Monday Y&R Update 6/2/03

The Young and The Restless Update Monday 6/2/03--Canada; Tuesday 6/3/03--U.S.A.

By Kate
Pictures by Juanita

Paul asks Michael, "What the hell are you doing here?" Chris asks for her key back and tells Michael that Paul has moved in.

Diane is furious that Isabella is trying to involve her the revenge plans. Isabella entreats Diane, telling her that she should be proud of the fire in the pool-house. At this point Diane is angry and tells Isabella that she never admitted guilt to that fire and that she didn't set it. Isabella is raving on about how Diane was so brilliant. Diane tries to make Isabella see that her plan might be illegal, thus dangerous, and she doesn't want to be involved.

Jill and Charlotte sit in the Visiting Lounge at Genoa City Memorial talking. Charlotte is acting the supportive mother. Jill hugs her affectionately. Meanwhile John leans against the wall listening with a worried expression. He walks over and confronts Charlotte. What will happen when Jill learns the truth? Does she really want to hurt Jill that way. With a sly smile she replies, "What truth, John?".

Colleen, Lily and Sara are in the park listening to music. Colleen is sitting alone as Lily and Colleen chat merrily about the teen magazine they are looking at. The girls pause and ask Colleen about JT and if she's thinking about the way he hurt her.

JT in Crimson Lights acts unrealistically nonchalant as he tells Cody that he and Colleen broke up. He adds that it never would have worked between them because of him being a college guy.

John tries to question Charlotte in front of Jill asking if Charlotte saw Katherine before her stroke. Jill laughs and tells John that her birth mother didn't even know Katherine so why is he asking that. Charlotte asks Jill how Katherine is doing. John and Jill argue while
Charlotte remembers the visit with Katherine. Jill apologizes to Charlotte for John's behavior toward her. Charlotte pays no attention, just glad that Katherine cannot talk.

John, Billy and Mac meet up and John asks after Katherine. Mac is understandably scared for her grandmother. Billy is trying to lend her support. John shares with Mac that he, himself recovered from a stroke, so not to give up hope. However when the two tell him that they have decided not to call off the wedding, John is very upset.

Jill wants to take Charlotte in to see Katherine and to meet Billy, the grandson she hasn't yet met. Charlotte tells Jill that she hasn't had a drink in all this time. Jill says, "Mother, I'm so proud of you!" Then she asks if Charlotte minds Jill calling her that. Charlotte tells her "It's music to my ears!" (Charlotte's relief at Katherine's condition is very evident).

Billy and Mac argue their side of the wedding issue. John tries to talk sense with them. Billy asks if Jill's there and John shares his concerns about this Charlotte Ramsey who claims to be Jill's birth mother.

Diane refuses to even speak about revenge. Isabella says she's only looking for a way to defend herself. Diane seems a bit confused.

Another huge argument ensues between Paul, Chris and Michael. Michael can't understand why Chris would trust Paul again. Paul says look who's talking.

Lily questions Colleen. The girls try to comfort her, but Colleen changes the subject, suggesting that they get something to eat. Colleen pretends that she's just fine. Lily doesn't buy it. Colleen tells the girls about seeing JT at the boutique. She admits to loving him and hating him at the same time. She tries to excuse his behavior and admits that she had wanted to make love with JT but he wanted to hold off. She questions if boys just simply had to have sex, if it was some kind of medical thing. Why would JT go to Anita
Hodges. What was wrong with her that he had to do that?

JT runs into Veronica, a college girl who had asked him to a party before. She asks again and this time JT says yes. Cody comes over and hears JT making light of the girl that Veronica saw him with. Cody knows differently and seems worried about JT, raising his eyebrows. JT sees him and takes Veronica out to the patio out of earshot. Cody stands there watching them leave, concern all over his face.

Charlotte, Jill, Billy and Mac meet. John looks on, obviously disturbed to have Billy brought into this. Jill introduces Mac as Billy's "little friend". Then Billy offers to take Charlotte in to see Katherine. Jill tells John off for insulting her birth mother.

As Charlotte approaches the bed, she has another flash of the conversation with Katherine. "Are you telling me that Jill was my baby?" Katherine had asked that question shortly before the stroke. Charlotte speaks to Katherine. Billy and Mac comment that they thought she said the she didn't know Katherine. Charlotte saves her position by saying that she heard somewhere that a different voice can sometimes make a difference. She was just trying to help. As she turns away, Katherine has tears in her eyes.

Veronica goes to get ready for the evening leaving JT sitting with a serious case of guilt and remorse. The song from the prom plays, "I don't know what it is, but you feel right" during which a series of romantic and playful moments with Colleen flip through his mind and
on the screen.

Lily counsels Colleen not to feel guilty as it was all JT’s fault. Lily and Sarah offer to help clean up, but Colleen tells them to go ahead home. Colleen stands thinking.

Paul threatens Michael, "If you ever interfere in my life again...I will bring you down!" Christine tells Michael to get out.

John tries to convince Jill that Charlotte is not really her birth mother but a sly con artist trying to take advantage of her. Jill laughs and says "…enjoy your life and let me live mine!", after which she stalks out.

Billy and Mac speak to Charlotte concerning Jill’s attitude about their marriage. Charlotte, a "free thinker" encourages the kids to go ahead and get married if that’s what they want, but is stunned when she is informed that Katherine is Mac’s grandmother. Her demeanor changes drastically and she excuses herself nearly stumbling on her way out the door. Leaning against the outer door, she utters "Oh God, they can’t get married! They can’t!" as she clutches her purse to her breast. (Charlotte appears on the verge of having a stroke herself)

Veronica returns to Crimson Lights where JT changes his mind about the party. She suggests a quiet dinner instead, but he declines saying that he’s tired. Veronica says see you around. JT stands thinking. Colleen stands in the park stands thinking.

Diane tries to convince Isabella that she shouldn’t try to get revenge, citing the way it has backfired for her. Isabella thinks that Paul will return if only because of Ricky. She tries to convince Diane that she has reason to be scared of Paul and Chris. She tells Chris about Chris attacking her. Diane reminds her that one is an investigator and the other a lawyer. What serious threat could they pose? To prove her point, Isabella phones Paul and lures him saying she needs to talk to him about Ricky. Paul says he’ll be over tomorrow. Then Isabella tells Diane that she wants her to be there too so she can see for herself.

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