Wednesday Y&R Update 2/18/04

The Y&R Update Wednesday 2/18/04--Canada; Thursday 2/19/04--U.S.A.

By Glynis
Pictures by Juanita

Kevin reveals that he knows that Lauren has been playing a game with him. Lauren tries to deny this, but he is not stupid. He knows that she was hoping that he would incriminate himself. He demands to know who put her up to this. She says nothing. That doesn’t matter. He loved her and knew that he cared. He has to wonder how she could do this to him.

Paul says that he is on the right track. He has a strong theory and tells Raul about it, along with Bobbie. Paul tells that Kevin Fisher was the one it seems. Mr. Twisted himself.

Victor is enjoying reading a good book when the doorbell rings.

Victor answers to Michael. It is very late. He is sorry to be coming over this way. Victor lets the man in. Michael says that he has an emergency that is all his. He isn’t even sure of anyone else that he could talk about this with. It is something personal. Victor offers the man a drink. Victor makes tequilas. Michael says that he has a brother, who is actually a half-brother. He says that his brother is Kevin Fisher. Victor doesn’t get it yet. He can see that Michael is shaken, and he offers the man the first drink that has been made. Michael downs it.

Nick is playing cards with the family. All four of them laugh and joke around the table. Sharon almost wins, but Noah ends up winning again. The kids take all the fake money at the table and leave Nick with nothing. It is time for the kids to go to bed. They will do this again. Maybe they will even have Family Night. Noah says that this is the best night ever.

Jill arrives home and heads into the living room.

Kay has heard Jill entering, and she shouts out that she has been avoiding her. Katherine has a drink in her hand. She finds it funny that Jill thought that she could make all the liquor stores stop delivery to the house, but Katherine found one. Katherine is looking at Jill strangely. Katherine can see that Jill really doesn’t know… Jill wants to know what she is talking about. Katherine plays coy with her. Jill wonders if Katherine wants to know about her day. Jill knows that Katherine has been doing all day by herself. She points to the glass of liquor. Katherine is suddenly sad. Jill sees that immediately. “Mother. What is it? What is wrong?”

Michael knows that Victor is all about family. He asks Victor if family deserves your concern and protection automatically. Michael tells how Kevin turned out to be the bad apple. Michael is a bad apple too, but he is the one that you can still turn into apple pie. Kevin has people after him. They are going through gymnastics to get to the man. They are trying to entrap the guy. If these guys were the law, they wouldn’t be allowed to do what they are doing now. Victor has no idea what he can do to help. Michael needs to understand what he should do. Should he let Kevin fall into this trap, or should he step in and save the guy.

Lauren says that she would like to understand Kevin better. Kevin tells her that the day that they met, he thought that she was beautiful. She didn’t ignore him, and she was so nice to him. She was warm and friendly. She remembers this. She remembers him being very sweet. She said that it was rare to find someone that was kind. She also said that the older that people got, the less likely they would be to judge. Was any of that true? She tells him that conversation was sincere. He knows that at the time she didn’t know who he was. He knows that she probably heard all the stories, and now she won’t give him a chance. She would like to work through this, but he will have none of it. No more games. It is going to end there…now…tonight.

Raul would never have thought that Kevin would have done anything like this. Kevin was an electrician’s apprentice for many years it seems. He certainly knows his way around electricity. He could have wired the pole where Brittany was dancing. Bobbie wasn’t worried about the guy, but he did think that someone caused him to be fired. He thought JT first, and then he thought that Brittany was the one. He mentioned also that he knows that the associates of the club wanted to shake him down. He must have gone to the nearest girl, as he was already angry with her. Raul has to wonder now what they should do. Bobbie knows what needs to be done. The boy should have his arms broken in a couple of places.

Jill says that she heard from Elizabeth that day and that they spent some time together. Katherine would like to have seen Elizabeth, but Elizabeth wouldn’t come, as she couldn’t bear to see her friend drunk again. Katherine had no idea that Elizabeth even knew that she was drinking. Jill must have told the woman, disappointing her. Katherine was making headway with her battle with the bottle. Kay warned that she wouldn’t be able to do this easily. Jill said that she was proud of her mother, but that didn’t count for anything.

Cassie is glad that the family has been able to spend time together. Sharon has been out of it lately. Cassie has been talking to her mother, and Sharon hasn’t heard her even sometimes. Sharon looks worried all the time. She has been dealing with grown up stuff, but now they are going to do more family stuff. That is enough. Nick orders the kids upstairs to get into their PJ’s. The kids run off.

Nick comes to his wife after the children are gone. He would like to play some adult games for a while. Sharon has a worried look on her face that Nick can’t see.

Lauren says that there is more to Kevin that others don’t know about. She can see that now that she has spent time with him. She will start fresh with him if he really wants to do that. He shakes his head. She begs him. He was so proud. He walked into the club with Lauren that night, and that was the best moment of his life. Now they are in his apartment a couple of hours later, and he is having the worst time of his life. Everyone at the club had to know about the setup. Lauren seems to have betrayed him. Kevin will never, ever believe anything that she says to him ever again. Lauren goes running to the door trying to get it open, but it is locked. He can’t believe her. She is the love of his life, and she is trying to get away from him. This is so pathetic. Kevin walks to his computer desk in the other room.

He slowly goes to the desk and opens a drawer. He sees what he wants in there. He reaches in and gets it.

Lauren enters the computer room behind him, and she sees what he has in his hand.

Paul says that what he has found out makes sense, but they can’t do anything about it. Bobbie would like to move now. Paul knows that they have to send the guy to prison, so they can’t do anything rash. The case is all circumstantial. They should try to get physical evidence. Paul says that he will find the evidence that they need. Bobbie will help in any way that he can.

Sharon can see that something is bothering Nick. There is. He offered to be a character witness for his father, but Victor won’t allow it. Something else is bothering Nick. Cameron Kirsten.

Jill can see that Katherine may have given up on trying to stop drinking. Katherine knows that she is the only one that can stop herself from drinking. Katherine wouldn’t even stop for Jill. Jill asks if anyone came over that day. Katherine starts talking about what Jill did. She should have left things alone. Arthur left mad. There was something else that went on, but Katherine will not tell. The doorbell rings. Katherine is not expecting anyone. Katherine panics saying that whomever is there is to be sent away, as Katherine is in no mood.

Jill runs to the door to see who is there. She opens the door to Arthur. He says nothing. Jill is so glad to see the man. “Oh Arthur…I am so glad to see you.

Back in the living room, Katherine clutches her glass tightly at the sound of Arthur’s name on Jill’s lips.

Lauren wants Kevin to listen to her. It doesn’t have to be this way. She knows that he is feeling bad right now, but things are still okay. He has to stay under control. He could make things worse. Kevin turns to face her with the gun. He is at rock bottom. He looks at the gun. In a way it is kind of funny. He sees that there is nothing left to be afraid of. She sees that he is throwing his life away. The gun is not the answer. He tells her that he is going to use the gun that night. He is sure that he is going to use it. What he hasn’t decided is whom he is going to use the gun on.

Victor tells Michael that you have to love someone for what they are, and not for what they become. Michael knows that everything bad about Kevin will be confirmed about himself. There is a trap being set for the boy now. Victor is sorry to hear that. Victor knows that if Michael wants to help his brother, then he has to do it now. He can’t waste another minute. Michael can see that Victor is right, and he heads to the door.

Sharon would like to know what Nick has to say about Cameron. Nick talked to the police, and they are being very tightlipped. They will tell Nick nothing. The cops could be on to something. This all makes no sense. No one has heard a thing. Nick remembers that Cameron isn’t married, but maybe he has a girlfriend. Sharon knows that the police must have handled all that. Nick will mention that to Detective Webber anyway. Sharon says that Nick shouldn’t worry about this. The police are handling this. Nick says that the deal that he was working on with Cameron would have been huge for Newman. The company is in crisis now, and Nick needs all the help that he can get. Sharon suddenly sits down. Her face gets very sad. Nick sees that. “Sharon what is wrong? What is it?”

Katherine didn’t expect to see Arthur back so soon. Arthur says that he hasn’t changed his mind about what they talked about. Jill can see that the old folks have a great deal to talk about. She starts leaving, but Arthur stops her, telling her that she should be there too.

Nick apologizes for upsetting Sharon with the update on Cameron. She suggests that he kiss her instead. They reach for their wineglasses. “To my beautiful wife.” Sharon knows that the kids are asleep now, and she suggests that they get cozy on the couch. Nick would rather play strip poker upstairs. They could also forget the cards and get right to it. She likes that idea. She tells him to go upstairs and have his shower, while she cleans up downstairs.

JT is at Paul’s place waiting for him in the hall. Paul is surprised to find the teen in the hall, as Lauren should have been there by now. JT left Lauren at the party with Kevin. Paul is glad that Lauren is doing so well. JT had the nice easy. All he had to do was avoid the jerk. Paul sees that he has no messages on his machine. Paul tells JT the Fisher may have been he one that zapped Brittany. When Paul explains it all, JT understands. They need proof. Kevin can’t know that he is being investigated. If he found out about something leading to this investigation being successful, he will dump whatever evidence he has. JT remembers that Lily broke into Kevin’s house and she saw a toolbox in there. That may come in useful at some point. JT has to wonder if maybe this is really the break. Maybe this is the break they were looking for.

Paul has to make a decision as to what to do, but first he has to figure out what has happened to Lauren. Paul calls Lauren’s cell phone.

No one answers. Paul leaves her voicemail, asking her to call him.

Paul decides to call the Athletic Club next.

Gina is working when she answers the phone. Paul is there. She missed him at the dance. Gina tells that Lauren left some time ago. Over an hour ago. She was with her date, and they seemed very chummy. Gina hears the urgency in Paul’s voice.

Paul tells JT that something is wrong. Something is very wrong.

Back at Kevin’s house, he is staring at his gun as Lauren watches. Lauren sees that she is going to be hurt for betraying Kevin. Kevin has been trying to make one good thing happen, but people have been getting in his way. He names everyone that has hatred for him. He thought that things were never going to get better, and then he saw Lauren. He thought that she was going to change everything for him, but she was just a lie too. She was just another betrayal. Now it seems that someone has to pay for his betrayal. Lauren cries from relief. Lauren is the only woman that he ever loved. He couldn’t hurt her. Lauren has to wonder about the others. Kevin wants them to pay for the way that he has been treated. He won’t go after them either though because that would be pointless. If he isn’t going to hurt anyone, then why is he holding the gun? Lauren sees what he means by the look in his eye. Kevin is crying now. He is just a big failure. He feels like a joke. Lauren knows that this isn’t the way. There has to be another option. Lauren was his only option though. He knows that things are never going to get any better. Lauren makes a run for the gun, but Kevin shouts at her to stand back. POUNDING ON THE DOOR. Michael looks over at the door. Lauren turns to look at it also. Kevin recognizes the voice. “Kevin! OPEN UP THE DOOR! OPEN THE DOOR!” It is Michael. Kevin freezes. Lauren covers her mouth with her hands, looking back and forth from Kevin to the door and then back again.

Sharon is cleaning up and she remembers her son telling her that this has been the best night ever. Sharon is holding a bowl of popcorn in her hand, and she turns to the window to look out. That is when she sees him. It is ‘Cameron’ standing in the window staring in at her. He has blood dripping down his head. Sharon screams at the sight of the man, dropping the bowl and its contents.


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