Young & The Restless
Update Friday 11/8/02--Canada;
Monday 11/11/02--USA By Glynis
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Phyllis comes out of the closet and talks to Diane. She has been hiding in there trying to get some dirt on Diane and she thinks that she finally has it. She heard Diane talking to Isabella earlier and Isabella told Diane that Phyllis knows that Diane purposely got herself hit by Phyllis’s car that day. She also heard that Diane has been planning to break up Phyllis’s marriage the whole time. Diane was stunned to find Phyllis in her closet sitting at the back of it. She should call the police right away. 0Phyllis tells her that they all know that they she didn’t cause the fire at the house. Diane is sure that there are no other suspects. Diane thinks that no one is going to believe her story that she is innocent, not for a moment. Phyllis tells her that she can go ahead and call the police now as she has heard the conversation with Isabella. Phyllis almost welcomes the idea that she can tell the police the awful truth about Diane. She feels that she has all the evidence that she needs. It was fascinating to hear all that juicy conversation. Phyllis thinks that there is no way that Diane can take this back. Especially the things that Isabella said to her.
Jack tells John that he and Phyllis have gone over the case and it seems that Diane could look as guilty as Phyllis does. Jack would like John to proceed that way but John has to differ. That is not the way that John is going to go about this case. Reasonable doubt is the way that he is going to go. He doesn’t want to go after Diane. He thinks that would be the wrong move for them. John would like to talk about Phyllis’s behaviour since she has been out on bond. Her behaviour worries him.
Wesley comes over to see Neil and finds Drucilla there. They were dancing and when Wesley sees Drucilla she is still dancing alone and then she turns to see Wesley standing there. Wesley sees the table set for two and the food and he hears the music and it doesn’t take him long to figure out that Neil has been trying to get in good with Drucilla. Wesley wants to talk about Serena and Drucilla thinks that she should go when she hears that woman’s name, but Neil tells her that she doesn’t have to go. Wesley says that Serena still has strong feelings for him. That angers Drucilla and she leaves. Neil thinks that Wesley planned to upset Drucilla that way and let her hear that Serena and he may still have something going and he doesn’t appreciate it. Wesley sees that he has interrupted a very important lunch that Neil was having with Drucilla. Neil only wants to talk about Serena’s crisis. The rest, he wants left private.
Nick is helping the children with their homework, and Cassie decides that she and Noah should go out and play. She is deep freezing Nick out of her life for leaving them to live there by themselves. She can’t understand what has made her family separate like this and she will never understand, she only wants her parents back together again. Nick can see that the kids are pretty angry. The kids are not angry with their mother though, this is all about Nick and he knows that.
Phyllis tells Diane that she has heard this fascinating conversation between she and Isabella, but Diane thinks that Isabella will tell the story differently if need be. Phyllis highly doubts that. She heard the fear in Isabella’s voice and she can tell that the woman has had enough of being Diane’s confidante and best buddy and she is about ready to pack in the towel. Phyllis knows that Diane was the one that caused the accident with the car and she is going to tell whoever will listen. Phyllis finds Isabella to be an accomplice of Diane’s and Phyllis is going to make her pay for that. Diane denies that. She tells Phyllis to go ahead and tell the police whatever she wants. She is not the one that is thought to be a nut. She feels that she should call the police on Phyllis and she isn’t afraid of the woman’s threats. She opens her door and calls Gene to come and assist her. She tells him to watch Phyllis while she calls the police. Gene is stunned to find Phyllis in there. He has been standing guard there the whole time and there is no way that anyone could have gotten past him to get into the apartment. He asks her how she got in there. Phyllis only smiles back at him, keeping her secrets to herself.
John tries to make Jack see that he really has to go about the case his own way. John is the professional here and he tries to make Jack see that he knows what is best. John is trying to be optimistic but things are a lot more difficult than Jack thinks. Jack hired him because he is supposed to be a legal magician, so asking him to find a way to get Diane to be seen as the culprit in all this shouldn’t really be all that hard.
Wesley tells Neil that Serena told him that she would like to put things together with Neil. She was over to see him earlier and she shocked him by saying that she thinks that he and her should get together and make sure that Drucilla ends up with him and that she end up with Neil. Wesley told her that he thinks that she was having an enabling relationship with Neil and that it might not be good for him to get back with her. She disagreed with Wesley’s analysis and will continue on her own then to get the man that she cares for. She will not be dumped that easily. She will fight for the man that she cares for. She was wrong apparently to think that Wesley would jump into cahoots with her and make this thing actually happen for the both of them. Neil doesn’t want to talk about his private life with Wesley. He feels that Wesley is overstepping the lines by getting involved in his life this way. He tells him that this is none of his business. That may be true but Drucilla is Wesley’s business. That is his reason for asking the questions that he asks. He has to wonder what Neil was discussing with Drucilla over lunch. There are things that Neil has been discussing with Drucilla that he doesn’t want to talk about with Wesley. Wesley respects him but he thinks that Neil is using Lily to get to Drucilla. Neil is surprised to hear that. Wesley is not really saying anything specific when he mentions this. He is just bringing up a point. Neil thinks that Wesley is very insecure for a psychiatrist. Wesley smiles at that. Wesley loves Drucilla and one day he is going to marry her and he would like to know where Neil stands on the issue. Neil tells him that he is an alcoholic and he would like to spend time with Lily and her mother as they are his family. Wesley knows that Lily needs him and that is the reason that they are all there, but is that the only reason that Neil wants them there? Wesley thinks that Neil shouldn’t be pursuing a relationship with Drucilla. Lily needs stability and Neil says that he is going to get her that. He doesn’t want to be blamed for Wesley’s troubles with Drucilla. Wesley denies that he is having trouble with Drucilla. Neil finds it interesting that Wesley is worried about him. Wesley wants to know what Neil is going to do about Serena. Wesley tells him to be honest with Serena as she is not as strong as she appears.
Lily is painting her toenails when her mother shows up. The next day is the day that Lily starts school. Lily is not all that thrilled. Drucilla wants Lily to spend time with her father so that they can get to know each other better. Lily thinks that they could be in Paris and Neil could come there. Drucilla reminds her that her father has a career. Drucilla has a career too, but she has taken a hiatus. Lily doesn’t understand this as she didn’t have to spend time with her father, even when he wasn’t an alcoholic. Lily has noticed that Wesley has changed. He used to be fun and now he isn’t anymore. He is a great guy and Lily can’t understand why her mother never married the man.
Nikki sees that Nick is over visiting his family. Both she and Victor haven’t talked to him lately about his problems He is bitter and feels betrayed by his wife. Victor is concerned about the children. They have been withdrawn lately. Nikki has been staying away from Sharon as she thinks that Sharon is the one that is responsible for the break-up. They should still try to stop holding grudges. Nikki is going to try to keep things civil.
Sharon tells Nick that the situation is tough on the kids and they knew that it would be. Nick knows that her affair shouldn’t have happened. She reminds him that this wasn’t an affair. He knows that she couldn’t have stopped herself from thinking of the man. Nick needs some time to get things together for himself. He has to work though this on his own. She doesn't believe that he is working thinks out on his own. He reminds her that Grace is gone and he has no one else. This isn’t about him and other women, it is about the both of them and what she did to him. She assures him of that. He wants her to make the kids understand the problems better.
Cassie and Noah come to see their grandmother and tell her that school was great that day. Noah has a mark on his face from playing with the horses. Nikki wants to make sure that Sharon knows that the kids are there. Cassie thinks that she wouldn’t care anyway. Cassie has a question for Nikki. Cassie and Noah would like to know if they could come and live there with Victor and she.
Nick is tired of getting attitude from Cassie and Noah. Sharon is not going to take all the blame for this. She has to answer all the questions as she is the one that has to stay with them all the time. If she tells them that she is responsible for the trouble, they are going to hate that. She asks him if he has plans for dinner. He doesn’t. She suggests that he should stay and eat with them. Nick thinks that is not a good idea as the kids are confused enough. He will come back and see them later. He has to go and she knows that he is anxious to get away from her. He wants her to help him with this, but she can’t.
Lily is saying that Drucilla and Wesley get along great and she is sure that Wesley has asked her mother to marry him. She tells her daughter that she doesn’t want to get married again. Lily likes that Wesley came to be with them at a moment’s notice. She finds that romantic. Lily knows that Wesley could have any woman but he wants Drucilla. Lily soon gets on her mother’s nerves. Lily is curious about something. She wonders if her father is a factor in all this. Drucilla tells her daughter that Neil has done something wonderful and that took courage. Neil reminds her that Victor hand-selected Neil to be his business man. Neil shouldn’t’ be underestimated. Lily thinks that her mother still cares for him and Drucilla does. She shares a child with the man and that is a reason for them to be close still. Someone is at the door and Drucilla goes to see who it is. It is Wesley. He asks to come in and Lily lights up at the sound of his voice. Lily tells him that they were just talking about him and it was all good. Lily leaves for a while and she warns them not to do anything that she wouldn’t do while she is gone. He is surprised to hear that coming from Lily and he turns to find a smiling Drucilla grinning up at him.
Drucilla tells Wesley that she was only talking to Neil about Lily earlier at his apartment. Wesley thought that she was hiding something by not telling him that she was going over to Neil’s house for a talk. Why did she do that? She tells him that Neil called when Wesley was in the bathroom and she felt weird breaking the mood and telling Wesley that Neil had called. Wesley has to wonder if Drucilla is starting to have feelings for the man again.
Phyllis is picked up by the police and taken to the station. She is going to be held overnight and then taken to the judge to talk about the fact that she violated her terms of the bail. She is going to get her bail revoked. She asks that she get a chance to make a call. She can use the officer’s phone but she isn’t going to get any privacy. She grabs the phone to make her call.
Jack and John are still arguing over how the case should be handled. John warns Jack again that Phyllis has to stay away from Diane as she could end up in jail again. Jack has no idea where Phyllis is right now. The phone rings and it is Phyllis telling Jack that she is at the police station as she has been arrested again.
Wesley notes that Drucilla is avoiding his questions. Drucilla says that she doesn’t feel close to Neil right now. Wesley thinks that maybe Neil cares for her too. She wants to know what the men talked about. Wesley does tell her that he explained how he feels about Drucilla. Neil told him that he is recovering from his alcoholism and he would like to rebuild his life. He is always going to be in the picture. He is Lily’s father but that is not what Wesley was asking. He tries to leave, but she stops him. She wants to get with him. He would like to get with her too. He tells her that He has seen men break their necks as she walks by and she has seen men send her champagne and flowers, so that should tell her that he isn’t afraid of a little competition. She assures him that there is no competition. She doesn’t have to assure him of that.
Sharon is at the house cleaning up when someone comes to the door. She answers to Victor. She smiles at him and lets him in. She tells him that things are not that bad lately. Nick was there and he has just left. The meeting was terrible as he thinks that the children fault him for things being the way that they are. Victor knows that he is overreacting. Nick would like her to take more of the blame than she has been. She didn’t tell the children about Diego, but she thinks that maybe Nick would like her to tell them that. Victor will talk to him but Sharon tells him that he shouldn’t get involved. Victor is sure that things will work out. She isn’t so sure. She tells herself that things are going to work out but she isn’t sure. Victor thinks that he will change his attitude. Nick married her as once he thought that she was a sensitive and wonderful girl. Victor and Nikki didn’t’ want him to get married that soon but Nick did it anyway. Deep down, Sharon knows that Nick loves her and he always will love her, so things will work out. He has to go now. Sharon is really appreciative of that. She hugs him and tells him that she doesn’t’ now what she would do without his support. He leaves her standing and reminds her to hang in there. After he is gone, she thinks about what he has said to her.
Nikki is stunned to hear that the children want to live with she and Victor. Cassie says that things are okay at the house but Nikki knows that isn’t true as they wouldn’t be asking to move there. Noah also knows that Nikki will let them stay up longer than their mother will. Nikki suggests that they stay the weekend. She knows that they are upset as their parents are not getting along well. Cassie and Noah deny that they are upset. Nikki knows that they are feeing angry and sad and hurt. Cassie wonders why her father had to do that. Nikki assure the girl that Nick loves them a lot. Their parents had trouble before and they always worked it out but this time it is worse. How can Nick make up with their mother if he is not there. Maybe he doesn’t want to make up with their mother. Leaving them shouldn’t make him feel better. Nikki knows that Nick has to figure things out. Sharon tries to pretend that things are okay but sometimes she cries at night. It is confusing but adults do stupid things sometimes. Cassie doesn’t want to grow up if that is how she is going to act too. They ask again if they can live there. Nikki offers to talk to their parents about this and see what they say. She tells them that for now they are not to worry for another second. Their parents love them very much and nothing is going to change that.
At the police station, Jack arrives and Phyllis rushes to him but the police stop her from rushing to him. John is there and he tells Phyllis not to say another word. She tells them that she was in Diane’s apartment and Diane called the police. Phyllis tries to tell them what is going on but John and Jack tell her to be quiet and not talk to them there. Phyllis wants to tell them what she has learned but she shouldn’t be talking now. Phyllis is sure that she will be able to tell John and Jack about what happened and Diane’s apartment and then she will be freed. She doesn’t understand that she has gone against the judge’s orders by going near Diane again and that she is going to jail. When it finally dawns on her that she is going to be put away, she asks for how long. John tells her that she is going to have to go in jail and stay there until they get to the judge…at least. She thinks that is crazy. She turns to Jack and demands to have him spring her from there. He can’t. he tells her that she has to go with the police. The officers can see that she is already starting to be a problem and they stand around her. Phyllis demands that Jack get her out of there now. He can’t do that and she can’t understand that. The police start taking her out of there but not through the front door like she thought they would. The drag her backwards from Jack and John to the holding cells in the building. She is dragged off kicking and screaming.