[an error occurred while processing this directive] Thursday Y&R Update 3/27/08 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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The Y&R Update Thursday 3/27/08--Canada; Friday 3/28/08--U.S.A.

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Written By Suzanne
Pictures By Suzanne

At Crimson Lights, Gloria and Kevin fill Jana in on what they saw in Alistair's room (not that they know whose room it is): a messy room with lots of whiskey bottles and makeup lying around, which Sharon went in and Jeffrey came out of. Gloria also heard the voice of another man through the door. When Kevin makes fun of Gloria's ghost, Gloria admits that maybe Kevin and Michael are right to be skeptical. They think that Jack and Sharon are trying to scare her into leaving the house, but they don't know why Jeffrey would be helping them. Gloria disappointed that she didn't really see John's ghost. Kevin teases her. Gloria wants to turn the tables on Jack, Sharon, and Jeffrey. She plans to keep acting like she's terrified of the ghost.

Jack and Sharon are at the room in the GCAC, and Alistair is not around. They wonder where he could be. Sharon gets the idea that maybe he is drinking through the money that Jack gave him. Later, Sharon tells Jack on the phone that she found some of Alistair's clothes, so maybe he will come back. Jack has been looking for Alistair all over town.

Jeffrey comes home to find Lauren lying in the foyer at the Abbott house. Lauren seems dazed as he helps her up and into the living room. She acts perplexed as she remembers that she saw someone who looked like John. She wants her phone, so that she can call Michael, but Jeffrey tries to talk her out of that. She insists, so he gets it for her. She phones Michael to tell him that she fell down the stairs. He is worried and wants to call an ambulance. She tells him that she's fine and that Jeffrey is there with her. She also tells him that she thought she saw John. He is shocked and remembers that Gloria said the same thing. Michael tells her that he's on his way.

Michael arrives and checks Lauren out. She is just a bit sore, she relates. Michael demands that Jeffrey tells him all about John's twin. Jeffrey laughs it off, saying that she is fuzzy-headed. Michael thinks she's lucid and believes her. He insists on taking her to the hospital. As Michael picks Lauren up in his arms, he tells Jeffrey adamantly that he will be there when he gets back. Jeffrey looks uneasy.

Michael takes Lauren home and thanks the next door neighbors for baby-sitting. Lauren has a mild concussion. She wants Michael to find out what it was that she saw, since they know it's not a ghost. He phones Gloria to tell her what's happened in an accusatory tone, blaming Gloria for what happened to Lauren. He asks Kevin to come stay with Lauren while he goes to put an end to all this.

Jack and Sharon go home to the Abbott mansion. Jeffrey tells them that Alistair was there and what happened with Lauren and Michael. They are very annoyed to hear it. Jeffrey tells them that they are in trouble - there is no connection on paper to him. Michael arrives before they have a chance to discuss anything. Michael gives Jack and Sharon the papers so that they can give up their half of the house. Jack says he will have his attorney look at them, and Michael can tell he's stalling. Jeffrey tries to sneak away, but they stop him. Michael yells at them for trying to scare Gloria and for injuring Lauren. Michael warns Jack in a scary, quiet voice and then starts interrogating him about what he did to setup Gloria. He knows they hired someone to play John. Just as Jack says that will be hard to prove in court, Michael sees Alistair's face in the window. He rushes out to grab him as he tries to get away, and Sharon gasps.

At Michael and Lauren's house, Jana asks Lauren if she's sure that what she saw was not a ghost. Lauren doesn't believe in ghosts. Kevin and Gloria argue, and Lauren shouts, "enough", which hurts her head more.

Neil goes into the break room. Adam is standing there, talking on the phone. He is arguing with someone who is late with some proofs. He tells the person that if he can't get them today, they shouldn't send them at all. As he snaps his phone off, Adam remarks that some people think the work day ends at 5:00. Neil knows that Adam doesn't think that, and Adam replies that he doesn't. Neil shows his support by telling him that neither he nor Victor think he is the one who hacked into the Newman computers. Adam is glad to hear it. He hopes they can convince Victoria.

J.T. shows Victoria what he's found so far on the server about the hacker. He has narrowed it down to someone who has recent passwords, and it excludes Adam. Victoria wonders if Brad might have done it; she is not happy to think that it could be him.

Brad tells Nikki that he thinks they should put pressure on certain businesses that they deal with because they are doing better in these areas than Newman Enterprises. He shows her a bar chart that compares the two companies in those areas. She is suspicious of where he got the information, since the dates are for this week (long after he quit). He evades her questions. David enters, so they fill him in on what's going on. He, too, is suspicious of where he got the information and suggests that they destroy it immediately. Nikki and David worry about possible legal problems. Brad waves it off, saying this is how they do it in the big leagues. David and Nikki ask him to leave the room while they discuss it. David thinks that they should rethink hiring Brad. Nikki thinks that Brad is just being overzealous and not acting too much differently than David would. She reminds him that they are both on the same team now and that Victor would not destroy this information.

Brad is chatting with Cane when Victoria arrives to speak with him. Cane leaves, so Victoria accuses Brad of breaking into the Newman computer. He pretends not to know what she means and suggests that she check into Kevin because he is so good at hacking. She asks him to be honest with her, since they were once close. He says that he would agree with her if they were talking about family issues, but this is business, so the less said the better. She accuses him again of breaking into the Newman computers. He claims that he is happy at Jabot and not holding a grudge against Newman or Victor. They argue and then she tells him that she will let him slide this time because of his children. She warns that they know what information he has and that they will be watching to see if he uses it. She also adds that she will have him arrested if he does it again. As she's walking out the door, she says, "A felony's still a felony". Brad finds David and thanks him for his opinion. He agrees now that they shouldn't stoop to Victor's level. David is clearly still suspicious of Brad's motives. Brad invites David over to have beer with him, Cane, and some of the other guys, so David agrees, reluctantly. After David leaves, Brad phones Cane to invite him over.

Colleen, Devon, and Adrian help Lily move her things in. They are amazed at all the new designer outfits she has, thanks to her job. Lily goes to pick up a box and has trouble. Devon tells her that she is worried about her. Lily shushes him, not wanting anyone else to know about her fainting last night, especially Neil. Colleen asks Devon if she can use his laptop, so she checks her grades and found she got an A. She asks Lily if she wants to check hers, so Lily does. She flunked a test, which surprises them all. Chloe phones her and tells her to meet her in ten minutes at the coffeehouse. Lily tries to blow her off. Chloe tells her that she was a big hit at the party and she has a huge week ahead. Devon and the others don't think that she should go meet Chloe and that she's overdoing it. Lily says it won't take long. Colleen and Devon agree that they are worried about Lily, but Devon won't say why. He suggests they finish her moving before she gets back so she won't have that to worry about. Cane arrives, so Devon tells him where Lily is. He plans to catch up with her at the coffeehouse. Devon asks him if he thinks Lily looks tired lately. Cane agrees and says he asked her to slow down. Devon asks him to ask her again, so he says that he will.

When Lily arrives to meet Chloe at Crimson Lights, Chloe tells her she looks like crap and that she shouldn't dress that way in public because someone might take a picture of her. Lily dismisses her comments. Chloe scheduled a photo shoot for tonight, but Lily says she's too busy because she has to finish moving and then study. Chloe won't hear of it, so they argue. Lily confesses that she's just too exhausted. Chloe takes a pillbox out of her purse and tells Lily that she should take them, just like all the other runway models do. She claims there are no side effects. Lily tells her flatly that she's not doing that. Cane arrives and asks how they are doing. He tells Chloe to make sure that Lily has enough time to rest and eat. He goes to get tea, and a muffin for Lily. After he walks off, Chloe tells Lily not to eat the muffin and that she will phone her to tell her when and where for tonight's photo shoot. She leaves, and Lily looks tired and disgusted. Cane brings Lily a muffin. She says she'd rather have a triple espresso. Cane notes that she doesn't see her eat much any more, but she claims she does. When he asks her about her shoot, he can tell that she's not too excited. He thinks that he should turn Chloe down if she's too exhausted. Lily points out that he's saying that as her boyfriend, not as a Jabot executive, but he sticks to what he says.

Devon wonders to Colleen if Neil wasn't right about Lily's modeling being too much for her. They plan a night of watching a chick flick and eating pizza. When Lily comes back, they tell her about it and also that Cane and Adrian have been invited over for beers by Brad. Lily tells them that she can't be there because she is going to a modeling shoot tonight. They lecture her about her failing test grade and her being tired, etc. She assures them with a smile that she has it covered.

Later, again in the break room, Adam asks Neil if Victor is still around, but he has left. Adam tells Neil that he found a small but growing company that he would like to take over and fold into Beauty of Nature. Neil looks at the folder that Adam gives him but asks him if he showed it yet to Victoria. Adam is going to wait until he has something more firm because she is so busy. J.T. arrives to talk to Neil about the hacker, and he tells Adam that he is no longer a suspect to him or Victoria.

Victoria visits Nikki in her office, and Katherine is also there. They chat about Reed. Victoria hugs Katherine and then leaves. Nikki tells Katherine that she can really use some time with a good friend. Katherine agrees, and adds, "especially now". Nikki gets a concerned look. They get coffee at Crimson Lights. Nikki notices that Katherine is drinking decaf. Katherine tells her that she hasn't been sleeping well lately because of nightmares. Katherine advises her to make her life interesting, but not too interesting. Nikki quips that it's too late. Nikki tells her that she's worried about David's gambling addiction. She wants him to go to therapy, but they both agree that he has to do that on his own.

Later, Victoria finds Adam and apologizes for accusing him of being the hacker. He gives her a hard time for what she said, trying to make her feel guilty and playing the injured party. He leaves, and Victor heaves a big sigh. Neil comes in just as she does that. He thinks it's about Natural Glow, the company that he wants to acquire. She is surprised to hear it and also is automatically against the idea. Neil suggests she go talk to Adam about it. Victoria goes to Adam's office and blasts him for once again going behind her back. He tries to defend it but without any apology. They argue heatedly, almost calling each other names. Victoria walks out.

Brad has everyone over for beer and to watch the game on TV. David is disappointed to find that they are going to play poker as well. Brad tells him that it won't be for high stakes, pressuring him to stay. David orders a stiff drink.

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