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The Y&R Update Tuesday 3/25/08--Canada; Wednesday 3/26/08--U.S.A.
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Written By
Pictures By Suzanne
Gloria awakens on the floor and starts screaming for Jeffrey. She runs around,
looking to see if she can find John's ghost or anything, but no one is around.
She pours herself a drink and says to herself that John has really come back.
She phones Michael, finds out where he is (at the party), and tells him not to
move because she has to see him.
Amber tries to console Katherine, who had a disturbing dream about John.
Katherine talks about how sad it was when John went to prison. Amber wonders if
it wasn't symbolic of something else and not really about John. She asks
Katherine how she was feeling in the dream. Katherine says she felt very sad.
Amber wonders if maybe it had to do with her giving up the company to Jill.
Later, Amber brings Katherine some food. Katherine admires her dress and
comments about the past. Katherine thinks she should get back to her party, but
Amber won't leave her. She wonders why Katherine didn't phone Jill. She says
Jill is upset about the book. Amber suggests that she write it but not publish
it. Katherine admires her wonderful heart. She confides that she thought she
would see things more clearly by writing them down, but she doesn't. Katherine
asserts that she can only tell the story if she tells the truth. She has a
flashback to when Jill hurt her by having Danny's father pose as Rex Sterling.
Amber takes notes as Katherine talks. Amber is shocked to hear it. Katherine
knows she can't tell any of her old stories without hurting Jill. She wonders
whether she should tell them or not.
As Amber gets her some tea, Katherine wonders if she shouldn't have left the
company after all because she misses it. Jill arrives and is annoyed to find
Amber there, especially when Katherine informs her that she called her. They
start bickering, so Amber makes her hasty exist. Katherine thanks her and says
she always makes her feel better. Jill demands to know the truth about what
Katherine has been keeping from her. Katherine tries to change the subject by
asking about the party, but Jill won't be deterred. Esther comes in with some
ice cream to cheer up Katherine, but they ask her to leave. Jill keeps pushing
her until Katherine tells her reluctantly about her stroke. Jill is shocked and
angry that Katherine didn't tell her. Katherine tells her that the stroke just
made her put things in perspective. She tells her that she has missed work. Jill
is not thrilled to hear that Katherine might be coming back.
Victor shocks everyone by walking into the Restless Style
kickoff party. Sabrina is on his arm. She talked him into going and making peace
with Nick. However, reporters start bugging him with questions, assuming he is
the real money and power behind the new magazine. Nick, Jack, David, and Nikki
in particular are furious. Adam grabs a drink, even though he said he doesn't
really drink much. Everyone assumes that Victor is trying to show up his son or
steal the attention. Victoria goes over to Sabrina and Victor to find out why
they're there, and she asks about the baby. They tell her that they left her
five messages on her cell, which she verifies. She seems to be the only one who
thinks it's a good idea they are there and hopes that Victor is there to support
Jack wants to go over to tell Victor to get out, but Nick stops him and insists
on taking care of Victor himself. Victoria admires how great Sabrina looks. Nick
takes Victor aside and makes it clear that he's ruining the party. Nick thinks
he can't stand to see him successful on his own. Sabrina comes up and explains
that this was all her idea, but Nick doesn't believe it. Nick suggests
sarcastically that Victor should talk to their other advertisers and talk them
out of it the way he did with Eric Forrester. Phyllis comes up and says
something pleasant, then she drags Nick away. Sabrina asks Victor if he wants to
leave, but he's fine with staying and says that it is becoming interesting. They
toast with champagne.
Cane can tell that Jill is upset, so she tells him that she's just worried about
Katherine and her memoirs. He figures out that she's worried about what
Katherine will say about her past. He doesn't think Katherine would write
anything that would hurt her, but Jill is not so sure. He offers to speak to
Katherine for her, but she says she will do that herself. Cane advises her to
forget about it for tonight and enjoy the party. They watch Lily pose for the
cameras and admire her.
Devon and Roxanne chat with Lily. Devon jokes with Lily briefly about being a
star. Lily confesses that she's very tired, but she has to perk up again when
the cameras return.
A reporter bugs Victor, asking him questions about his involvement with the
magazine. Jack and Sharon go over and let her know that Victor is only there as
a guest and has no involvement. Sharon brings the reporter over to chat with
Nick instead. Victor tells Jack that he was going to tell her that he was just
there to support his son, but Jack doesn't buy it.
Nikki wonders to David about Sabrina bring on Victor's arm. David thinks that
Victor must have an agenda.
Ashley and Felicia great Lauren. She introduces Paul and Michael to Felicia.
They are surprised to hear that Victor showed up. Ashley figures that his being
there is a good thing. Jack and Sharon walk up to Michael and Lauren. Michael as
usual is not too happy to see Jack. Jack and Sharon ask Lauren if she might be
interested in writing a fashion column for their magazine. Michael tells them
rudely, "She's too busy", but Lauren says that may not be so.
Paul chats with Gina and Danny. She jokes that she hopes Danny
gets bored with the rock star life and comes home. She gives him a kiss on the
cheek. Paul and Danny joke around for a minute, then Phyllis gets up on the
stage. She greets everyone and introduces Danny to the crowd. He gets up and
sings his song. While he's singing, Brad looks sad to be alone. Jeffrey arrives
at the party. Nikki watches Victor and Sabrina jealously. Phyllis and Daniel
watch Danny proudly. Everyone else just enjoys watching Danny. Jeffrey goes over
to Jack, and the two of them go outside. Michael watches them with a worried
look. Jeffrey fills Jack in on what happened back at the mansion with the actor.
Jack gives Jeffrey a card or key and tells him to take Alistair to the club,
sneak him in with a disguise. Jack rolls his eyes and goes back into the party.
Michael comes up and questions Jack about why he invited Jeffrey there, but Jack
doesn't tell him anything.
Nick quizzes Victoria about Victor's arrival. She didn't know that he was
coming, but she thinks he didn't do it out of spite. J.T. says that Sabrina
talked him into going, and she wonders if maybe it was an olive branch. Nick
doesn't say anything.
Sabrina tells Victor that she feels badly about what happened. Nikki comes up
and asks to speak to Victor alone, so she leaves them. Nikki yells at him for
trying to ruin Nick's night. Victor tells her that he's completely uninterested
in what she has to say, so she stalks off. Meanwhile, Brad introduces himself to
Sabrina as she gets herself a drink. She introduces herself, too. They have each
heard about the other through Vicky.
Ashley hugs Victor. As usual, they are so glad to see each other. She expresses
sympathy about the divorce. He blames it on Nikki. They chat for a moment about
Abby, and then Ashley walks away.
Michael does a spit take when he sees Gloria's arrival on the big TV screen at
the party. She comes up and tells Michael that she saw John's ghost. She thinks
he's upset about her and Jeffrey moving into his house. Michael, of course,
thinks she's finally lost it. Gloria informs him about seeing John's things
around the house and of seeing him in the window and again in person. He figures
out what happened and tells her that Jeffrey duped her. He tells her about
seeing Jeffrey with Jack.
Jack talks on the phone briefly with Alistair and then tells Sharon what's going
on with Alistair. She leaves to help Jeffrey so that Jack can stay at the party.
Michael is about to tell Lauren the news when Danny comes up to chat. They talk
briefly about his spending time with Daniel.
Lily gets a caffeine drink from the bar. Chloe comes up to tell her that she
needs her to talk with some photographer, but Lily tells her that she just needs
a minute. Chloe makes a sarcastic comment as Cane comes up behind her and tells
Chloe to chill. Lily goes to take a break, but Daniel stops her and tells her
how great she has been at the party. She thanks him. He tells her that Dru would
be very proud. Lily seems upset as she walks off. Daniel looks concerned.
Victoria takes Sabrina away from the bar to meet Felicia as Brad watches. Lily
goes somewhere quiet and looks dizzy. Devon comes up behind her just as she
faints. He gets her to come to and tries to find out what's wrong with her. Neil
comes up and wonders what's going on. She stops Devon from telling him what
happened. Lily insists on going back to the party to work. They both look very
worried. Later, Cane tells Chloe that Lily is done for the night. She starts to
argue, but he puts his foot down. Lily says goodbye to Neil and Devon, telling
them she will call them. She gives Devon a hug and tells him in his ear "not a
word". When Neil questions him about why he's so worried about Lily, Devon lies
that it's no big deal.
Danny chats with Daniel and Phyllis. He thinks he should meet Daniel's
girlfriend. Daniel and Phyllis laugh, saying that Amber is just his friend.
Later, Phyllis tells Nick how proud he is of him, and they kiss. She points out
that Victor has been behaving well and not making a scene.
J.T. tells Victor that someone has been trying to hack into
Newman's computers at the office. Victoria and Sabrina are also there. Victor
asks him to find out what's going on, so J.T. gives Victoria a quick kiss and
then leaves. Victor watches Adam suspiciously.
Amber goes up to Daniel, who's chatting with a pretty girl. The girl walks away,
and Amber fills him in on her visit to Katherine's. Daniel compliments Danny on
his show. Amber wishes she had seen it. Danny tells Daniel that he's leaving
tomorrow, so they shake hands. Daniel wishes him well. Danny comments that even
though Daniel said they weren't a couple, they look like a pretty good fit.
As the party winds down, Jack tells Nick and Phyllis that Sharon had to leave
because she had a headache. Victor wishes Nick good luck and tells him that he
did a good job (but in a casual way). Nick thanks him. Adam congratulates Nick
and tells Nick and Phyllis that he's looking forward to working with both of
them. Adam asks Victor about the security breach and tells him that he'll get
right on it. Victor replies, "Son, you keep me informed, okay?" and walks away.
Adam blinks because he called him "Son".
Felicia and Ashley make their goodbyes to Jack. Jack thanks
Felicia for her advertising money. He hugs Ashley and sends his best to Abby.
Jack phones Sharon after they leave. Nick and Phyllis relax, sitting at the bar
with their drinks. She wonders if Victor being there tonight was just to be
close to Nick. He is not sure but seems more optimistic than earlier. They joke
around and flirt.
Gloria follows Sharon, who goes to the room where Jeffrey is keeping Alistair.
Alistair is sleeping noisily on the bed. Jeffrey warns Sharon that Alistair has
been singing a lot of show tunes. Jack tells Sharon on the phone that he'll be
there soon. Jeffrey leaves, looking for Gloria. Gloria is hiding near the door
and watches him leave.
Victor chats on the phone with J.T. as he, Sabrina and Victoria walk into the
carriage house. Victor tells them that it was a serious security breach, so J.T.
will be there all night. Sabrina offers to stay there with Victoria, so Victoria
thanks her. Sabrina is all packed to leave, so Victoria tells her that she can
take her to the airport in the morning. They hug. Victoria kisses Victor and
then goes to check on Reed. Victor and Sabrina say a tender good night at the
door, but there is no touching, just sweet smiles.
J.T. tells Adam about all of the confidential information that the hacker was
able to get. J.T. thinks it's an inside job.
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