[an error occurred while processing this directive] Tuesday Y&R Update 12/4/07 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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The Y&R Update Tuesday 12/4/07--Canada; Wednesday 12/5/07--U.S.A.

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Written By Dani
Pictures by Amanda

Jack feels he has managed to side-step severe punishment or reprimand from the Ethics Committee until Ben informs him there will be more questioning. Things look dark for the newly elected senator. Daniel calls Phyllis with the bad new. After Gloria and Jill’s testimony further questions have arisen so they will all be staying in Madison longer than expected. Phyllis feels with things stable at the hospital and with Victoria and the baby she needs to be in Madison for her friend that was there for her. Nick doesn’t like it but cheerfully gives his wife the go ahead.

Earlier before checking in at the hospital, Nick and Phyllis checked in on current events. The lead story was concerning Victor’s involvement in Ji Min’s murder. Nick decides not to pile this on Victor’s already mounting problems. He’ll find out soon enough.

In Madison jack is visited by John who pressures his son to do and say the right things. John believes by coming clean Jack could make up for a lot of the wrong doing in his recent life. When things start to get ugly Jack gives Sharon the opportunity to leave and not a be a party to the hanging but she refuses. Sharon intends on staying by Jack’s side for better or for worse.

Jack is certainly happy to see Phyllis and for her support and love although the same can’t be said for Ben. Ben wants Phyllis out of the building and as far away from the senator as possible. Jack won’t allow it.

Gloria and Kevin listen in on the rest of the hearing that Gloria could not be present for. During the slow moments Gloria tells Kevin she has something else on her mind today. Todd Sellers Jr. he won’t return her phone calls and she needs desperately to get that letter. Gloria asks Kevin to get to work trying to make contact with Mr. Sellers. Kevin agrees but tells Gloria she is going to owe him big when she least expects it.

Jack is hammered by the line of questioning that is in random order jumping from Ji Min Kim’s murder to Clear Springs, to Jabot. Jack doesn’t slip up though he is getting frustrated. Jack believes he did nothing wrong by owning Jabot. He denies any and all responsibility for Clear Springs and Ji Min’s murder. Jack simply tells them Ji Min was a friend and respected business man that’s death was unfortunate timing. Ben desperately wants to begin dropping Victor’s name to get the heat off of Jack.

When it looks as though this round of questioning is over jack wants to call his own witness. The committee doesn’t want to hear anymore but they must accept the request considering they allowed Gloria and Jill to testify. Jack speaks from the heart while his father is cheering him on. John knows Jack is really good man in his heart. Jack delivers a heartfelt apology and justification why he should remain senator of Wisconsin.

Kevin chuckles at how good that was. Gloria is furious her vindictive side is brimming over just as Todd Sellers, Jr. walks through the door with the letter in hand. Gloria looks at the envelope and immediately recognizes the writing as John’s.

Victor, Nikki, and the family prepare to bring Victoria home. Victor is happy and in a sense Nikki is to. Nikki calls David to let him know that she is coming to the Athletic Club for a bit. David is excited and plans for a gourmet breakfast, two dozen roses, and a massage to help relax her all as a romantic surprise. Nikki arrives and is certainly surprised. She knows she cannot stay and must break it to David that she is moving back to the ranch but he does talk her into getting the massage to help her weary muscles. It was relaxing she tells him. Now David tries to get her to eat food but she just doesn’t have the stomach for it. Nikki tells David what they are doing and she must move back to the ranch to be with Victoria around the clock. David understands but doesn’t want to lose Nikki. He asks what that means for them. Nikki’s answer is simple, as long as Victoria is in a coma and needs her care there is no “us”.

At the ranch Victor is nervous to have everything just right not only for Victoria but for Nikki as well. Nick can see his father is nervous Nikki might decide to back out. He assures his father that Nikki will be there shortly. When Nikki does arrive Victor breaks his back helping to get Nikki’s things into the house. Victor is happy to have his wife and daughter under one roof again.

Victoria arrives in an ambulance. The ride over went well no complications, no spike in blood pressure. Victoria is completely stable.

Nikki gets a voicemail from David asking to not give up on him. They need each other and even if it is only one hour a week or they slip away in the middle of the night he begs that Nikki not slip away from him. A reporter calls asking for victor. Victor takes the call but turns angry claiming his innocence and demanding the reporter had never call there again. Nick isn’t surprised he tells Victor and admits he had been hearing rumors Victor was named as a suspect in the Ji Min murder. Both father and son know one man is behind linking Victor to Ji Min. Jack Abbott.

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