The Y&R Update Tuesday 1/23/07--Canada; Wednesday 1/24/07--U.S.A.
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Pictures by Glynis
Cane and Amber tell how they met online. Lily gets uncomfortable and goes to get them drinks. Amber asks what's wrong and learns that Lily had a bad online experience once Michael and Lauren meet with Nick and Phyllis at Indigo. They haven't been together for a while. Nick offers to get them all drinks and leaves the table. Phyllis is glad to see that Lauren is all better. Lauren is fine, she tells. She doesn't have to be worried about being in public anymore. She is only sorry that Michael has taken on her symptoms now. He is jumpy all the time, Lauren tells.
Paul and Maggie have finished making love on his couch and they stare into each other's eyes. She worries if that look in his eye means that he is sorry that they started all this. she wants him to be honest with her or she will be offended. He kisses her to show her that he really did enjoy getting to know her better. She hopes that he is telling the truth or she will be upset. All of a sudden, Maggie decides that she has to go.
Brad and Victor are tied up and under the watchful eye of Strovink and Rhyne. "You are making a serious mistake," Victor warns.
Jack talks to his sister over the phone and learns that Abby and her mother are doing just fine. Jack sends them a great big kiss from across the ocean. He tells that he is at work right now. She has to go and he hurries her off the phone since he has things to do as well.
Daniel comes over to see Phyllis and her party at their table. Phyllis turns and waves at the kids where they are sitting and Daniel leaves the older crowd. Nick and Phyllis talks about a show they were watching where this lady said that she could interpret baby talk Michael is in his own little world. He relives the moment when he and Paul watched Sheila plunge the shank into her own stomach "Honey did you hear me?" Lauren asks. Michael gets back into the conversation and decides that he is going to have a great night. They all clink glasses.
Lily isn't happy when she finds out that Daniel told Cane and Amber about her bad online experience but Lily says that she is fine. Cane and Amber talk about strange dates they have had in the past. Cane met a lady who talked a lot, and Amber had a cheap date once who walked around with a calculator to save pennies everywhere he went. Lily is glad that she isn't going to be single ever again.
Paul and Maggie get dressed and she is ready to go. He likes the way she looks getting dressed and suggests that she leave her top on the next time they get together the way that they just did on the couch. She realizes that he is starting to like the PI. She is really picky, so he should be impressed. She asks him to walk her out, but he seems a little distracted. She hopes that that is about the case and not her. He assures her that he is definitely distracted by his case. "Goodnight Sully," Paul says. She likes that. Her mother used to call her 'Sully' when she tucked her daughter in at night. "I'll call ya," Paul says. She hopes that he isn't saying that and doesn't really mean it. "I mean it."
Phyllis tells how she has turned into the person she used to avoid now that her life has settled down. Phyllis has gone back to work but not fulltime. She tells how Jack has built a nursery for Summer at work Dru arrives at Indigo and tells her husband how her tires have been slashed and someone has been crank calling her all day
Phyllis gets a call from Jack. He tells her that he needs help with a project that he is working on tonight. Phyllis says that she can't do this right now but she will be in really early the next day. She hangs up quickly. Jack isn't pleased. He gets on the phone and tells Ji Min to cover him on something.
Brad and Victor are tied back-to-back Victor warns Brad to let this thing just play itself out. Victor tells Brad that he had two GPS tracking devices placed in the art pieces so that they can find out where the artifacts are taken. Brad doesn't like the fact that Victor has left him out of the loop by not telling him about this. Victor didnt want to tell Brad about his backup plans unless he needed to. He tells Brad not to worry as there is a security team tracking them and all that is happening right now. They will not move into action until they see where the artifacts end up, and until they have the name of the owner of the Grugeon Collection piece that we are looking for.
Dru's phone rings and Neil answers it. Again, no one answers him when he calls out. He can't even used *69 to see who is doing this. The feature is blocked from revealing the number Cane tells how he is searching for his mother using the computer. Amber tells that she has been using the computer to research something for Kay. "There is this psychic and she gave me this clue, 'violets' but that was a person's name and not a flower. Now Kay has decided to drop the whole thing and that is fine with Amber as she has a new hobby now. She smiles at Cane.
Paul arrives with the blanket and sees that Sheila is on the floor, unmoving in a puddle of blood. "Sheila?" She doesn't move.
Michael and Lauren are kissing when she feels his phone vibrating. Michael answers to Paul. Paul tells that Michael needs to get over there. Michael asks where they should meet. " at the last place you want to be," Paul responds.
Neil and Drucilla go to Michael and tell him what has been going on. Michael can't do anything about this right now, but will help them handle this in the morning. Lauren isn't happy that Michael has to go for some reason but she doesn't fight it. Neil only hears that Michael is meeting with Paul and he finds that curious. Lauren has no idea why they could be meeting. She understood that Michael and Paul weren't currently working together.
Sheila is now back on the chair sprawled out. Paul is in the cell over her. "Did you reopen your wound?" She denies that she would do that. he tells her to conserve her energy. She doesn't know why he tells her that. She knows that makes no sense. She knows that she is going to die. He reminds her that she stabbed herself and knew the risk that she was taking. "It's not too late Paul. You could still get me to the hospital. Do you really think that you are going to get away with this Paul? Do you really think that you can cover this up? If I die your life and Michael's life is over Just like mine."
Maggie returns to Paul's place. She knocks and shouts through the door that she left her badge on the table in there. No one answers and so she turns and walks off.
Nick is now stuck with two beautiful women now that Michael has left. They order more drinks. Phyllis gets another call from Jack and he tells Phyllis that he has just gotten notice that he needs a list of every lipstick, eye shadow and power puff. He said that they could get sued if they don't pony up and get this information yesterday. Phyllis sees that she has no choice in the matter and has to get to work. "Thanks Phyllis. I knew that you would come through for me."
Strovink and Rhyne return to Victor and Brad now with the art pieces and they put them on the table before the men who are still tied up. "Gentlemen, I'm afraid there was some damage done when transporting the objects." Karl, one of the thugs opens his hand before Brad and Victor. "Your GPS Beacons, gents. Looks like you're out of luck."
Lily leaves the table again to get another round. Cane isn't at the table and so Amber takes this time to ask Daniel what he thinks of Cane. He says that Amber has guts to try the internet dating thing. Amber has made the mistake of picking the wrong guy online. She tells the man called her 40 times a day. He is married to someone else now. They laugh From the bar, Lily frowns as she sees the two with their heads together.
Michael isn't buying Phyllis's dying routine. Paul has to admit that she is getting sicker. " I stabbed myself. Okay, I'll take the blame. Letting me die--that will be on your conscience forever And both of you will go to prison. You can count on that," Sheila says.
Lucas Hollenbeck arrives and introduces himself to Victor and Brad. Brad asks the man to just untie them. Victor apologizes for all this impatience from his associate Victor asks the man to stop al this foolishness and talk business.
Lily tells Daniel privately that she thinks that Amber is not so bad after all. They look over to Amber and how she is flirting madly with Cane. He turns to his wife and tells her that he is lucky that she is the one for him. He has no idea why more women aren't throwing themselves at his feet. They laugh.
Dru jumps out of her skin when someone breaks a plate in the club. Dru has turned her phone off and Neil assures her that the following day they will get this all sorted out. Dru tells that there is more. "I was just in the garage and the phone rang and then I saw her. I saw her. It was Carmen "
Paul slams the cell door behind him and tells Michael on the outside of the cell that he has done everything that he can for Sheila but she isn't getting better. They debate what they should do, but anything more makes them convicted criminals. Paul can't live with Sheila dying there. He wants to take her to the hospital. Michael says that before they can do this they have to tell Lauren. Paul doesn't like that idea. Michael doesn't care. "Lauren needs to know!" He turns from Paul and quickly marches out of there as Paul shouts from behind him. "We're screwed! We're screwed!"
Neil tells Dru that she has to understand that she really didn't see Carmen. Sharon didn't see the woman. Dru and Sharon went back to the garage after the elevator door closed but they didn't find anyone. Neil says that this had to have been someone else. Dru says that the woman that she say though had the same close on that Carmen had on the day of her death. Neil tells her that she is under a great deal of stress and that she needs to calm down.
Cane and Amber talk privately in the club and he invites her to come back to his place and maybe watch a DVD. He has wanted to kiss her all night. She tells him that he should. They sneak around a corner to be alone and she offers herself to him. "Now is your chance." They come together and kiss.
Nick arrives at Phyllis's office. He tells her that Summer is fine with his mother. Phyllis tells Nick that he should really go and relieve his mother, but Nick has better ideas. He starts kissing Phyllis's neck and asks her to remember what happened the last time they took a break at work. It all happened on her desk that sits before them. She would like to have some fun with him but she really has to get this work down. She is nervous too cause Jack may see them She isn't saying 'no', but she just can't do this now. She will make it up to Nick tomorrow, maybe even that night They kiss Jack is walking by in the hall and stops a moment to see the couple kissing. He then walks off quickly.
Lucas tells Victor that they have a problem. The artwork that has been put forward by Victor and Brad is the real thing but they are not stolen and that is what Lucas wants to know about. He recognized Victor and knows who he really is, so what he would like to know is what would make two reputable businessmen like Victor and Brad come to Geneva to play this elaborate trick?
Paul stays with Sheila and watches her His phone starts ringing and he looks at the display. He can't talk right now Maggie lets the phone ring a few times before hanging up.
At the apartment, Michael watches as Lauren rocks their child over the crib before putting Fen down for a nap. Michael has to tell her something. He reminds her how he made a promise to her about not lying to her anymore. She asks him if he has. He doesn't answer but tells her that there is something that he has to tell her, and that it is going to be something that will be difficult for her to hear. "Sheila .Sheila Carter She's still alive." The only clue that there is that Lauren has heard Michael is the slight, but full body twitch that her body quickly makes.
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