The Y&R Update Wednesday 1/5/05--Canada; Thursday 1/6/05--U.S.A.
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By Christopher Lawrence Menard
Pictures by Boo
The New Queen Bee: Drucilla visited Phyllis at the ranch and took great pleasure in revealing that Nick had hired her as head of the cosmetics division. Phyllis, more qualified, was horrified and insulted. Dru playfully said shed go to bat for Phyllis, to help her keep her job, and urged her not to make the mistake of confronting Nick. When Dru said she would now have the office to herself, Phyllis called Dru on her insincerity and threw her out of her house.
Difference Of Opinion: Victor couldnt believe Nick had hired Dru to take over Victorias job. Nick admitted that he didnt trust that Victoria, if she stayed in town after returning, would work under him. He said he could count on loyalty from Dru. Victor said it was a mistake to rob Victoria of her birthright, and jeopardize their familys reunion. Nick said he was running things. Victor said he was on his own, but warned that he had a surprise for Nick. He then left Nick alone with his thoughts.
Where Things Stand: At Crimson Lights, JT met with Colleen and was surprised to learn shed graduated early and would be staying in town for awhile. He admitted to having taken a long time to get over her, and not knowing how to handle her return. As they shared a kiss, Brittany walked in and saw them. They agreed to see each other soon, and Colleen left after saying hello to Brittany.
Brittanys Beliefs: JT told Brittany that Colleen was staying in town for awhile. Brittany changed the subject, admitting she still hadnt heard from Bobby, and insisting that the longer this went on the more she began to think Nikki was somehow involved, and that there was something deep between her and Bobby. When JT dismissed the thought, Brittany wondered how much she didnt know about her husband. When JT offered her a shoulder to cry on, she thanked him, and agreed to see a movie.
Nikkis Anguish: Gina summoned Kay to The Athletic Club, where a distraught Nikki was sitting alone, thinking about her confrontation with Bobby. Kay approached and Nikki opened up to her about having killed Bobbys brother, about Victor telling Bobby the truth, and about Bobby disappearing. She insisted it was all her fault, and wondered if Bobby would do something awful. Kay suggested Nikki stop blaming herself and give Bobby time to process his grief, or involve the police to put everyones minds at ease. Nikki admitted to being terrified that Bobby would never forgive her, and Kay urged her to ensure she was protected when Bobby returned, in case he was out for vengeance.
Brainstorming: Jill had lunch with Jack and, after spotting Kay, reiterated her belief that Jack had only been given the company because Kay hated Jill. She wondered what shed do if Jabot went under. Jack pointed out that, as CIs new CEO he had the option of loaning Jabot cash, and was seriously considering it. Jill was intrigued by the idea, and the possibility of getting a more important position at Jabot out of the deal. Jack made Jill promise to keep things quiet until hed had more time to think.
Awkward Timing: At the Abbott Estate, Ash waited for Victor and got worried when Brad and Abby stopped by for her missing ballet slippers. Realizing Ash was busy, Brad said they wouldnt be long. He told her he was putting together a package for the creditors once they declared bankruptcy, and told her about Victors attempt to make peace in the hopes of seeing more of Abby. As Brad and Abby left, they ran into Victor. Ash said she would explain later, but Brad told her not to bother.
Concern: Brad ran into Jack and told him about Ashs meeting with Victor. Though Brad believed it was a personal meeting, Jack insisted it was more serious, then said he was afraid Ash was considering selling the family business to Victor. Brad disagreed, and Jack left to go see what he could find out about the meeting.
A Deal With The Devil: Ash admitted to Victor that while she was not concerned about Nikki and Jills support, she believed shed have a helluva time convincing Brad, John and Jack to involve Victor in Jabots affairs. Ash then told Victor she suspected he felt guilt for everything hed cost her. Victor reiterated that he wasnt to blame for the decisions Ash had made, and simply wanted to help the company. When he said the first step would be having the banks back off on Jabots debts, and that he could do it that day, Ash told him to do it. Victor nodded and left, while Ash wondered what she had done. Moments after Victor left, Jack burst in and told Ash he wanted to know why shed met with Victor, and what she was thinking.
Questioning The Boss: Phyllis burst into Nicks office at NE, and - though he told her it wasnt a good time - demanded to know if it was true that hed promoted Dru. She asked if he could really be so stupid. Nick simply glared at her.
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