Young and The Restless Update Tuesday 10/1/02--Canada; 10/02/02--USA
By Glynis
Pictures by Juanita
Proofread by Susi
Nikki is telling
Colleen got
tickets to see the concert that night. Shes trying to get JTs attention by figuring out his interests
and thinks she has found just that thing. JT loves the band that will bring him to
her. Caitlin cant believe the cash Colleen spent for the tickets to this do.
Colleen is hoping to go to the concert with the guy of her dreams. She is sure JT is
available to go with her to the concert. Unworried about her grandfather finding out
about the concert or her going with JT, she has a plan. Caitlin is concerned about
being grounded for a year if she is caught outright lying to her grandfather.
Colleen is sure she can hide her visits with JT. Colleen plans to tell her
grandfather she is going to the concert with Caitlin. He would let her go with her
good friend. Also, he wouldnt pry
because he would believe Colleen. Caitlin reminds her that she still doesnt
know if JT is going to go with her. Colleen is sure she can get JT to go as he loves
that band. She is also sure they are going to have the best time ever. Jill
walks in and sees the talking girls. She asks what great time they are going to have
together. She likes seeing them together yet wonders what they are going on
about. The girls try to be evasive, but end up telling Jill they are going to see a
concert that night. Jill tells Colleen that this is a school night. They know
but Colleen promises to keep her curfew. Jill tells Colleen she has to call her
grandfather to let him know what she is doing. Jill wishes the girls a good time as
she leaves. Caitlin is thanked by Colleen for being so cool. Colleen says she
was unable to reach her grandfather because he was busy. That is her cue to call him at
work and leave him a message.
At the
coffeehouse, JT is with Mackenzie. She is on her way out of town. Already having seen Raul, she wants answers from
him about Colleen. He tells her that he only pecked her on the cheek earlier.
He is upset that she hasnt believed in him. He hasnt done anything
wrong. She can tell that something has been happening between JT and Colleen.
Every time she sees him, hes been with Colleen. There is nothing more to it
than JT liking to spend time with Colleen, he tells her.
Mackenzie tells him the Abbots are not going to like him hanging around
Colleen. JT says he doesnt want their last conversation to be like this.
He assures her he is walking the straight and narrow now since JT knows Mackenzie loves
him. She is sentimental, and he warns her she is going to make him cry. They
hug as he helps her with her coat. She thanks him for that and leaves.
Isabella and
Lauren are having a bite together. Isabella says Mary hasnt been taking over
the way that she usually does. She seems to be holding a grudge the way she usually
does. Lauren suggests Isabella have the christening party at Ginas.
Michael and Christine enter causing Isabella to wonder if she should have steam coming out
of her ears. Lauren wants to know what Isabella has been thinking about Pauls
feelings. Isabella is going to tend to her own relationship. Lauren is
fascinated by Christine being in town. Isabella informs Lauren that Michael and
Christine have been sleeping together. Isabella tells her that she has her
secrets. Isabella knows Michael has been sleeping with her. Once Paul finds that out, it is going to be an ice
bucket of reality.
Mackenzie calls Katherine to let her know she got to the college safely. Jill arrives soon after and is being nice to the old woman. Jill says she took a letter to John from Billy when she ran into Colleen and her friend. How quickly things have changed! Katherine says Billy still ended up a fine young man. Jill wishes she had the same bond John has with Colleen. It is built on faith and trust.
JT is alone when Colleen comes up to see him. She brings up the party hes going to later by saying that while he is there, shell be at the Thrash House concert. JT cant believe she has tickets so she lets him see fourth row center! He tells her some guy in his English class is having the party. It might be a total bust. She offers to take him to the concert. Want to come?
remembers time with Diego
dancing near the pool
him hearing her laughs
she visiting him at the Tack House
clinking wine glasses
. pillow fights in
his bed
She tries to forget those times.
Nick and Sharon
are with their children having a wonderful dinner.
Michael and Christine are dining together and she admits feeling more carnivorous. He refers to her as a lusty wench, shocking her. Michael would like to talk about it later. He rented a movie she wanted to watch. The Verdict! He would like to watch it with her. Christine hates that he is nervous. She tells him yes, they can watch it together as a diversion. She turns to look at Isabella and Lauren. She would like to scratch that womans eyes out. Michael tells her to look at him. Christine admits she would like to have some chocolate with him right now.
Nick puts the
children to bed so he and Sharon are alone, talking.