[an error occurred while processing this directive] Tuesday Y&R Update 3/4/08 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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The Y&R Update Tuesday 3/4/08--Canada; Wednesday 3/5/08--U.S.A.

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Written By Suzanne
Pictures By Suzanne

Phyllis is at the new magazine's offices/warehouse, where the power has gone out again. She gets on the phone with Nick to let him know. He thinks she should just come home, but she wants to wait and see if it comes back because she was on the computer when it happened. She is worried about losing her files. He tells her that he will try to get an electrician over there. He is worried about being alone and in the dark. She tells him that Adam is there with her and that the emergency lights are on. He is surprised to hear that. She tells him the good news that Beauty of Nature is buying ads in the new magazine. He wonders what the catch is, but Adam says there is none. Nick is still skeptical. They hang up.

Nick phones an electrician to leave a message. Sharon and Noah come in, and they chat about dinner. Nick and Noah fool around. Sharon asks Nick about his chat with Victor. He tells her that he shouldn't have bothered. Sharon wonders if Victor wants him to fail so he'll come running back to Newman. Nick laughs and says that's not going to happen. Sharon changes the subject to Adam. He offers her some coffee after saying Adam is welcome to being the new favorite son. Sharon questions Nick about whether he's gotten to know Adam. Nick tells her that he's all right. He confides that Vicky has told him that he's been kind of aggressive and pushy on the job. They discuss what Adam's motivations might be, as well as Victor's. Nick thinks that Adam is not ready to deal with Victor, and he wonders if he should warn him. Sharon helps him see that he should at least try to be friends with Adam and help him out. He thanks her for her help, saying that she's always looking out for the underdog. He gets a call back from the electrician and makes plans to meet him. He tells Sharon that there is a baby sitter upstairs, so she doesn't have to stay with the kids. She tells him that she'll look in on them. He lets her know that Adam is with Phyllis, so she tells him that he can kill two birds with one stone.

Back at the warehouse, Phyllis tells Adam that he doesn't have to stick around, but he doesn't mind keeping her company. He suggests they chat. She's reluctant to talk about herself. He asks how she met Nick, but she asks him about himself instead. She figures it must be difficult for him to lose his mom, moving from New York and meeting Victor, all in a short time. He confirms with a nod that it was difficult to lose his mom. They both agree that Hope and Victor seemed to be an odd couple since they were both so different. She is surprised to learn that he didn't know Victor was his father. He tells her how Hope told him on her deathbed about Victor. He tells her that he doesn't care about Victor being his father. She looks at him as if she's trying to read him. When they discuss Nick and Victor, Adam implies that Nick had it easy because he was rich. Phyllis points out to him that he had different problems to contend with and that Adam should try not to resent Nick. Adam denies it, but she still can tell that he does resent him. Adam claims he's just trying to say that he and Nick come from different backgrounds, whereas he and Phyllis have more in common. Phyllis tells him that she can tell that he's very jealous of Nick. He denies it, saying that he's proud of what he's made for himself. When he tries to explain what he means, she thinks that he thinks Nick and Victoria are dilettantes who never had to work for anything and have no ambition. She assures him that Nick doesn't care that Adam has taken his job at Newman. Adam doesn't believe it and asks why Nick got fired. Phyllis tells him that it's complicated and has to do with Nick's relationship with Victor, which is also complicated. He just wants to avoid the pitfalls that might cost him the job. She replies that he can't because eventually he'll find out what it means to be a Newman and have to work for the company. He asks her what advice she has, so she warns him not to get too close and to watch his back.

Phyllis gets them some water. Nick arrives with the electrician. Phyllis hopes that her files are ok. Nick thanks Adam fro keeping her company. They chat for a minute about Beauty of Nature. Nick is amazed that Adam changed his mind. He tells Nick that he thinks he wants to see him fail. Nick admires how fast he has figured out how Victor's mind works. Adam tells him when he will get him the paperwork, and they shake hands, then Adam leaves. The electrician tells Nick that the job will take more than he thought, so he'll have to bring in a team to help. When Nick asks how long it will take, he says that he can have it done by tomorrow, but he will have to add another 30% to his estimate. Nick sighs but tells him to take care of it. Phyllis hugs him in consolation.

When they go home, Phyllis is happy to see electricity that works. She worries again about her files. Nick asks her what she thinks about Adam after having spending so much time with him. She thinks that he is conflicted between being the small-town farm boy and being the big city businessman. Nick tries to downplay it, but she thinks he's very vulnerable right now and just acting tough. They keep discussing Adam. Despite what he says about not wanting family, she thinks that Adam is looking for approval from Victor and friendship from Nick and her. Nick can tell that Adam has worked on her sympathy. Nick thinks that Adam will be fine because he's the son his dad always wanted.

Gloria comes home, so Jeffrey demands to know where she's been. She says that she had to get away from him and his cavemen attitude. Jeffrey knows exactly what she and Kevin were up to, trying to bring his Korean girlfriend there to mess with him. Jack walks into a nearby room and listens to their argument. Gloria rails at Jeffrey for playing games with her life. She swears that no one will ever control her again. He tells her quietly that he's going to win, and winner takes all. Jack looks puzzled. Jeffrey keeps taunting Gloria that he has won. He wants her to admit that she wants to sleep with him as much as he does. She denies it, and they continue to fight while Jack listens. He thinks they could make a great team, but he also threatens her freedom again. She tells him that his threats are getting old and that she should call his bluff. When she says that she's tired of fighting him, he suggests that she stop fighting and make love. She thinks for a moment and then tells him that she doesn't want to do that with him in John's house. She won't do that under John's watchful eye. He says that they can go somewhere else, but she tells him no way. As she walks out, Jack starts to say something, but she yells "Shut up!" without pausing in her steps.

Amber comes in to Crimson Lights and tells Daniel, Kevin, and Jana that she is all packed and ready to move. They all plan on to help her. She thanks them and can't believe she's moving into Phyllis' penthouse. Jana and Amber leave to start moving. Daniel wonders to Kevin how Amber can afford to live in the penthouse. They chat about him while they make coffee. Kevin knows that Amber paid $6,000 in advance for the penthouse. Daniel doesn't believe that Amber is making all of her money off her album on the net. They keep discussing the possibilities. Kevin wonders why Daniel is so concerned about Amber. Daniel goes on at length about Amber's flaws. Kevin observes that Daniel sounds like he's in love with her. Daniel laughs at the idea and tells Kevin that Amber is his best friend, not his lover. He doesn't think you can be both, even though Kevin says that he and Jana are both. Kevin wonders why Daniel slept with Amber, so Daniel objects that they were drunk. They keep arguing about whether Daniel is in love with Amber or not. Daniel continues to deny it.

Daniel goes to Amber's place to help with the moving. Amber and Jana greet him. Amber tells him what to move. Jana says she has to leave to help Kevin with something. It's clear that Jana is just leaving them alone. She shows him some of the stuff she has accumulated, telling him the significance of it after he calls it "junk". He admires the first dress she made for Forrester, saying it's beautiful, even though she now thinks it's ugly. When she talks about dressing up like Madonna, she goes over to where he's sitting. They start to feel the heat again and kiss. She stops them, and they both agree they don't want to do that again. They start kissing again and tearing each other's clothes off. He picks her up and they head upstairs to the bedroom. He asks her if they will be ok after this, but she replies, "No" with a giggle. They go back to kissing. Later, Daniel is moving some of Amber's stuff when he finds a bag full of cash.

Jack asks Jeffrey about his offer on the house. Jeffrey tells him he would love to leave the house, but he still has to convince Gloria. He wonders if he can fool Gloria into signing the papers. Jack warns him that it has to hold up in court. Jeffrey asks him for 24 hours to see what he can figure out, then he leaves. Sharon walks in and asks Jack why he looks so happy. Jack tells her quietly what he overheard between Gloria and Jeffrey. Sharon is happy to hear that Gloria might leave, but she wants to make sure it's legal. Jack tries to work on her about being such a stickler for the rules. Sharon still looks doubtful.

Gloria goes to Crimson Lights and insists on talking to Kevin. He is busy on his computer, but she grabs him and drags him outside to the patio. Kevin gets very annoyed that she is manhandling him. He sits down. She tells Kevin that she is going crazy and has to kill Jeffrey in his sleep because she has no alternatives left. He calls her paranoid, but she tells him that Jeffrey knows everything she does or plans to do. They talk about it some more and figure that Jeffrey must be having her followed and planting bugs on her. She says they should only speak outside from now on, in case Jeffrey is listening in on them anywhere else. She wants to know how she can kill Jeffrey, but Kevin points out the flaws in her plans that will get her in trouble. She thinks she can kill Jeffrey and make it look like Jack did it. Jana overhears their conversation and puts her hand to her mouth in shock. She walks out and tells Gloria not to even think about what she was just saying. Gloria and Kevin both tell her that she was just joking and that every wife wants to kill her husband. Jana seems appeased by what she says and leaves. Gloria goes right back to discussing murder with Kevin. He tells her that he won't be her accomplice in this. Jeffrey walks in and tells Gloria that he has rented a room for them at the club for a night of passion. Kevin bolts out of there as quickly as he can, not wanting to hear about this. Jeffrey laughs as he sits down. He tells her that he is calling off their game. He tells her plainly that he wants her to fall for him the way he fell for her. He plans to set her free, but she doesn't buy it. He says that he is having the divorce papers drawn up for her signature. Gloria is suspicious about his sudden surrender. She looks perplexed when he says that he wants her to give them a real chance. She wants to know why she should trust him. With a straight face, he tells her that he's being completely sincere. He tells her again that she'll get the divorce papers tomorrow, and then he'll be nothing but a distant memory. Gloria looks hopeful, but a little confused, after he walks out.

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