Monday Y&R Update 11/14/05 [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Young and The Restless Update Monday 11/14/05--Canada; Tuesday 11/15/05--U.S.A.

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Written By Glynis
Pictures by Amanda

Lauren is at the apartment with Michael and Paul talking about Tom. Lauren thinks that she had possession of the necklace the whole time after she received it from Scott so how could Tom possibly get his hands on it? Michael knows that at the hospital, she was without if for a while. Gloria comes bursting into the apartment without knocking. She has something to say. She suddenly notices that Paul and so she keeps quiet. This is private. Paul heads to the door to leave. This is obviously a private family moment. He tells Michael that he will continue working on the case. Michael returns to the ladies. “What has got you so worked up?" Gloria says that she just saw Lauren talking to Jennifer Mitchell at the Motor Arms. Lauren shows surprise as she had no idea that Gloria was there. Michael is surprised to hear this as well. Lauren says that she was at Room 311 to see Brenda Harris who is the girl that is working with Scott. Gloria says that she wasn’t any Brenda’s room. “Lauren you were in Room 311? That is Jennifer Mitchell’s room," Gloria says.

Ashley has Abby at home now that her party is over. Abby is still not that happy. She knows that her parents had a fight and that they will probably not be getting back together. Ashley says that she was upset about Brad being late for the party and that was the reason that they were arguing. Abby says that her father being late was Victoria’s fault and not her daddy’s.

Brad and Victoria have crashed the Jabot dinner meeting at the Athletic Club and he tells Katherine about how Phyllis came over to the Newman building and fixed their computers for them, thanks to Jack. “Our 'Beauty of Nature' line was a big hit Katherine, and we have Phyllis to thank for that.”

Brad and Victoria leave the Jabot team at their table. Brad smiles coyly at Jack. Katherine demands to know why Phyllis would do such a thing.

Kevin works while JT waits for him to finish. Kevin is searching for something in the programming of the Newman computers that shouldn’t be there and that might potentially cause a problem. It is taking a long time for Kevin to see if anything is wrong with the computers at Newman. “I love this sort of stuff. Thanks for asking me to help JT. I never thought that you would ever ask for my help.” JT hopes that he doesn't regret asking Kevin to help. Kevin assures him that if Phyllis hid something in the computer programming, he will find it.

There is a problem here. Jennifer and Brenda can’t be sharing a room. It is too small, and who would have guessed that they knew each other? Gloria says that she has been in that room at the Motor Arms before and she knows what she is saying. Michael sees that these women have to be connected somehow to cause all this confusion. Gloria tells Lauren to stay away from Jennifer. “Stay away. I have a feeling about this woman.” Michael suddenly wants his mother out of there and he drags her out. Michael tells Lauren that if the necklace was poisoned, then maybe Jennifer did it. Lauren looks up into his face not understanding totally what he is saying.

Paul is at the Athletic Club alone. He gets out his cellphone and dials Ashley. “I was just calling to see how Abby’s party went tonight.” Ashley tells that things didn’t go well. Ashley looks behind her and sees that Abby is still in the room and so she tells Paul that they will speak later about what happened at the party that night. He would like to take her out sometime, and she likes that idea. He will call her with a date and time when they can see each other socially.

Katherine reminds Phyllis that she works for Jabot and not Newman Enterprises. She knows that. Katherine tells her that this is highly inappropriate. Jack says that this isn’t as bad as she thinks. “Phyllis did this because Nick asked her to fix it.” Katherine doesn’t care about that. She is upset. Jill says that she has talked to Phyllis and she assured her that nothing was wrong with the systems. “She did absolutely no damage to them at all," Jill assures. Katherine is angry that Jill and Jack knew about this and never said anything to her. “I expected my top two people to keep me informed, or was that asking too much of them?"

Kevin explains what he is doing as he does it but JT hasn’t got a clue what he is talking about. He would like to learn a thing or two about computers and how they work, but this is the wrong time it appears. Kevin can’t answer these questions and work at the same time. It is too technical. He wants to be left alone. “Please be quiet, step back and let me take care of this.” JT moves away.

Jack knows that Katherine wants to know everything about the company’s activities, but he never thought that she would be interested in this. Katherine knows that Nick have their own IT system people and could have worked this out themselves. Phyllis tells that Nick would have taken days to sort out what Phyllis did. She had to help when he asked her to. “It is hard to explain why I had to do this Katherine. Listen, if it weren’t for Nick my son would be in prison now. He presented evidence at Daniel’s trial and I owe him. I am sorry that I did this, but I owed him.” Katherine still doesn’t excuse what she did. Jack and Jill seem very calm to Katherine. She feels that they should be more upset over it. Jill was upset she admits when she first heard about this but she is over that now. Phyllis tells how she ran the idea by Jack first and he was all for her going to help Newman. Jack assures Katherine that yes he did have some knowledge about this, but that she has nothing to worry about now as Phyllis did the right thing. Katherine is furious with these three. “I would like a word with you Jack… Alone!"

Brad and Victoria enter the office to pick up files before heading home. He will walk her to her car after she gets her files he offers. She says that she has had a long day but will stay at work for a while. He is getting the cold shoulder and asks why. She says that she wasn’t happy about what he did to her at the club just now in front of Jabot. “You were so focused on Jack, you couldn’t resist going over to the Jabot table and causing trouble. I wanted to talk about Abby and what really bothers me about Abby not liking me, but you didn’t care about that.”

Ashley asks Abby about her blaming Victoria for making Brad late. Abby says that Brad promised that nothing would make him miss the party, and so Abby figures that this had to be Victoria’s fault. “She was at work with him. She wasn’t even invited to my party. All I wanted was for me, you and daddy to be together again.” Ashley hugs her daughter. The poor girl is so sad about her family.

Paul bumps into Tom at the Athletic Club on his way out. Tom asks where he is off to. “Going to see Ashley?" Tom asks. Paul tells him that it isn’t any of his business but that Ashley is home with her daughter and can’t go out that night. “I have to wonder why Ashley is spending time with a low life like you Tom. You have a court date coming up don’t you?" Tom tells Paul that he might want to separate himself from Michael as Mike is the one that set him up. “Michael is going to fry soon enough, you wait and see," Tom promises.

Lauren can’t believe her ears. “You think that Tom and Jennifer have been working together all along Michael?" That is precisely what Michael thinks. “Paul is trying to get information on her even as we speak.” Lauren can’t understand why Jennifer would want to hurt her, or even Tom. “This is like a nightmare that I can’t wake up from Michael!" Michael hugs her close.

JT wonders if Kevin even knows what he is looking for as he taps away at the keyboard. Kevin has no idea what he is looking for. He has to check everything. JT feels like they have been there forever. Kevin tells JT to go home. JT will stay as this is his responsibility. Kevin can do this alone. JT thinks about that. Kevin promises to call JT if he finds something. JT decides to go then. Kevin is alone now. “Focus Kevin! You can do this Kevin!"

Katherine starts in on Jack for what he has done.

Jill understands that Phyllis had to help the Newmans. She knows the story of what happened when they lost Cassie. Phyllis tells that she really only wanted to help, but that Jack practically begged her to wreck the computers. He missed the whole point of why she was doing this.

Katherine demands to hear how Jack could push Phyllis to do this. “All that you ever think about is beating Newman, and yet you did nothing to push this? Is that what you want me to believe? What did you say to Phyllis? You must have told her to do it as you both would have been fighting over her not doing as you wanted her to. You did this didn’t you Jack? You saw an opportunity to stick it to Newman and you did it using Phyllis. You have put us in a dreadful situation because of your vendetta.”

Brad knows that there are things that have to be worked out with Abby and Victoria, but he knows that he and Victoria can work that out in time. Victoria worries that things will never be worked out. “I am just an intrusion in your life. It also doesn’t help that Ashley doesn’t like me. I can imagine what Ashley is telling Abby about me right now. I like Abby and I am trying to bridge the distance between us but you were not interested in that. Why did you walk away from our conversation about Abby and run to gloat before Jack? Maybe that is where your priorities lie." Brad is sorry he did that to her. “I guess that I am not worried about Abby as you are because I don’t see this as all that big a problem. She is a little girl dealing with a big change. I haven’t dated anyone since separating from Abby’s mother and in time I know that she will adjust. Let me make this up to you.” Victoria tells him to make this up to her tomorrow. She needs to do some work tonight. He leaves.

Paul tells Tom that Michael is a dishonest and devious man but he would choose Michael over Tom every time if given the choice. Tom tells Paul that he must be a lousy private eye if he thinks that. Paul asks him if he knows a woman by the name of Jennifer Mitchell. Tom doesn't even blink. He denies knowing anyone by that name. “Why are you asking?" Paul says that he wants to talk to her in connection with a case. Tom says that he doesn’t care about that. He only cares about Michael and what he did. “He framed me.” Paul tells Tom that if things don’t work out like he plans, he should try to enjoy his last few days of freedom. “Oh yeah and don’t worry about Ashley while you are away. I will keep her company while you are gone.”

Michael is trying to piece things together. This has something to do with Scott he figures as the necklace came to Lauren through him. Lauren sees that Scott was used to get to Lauren. That worries the couple. They have to find Scott. Scott should be at the loft right now.

JT comes to see Victoria who is in her office working away. He saw her door open and came to say hi. He thinks that she should be out celebrating. She says that things were very exciting that day but work still has to be done. She says that she feels a little emotional over it all. JT understands that. “It is called post-launch let down and it is a popular sickness.” They smile over that. He knows that love of her work is not the reason why she is sitting alone on what should be one of the best nights of her life. It must be something else.

Ashley sends Abby to the kitchen for one last glass of water before bedtime. She has her pajamas on and is ready to head upstairs. The doorbell rings and Ashley can see that Tom is at the door through the glass. She turns a worried look towards the kitchen where Abby has just gone. She takes a deep breath and goes to the door with that plastic smile that she uses for Tom. “It is very late," she says. He steps inside anyway. Abby comes running out. “Okay mommy, I am all finished!" Tom is glad to see her. “You are the reason why I am actually here honey," Tom says.

Kevin is almost out of options here. He has looked at almost everything that there is to look at. He is running out of ideas on what Phyllis could have done to the computers. “Wait a minute! What have we here?" Kevin takes a closer look at the code.

Jill and Phyllis are still sitting alone at their table in the Athletic Club. Jill is ready to leave now but Phyllis stops her to clarify one thing. “You are not going to tell anyone about what I told you right? Jack will kill me if he finds out.” Jill promises to keep the secret about the code that Phyllis put into the computer. She has a question though. “That code that you put in the computer… It can’t do anything on its own right?" Phyllis assures her that the code can’t work without more work done on it to do something. Jill shakes her head. She knows that Jack would do anything to get on top, and so she warns Phyllis to keep this quiet and worry about her career. “You have a very successful future with Jabot, but that could all be ruined very easily. There is one thing that I know about Jack and that is that he looks after himself and you need to do the same thing.” Phyllis is chilled by the warning.

Jack tells Katherine that Phyllis did nothing wrong and therefore there isn’t anything to worry about. “You just heard Brad bragging about how well things went.” Katherine knows that things can happen later to the computer. She isn’t stupid after all. “Speak up now if there is anything I should know Jack. There is a morality clause on your contract and I will use it if I have to. CEOs have gone to jail over things like this. I will not have the integrity of the Chancellor name challenged. It that happens, I will see you unemployed and hung out to dry. You will be on the inside of a prison cell Jack if you do anything like this. Do you understand me here?"

JT really thinks that it is a shame that someone or something is bringing Victoria down on a night like this. She says nothing but he can see from her face that he is right about her feeling down. “Paul has taught you well JT. I don’t want to talk about my problem. I appreciate your concern, it is just that things are complicated right now for me.” JT will listen; even it things are complicated. “I have done complicated before and now I keep it simple. Life is pretty good. I just keep a simple attitude. Get rid of the negative stuff and deal with what is important.” Victoria knows that couldn’t ever happen for her… At least not now. JT says that maybe she needs a change then.

Tom has brought Abby a present which she takes from him smiling. “Can I open it mommy?" Ashley gives permission for Abby to open the present right now. She takes it to the couch and rips the paper off as Tom and Ashley watch. There is a toy inside that she recognizes. “Neat! I wanted one of these. Thank you!" Ashley rushes Abby off to bed. She disappears up the stairs.

Ashley asks how Tom knew that it was Abby’s birthday that day. He tells that he saw her decorating at the coffeehouse and put two and two together. “Ashley I am actually here to tell you that it will be a matter of days till I sort out the drug charges. After that we can be together.” She says that sounds nice. “I can’t wait to show you the real Tom Fisher. I know that you will be crazy about him. Goodnight.” Tom leaves the house and Ashley takes a deep breath. “This has to end soon. This really has to come to an end soon," Ashley says.

Lauren tries to call Scott but she can’t reach him at the loft. She tries his cell phone and no one answers. The call goes straight to voicemail. She leaves a message. “Come to my apartment and bring Brenda with you.” Michael and Lauren will wait now and hope that Scott will give them some answers when he gets there. Michael wants Lauren to believe that he will protect her.

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