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The Young & The Restless Update Thursday 2/22/07--Canada; Friday 2/23/07--U.S.A.
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Pictures by Glynis
Michael tells Kevin that Colleen's condition isn't getting better. Kevin doesn't like the sound of that. Michael will help his brother with his case if things get bad and he needs representation so he doesn't want Kevin to worry about that. Kevin doesn't care about that. He gets so upset that he starts coughing and can't stops for a few seconds. He only cares about Colleen and if something happens to her he feels he deserves whatever happens to him.
Lily comes to see Colleen, and Jack and Sharon tell her that there hasn't been any change in her condition. Lily props her bag up on the table in the room and happily talks to her sleeping friend. She tells that she has brought music that she can listen to so that it will help her get better. A doctor reminds everyone that only one person at a time can be in the room and that there will be testing now. Everyone leaves the room as the doctor nears the bed.
Brad and Victoria arrive at the hospital and got to the nurses' station. Before they can get assistance, friend of the family approach. It is Jack and Sharon to greet the parents. Brad wants to see his daughter now and starts heading to the room. Victor is there as well and tells Brad that he has to let the doctors do their work on Colleen and he can't interrupt them now. He will get to see his daughter soon, but he has to be patient and wait.
Phyllis sings TWINKLE, TWINKLE, and LITTLE STAR to Summer and Fen and puts them to sleep. She and Nick are watching the babies for Michael and Lauren. The adults whisper over the babies and joke around about her singing voice and how she knows that he doesn't like her voice. He says that sometimes he turns up the shower to drown her out. Nick leaves to have a shower now but he makes too much noise on his way out of the room and wakes the babies. Phyllis sees a piece of paper and turns to call Nick but then decides against it. She gets the cellphone and dials the number on the paper. "Hi, is this Garabaldi Gallery and Gifts? Great, um, this is, um, this is Phyllis Newman. Listen I see a charge on the credit card could I confirm an item and the cost please?"
Amber is thrilled about the trip to Vegas and how it has turned out, but Cane isn't as lively and seems a bit dazed and confused about it all. He says that he really got whacked out from drinking with Amber and Ali the night before. He apologizes for not remembering that he married her. "We said 'I do' and I just don't remember anything." Amber just keeps smiling at him as he talks with the clear look of confusion on his face.
Brad is furious that the has no information on Colleen's condition and how this all came about. He wants to see his daughter now. Sharon and Jack calmly tell Brad that Colleen is heavily sedated but the doctors bring her back every so often to see if Colleen can breathe on her own. Brad is stunned at the news that he is given. His daughter can't breathe on her own? "How is this happening?" he wonders aloud almost shouting.
Phyllis has a present for Nick when he gets out of the shower and returns to the living room all fresh and new. It is a picture of Phyllis in a low-cut dress. He already owns the picture but Phyllis has wrapped it up and given it to him again. She says that she did that because one good turn deserves another. "Now it is your turn to give me a gift. You know?" Nick doesn't know. She waves the receipt at Nick and tells him that she is talking about 'this'!
Cane can't remember the night before after Amber and Ali danced for him and it is really starting to bother him. Amber makes light of it all, and says that the evening was great! Amber says that she will reenact the ceremony for him if he really wants a play by play. She jumps on the bed and in her bra and panties, she dons his team shirt and grabs her bouquet and makes up a sexy story of how the two came together. She ends the tall tale with a kiss.
Adrian is drawing a picture of Colleen when Lily comes over to see him Victoria has to hold Brad back when he sees JT. He asked JT to take care of his daughter and he considers this JT's fault. The doctor comes to see Brad now and t ells him that Colleen unfortunately isn't doing as well as she was the day before Jack tells Sharon that where there is life, there is hope. Brad and Victoria come to the door of Colleen's room and they look at her through the glass. They walk in slowly and the only sound in the room is Colleen's labored breathing through the ventilator.
Brad kisses his daughter's forehead and sits by her, holding her hand as he stares into her beautiful face. He can't hold back the tears anymore and they just start flowing out. Victoria sees that this is difficult for him and comes closer to talk to Colleen for him. "Hello sweetheart," Victoria says to the sleeping girl. "You father he's here. He's right by your side here. And he wants you to know that " Brad starts talking now. He tells his daughter that he is there for her and he is so sorry that this has happened.
Cane apologizes for getting tanked the night before and not remembering all that happened. He knows that wasn't very gentlemanly getting wasted marrying her and then having his way with her like she says he did. He tells Amber that he won't hold Amber to the marriage and is willing to let her go. Amber will not let him go. "That's the kind of bride that I am." They fall to the bed and make love for what will actually be the first time. ***
Nick tells Phyllis that the gift that he bought wasn't for her. Phyllis knows that Summer can't appreciate something from an art gallery, so she wonders who the gift went to. Nick tells that he gave the gift to Sharon to put the fighting behind them sort of like how Jack put a nursery in at work for Phyllis. It was to keep the peace and that was what Nick was doing with Sharon.
Jack hates that Michael has been covering for Kevin this how time. He tells JT that character if everything.
Kevin was thinking that Jana had taken off in the beginning He remembered everyone telling him that Jana loved him and how she would return Kevin sees now that he was right to think for a minute that Jana had taken off. Kevin asks Lauren now to do something for him. He wants her to tell Colleen something.
"That really was worth waiting for," Amber says. Cane finds that funny considering she said that when they woke up, but now that they supposedly made love a second time, he wonders why she says that again. she says that it is like the first time because of his state before. He offers again to stop the marriage in its tracks right now if she wants. She gets offended again. "I am not the kind of friend who would go back on her word, so I'm willing to stay married to you to protect you, in name only " She means 'no more sex', but Cane will not stand for that and pounces on her again.
Nick gets Phyllis a hot chocolate just the way that she likes it. Phyllis is in a mood now. She gets hot chocolate while Sharon gets a gift from the art gallery. Nick says that he got Sharon a figurine of a mother and daughter. "I'm a mother with a daughter, too Yours." Phyllis has her back up and is short with Nick until she realizes that Nick bought the gift to celebrate the 11th anniversary of his marriage to his ex-wife. He tells her that she is taking this the wrong way. "There is only one person wrong in this room, and it is definitely not me," Phyllis says walking from the couch.
Brad and Victoria tell Colleen of the art and how everything is fine now. Brad would give anything in the world right now for Colleen to open her eyes and say, "I told you so daddy." Brad is crying again. "Open your eyes baby."
In the hall, Lauren learns from Jack that Brad is with Colleen. Lauren would like to see Colleen but Jack stops her. He doesn't want she or Michael going near his niece. Lauren finds the man truly unbelievable. Jack stomps off. Lauren tells Michael that she needs to see Colleen. The girl is unconscious but Kevin really needs Colleen to hear what she has to say to him anyway. "I know that Kevin is innocent," Lauren says. Michael loves hearing that and hugs his beautiful wife.
Kevin tells Daniel all about the episode that he and Colleen suffered. He tells of the stolen art and this town in the Czech Republic. Kevin has to worry now about Colleen waking up. He thinks of the stun gun that was held on he and Colleen and he understands that Jana did all this for money. She even killed Carmen. Daniel can't believe this revelation. This could clear Devon!
Nick comes home and tells how he has gotten all of Phyllis's favorites whipped cream, her favorite frozen yogurt, nuts, bananas Phyllis can't even look at him. "You have nothing to be jealous of". She denies that she is jealous. She just wonders what it is that he was thinking when he did what he did that's all.
After the second round of lovemaking, Cane tells his little actress that what just happened was just what he has been waiting for
Daniel talks to JT and Lily and he can't seem to convince them that they are wrong about Kevin and what they think about him. The more that he mulls this over, the more he realizes that Kevin is telling the truth and that the second that Colleen gets up, she will confirm all that Kevin has told them.
Brad tells Sharon that he is so glad that she is there. She is glad to be there. He feels that he should have been there but Sharon says that he didn't have to be. She was there for him. That means the world to him. "Thank you," Brad says with a hug. Victor and Victoria turn the corner and she the meaningful embrace.
Lily meets with Devon in the cafeteria and she tells how Kevin seems to the be suspect in this. She tells how Kevin had things from Colleen and Carmen in his possession that was found. Devon hasn't any idea why Kevin would kill Carmen. Lily thinks that Devon should just be happy that he will be cleared. He would like to be happy for himself but he can't help worrying about Colleen in all this. Lily understands that.
Amber gets out of bed and finds that Cane is gone. She opens the door and calls for him but no one answers. She returns to the room in her towel and stands confused.
Lauren gets in to see Colleen finally. She tells Colleen that she has a message from Kevin. "He's changed so much. He's not even close to the person that you once knew. He wants you to know that he is praying for you. And now, sweetie we need a miracle from you. We need you to wake up "
Kevin is out of bed and ready to be released. He is in his street clothes and Michael is ready to take him home. The door opens before they can leave and Will enters with uniformed officers. "You're under arrest," Will says. Michael and Gloria are stunned. "I thought that you were a good man!" Gloria spits at Will. He simply ignores her and proceeds with overseeing that Kevin is cuffed and read his rights.
Kevin is freaking out. Michael tries to calm him. Devon comes into the room and asks Kevin to actually say the words that he was the one that actually killed Carmen and was willing to let someone else go down for it. Michael orders Devon out into the hall. Devon asks for an explanation why Kevin isn't the one that wasn't up for this. Michael says that is because Kevin is as innocent as he is. Devon thinks that Michael has been leading him on to keep his brother out of prison. Michael grabs the boy by his collar and swears to him that he wasn't setting him up for anything.
Phyllis is still mad and Nick knows that he has made a huge mistake. He is sorry but she feels that he is only sorry because he got caught. He says that he is a jerk. A big jerk. He has something for her behind his back but she isn't interested in any gift from him. Part one of his plan is an apology, and the second part of his plan is for her to marry him. "You already did," she reminds him. He knows that he married her, but he didn't do it locally. It isn't legal in Wisconsin. He has her laughing soon and he then promises her that he will be the perfect man and then they will live happily ever after. He shows her what he has behind her back. It is wedding magazines. She smiles. "That was smart thinking." He wants an answer to his question and she makes him say it. "I love you and I want you to marry me again." Phyllis actually blushes before saying, " Okay." They kiss to seal the deal.
Amber is dressed now and freaking out. Cane hasn't returned. Suddenly he returns. He has a gift bag. "I didn't want to spoil the surprise." He has gotten her something to wear. "Put it on," he orders.
Jack gloats that Kevin has been arrested. Michael knows that his brother was trying to save Colleen's life, but Jack doesn't care about that. Victor is nearby and hears when Michael lays into Jack for his attack on Kevin. "Your father's gone. Billy, Abby, Ashley They are all gone!" Michael suggests that the reason that Jack's family has all disappeared has to do with the type of person that he is. "Why you son-of-a " Michael is already gone. Victor comes up behind Jack and tells him that now isn't the time. Jack takes the advice and composes himself Down the hall, the officers are ready to take Kevin in. He is out of the room and in full view of everyone who is there for Colleen. The officers lead Kevin through the crowd when all of a suddenly POW! Brad comes from nowhere and has punched Kevin in the face. The officers react but not fast enough. They hold Kevin back now to keep him safe, while Jack and Victor hold Brad who is still hot and struggling to get free to make that crazy bastard pay. Kevin hasn't got any idea what is going on. His head bounces around like a toy dog's in a car windshield. He is still conscious but looking down, and has difficulty standing up straight. A line of blood marks his face from the terrible blow that he has sustained.
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