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The Y&R Update Wednesday 6/20/07--Canada; Thursday 6/21/07--U.S.A.
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Written By
Pictures by Amanda
Sharon and Ben help Jack prepare for the debate. Jack is confident that once the video of Nikki kissing David gets out, he will win. Jack gets a phone call from some press person, asking him about the video. He pretends he knows nothing about it and hasn't seen it, asking the person to give him another half hour. Later, Jack makes a comment to the newspaper about how the issues are the most important thing, not personal problems, and he knows that his staff would never do this. They discuss how to handle the question if it comes up in the debate. Ben advises Jack to stop smirking about it, and then to say "next question" if it comes up. Sharon disagrees. Jack has his own sarcastic reply prepared about her indiscretion.
Nikki practices her debate skills as well, with David and Katherine helping. David makes some suggestions for phrasing things that will help her out. Nikki gets a phone call from the press, asking about the video. She is speechless and then tells the person, "No comment". Nikki is in shock and can barely speak but tells David to go to the Viewclick website. Katherine helps Nikki sit down, since she can see she's upset. They all watch the video, stunned. They discuss how to deal with the bad news. The phone keeps running off the hook. Katherine yells at them both for this indiscretion. Nikki is most worried about what Victor will say if he sees it. Nikki wonders who is responsible for the video. Katherine thinks it might be Victor, since it's his office and he didn't want her to run, but Nikki doesn't think so. David suggests that Nikki phone Victor, but she only gets his voice mail. Katherine and David realize that Jack is the one to benefit from this. Later, they have security men look over the place to see if they can find any bugs or video equipment. David fields questions from the press, lying that Nikki is in transit and can't be reached. David feels he must write his letter of resignation and say that he kissed her without her consent, so that it will make her look better. He also says she can press charges if she wants. Katherine doesn't think it will work because the kiss looks consensual, but she agrees that it is the only choice Nikki has to win. Nikki is shocked and obviously doesn't want him to go.
Daniel and Lily relax at home in front of a DVD, joking around in a fake southern accent and teasing each other. They decide to get more popcorn and watch another movie. Kevin drops by; Daniel is not happy to see him and wants him to leave. Kevin insists that Daniel help him bury the money. Daniel tells him that he has to leave tomorrow for a work thing and Lily wants to spend time with him for once. Kevin pressures him, so Daniel asks him to call him in a half hour. Daniel gives Lily a foot massage, and they joke around about the past. Daniel's phone rings. She asks him to ignore it, but he says it might be about his work seminar. He answers it and tells her that Kevin needs his help at the coffee house with a plumbing problem.
Amber and Cane go to the morgue to see if the unidentified body is her "cousin Garrett". No one is around, but they ring the bell. Amber is nervous and doesn't want to be there, but Cane is in a jovial mood. A perky woman comes out and greets them. Cane tells her that they might be able to identify the body, but Amber is very resistant, so he explains that she is having a tough time with it. The woman takes down details about "Garrett", so Amber tells her that he has a birthmark on the bottom of his foot. Cane wonders why they need the details, since Amber will know him when she sees him. The overly-cheerful morgue person tells them about all of the ways a dead person can look different. Cane stops her and asks if they can get on with it. Amber tries to leave without seeing the body. Cane tells her that he knows she doesn't want to see the corpse, so he will look for her. Amber says she will do it herself and asks Cane to go get her a soda. When he leaves, Amber phones Daniel to let him know why she's not with him and Kevin right now. She doesn't know how to get out of identifying the body as her cousin. Cane returns while she's on the phone and is not pleased to hear that she's on the phone to Daniel. She lets him think that Daniel phoned her, so he takes the phone and yells at Daniel for bugging his wife again. Daniel tries to get him off the subject, but it doesn't work. Daniel hands the phone to Kevin, who lies that they are at Jabot, where they are working on some problem with the email. Kevin keeps him busy while Amber goes in to look at Plum's body. She comes out and tells Cane that it wasn't her cousin.
Kevin and Daniel wait outside somewhere at the Chancellor Estate for Amber.
Kevin doesn't think she's coming and has probably taken the money for herself.
Daniel gets a call from Lily. He lies more that he is helping Kevin with the
plumbing. She tries to get him to come back to her place quicker. He tells her
that he will be there as soon as he can. Lily hears an owl in the background, so
he also lies that Kevin is playing a "sounds of nature" CD. Daniel hangs up and
asks Kevin for his cell so that he can call Amber again. He is impatient to
leave. Amber and Cane go home. He suggests that she take a bath to relax. She is
already trying to get away, saying she might want to take a walk. He tries to
talk her into bed instead. Daniel phones, so she pretends it's Lauren, asking
her to the store for inventory. Daniel tells her to get here quick, so she gives
Cane another story. She kisses and hugs him. Amber later meets Daniel and Kevin.
She tells them that it was Garrett in the morgue. They argue about whether they
should take more money. Kevin insists on taking some, but they want to wait to
see if the body is identified. They argue. They hear someone coming, and Amber
fears it is a security guard, so they all hide. The guard comes by and shines
his flashlight around, then he walks off. They prepare to bury the money.
Amber goes home to find Cane waiting for her. He finds a leaf in her hair, so
she tells another lie about the wind blowing. They kiss and prepare to go to
Daniel brings Lily dessert. She notices that his shoes are all dirty, so he
makes him take them off. He tells her that he had to go outside to shut off the
water. He gives her the dessert and takes off his shoes.
Victoria waits for Brad and his lawyer. She phones J.T. and leaves him a
message. She plans to keep her knowledge of the sale of the property to Jack a
secret for now. Brad arrives and they trade insults. They go over their assets
with their lawyers, for the divorce. When the Clear Springs property is
mentioned, Brad's lawyer tries to point out to him that it's been sold, but Brad
shuts him up. She asks about the artwork that he donated (to keep Colleen from
going to France). She argues that she wants the artwork and tells the lawyers
that this is what Brad does, whatever he wants, without telling her. She then
tells them all that she doesn't care about any of the assets except for the
Clear Springs Properties. Brad and his lawyer say that's not possible. Her
lawyer is not happy that she is giving up all of the other stuff. Victoria
explains why she wants those properties, so Brad insults her some more, and they
Later, in the break room, Brad smiles as he watches the footage on Viewclick of
Nikki and David. Victoria walks in, so he mentions that he was watching the
site, but without telling her what it is. They argue about their divorce. She
threatens to tell the police about George Kaplan and the dead bodies. Brad won't
back down. He shows her the video. Victoria gets upset as she sees it. Victoria
goes to see Nikki and says sarcastically, "Good job". Nikki and Victoria argue
about the video. Vicky asks her how she could do it, so Nikki blames Victor for
treating her so badly, making her feel inadequate, and then rushing off after
Nick's death. Vicky feels very embarrassed. Nikki swears it was just one kiss
and that David respects her. Vicky apologizes, saying she should have spent more
time with her after Nick died. She wonders what Nikki will do, but Nikki doesn't
Katherine and David discuss who could have bugged the office. Katherine wonders
if David did it, since he used to work for Jack. David swears that he couldn't
be paid enough to ruin his career, which is now over. She asks him if he loves
Nikki. He replies that he admires her and that she is very smart and savvy.
Katherine observes that she wasn't smart enough to avoid him.
Brad goes to visit Jack, congratulating him on the video. Jack denies it, but he
knows better. Ben rushes in to tell Jack that one of Nikki's former donors wants
to speak with him, so Jack leaves. Sharon comes in and chats with Brad. Brad
brings up his divorce and how bad it is getting. Sharon points out that while
she's not the biggest fans of the Newmans, they did risk their lives for Brad.
He says they've forgotten all that and now Vicky wants his real estate (which
they both know that he sold to Jack). Sharon thanks him for giving her and Jack
this opportunity (the land). She tells him that she got it right this time, and
she hopes he finds the same thing one day.
David gives Nikki his resignation letter. She takes it and throws it on the
table, not happy about it. He apologizes for jeopardizing her campaign but says
that if her life were different, he wouldn't be sorry at all. David walks out.
Nikki listens to a radio news program that mentions Jack's comment on the video.
She phones Jack and accuses him of posting the video because it was the only way
that he could win. He pretends that he knows nothing about it and is sorry she
is going through this, but she knows better. She tells him to shut up because he
is making her sick. Ben tells them all that Jack is now up in the polls. Nikki
tells him that his father would be so ashamed of him, but Jack keeps pretending
he had nothing to do with it, then he hangs up. Jack suggests to them all that
he will buy drinks at the club. They go and make toasts. They make bets on when
Nikki will withdraw from the race.
Nikki, Katherine, and Victoria make plans with people on the phone about a
speech she plans to make to handle what happened. Katherine advises Nikki to
drop out, since she only got in the race in the first place to get Jack's Clear
Springs development stopped, but now it is hers. Victoria thinks Nikki should
keep fighting. Katherine is surprised when Vicky spills that Jack bought the
properties, but she still thinks Nikki should back out while she still has some
dignity. A man comes in to tell Nikki that a news truck is outside waiting for
her. She tells him to only let in the news crew, no reporters.
At the club, Brad sees Kevin, who is sitting at the bar. He tells him that he
has a big rip in the back. Kevin is unconcerned. Brad sees on the TV that Nikki
is about to make a statement, so he calls Jack and the others over. Sharon tells
Jack that he's about to win his bet. Jack hopes he is about to order champagne.
Nikki apologizes for the video but turns it around to talk about the issues. She
tells them that she will continue to be a candidate. Jack is disappointed.
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