The Young & The Restless Update Wednesday 9/17/03--Canada; Thursday 9/18/03--U.S.A.
By Bettye
Pictures by Juanita
Nick reports to Sharon that his conversation with Frank was civil, but doesn't want him around any more than she does. How much will it take to get rid of him? Sharon wonders. Nick informs her that Frank wanted to see Cassie and seems sincere. We can't force him out of town, and Nick wouldn't bet that he's ready to leave, despite seeing Cassie and knowing she's doing well.
When Sharon updates that Nikki is now involved, Nick apologizes and hears that Sharon basically told Nikki to go to hell. Hopefully she'll keep her mouth shut. Nick points out Cassie will have to know some day. We'll deal with it together. Don't worry about Frank. It'll all blow over. With a kiss, Nick leaves for the office. From the coffee house, Cody calls and say that Cassie's talking to a strange woman, Alice? Saying she'll be right there, Sharon flies out.
After hugging Cassie, Alice sits and tells her she prayed really hard for her after her accident. Sure, she was a lousy mother, but Alice loved her, still thinks of her every day. Cassie thanks her for driving down, her parents won't talk about Frank. You know who he is. Please tell me. I need to know the truth. Cassie shares what she knows and her theory that he's an old boyfriend, but what did he do that was so bad? Cassie then tells Alice that her mother took off. She never told us where she went. Alice doubts she was with Frank and suggests she talk to her mother. Cassie's annoyed. I thought you'd be different. On cue, Sharon approaches: You're a little far from home, aren't you Alice? Banished to wait in the car, Cassie leaves in a huff, while Sharon turns on Alice, What are you doing in town? Alice claims business, ok. Cassie called me. Sharon bristles: You have no right to go anywhere near my daughter. My husband and I will handle her questions about Frank. Alice didn't tell her Frank is her father, it's not my place. There's no need to be rude. Alice also thinks it time they leveled with Cassie. Looking down her nose, Sharon thinks Alice is the last person to be giving her advice. Go home and leave us alone.
Still at Gina's, Kay claims she can't fire her dear Ester. It's not necessary. Jill believes it is. How else can they put the past behind them? It's just not possible with Ester around. IF she refuses, Jill can easily call Ester right now, she can take you home and you can call her daughter! Kay wonders why Jill can't meet her half way. Jill's sure Ester will always see her as the enemy. Kay doesn't like her tone and reminds Jill how good Ester's been to her. How am I supposed to do that!? Jill calms Kay down before she has another stroke, It's not worth dying over. Kay thinks if she were really concerned for her health she wouldn't pull this stunt. She feels terrible for abandoning her and would like to set things straight, before it's too late. Jill claims she's not just out for revenge on Ester, who thinks she's evil. She will never change. She'll be threatened if she has to share and would do anything to prevent that from happening. Kay hadn't thought of it that way. Also, Jill points outs out she is an employee. She does want to explore her relationship with Kay as her mother, but it's time for Ester to go.
Back home, Jill boasts to Larry, I've got Katherine eating out of the palm of my hand. The trusted employee doesn't stand a chance in a showdown with me. Cause she's not family? Larry interjects. Jill wonders when he's going to start telling her what a monster she is? Larry thinks it'll be tough on Ester and Kay. Jill envisions Ester moving and Kay going to live with her. That'd be perfect! They'll get over it. I am hard as a rock. Anyone with three brain cells knows she's dumb as a post, but I've never called her evil. Larry agrees Ester can be a pain. He even told her she ought to cut Jill some slack. Jill preens, I'm the new Queen Bee. Unwanted workers must go. You are my favourite drone, that's a male bee who exists solely for the pleasure of the queen. Larry suggests they head upstairs for some honey. Jill looks at the living room, Some day, all of this will be mine. Getting rid of Ester is the first step.
JT scolds Colleen for baiting Fisherman, then learns Lily slept with him and thinks she's in love. She's my best friend. It really tears me up, Colleen pouts. You can't make someone see what they don't want to see, JT philosophizes. Colleen assures JT that Kevin didn't see them and touched by his concern, is so happy they worked things out. What I did was bad, JT hangs his head, and if Brit doesn't figure that out, she'll lose the guy who loves her. He isn't sure if Bobby's the one who trashed the apartment, but wonders what he's 'grooming' Brit for.
On cue, Mrs. Hodges walks in announcing that the building manager gave her a key. When JT thinks she should have called first, Anita retorts that Brit's not great at returning calls. I wonder why, Colleen asks innocently. How's high school?? Anita replies pointedly. Anita then reads between JT's lines and guesses Brit and Raul broke up: I want to know what's going on. Joining them, Raul hears 'She came to nose around about you and Brit'. Raul reminds Mrs. Hodges that Brit's 19. Did you remember her birthday? Didn't think so. Take your snide remarks outta here. Now that Brit and I aren't together, I don't even have to be nice to you. When Anita calls him a crude boy, Raul corrects her, a crude Hispanic boy. He leaves the room chuckling, You think you had problems when she was with me, you just wait! What is he talking about? Anita grills JT, who tells her she'll have to ask her daughter.
At Marsinos', Bobby hangs up on an uncooperative distributor, and gets a visit from the impatient Brit, who wants to know when he'll help with her singing career. Bobby reminds 'Marilyn' she didn't have a singing career until she came to him. He likes her and wants her to succeed. He does have connections. They're waiting, to see if she's really serious. IF he makes that phone call, she better show up. Brit assures she will now when? Bobby thinks something is missing, onstage. Her heart's not in it. You HAD something special. You're people are coming to hear me SING, right? Yes - but you have to be able to perform. Brit agrees she's been a bit out of it. Get ready to make that call. You better wear your fireproof shorts tonight Marsino - cause I'm gonna be smokin'.
In the office, Frederick conducts a business meeting with a handful or colleagues. How's Anita and that beautiful daughter of yours? In college and working part time in a restaurant, Fred boasts. Let's check out some of the cities night life, one fella suggests. Perhaps a gentleman's club? Fred doesn't usually frequent those places but saw an ad in the paper the other day. Marsino's it is!