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The Y&R Update Tuesday 9/4/07--Canada; Wednesday 9/5/07--U.S.A.
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Jill and Amber are in Ji Min's room trying to figure out what's going on. Jill asks a stunned and nervous Amber what happened. She answers, "I don't know. I found him." Obviously both are frantic, but Jill manages to tell Amber to call the police while she tries to resuscitate Ji Min by performing CPR. Amber speaks with someone and informs them she needs an ambulance, quick. Jill pleads with Ji Min to wake up as she tries to revive him.
Logan explains to Nick, Daniel, Lauren and Michael how contagious Summer's condition is to other babies and what other complications it could cause. She goes on to say that Summer's progress will be closely watched; and that they will make sure she is hydrated and if needed provide supplemental oxygen. Nick stresses to Michael how important it is that he talks to Phyllis. Michael tells him it's not possible. Lauren, Nick and Daniel lean on him stating the circumstances and he let's them know he'll do what he can. Nick goes to see Summer. Daniel's cell rings he leaves the room to answer, it's Jack calling for an update. Daniel fills him in on all the horrible details. Meanwhile Nick holding Summer, tells her that they will "get through this" and explains how much Phyllis loves her.
Phyllis in prison stares at the pay phone then asks the officer about her phone call. The officer breaks it down to her, letting her know that she can't ask for "special treatment". Phyllis is confused because she's not asking for "special treatment." The officer lets her know that once all the necessary things are done she'll get her phone call; and then makes a phone call requesting a lab tech, she is sure to say there's "no rush".
Jill sobs as the paramedic try to resuscitate Ji Min. As she prepares to go with him to the hospital a paramedic tells her he's dead. Jill kneels over his body kisses him and cries, "Oh God." Amber looks on sympathetically and nervous.
Phyllis is annoying the officer by asking about the intake process length of time. She continues to plead with the officer about checking on Summer's status she even asks if the officer could make the call for her. The officer presumes on doing her job and informs Phyllis that she has to wait.
Victoria is at the hospital checking on Summer. Nick lets her know how serious Summer's condition is to other babies. Victoria wonders if her presence there is ok and Nick reassuringly lets her know her baby's not at risk. Victoria then asks how he is and if he has spoken to their parents. She offers to call them when Nick refuses the offer. He does not want to deal with Nikki's wrath towards Phyllis and Victoria understands.
Jack now at the hospital asks about Summer. Daniel lets him know about her diagnosis and that they are unsure about her condition. Lauren concerned about Fen is on the phone with the sitter who tells her he's ok. Michael confirms that he was not worried because Fen had no symptoms. Lauren is not convinced because Summer and Fen have spent so much time around each other. Michael tries to convince her he's fine, but she insists that she go home to see for herself. As she leaves Michael informs her that he'll be going to the prison. Michael's cell rings it is a crazed Amber (who's pacing in the hallway) she tells him about Ji Min's recent expiration. Obviously Michael is shocked, Amber explains what happened and he advises she keep her mouth shut and then leaves to rush to her aid.
Cane arrives passing Amber in the hallway. He enters the room and finds Jill on the floor with Ji Min's head in her lap. He questions her about what happened, she is clueless. They are asked to leave so the scene can be secured, Jill freaks as they place the sheet over Ji Min's body. Cane grabs her and holds her as she cries. Amber also in tears watches from the doorway.
Jack joins Nick and Victoria in Summer's room, he asks for a status report. Victoria explains that it's a waiting game. Nick says Summer's tough and not going to let this thing beat her. Jack agrees with Nick that the Summer women are extremely tough and unstoppable.
Phyllis grabs the clock off the desk and holds it. The officer asks, "You have somewhere to be?" Phyllis answers no and offers to help the officer choose her courses. She expresses interest in carpentry. The officer lets her know that this is a correctional program and she'll be enrolling her in cognitive interventions. Phyllis is clueless, the officer tells her, "It breaks lifelong patterns of criminal thinking". She doesn't really think it's necessary but obliges to take the course. The officer also tells her she's enrolling her in an anger management class as well, Phyllis once again obliges.
Amber thanks Michael for his quick arrival then stresses how bad the situation is for her. Michael offers her guidance saying "You're gonna calm down and you're gonna tell me everything, from the number of breaths you took, to the number of seconds you were in Ji min's room." Amber explains that there's really nothing to tell because she found him dead and Jill walked in. Now everyone knows. Michael wants to know who's everybody, Amber replies Jill and the authorities. The authorities want to question her. Amber questions if Michael's presence will assume she is guilty, Michael reassures her that his presence is smarter then being "lawyer-free".
Cane offers Jill some tea, she refuses and discusses her denial of Ji Min's death. Cane consoles her with positive words regarding their relationship. Jill talks about the sacrifices Ji Min was making to be with her and wonders who else would do something like that for someone. Cane notices Amber as she says these things. Jill continues to feel guilty but Cane does not allow it. She can't help it though, Cane reminds her of Ji Min's love and how he would not want her to feel guilty. They are interrupted by Cane's cell phone it's Kay wondering where they are. Jill does not want her there and Cane passes it on. Cane lets Jill know that he has told Kay about Ji Min's death and also tells Jill that Kay wanted to tell her she loves her. Jill is up-hauled and recalls her ill treatment towards Ji Min. Cane hugs her as she admits that Kay is the last person she wants to see. He sees Amber and they stare each other down. Kay walks up and joins them to Jill's surprise. Jill accuses Kay of coming there to gloat and Cane insists that she not go there. Kay says it's fine for her to question her motives. Jill goes on saying she probably thinks that Ji Min's death is fake and tells her to go upstairs to see for herself; that it is real. Kay refuses stating her place is there with her. Kay continues on by saying, "I know you-- no, don't, no, please, just stop that. He didn't deserve to die. Darling, I know just how much pain you have been through all your life. And I was so afraid this relationship would just cause you more. Deep down inside, I... I had so hoped I would be wrong." Jill clasps Kay's hands and sobs on the table.
Amber and Michael are seated , she's being questioned by Det. Maggie. Sullivan and Heather. Amber tells them the room was cracked and that's how she got in. She then goes on to explain how she discovered Ji Min's body. Heather and Sullivan begin double teaming Amber, ambushing her with questions about the what and why. She finally confesses her theory about Ji Min stealing the money. Michael sets the record straight by informing them of Amber's involvement with the case and the fact that the Athletic Club is not the best place to go into details. He also reminds them that Amber found Ji Min the same way they did. Amber spots Carson in the lobby and interjects by asking them to look for the money or any traces of it in Ji Min's room. Michael reminds her to let the D.A. and Detective do their job but Amber is persistent about them looking into this. Michael interrupts her and lets them know they need to take a break so he can "consult with his client". He pulls Amber aside an d reminds her not to say anything while he's away handling business. As Michael walks away she catches Carson's eye she glares at him suspiciously.
Jack runs into Daniel who is working on a report for him. Jack lets him know that it is not a priority. Daniel adds he does not mind because it provides a distraction. Daniel expresses his anticipation of Ji Min's interview, Jack lets him know that it may not be happening. Lauren holding Fenmore interrupts asking if they've seen Logan. Jack informs her that she is with Summer. Lauren then explains that when she went home to check on Fenmore he was sneezing, for precaution she wants him to be examined. Daniel offers to go get Logan but Lauren refuses.
Nick feeds Summer as Victoria feels her head and says, " She feels warm." Nick concurs then talks about her recovery and taking her home so they can read the stories Phyllis wrote for her.
The officer hands Phyllis her schedule and Phyllis asks about her phone call once more. The officer says no and Phyllis pleads again stating how important it is. The officer gives in and Phyllis expresses her gratitude. She tries to call Nick but gets his voice mail, she is frantic.
Michael's phone rings as he talks to Heather, it is Phyllis. Michael tells her about Summer's condition, he lets her know that nothing has changed either. Phyllis is frustrated and begs for Michael to get her more phone access. He lets her know that he will do what he can.
Heather comes over to the bar to inform Michael that the detectives were searching Ji Min's room; and still no sign of the money. She also lets them know that they are looking for signs of confrontation in his death. Michael asks if they know what cause his death and Heather tells him not yet.
Amber is confronted by Cane who calls her, " Genoa city angel of death". Amber is not impressed. He shows no sympathy for her as he explains how she's always in the wrong place at the wrong time. She offers an explanation, stating that she was in his room to talk about the cash. Cane reminds her that they on her favorite subject (cash) once again. He leaves and she scours the room for Carson who walks up behind , startling her. She reminds him of her nerves and then lays into him about bailing on her. Carson blames it on his misplaced car keys, Amber's not buying it. Carson tries to point out how suspicious it would've been if they were both found in his room. Amber lets him know that her being found there was not any better. They both explore each other's guilt , insisting that neither one has the money.
Maggie questions Jill about what happened. Kay is forced to leave for procedural reasons. Maggie apologizes for her loss and then begins her line of questioning. Jill tells Maggie about the day and then asks if they have questioned Amber yet. If so, did she have a reason for her being in his room. Jill continues to question Maggie trying to get answers to her unanswered questions.
Carson brings Amber a glass of wine and comments about the Pinot Grigio. Amber comments back that she does not think it's a good idea to be drinking during this time. He disagrees and she accepts the drink. Carson thanks her for not mentioning his name to the cops, she lets him know that there's still time for that. He explains all the reasons why she should keep his name out of this and fills her in on his plan for them getting the money.
Amber spots Cane at the bar he is talking to Heather; about Ji Min's case. Heather is playing devil's advocate asking Cane if he noticed anything suspicious that would cause him to think that Ji Min knew about the money. Jill overhears and can't believe that she is actually buying in to "Amber's theory" she brings Heather's attention back to the interview Ji Min was supposed to do and the coincidence that his death took place before that.
Logan examines Fenmore, she concludes that he has a cold. Lauren is relieved. Nick walks into the room searching for Michael and wondering about Phyllis's phone privilege. Daniel wonders if there's anyway they could get in touch with Phyllis, Jack's suggestion is that they contact the warden. Lauren agrees with that idea. Nick's phone beeps and he realizes he has missed a call.
Phyllis is introduced to the warden, McQueen, who informs her that her cell is not ready because of a system error. Phyllis is thankful for this information and then asks if she could make a phone call while they clear things up. McQueen is hard-nosed and tells her no, phone calls must be made during "social time." He also goes on to say that he is aware that she has already made her phone call. He tells Phyllis that it doesn't matter who she is, she is not getting preferential treatment so she better get used to basically living the prison life. Because, he does not have time for her stunts.
Michael asks Maggie if she's done with her questioning Amber. She says she has a couple more and then Amber says she has one of her own; regarding the money. Heather lets her know they still have not found anything and Amber still pushes the issue. Maggie then stresses the fact that the investigation was extremely thorough. Michael wants to know if they are done but Maggie asks Amber if she's shared her theory with anyone else.
Carson lurks around the lobby, Kay passes him while going over to Cane who's enjoying a beer at the bar. Cane asks if she's seen Jill and she tells him she's in the bathroom and not feeling well. He's glad that they are going home to spend some much needed mother/daughter time. Kay admits her feelings about Ji Min and also states that she did not wish him dead.
A devastated Jill visits Ji Min's room, as his body is being brought out. She goes over to the bed smells the pillow and hugs it as she mourns.
Jack expresses his frustration about not being able to communicate with Phyllis. Nick is upset because he missed her call. Logan comes in with good news about Summer who's fever finally broke. She also lets them know that the tests she ran shows that Summer is improving. Daniel commends her strength and Nick exhales deeply.
Phyllis is left alone by the officer who tells her that she will be escorted to her cell shortly. Phyllis takes this opportunity to make a phone call to Nick, she gets through only to be cut off, because she is caught by McQueen (the warden).
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