Wednesday Y&R Update 12/17/03

The Y&R Update Wednesday 12/17/03--Canada; Thursday 12/18/03--U.S.A.

By Glynis
Pictures by Juanita

Michael stares into the fire and thinks about what he has to do now that Victor has given him the release from having to keep secrets. Someone comes to visit him at his home. He moves slowly as he gets up. He knows who is there and why they have come…

…Michael heads over to the door to answer and finds Christine there. She doesn’t look like she is in a very good mood. He is not surprised as they had a terrible talk before. He has called her over because he has something to say to her. He offers her a drink. She was upset with him before, as she wanted to save him from losing his license. His behaviour has been self-destructive. Jail would be the end of him. Why does she keep worrying for him? He tells her that he is there to let her hear him sing. Victor asked Michael to grab a deal and run.

Victor is at the office now and he looks over at his famous portrait on the wall and thinks about his life and his work…

…Sharon comes to visit Victor at the office. She enters timidly, not sure what mood he is in at the moment. He invites her in and they sit together to update on how things are going. She would like to talk to him. She is sad and had to come and see him. She feels horrible and he knows about what. She owes him so much and she feels like… Victor assures her that whatever happened is between he and Nick. He doesn’t want this to affect her relationship with her husband.

Nikki arrives at the Newman building and goes in to see her son in his old office. She slams the door loudly showing her mood. Nick wonders if he should take cover. She is there for some reason but she knows not what. She needs to talk to someone. She has no choices as to whom she should talk to now. Nick doesn’t want to talk about this. She keeps hoping that normal human decency will find its way into his attitude. Nick reminds her that Victor has done felonious things. Nikki wouldn’t have destroyed the family to change what Victor has done. That is the difference with she and he. She feels that the family is really destroyed this time. She came to tell him that Victoria is gone. That is what she has come to tell him.

Jack is in the cabin reading and Phyllis is before him looking out the window. He asks about her walk earlier. She says that the walk was creepy and bizarre. There are a lot of weird things happening there in Japan. Jack asks her for some of the wine that she is drinking.

Neil tells Drucilla that he is going to end the plans to marry if Drucilla doesn’t change her behaviour and tell him everything that there is to know about the guests for their wedding. He has just about been driven crazy thinking about what might have been going on with she and Damon in the woods. There is no way that he can think about getting into a wedding with this woman with all the secrets that she has been keeping. She can see that Neil feels that she was getting it on in the woods with Damon, and she can hardly believe that. Neil has no other option to think anything else, as Drucilla has not given him anything else to use as the reason for her going off with the man to such a strange place. Drucilla tries to calm him but Neil will not let her touch him. There is too much deception going on. Drucilla sees that she is backed into a corner. She tells Neil that she will tell him what is going on.

Michael explains that Victor won a contest in being noble and that he lost the contest. Christine knows that what Michael was telling her before was completely bogus, but now he is admitting it and she can’t believe that. Christine would like to know where the money for these crimes came from. Michael will get to that later. Michael says that this day was ugly and heavy for him so before he says one word, he would like to know what he gets out of the deal.

Neil is patiently waiting for Drucilla to give up the information that he desperately needs to hear. She tells him that this is business and top secret and it is big. She can’t discuss it. Neil sees that the company employees are there with them at their wedding and things didn’t’ have to be with that. They were supposed to be in Trinidad with their daughter and suddenly, there was a change. Drucilla says that she was in a bind and she had to set things up this way. She could have come to him and explained the situation, but she didn’t. Neil reminds her that this is about their marriage and they are supposed to be honesty and if there isn’t that, there is nothing. Less than nothing. She says that she understands. She apologizes for what she has done. She knows that she has been acting like a crazy person and not being as honest as she could have been. She still can’t say what is going on. He is the competition. Neil has to wonder if this has to do with Victor and the wild accusations. That is fine and dandy but what does that have to do with Damon and his woman being in the jungle. She says that it was sort of a business meeting. She begs him not to cancel the wedding over this.

Damon explains to Vanessa that Drucilla was eager to get out and find the orchid and that was why he took off with her as long as he did. They were out in the jungle trying to get things done but nothing has happened yet. Vanessa understands that they want to find the orchid soon, but she could have come too and helped them with that. She was the one that found it in the first place. There was no reason to leave her out of the mix. Damon could have included Vanessa but she is there on Jabot’s dime. She doesn’t care about that. They have other options. She knows that they could easily develop this thing on their own. They don’t really need Jabot. Damon asks her to stop this and be quiet with that idea.

Sharon explains to Victor that when she came back to Genoa City, Victor was the first one that accepted her back. She means a lot to him. She sees that he is such a good man and a kind person. In many ways, he is like the father that she never had. She can’t imagine throwing that away. He knows that she was a burden to the father that she never had, and Nick is a burden to the father that he does have. She likes the idea of having someone there to stand by you when you do things wrong. Nick doesn’t appreciate that. Victor wants her to leave the issue with Nick to him. She should look out for herself and her marriage. Those words bring tears to her eyes. She is sickened over the family troubles, she says. Victor senses something more. That is just a feeling that he has. He tells her to forget about all this and go home to her family and her husband. Victor still worries for Nick, as the man is his son. No matter what, Victor can’t forget that Nick is his son.

Nick is sure that Victoria will be back. Nikki can’t believe that she is gone. Nikki has a letter that she reads from. Victoria is assaying good-bye and that she has no idea where she will go. She would like to stay and support her family but she can’t stand it. The family is dissolving before her eyes. She would like them to leave her alone so that she can figure things out. Nick wonders if this is his fault too. Nikki seems to think so. He has deliberately set out to destroy his father and that makes him accountable for Victoria leaving. Nikki knows that this was revenge and she knows that. He should be responsible for that. All the family bonding is gone because of Nick and the idea that his father is overbearing. Pride goeth before the fall. She tells Nick that if she were he, she would watch her back. She knows that out there in the world, nobody likes a Judas.

Christine will drop the conspiracy charges against Michael but there is something that he has to do to make this work. He would have to tell the truth though and all of it, which would mean outing Victor. She gives him a minute to accept the deal. Michael tells her that Victor would like to meet with her at his office to go over his term. He is sorry that Christine got caught up in this, but this is what she signed up for. There is no self-pity here. He shakes her hand and they have a deal.

Jack and Phyllis are talking nicely and having a glass of wine. She tells him that she could sleep on the couch but he will not see her do that. She knows that they could sleep in the bed together. He will not do that. He tells her that she has power over him, and lying in bed with her isn’t going to help the situation. She is fine with his decision. They are far from home and they are in a strange place. It would be easy to pretend that things are like they used to be. She understands.

Drucilla tries to make Neil see that she has to have some secrets about her business. He understands that and doesn’t force her to explain anymore. She only worries that he will cancel the wedding but he seems to be softening up in her hands. She is kneeling before him and kissing his chest now. They are slowly getting back to where they used to be. The kissing starts and then there is knocking at the door…

…”Is the coast clear?” Drucilla shouts for the visitor to enter. Lily enters and sees her parents in a love embrace. It was a good thing that she knocked first. Lily is there to spend time with her mother. They are going to go out for a while…

…Drucilla kisses her husband goodbye and heads out the door to be with her daughter for a while as she promised.

Drucilla and Lily are out at the gardens at a table and they discuss Neil and Drucilla and how they have been getting along. Drucilla says that Neil had some questions and Drucilla answered them. Lily is worried that things might not work out right. She would like to believe that things will work out but she can’t be sure yet. Drucilla tells her that this is the real deal and this time, nothing is going to break them up.

Sharon is still with Victor and she looks at pictures on Victor’s desk. He takes a picture from her and looks at it. It is a picture of the family. They are all wonderful, but things have changed now and Sharon is heartsick over that. Victor did this because he wanted to make sure that Victoria’s cosmetics line would do better than Jabot’s. Victor is very competitive. He bribed some people and now he is paying for that. Sharon has to wonder what is going to happen now. He tells her that she is going to go home and meet with her family. She will read Noah a story. Sharon knows that Noah loves when Victor reads to him but Victor will not be able to read to the boy that night. Sharon is crying and she goes over to Victor and hugs him…

…Christine opens Victor’s door and there is an officer behind her. Christine would like to talk to him but she can come back later. Sharon is horrified. Victor tells Sharon to go and she quickly leaves…

…Victor knows that Christine is there to do a job and he implores her to just do it. Christine tells him, “I’m sorry. Victor Newman, it is my duty to tell you that you are being placed under arrest.”

Damon receives a call and ends it. Vanessa would like to talk to him about who should work with them or not work with them. Damon works for Jabot and wouldn’t want to leave them out of the deal. Vanessa knows that Jabot would be more than happy to cut her out of the deal. Damon assures her that she will not be cut out. He would like to go to bed now. She would like to go to bed too. She means something different than she does. He assures her that the next day they will go scouting alone for the orchid. She tells him that if he wants to see her that night, her bedroom is right over there.

Drucilla is very excited over the wedding. Drucilla knows that she is going to have her family back. Lily is excited too. Lily would like to know a secret about the dress that her mother is going to wear. Drucilla only tells Lily that she has been talking to consultants in Japan and they are taking care of things. She has friends in Japan and they are going to be singing for them at the wedding. Drucilla is sure that Lily knows the group. Drucilla will not tell her who the group is though. This is so great sitting with Lily seeing her smile like old times. Lily loves getting away from everything that happened back home. They will have to face those things when they return home. Lily thanks her mother for bringing her there. Drucilla would have things no other way. Lily remembers what a brat she used to be. Lily is a changed girl now. Lily says that she appreciates her parents more now than she ever did. All that she can say is that she loves her parents and wants them to be happy, as they really deserve it. That means so much to Drucilla. She is happy that Lily feels this way. Drucilla has a request and she hopes that Lily will do it.

Nikki has to wonder what they are going to do now at Christmas. Victoria is gone and they don’t know what the situation is going to be with Victor. The timing is bad and Nick admits it. Nikki hopes that nothing happens until after the holidays. Nick tried to slow things down but that was out of his hands. Nikki doesn’t understand. Nick saw that things were all unravelling and went faster than he thought it would. Nikki would like to think that means that Nick had a little regret somewhere. Nikki hopes that the boy still has some humanity in him. Nick hates what Victor did and now Victor is paying a terrible price for that. He has lost control of his company and he has lost his daughter. What about Nikki? She has no idea if Victor has lost her too. Nikki has no idea what the future holds for them. Nick hugs his mother…

…Sharon bursts into the office to say that Victor is in the building and Christine is there. She asks for Victor to speak to her alone. Nick and Nikki look at each other with grave concern.

Lily can’t believe that she is going to be the Maid of Honour. Drucilla wants this wedding to be about them being a family together. They will all be standing with the minister to exchange vows. This is going to be the coolest thing ever. Lily is glad to accept her mother’s proposal. The wedding is going to go off the next day and it is going to be great.

Phyllis finishes her drink. They have the big wedding to go to the next day. The engaged couple work for different companies and Phyllis has to wonder if they should warn them. Jack wishes them all the luck in the world. Jack means that. She sees that he sees that competing spouses can actually make their marriage work. Jack asks her if she would have done things any differently, knowing what she knows now. She knows that she still would have married him but the rest of it…she isn’t sure. He would have done things differently too. She looks pleadingly at him. He says goodnight and she says the same to him. She knows that she has been excused and she heads to the bedroom pulling the sliding door closed behind her.

Victor is being read his rights. Victor understands his rights. Victor is ready to go…

…Nikki and Sharon return to the office and see Victor being cuffed. Nikki pleads for them not to do that. Christine gives them their wish. Christine agrees to be responsible for him. Victor is lead out quietly and uncuffed. Sharon and Nikki watch as Victor is lead out by Christine and the officer and as they walk into the elevator…

…Nick is in the hall and he watches as his father is walked out. Victor enters the elevator and turns. He is directly facing his son, who stares after his father in disbelief. The elevator door closes and Nick turns to the other direction of the hallway to find his wife and mother glaring at him.

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