The Young & The Restless Update Thursday 2/24/05--Canada; Friday 2/25/05--U.S.A.
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By Christopher Lawrence Menard
Pictures by Boo
Meeting Adjourned:
At the Chancellor Estate, Kay reluctantly admitted that Jack may have made a good decision in purchasing Jabot, though she did warn him never to use her company's money for personal reasons again. As Jack's excitement returned, Kay reminded him that the deal would only go through so long as he kept his word that Jill would never be anymore than a bathroom attendant at either company.
Offering Relief:
Downstairs at the Chancellor Estate, Larry teased Jill about handcuffing Kay, then wasted no time noting how stressed out she seemed. While rubbing her shoulders, he playfully suggested they hook up sexually, for old time's sake, and ease their tensions together. Though she was flattered, Jill told him she was now focusing on her career, gearing up for the day she'd run Jabot.
Avoidance Is Best:
Jack interrupted them and Larry left. Alone with Jill, Jack again chastised her for nearly ruining things with Kay, then said that the deal was a go. Jill was ecstatic as she contemplated her soon-to-exist important role at Jabot. As she talked about the future, and about celebrating, Jack said he just wanted to get home to bed, then made a hasty exit, telling her to see him in the morning.
Drinking Buddies:
At The Athletic Club, Brad sought out Victor and admitted that he wasn't thrilled that Jack was now in charge of Jabot. Victor assured Brad that Nick had acted on his own, and that he'd intended to keep his promise to Ashley to never take over Jabot. Jack interrupted their meeting, asking Victor how it felt to be useless. Victor said he'd never known that feeling and never would, then told Jack that he had no doubt he would destroy Jabot now that he'd gotten hold of it again.
Informing Ashley:
At the Abbott Estate, Ashley returned from Paris eager to get to the lab and start cooking. She was horrified to learn, from John, of all the events that had transpired while she was away. Furious at the prospect of Jack running Jabot, she insisted that she and Victor and the whole family deserved more than to be duped by Jack. John countered that, in the long run, CI being in charge was better than losing to NE. Ash insisted that never would have happened, and warned John that she intended to have it out with Jack... immediately.
Kindred Spirits:
Jack left Brad and Victor alone when he spotted Phyllis at The Athletic Club. She'd just come from briefly finding Daniel and Lily alone together. She didn't say much about events in her life, though Jack told her all about the acquisition. She was proud of him and said that, regardless of how it may have seemed in the past, she'd always been rooting for him to win back Jabot and defeat Victor. Jack said she was the only one who could make him laugh. She said he was the only one who understood her sense of humour. They stared at one another, all smiles, and held hands.
Alone again with Brad, Victor said that Jack's attitude was further proof that - once again - he would prove detrimental to Jabot. Brad wasn't fully able to argue the point. When the subject of Abby came up, things almost got nasty, but a polite Victor assured Brad that Abby would always have a place at NE, since it was likely Jabot would crumble courtesy of Jack.
Involving Michael:
At the Baldwin condo, Michael urged Kevin not to read too much into Mac's lack of desire to stop speaking to him. Gloria arrived to tell them about everything that had transpired between Jabot and NE. Michael worried Victor would blame him for not keeping closer tabs on Nick's activities. When Gloria explained that Ash had been absent, that Jack had rushed the votes, and that Victor had never been out to take the company away... Michael admitted there was a chance a legal loophole could be found to combat Jack. Gloria said this was their chance to win everyone over. If Michael could find a way to give Jabot back to the Abbott family, she could reveal their familial relation and everyone could start fresh. Kevin begged Michael to do it. Michael agreed to think it over.
Nightmare Scenario:
At Memorial, Neil told Dru and Malcolm how much they each meant to him, while the two of them were too busy thinking about Lily being in position of the paternity results to actually listen to what he was saying. Neil said he was thrilled and blessed to be Lily's Father. Out in the hallway, Dru and Malcolm ran into Olivia, who told them she'd come from seeing Lily and Daniel, and that Lily had suspected they were having an affair. Before Dru and Malcolm really had time to react, Olivia let it slip that Lily was now occupied opening Neil's get well cards. Drucilla freaked out, informing Olivia there was a chance the paternity results were in the stack.
Opening Up:
At the Winters condo, Lily and Daniel bonded, visited briefly with Phyllis, then talked to each other about what they looked for in a potential boyfriend/girlfriend. One by one they opened the cards, and while Lily was pouring pop, Daniel opened the paternity results, and stared at the page... confused.
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