Friday Y&R Update 6/22/07 [an error occurred while processing this directive]

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The Young & The Restless Update Friday 6/22/07--Canada; Monday 6/25/07--U.S.A.

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Written By Suzanne
Pictures by Suzanne

It's election day! Nikki, David, and Karen are on the phone, in Victor's office, to various people. They watch the TV, where the news guy is saying that there is record attendance at the polls. He recaps why they are having a special election. They keep talking on the phones. David is disappointed that more stations aren't carrying the election, but Karen says it's just too early for that. She also advises Nikki, who just wants the day to be over, to enjoy herself now after all of the hard work they have done. Karen and David prep Nikki for answering some possible questions about the election, especially about Victor - where he is and whom he's voting for. Nikki wants to keep it all private, but they suggest instead that she say that Victor is out of the country and incommunicado. David has to stay behind so that no one sees him with Nikki. Katherine drops by for a visit, looking for Nikki. He tells her that Nikki is out voting with Karen.

Jack and all of his people are also on the phone and watching TV. Both candidates are upset when they see people interviewed by the reporter that say they are voting for the other candidate. Jack gets a phone call about exit poll numbers (that will predict who will win). Katherine runs into Jack and Sharon, who are also on their way to vote. Katherine throws some insults to Jack about his lack of integrity and how she voted for Nikki.

Nikki votes and is interviewed by some reporters. One asks her how confident she is, so she replies that she is very confident. Another asks her where her husband is, so Nikki tells him that he is out of the country. She is also asked about "moral values" but handles the question well. Neil comes up, after having voted for Nikki, and talks about great she is.

Amber takes Cane to a parking garage for a surprise. It's a motorcycle she got for him. He loves the present. She takes a pic of him on it with her cell phone. She asks if he can take her for a ride, but he has a meeting. Neil walks by and admires the wheels, so Cane tells him that Amber gave it to him as a present. Neil tells them that he wanted to buy a motorcycle a few years back, but Drucilla was going to divorce him if he did. Amber says that she's not worried. Neil walks away. Cane wonders how they can afford this. She reminds him of the cash he found that she was saving. She has a flashback to finding Plum's body and the money.

Also in the parking garage, Paul and Maggie discuss the election after he notices that she has a bumper sticker on her car for Nikki. She thinks Nikki would care more than Jack. Paul jokes with her when she asks for whom he's voting. This leads to kissing and more flirting. They talk about her visiting Will in the hospital, and the Jabot case.

A physical therapist, Steven, shows Gloria how to move Will's arms to help him out, to get his physical strength back. Gloria asks if Steven thinks that Will's speech capabilities will come back sooner or later than his physical abilities. They try to get him to write something, but it doesn't work very well. Steven leaves them alone. Lauren and Michael arrive and note that Will looks better. They act very cheerful and offer to help with the medical bills. Gloria is very grateful. Michael worries quietly to Gloria about what will happen if Will gets his speech back. Gloria tells him that she thinks they should move in with him and Lauren. Michael looks horrified. Gloria argues with Michael and Lauren about her and Will moving in with them. They ask the doctor about how long it might take for Will to recover. He says there is no way of knowing and that it might take years. They are not happy to hear that. Gloria is still interested in whether he can speak again. The doctor doesn't know yet until he speaks with the speech pathologist. Gloria tells them all that she will be with Will every day.

Meanwhile, Will tries writing, with great difficulty. He manages to write, "murderer".

Paul and Maggie meet up at the hospital. She is still frustrated that she can't find out where the DNA came from. They go in to see Will. Maggie moves the table, so the piece of paper falls off it. She chats with him about his cases, then he asks about the Jabot case. Will gets agitated but can't communicate still.

At Crimson Lights - After making a phone call to someone about computer stuff, Kevin chats with Jana some more on instant messaging or email on his computer. She talks about how she misses him, but he tells her about how he'd like to torture and kill her. Then he deletes that and says instead how he misses her, too, and wishes they could be together.

Later, Amber talks to a record producer in L.A. who wants to hear a newer demo from her. Kevin likes her old demo but tells her that she can't touch the money in the bag again. She agrees haughtily. He tells her about talking to Jana again. He shows her the email he was going to send to Jana, but she thinks it's too sweet and that he should be more himself (edgier). He has a hard time with that, since he really wants to kill her, not get back with her. Amber calls someone and finds out that it will take a lot of money to make her demo, no matter how much she cuts corner.

David is also at Crimson Lights and asks Kevin to turn up the TV so he can see the election coverage. Later, he and Nikki are back at the office; David is on the phone and then hangs up. She wishes Victor were there. David tells her that Jack lost his lead by two points. She is ecstatic. He is confident that she will win.

Jack and Sharon are interviewed and asked about Clear Springs. Jack gives a good answer. Sharon assures him when they are alone that he did a good job. She keeps telling Jack how proud she is of him. He kisses her. He is very nervous about the election. Gloria walks in and greets Jack. He tries to get her to vote for him, but she tells him that while she is not that interested in politics, she would crawl over broken glass to vote against him. Jack and Sharon go home. Ben is on the phone. Ben tells Jack that he has a slight lead in the polls.

Michael and Lauren vote. Katherine is working as a volunteer at the polls. Michael and Katherine are both on Nikki's side. Lauren is aghast that they should talk about it there. Michael reminds her that everyone knows he wouldn't vote for Jack if he were running against Vlad the Impaler. They vote and then Katherine gives them their stickers that say they voted. Lauren starts talking to Michael about Gloria and William (worrying about what he will say when he speaks). They agree that they will have to let Gloria and Will move in. Meanwhile, Gloria chats with Kevin about her taking care of Will. She hopes that by the time Will gets his speech back, he will be very grateful to her for her help. She wonders why Kevin is being so obnoxious, so he tells her about the email from Jana. He reads the new email that he's composed for Jana. Gloria suggests that he sign it, "Love, Kevin", so he signs it, "Your hunk of burning love, Kevin".

Back in the parking garage, Cane shows his new bike off to his grandmother. He offers to give her a ride, but she declines. He can tell that she doesn't approve of Amber's gift. She is just worried about his safety, so he assures her that he grew up with them and is very used to handling them. She offers to buy him a new car, but he is fine with what he has. He tells her that he will take her for a ride in the country and show her how safe it is. She laughs at the idea.

Neil finds Karen in the parking lot, where she is upset because she locked her keys and cell phone in her car. He laughs at her situation, but not in a mean way. He admires her car and then goes to get a hangar from his car, so he can help her out. Karen almost is able to open the door, but she can't do it, so Neil gives it a try. They chat about her car, which she restored. Neil gets the car open, which makes Karen very happy. Karen thanks him for that and for also supporting Nikki in front of the cameras. Karen asks Neil to coffee tomorrow to thank him, so he agrees.

Amber runs into Katherine and they chat about the election. Amber can't vote because she didn't register in time. Katherine tells her she can register now, which is different than how they do it in California, so that surprises Amber. Amber still has her out of state California driver's license, so Katherine chides her for not doing her civic duty. Amber promises to vote in the next election. She sits down and tells Katherine about her problem with getting the demo done. She asks Katherine to loan it to her. Katherine wonders why she doesn't have any money, since she just gave Cane the motorcycle. Amber explains that it was a gift and that she didn't get the call about the demo until after that. Katherine thinks she should learn how to manage her finances better, basically turning Amber down.

Kevin is surprised by and envious of Cane's new motorcycle. Jana phones him just then, saying she got his email. She misses him, and he tells her that he misses her, too. He quietly tells Cane to phone the police and asks for Maggie. She tells him how hard it was to forget about him. She claims she didn't want to hurt anyone. Kevin keeps telling her what she wants to hear and suggests that maybe Michael can help her. She tells him to talk to Michael. He tries to get her number, but she says she's on a disposable phone and running out of minutes. She hangs up before Kevin can trace the calls. Maggie and Paul arrive, so Kevin fills them in. They are going to be prepared if Jana phones again. Amber watches the exchange with curiousity. After Paul and Maggie leave, Amber comes over and asks nervously whether they were there about Garrett. Kevin tells her it was about Jana, so she is relieved. Amber tells Kevin that she needs more money, but he refuses. He advises her that it will look suspicious if she keeps spending so much.

Michael and Lauren clear out space in their home for Will's hospital bed. Will and Gloria arrive, with an attendant, who is pushing Will's wheelchair. Michael and Gloria welcome him there. Michael gives Gloria the number of the speech pathologist that phoned. Gloria takes it and tells Will about all of the stuff they will have to learn together, so she can help him get better. Gloria realizes she's missing one of the folders, so she heads back to the hospital to find it. Back at Will's old room, she sees the piece of paper where he wrote "murderer".

Karen heads back to Victor's office. She is happy to learn from Nikki and David that Nikki is ahead in the polls.

Ben tells Jack in a disappointed fashion that the poll numbers are not favoring him. Jack and Sharon are upset and wonder what happened. Jack suggests that they draft a concession speech.

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