Young & The Restless Update Thursday 5/15/03
By Kim
Pictures by Juanita
Nikki reminds Phyllis she ponied up money for Jabot when they went through tough times and Brad has an equal amount at stake as well. They will get through tough times again. Brad has another go at Phyllis who tries to convince him she isnt spying. Jabot will not win; they need to make money to survive, Victor doesnt. Jack thinks shes overreacting. She wanted to try and warn them and reminds Jack its his fathers company hes playing with. Phyllis goes to leave but Nikki pleads with her to listen to what she has to say. She believes that Victor didnt send her. She was set up. He doesnt discuss his tactics to all of his employees. He knew she would run to Jack with the information he fed her. When a company goes through tough times, morale is key. Victor simply believes undermining the competitions morale is a good business practice. Phyllis is convinced they are doomed and leaves. Brad suggests Jack keep an eye on his wife.
Jill arrives at the boutique and Lauren has some clothes on display for her. She calls Lauren a godsend and apologizes for every snarky thing she has ever said about her. Jills cell phone rings. Its John. Hes calling from Freds office. He needs to speak with her. She lies shes in conference and will be meeting her mother later. He insists they speak that day.
Fred comes back into his office. John tells him of his suspicions that Charlotte is a fraud. Fred doesnt find this possible.
Nick and Victoria are in his office at Crimson Lights. She thinks he wants to talk about Sharon. He doesnt but Victoria has to and would like him to kick her to the curb. He tells her to knock it off. The kids dont know shes back yet. Victoria suggests he send Sharon packing before they find out. He needs to tell them the truth. The doctors told him if Cassie wants to see her mother, she should. Victoria starts another rant but Nick turns the conversation to her. Satine is right on schedule. If Nick were in charge, that deal would never have gone through. Shes glad he isnt. He reveals if Victor has his way, its only a matter of time before he is. He tells her about Victors plan. She is blown away and starts to shake with anger. Nick points out Victor is whimsical first they were both pegged to take over, now its just Nick; not too long ago he was refused a seat on the Board of Directors and now hes golden boy. He lets her know Newman Enterprises is all hers because he turned down the offer.
Sharon makes a surprise visit to Victor. Shes very uncomfortable but hes glad she came. She wasn't sure if he shared Nick and Victorias hostility. Victor has been worried about her. He asks what prompted her to leave the kids. She felt so overwhelmed and something snapped inside. She knows there are no excuses for what she did and regrets losing everything. She asks if Nick said anything about her. Nick and Sharons relationship is their business. She knows what she did was unforgivable but she thinks it would be best for the children if she could see them again but Nick disagrees. She tells Victor she came to apologize for writing that letter to her mother. She knows it was self-serving. Hes glad she came home. Shes grateful he isnt condemning her. He doesnt know if he can be there for her the way he was before; he isnt going to get involved anymore. He hopes they can work things out and asks her to be patient. He gets a phone call and has to leave. He tells her if she wants to stay, she can.
Raul is at Crimson Lights. He calls Brittany and invites her to have coffee. She declines; she wants to see her mother even though shes not sure what to say. Raul wants to take her out for the evening to get her mind off of her parents. She tells him she loves him. He goes over to the jukebox where he spies a moping Colleen. He jokes she should be in school. She needed to get out of there. He figures she just needed a day off. He wants the two of them to throw Billy and Mac an engagement party at the loft. He goes through the people they can invite and mentions JT. Colleen worms her way out by explaining since Billy and Mac are so busy planning the wedding, the party might be more of an inconvenience and suggests something else. She apologizes for being a drag. Raul asks whats wrong, he wants to help. She tells him hes not the right person to talk to about this. When he asks if Billy can help, she lets slip he hates JT enough as it is. She decides to confide in Raul but only after he promises not to say a word to Billy. Ever. She reveals she saw JT kissing Mrs. Hodges. Raul is shocked. He wonders if what she saw was just a friendly goodbye kiss. No. He asks how shes feeling. She is *very* angry. Raul suddenly remembers Brittany is on her way to see her mother and takes off.
JT shows up at the loft. He apologizes to Brittany for being the bearer of bad news. She doesnt blame him and reveals she walked in on Fred and Jill during a liplock. JT wants to leave but Brittany wants to know what his involvement is in all of this. He already told her. She finds it odd she came back to find him and her mother best buds. Anita felt alone. She could have found someone more appropriate to confide in. JT figures she was too embarrassed to confide in her friends. Brittany finds it very strange there was no confrontation between her parents in the restaurant. She wants to know what happened after he walked her mother to her room. He asked Anita if he could get her anything. Brittany figures she lost it in the room. She was calm. He thinks she was in shock. Hes describing someone completely different from the mother Brittany knows. JT is irritated the womans daughter goes missing and she finds out her husband is having an affair; of course she isnt going to be herself.
Jill has told Lauren about Charlotte. As Jill describes her personality, Catherine walks in. She calls Jill Lady Bountiful and admonishes her for being generous to the wrong person. Catherine is there to invite Lauren for lunch but she has to berate Jill for casting Liz aside for a drunk. Jill asks which one of the 12 steps says to tear down a person she hasnt even met then calls her the original boozehound. Lauren stops Catherine from going after Jill, calms her down and gets her to leave.
John has told Charlottes tale to Fred. He had someone go through county records to find out if there was another Ramsey family in Genoa City at the time of Jills birth. There wasnt. Fred wants to make a phone call.
The search agency didnt make a mistake Charlottes name is on the birth certificate. John considers perhaps another Charlotte Ramsey came to Genoa City to have her baby and leave but then realizes Charlotte said she went to high school here. Hes going to confront Charlotte and needs to get to Jills office before she does.
Charlotte goofs around in Jills office, pretending shes an executive dictating a letter to have $10,000 put in her personal account for expenses. John interrupts her. He comes right out and tells her he doesnt believe she is Jills birth mother. He wants her to prove she isnt a fraud.
Sharon is in Victors chair, mooning over a family photo when Nikki walks in.