with Jill. She agrees.
He apologizes for pretending to fall for her and hopes he hasn't hurt her. She
says that she will recover but wonders if he will. He admits ruefully that he
feels like a 9th grader with a crush. She wonders why he is filing for divorce,
then? He confides that he and Gloria are toxic together. Whether she kills him
or vice versa, it will end badly. She suggests that he just be straight with
Gloria about how he feels, but he replies that he's tried. She is too suspicious
of what he says. Jill wonders why, but he doesn't answer. She posits that they
must have been in love, so she wonders what happened. He just says they've
always been passionate. She understands that and reminds him that they are not
yet divorced. She urges him to make things different with Gloria, if that's what
he wants.
Michael, Lauren and Kevin frantically rush to Gloria's hotel door, worried that
she might be hurt or something. Kevin has the master key, which he borrowed from
the maid's cart; Michael takes the key, but Lauren reprimands Kevin for
stealing. They are shocked and disgusted to find Gloria, sleeping naked in bed
with Alistair. They are both hung over. Gloria smiles sleepily at them, turns
and sees Alistair, then screams. He sits up and asks for brandy. Kevin points
out that from the smell of the room, he's already had plenty. Kevin leaves,
saying he's going to call Jana and his old therapist. (It is a very funny scene)
Michael tells them angrily to put their clothes on, make coffee, and pull
themselves together. He and Lauren leave them to do that. Gloria pushes Alistair
away, upset. She looks scared of what Michael will do. Michael returns later, so
Alistair leaves. Michael tells Gloria that Lauren is on the phone to Fenmore's
sitter. He is annoyed that he thought she had hurt herself. She admonishes him
not to yell at her and tries to blame him for her situation, since he turned his
back on her. Michael doesn't take the blame, of course. Gloria muses that she
should move back to her old apartment in Detroit, now that she's poor again.
Kevin assures her that they all want her to stick around, including him. He
agrees to look over her divorce papers and the ones for the charities, to see if
he can help get some of her money back.
Jill runs into Alistair in the park. She is disappointed to hear that he slept
there. He tells her that he was drinking last night with Gloria. She is
surprised to hear that they slept together. Jill is glad to hear that he may be
close to finding out Gloria's secret, so she tells him that she will continue
funding him. He is very relieved to hear that.
Michael looks over Gloria's papers while Lauren and Gloria wait patiently. Kevin
returns from phoning Jana. Michael tells Gloria that she had a very good lawyer.
They all bicker about what they can do to help her out. Gloria tries to explain
about why she ended up in bed with Alistair, but no one wants to hear.
Meanwhile, Jeffrey eavesdrops outside the door. Gloria confides that she only
slept with him because she was missing John, and he looks so much like him. She
says that he "came up a little short". Jeffrey leaves. Lauren tells Gloria that
they still care about her. Gloria thanks her and says that spending the night
with Alistair has shown her how much Jeffrey means to her, and that it's not
about money or sex.
Jeff goes back to Jill's place to pack. She figures out that things didn't go
well with Gloria. He just wants to get far away from her.
Michael tells Gloria that there's no way to get her money back from the
foundation, and it will be difficult to get it from Jeffrey, too. Kevin thinks
they should fight dirty like Jeffrey did, but Michael reminds him that he's on
probation. Lauren suggests that Gloria sell her diamonds. Gloria smiles,
grateful for the idea. Alistair eavesdrops on their conversation.
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