Monday Y&R Update 5/7/07 [an error occurred while processing this directive]

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Young and The Restless Update Monday 5/7/07--Canada; Tuesday 4/24/07--U.S.A.

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Written By Kitty
Pictures by Amanda

Victoria calls JT from her hospital bed. She tells him what is going on with the baby and how scared she is. He offers to come and see her.

Daniel is watching the porn movie on a computer at work. He gets a call from Lily and tells her he was working on a paper. After his call he takes the movie out and puts it in his bag.

Lily sees Amber and asks her if she was able to get extra shifts at the boutique. She tells her that Cane took the job, so she might even be quitting her job to work on her music.

Cane tells Katherine that the job pays more money than he has made in his life. She tells him it is in line with industry standards and tells him he is also in line for bonuses. She warns him that he better live up to her expectations or she will fire him. He says he likes a challenge.

Victor and Michael go to see Ji Min, who is in the boardroom with Jill. They ask him if he has thought about their offer. He says he isn’t interested and has to make a phone call. Jill says she will make the call for him so he can talk to Victor and Michael. After she leaves they tell him they know Jack owns the company. Before Ji Min can protest again, Jack walks in. Victor says he was just trying to convince Ji Min to work with him on a project for the Asian market. Jill comes back for a second and is surprised to see Jack back there. Jill and Jack leave. Victor tells Ji Min he is sure there is a way that they can work together.

Amber arrives at the Chancellor estate with a gift for Katherine – a picture of Amber and Cane. Katherine leaves to find a place for the photo. Cane tells Amber that everything is going well. They comment on the décor of the house and how everything is so expensive. Katherine comes back in. She tells Cane that he and his father have the same eyes. She notices that they were looking at her things and tells him that she would give up everything in her home if she could take back what she did. He says he is starting to realize that.

Victoria tells JT that she will stay in bed for the rest of the pregnancy if she has to, anything that will help the baby. He tells her that he is on his way to see her. Brad comes and she tells him who she was talking to. He tells her the doctor is on his way. She tells him she knows something is wrong.

Katherine, Amber and Cane go out to dinner to celebrate the new job. Amber wonders how many hours he will be working. She says she is worried about being home alone in their apartment in their “sketchy” neighborhood. Katherine says they could live with her, but Cane quickly declines. Amber gets a phone call and says she took the keys from work with her and she has to being them back. On her way out she pretends to drop her purse and fishes Katherine’s house keys out of her purse.

Victoria’s doctor tells her that he needs to do some more tests. He tells her that he is concerned but it is too soon to tell.

Jack is in the hallway at the office. He tries to call Ji Min but gets his voicemail. He tells him that he wants to talk to him to find out what Victor and Michael wanted. He tells him not to worry, Victor doesn’t know a thing.

Victor and Michael show Ji Min the proof they have.

Jack goes to see Daniel. He tells him that the IT department informed him that he was looking at porn on the company computers. He covers by saying that he doesn’t log off of the computer and maybe someone else used the computer under his username. Jack tells him he has to be more careful. The IT department can see everything they do on the computer, not just the internet related activities. Jack leaves and Lily comes in with his dinner. He asks her to go to the coffee house with him for a few minutes.

Ben (Jack’s campaign manager) tells him that he is regaining some ground in the polls. He tells him the only way to keep this scandal out of the papers is to create another one. Jack says with his help, he may just win.

Victor and Michael continue to try and convince Ji Min to help them. They tell him he will face legal troubles if he waits, but they can help him avoid that if they help him bring Jack down. Ji Min still doesn’t admit to it but seems to be softening. Victor tells him he wants an answer by tomorrow morning or the deal is off the table. Victor and Michael leave.

Brad is upset to see JT at the hospital. He tries to get him to leave but JT insists on seeing her. Brad comes back in too.

Ben suggests that they go after Nikki until his numbers surpass hers, then they shoot some spots showing him in a positive light. He wonders if Victor would shoot a spot for them. Jack doesn’t think so. Ben can’t understand why Victor would back Jack against his own wife and thinks he is up to something.

Victor is confident that Ji Min will decide to help them. Michael isn’t so sure. Victor says he is sure Ji Min will think about it and save his own skin. He says after this comes out, Jack will know how it feels to be betrayed.

Jill comes to see Ji Min and mentions she was surprised that Jack gave Ji Min any praise. She says he is a good businessman and wonders what Victor was offering. He says that is something he’d like to think about on his own. She asks him out to dinner but he says he is too busy.

Katherine tries to convince Cane to move in with her.

Amber is at Katherine’s house. She put some things in a large bag that she brought with her and messes the place up to look like they were robbed. As she is leaving, Esther comes into the living room with a baseball bat and is shocked to see the room. For some reason she doesn’t see Amber.

Lily and Daniel are at the coffee house. She is reading his paper. He goes to get some more coffee. She realizes one of the pages is missing. When she goes into his bag to get it, she sees the porn movie.

At the restaurant, Katherine gets a call from Esther who tells her that there has been a break-in. Amber walks in as she finishes up the call. They all leave to go back to her house.

Victoria asks Brad to go get her some chocolate milk. After he leaves, the doctor comes in. He says he can wait for Brad but she doesn’t want to wait. JT says he will leave but she ants him to stay. The doctor tells her that there is no fetal heartbeat and her baby has died. He assures her that it isn’t her fault. She says this has happened to her before so it has to be her. He tells her he has examined her thoroughly and it she is perfectly healthy. He tells her he is sorry for her loss and leaves. JT tells her he is there for her. She tells him some of the names she had thought of for the baby. She tells him she wanted this baby so badly. He hugs her.

Daniel brings Lily her coffee. She asks him about the movie. She tells him he needs a movie like that to get in the mood. He tries to tell her that it was a joke gift for Cane. She doesn’t believe him and says the joke is on her. She grabs her keys and scratches up the DVD.

Esther is upset about the break-in. They try to figure out how this happened. Katherine says a friend of hers had a break-in and the person had stolen her keys. She goes to get her purse but Amber says she will get it for her. She slips her keys back in and passes her the purse. The officer tells them she will file a report and get back to them and leaves. Katherine says she is just glad no one was hurt and nothing was taken. Amber brings up the fact that the guy could come back. Cane says he will be there, until they catch the guy he and Amber are moving in.

Jill asks Ji Min to go for a drink with him. He tells her he is just too busy. After she leaves he angrily throws the file Michael and Victor gave him.

Michael and Victor are at the bar at the Athletic Club, drinking to bringing down Jack. Jack comes in and introduces Ben to them. They say it must be hard to come into a campaign right in the middle. Ben asks Victor to shoot a spot for them. Michael advises against it. Jack and Ben leave. Michael says he almost feels sorry for him. They toast to Jack’s last night of ignorance.

Brad comes back with the milk for Victoria. He sees she is upset. JT leaves to give them some privacy. She tells Brad that she lost the baby. He hugs her.

Next on Y&R: Nikki and Jack find out Phyllis is definitely being charged. Colleen suggests Lily test Daniel. Phyllis tells Brad she is sure she will be found innocent.

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