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The Y&R Update Thursday 11/1/07--Canada; Friday 11/2/07--U.S.A.
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Written By Dora
Phyllis talks to the Chaplain about not being able to see Summer while she is on work release. How heartbreaking it is not to be able to be with her on her first Halloween.
Sharon and Jack bring Noah home. He doesn't seem very happy to be there. Jack brings up his phone call about the dog in the murder case.
Victor and Nikki are with Victoria, talking to her. Nikki brushes her hair. Paul walks in, Victor ask to speak to him outside. He wants to know if Paul has heard anything. He can't link David yet.
Gloria ask Kevin if he is going to see Jana. She wants to go with him. He doesn't understand why. She explains that the Clear Springs incident has changed her feelings.
Neil and Devon are having breakfast talking about Phyllis returning to Jabot. Nick joins them. They discuss Victoria. Neil lets Nick know that he is holding it down at work. He should take all the time he needs. Nick appreciates their kindness.
Neil lets Nick know that he has scheduled a meeting with Cane and Katherine.
Cane is blaming himself for what happen at Clear Springs. Katherine doesn't want to hear it from him.
Jena compliments Phyllis on her outfit. She is about to leave for Jabot.
Sharon wants to know why Jack suspects Victor in the murder case. He wants to know why the police doesn't.
Cane explains that everyone working at Clear Springs on the construction site was very hard workers. He can't understand what went wrong. The doorbell rings, it's Paul. Katherine ask if there is anything to report.
Phyllis arrives to work. Her and Nick flirt back and forth.
Kevin and Gloria arrive to visit Jana. She is surprised that Gloria came to visit. Kevin assures her that Gloria insisted on coming. They joke a bit. They fill Jena in on everyone that was hurt with the Clear Springs explosion.
Maggie and Heather run into each other. Paul walks up ask if is it a private conversation. Heather speaks to Paul and tells them she has to go. She leaves. Maggie ask Paul if he called April to talk about Heather. He did call and she had just gotten off the phone with Heather. April tells Paul that Heather is in a good place in her life.
David, Jack, Neil, Cane and Katherine all meet up and discuss Clear Springs. They discuss why JT was even working there at the site. Katherine tells Cane he needs to go ahead and tell them the truth. Cane lets them know that they had a problem with someone stealing supplies and he hired JT to investigate undercover to see what he could find out. JT discovered more was going on.
Jana tells Gloria that she thinks she might know the Chaplain. She tells Gloria his name. She has heard of him. Jana tells her that he is the one that told her of the news about John's will.
Nick brings Summer to see Victoria.
Jack goes to visit Victoria and runs into Victor. He lets Victor know that the cops may be knocking on his door next. Victor doesn't understand why. Jack lets him know that the dog hair they got off his dog is the correct hair. And Victor has a dog.
Devon and Phyllis get to know each other better.
David calls Nikki to let her know what went on at the meeting.
Jana tells Kevin she is so happy to see him and ask if he will come more often to see her. She tells him she loves him.
Phyllis leaves to go back to the prison. She receives a phone call about Todd Scheller. Devon tells them she has just left for the day. Phyllis realizes she left her purse and goes back to get it. Devon tells her of her phone call she missed.
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