[an error occurred while processing this directive] Tuesday Y&R Update 1/15/08 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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The Y&R Update Tuesday 1/15/08--Canada; Wednesday 1/16/08--U.S.A.

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Written By Suzanne
Pictures By Suzanne

Cane goes to see Neil at his home but finds Lily instead. He has something that has to be read before their meeting. Lily wonders why he didn't just fax it, and it becomes clear that it was just an excuse he used to visit her. He observes that she's studying American History, so she tells him that that she has a test about the Civil War. He claims that he is an expert on that subject, which surprises her. She quizzes him, and he gives a silly answer. They joke around and then make out.

In Chicago, Brad is at Sharon's hotel room door. He claims that she left some important papers before her meeting. She calls him on his lie because he knows she doesn't need those papers. She asks him if he thinks following her there would change anything, but she lets him come in. He tells her that they belong together. She says that she doesn't want to hurt him. He keeps pressuring her. Sharon tells him that she can't tell him that she loves him. He tells her that if she can look him in the eye and tell him that she doesn't love him, he'll leave. She tells him that she can't love him the way he wants her to. They keep arguing. He thinks she's just too afraid to let herself feel for him. Sharon explains how she feels and says that the sex they had before was a mistake. She just needed him more than she loved him. She claims she loves Jack with all of her heart, but he doesn't believe it. She gets tired of his badgering her about her feelings for Jack, so she tells him that they have to stop seeing each other, even as friends. Sharon cries as they break up. They say goodbye to each other with a long hug, and then he leaves.

At home, Jack uncertainly picks up the phone to call Sharon. John is there and needles him about not trusting her, but it's Brad that Jack doesn't trust. John admits that Brad will play on Sharon's doubts. Jack gets a picture in his mind of Brad and Sharon making love but decides he will have to trust Sharon. John and Jack keep discussing whether Sharon will give in to Brad. Jack finally gets annoyed and decides to go for a drive, so John reminds him that Chicago is "due south". At the athletic club, Jack phones Sharon but gets her voice mail. Later, Sharon phones Jack to say good night. He asks her how her flight went and how she's feeling, but she doesn't tell him about Brad, which disappoints him. When they are about to hang up, she does tell him about Brad and what happened. She's sure that Brad knows now to leave her alone. They tell each other "I love you" before hanging up. Later, Sharon has trouble sleeping because she's still upset and crying. Meanwhile, Brad consoles himself at the hotel bar with a drink.

At Nikki's place, David is shocked that Nikki has finally agreed to marry him. Then he's very elated after it sinks in. They hug happily. She jokes that she's not sure if she will go by the name Nikki Chow. He has an idea about how to get Victor out of their lives. He tells her that she should sell NVP back to Victor in exchange for his dropping his lawsuit. She agrees that it's a good idea, but she's reluctant to give up NVP. She agrees to sleep on the idea. He thanks her for that and for agreeing to be his wife. They share some dinner and non-alcoholic wine, but she can't stop thinking about what decision to make. She knows that no matter what she decides, Jack or Katherine will be unhappy. He thinks that they will understand, since they'll know what she's up against. She knows that Jack won't understand. David dismisses that idea and suggests to her that they need to have a new beginning away from Victor, not just in marriage but in business. Nikki is worried about what her family think about that. He thinks that they should go for it, and she agrees with him.

Neil shows Victor some papers he wrote about his counter suit against Nikki. He thinks that he now understands what Victor is up against. Victor is pleased with the information that Neil came up with. He tells him to have the lawyers draw up a formal document from Neil's outline tonight. Neil wonders why there's a rush. Victor tells him that he wants Nikki to be served first thing in the morning, "to start her day off right". Later, Neil returns and wants to go over some points in Victor's legal demands. He wants Nikki to give him NVP for nothing, and he wants her to reimburse him for David's salary. Neil's not sure about that second point. After reminding Victor that he is not a yes man and will tell him what he thinks, he gives him his opinion. He knows that legally, Victor is in the right, but he warns Victor that he will not only leave Nikki with nothing, but he may destroy her. Victor replies that he doesn't give a damn what happens to her, so Neil drops the argument.

Karen is surprised to find Neil in the break room, still working late at night. He talks about how Victor is driving him crazy with this lawsuit against Nikki. Karen advises him that there's only so much he can do to help Victor.

Nick goes looking around for something in Victor's office. He sees the papers left by Neil. Victor walks in and yells at him for looking at them. Nick yells back at him for what he is trying to do to Nikki. He wonders why Victor is determined to destroy her. Victor thinks that she is the one trying to destroy him. Victor tells him to get out, so Nick leaves. Later, they run into each other in the break room. Nick pleads with Victor to stop trying to tear their family apart. Victor can't understand why Nick doesn't blame Nikki for this at all. Nick points out all of the things that have happened to Nikki lately and that Victor pushed her into David's arms. They argue some more. Victor brings up all the ways Nick has betrayed him in the past. Nick tells him that he feels sorry for him and that's turned into an angry, bitter man. Victor agrees that he is. Nick says sadly that he doesn't want to turn out like him. Victor fires him for not being loyal. Nick replies that he doesn't have the strength to fight him any more. Nick warns him that when he walks out the door, he will be all alone and not have anyone left to love him. Victor yells at him angrily to get out, saying he doesn't need anyone. Later, Victor stares sadly out the window.

Later, Nick drops by Nikki's place because her cell was turned off. She is in her robe and had to get out of bed to answer the door. He tells her about his fight with Victor, and the lawsuits that Victor is starting against her tomorrow, that will strip her of everything.

Neil and Karen go to Neil's place. Neil is not happy to find Cane there (especially since it's obvious they were just kissing) but is polite enough as Cane gives him the papers. Cane goes to leave, so Neil insists on walking him out to the elevator. Neil warns Cane in a low voice not to have any kind of physical relationship with Lily in his home, so Cane nods. Back inside, Lily is annoyed about Neil's attitude. Karen tries to make her see that he's just being a dad. At the GAC, Cane phones Lily's voice mail and leaves a message, saying that he hopes Neil didn't come down too hard on her and that he was happy to see her. Neil brings food to Karen and offers Lily some, but she refuses it. They chat briefly about Lily's Civil War studying. Lily tells Neil that she thinks it's time that she got her own place, so she doesn't have to worry about who comes to visit her. Neil tries to protest, but Lily tells him that she has to grow up. After Lily leaves, Karen goes over and consoles Neil.

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