Thursday Y&R Update 6/3/04

The Young & The Restless Update Thursday 6/3/04--Canada; Friday 6/4/04--U.S.A.

By Christopher Lawrence Menard
Pictures by Juanita

Confronting Cameron: Victor showed up at Cameron's hotel room and demanded to speak with him in private, rather than downstairs in the restaurant. He told Cameron that Nicholas will not be coming to work for him and demanded that he retract the job offer he made. Cameron said that Victor is - understandably - regretting letting Nick go, but he refused to retract his offer. Victor told him that he and the rest of his family have no trust in him whatsoever, and insisted that Nick would be far too busy at the Rec Centre to work for Cameron's company. Cameron said he would speak to Nick, but not to retract the offer, and he said he wouldn't tell Nick about Victor's meddling, for fear of further upsetting the rather tense Father/Son dynamic. Victor stared Cameron down and - with severity - warned him that if he meddled in his family, he would regret it.

Analyzing Cameron: Sharon found Nick doing laps in the Newman Pool, and asked him where he slept last night. He said he came home late and slept on the couch. When she asked how he was feeling about their marriage, Nick suggested tabling that discussion and focusing on Cameron for now. He said he believed Cameron was obsessed with Sharon. When Nikki came out of the house, Nick thanked her for her support of Sharon. Nikki was relieved that he now knew the whole story. She said Cameron is evil and must be stopped. Nick agreed, but said he can't stop thinking about the body in the sewer. Sharon recounted part of her ordeal again, and all agreed that the body had to have been put there by Cameron, and that he may have even killed someone to do it. Sharon wondered why Cameron would want her so badly, and Nick and Nikki agreed that she denied him what he wanted, and he's not a man used to having things denied him. Nikki and Sharon insisted Nick keep his distance from Cameron, since he's capable of murder. When Sharon said it still didn't make sense that Cameron would go to so much trouble to haunt her and drive her crazy, Nick suggested that perhaps he hadn't been acting alone. They all realized that Grace must be involved. Sharon remembered Grace being in the house the first day she saw Cameron, and claiming she didn't see a thing. They both hate Sharon. Nikki declared it obvious, while Nick wondered what Cameron is really up to, and what they should do now.

Discussing Cameron: At Crimson Lights, Grace drank coffee, read the paper, and remembered Nick's warning not to put too much faith in Cameron, to watch her back. Michael snuck up behind her and whispered, "Murder and mayhem" in her ear. Grace jumped, and Michael laughed, saying he was merely warning her what she'd find in the morning paper. He commented that Cameron seems much more her type than Nick Newman, while she teased him about his unlikely connection to Sharon. When she asked how close the two really were, Michael asked her what she was really after. He then voiced a curiosity about how long she's been in town with Cameron, suggesting it may have been since New Year's Eve. Grace told Michael her entire story, about Cameron's disappearance and her arrival in Genoa City to look for him. Michael admitted that it was a good tale, while Grace wondered if he was seeking this information on someone else's behalf. He said he knows her better than anyone, and asked if she was so stupid that she can't see what's happening between Cameron and Sharon. He suggested Cameron is interested in Sharon, but Grace denied it. Michael asked about hers and Cameron's sex life, wondering if he'd ever gotten violent; more slap than tickle. Grace was offended and uncomfortable and wondered why he would care. Michael bluntly stated that he cares for her and doesn't want to see her hurt. He said he thinks she's gotten in over her head and begged her to call him if anything happens and she needs help. Michael left a tearful and shaken Grace sitting alone.

Paul Levels With Bobby: Lynne was surprised when Bobby showed up to see Paul. Paul told him about the new evidence, explaining exactly what it was and what it meant. Bobby was furious to learn that despite the evidence, the police still weren't looking for who did this to Brittany. Paul suggested it was someone from Mr. Lewis' organisation. Bobby said that if that's the case then whoever did it deserves to have their freedom taken, and their face ripped off. Paul told him to tell the police anything he knows, but Bobby said he would handle this on his own, and thanked Paul, telling him they never had this conversation.

Raul Gets Brittany's Truth / Bobby's Order: Raul told Brittany that enough time has gone by to look after her scar and suggested several treatments mentioned on the Internet. Brittany refused to get excited about any of them and said she doesn't want to get her hopes up on some cure that isn't even authentic enough to end up in the newspaper. Raul tried to come on to her, kissing her, but Brittany pulled back, prompting him to ask if they're even still a couple. He bluntly asked her if she has feelings for Bobby, something going on in her heart for the man, and Brittany admitted that she honestly doesn't know. Raul got tearful and said she was making a mistake. Brittany left the room moments before Bobby nearly broke down the door to get in. Inside, he told Raul to get Brittany and get out of town, keep her safe, something is happening.

Cocky Kevin: In the Psychiatric Ward, Kevin spoke with another patient who fears clouds and tried to talk him out of his concerns. Lauren showed up for a visit and was amazed to see how well he is getting along with all the patients. He admitted he doesn't feel threatened by any of them, prompting Lauren to suggest he consider a career in counselling. He said that when he gets out he intends to make something of his life, thanked her for her support, and asked if he could use her cell phone to call someone who hasn't always believed in him. He phoned Dt. Weber and demanded an apology for the accusations of hurting Brittany. When he taunted Weber about the new evidence, and admitted to faking his insanity to stay out of jail, Weber horrified him by revealing that the evidence was a no-go and he was still under arrest. Realizing the implications of his misstep, Kevin hung up the phone and screamed, "No" several times at the top of his lungs, while Lauren looked on, confused.

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