Friday Y&R Update 9/20/02


The Young & The Restless Update Friday, 9/20/02 --Canada; Monday, 9/23/02--USA

By Glynis
Proofread by Nicole

The detective talks to Isabella.  He is questioning her about the fire, and the relationship between Phyllis and Diane.  She tells him that Phyllis hates Diane with a passion.  That gets the detective’s interest. Isabella is asked another question.  “Has Phyllis made threats?”  Isabella doesn’t remember anything like that, but the woman is physical.  She hit Diane once.  Smacked her in the face.  She even ran over her with the car.  Isabella thinks that Phyllis is a dangerous woman. 

Diane comes to see Christine, and would like to talk to her.  Christine thinks that the woman was there to see Michael, but that is not the case.  Diane is still with her cane limping.  She lets herself in and closes the door behind her.  Christine has heard of the accident with the fire and is sorry for Diane’s trouble.  Diane is glad that Kyle was at the wedding or he might have been hurt, too.  Diane is curious as to how Christine dealt with Phyllis when she was a thorn in her side long ago.  Diane knows that there were some incidents that Christine had to deal with when Phyllis was after Danny long ago.  That was a long time ago, Christine says.  She caused a lot of trouble for Christine, but nothing like this.  Diane asks her how much trouble that crazy woman is able to cause.  Diane is afraid to tell her this, but she wonders if Phyllis set that fire that almost killed her.  There was no threat made to Diane, but she thinks that Phyllis is crazy enough to cause the fire. The woman could do anything.  Diane hasn’t told the detective more than the facts.  Phyllis had all the chances to do this.  Christine thinks that hate alone isn’t enough to throw suspicion at Phyllis.  Christine can’t help her that way.  Diane knows that there are others that think that Phyllis might have done this.  She tells Christine that the detective thinks that Phyllis is a suspect.  Diane hasn’t even told Jack as he would hate her too.  Diane would like someone to look into the case.  Christine suggests that Paul do the job.

John sees the sweater that Colleen got from JT. He asks her about it.  She is wearing it, and looks small in it, but John is still curious.  He would like to know who got her the sweater.  Colleen thinks that she is being accused about something that she hasn’t even done because she is wearing a sweater.  John can see that she has been spending more time with JT than usual.  She is acting defensive, and a little snitty with him.  That isn’t usual for them.  They usually have a great relationship.  John reminds her that he is in charge of her, as that was the condition of her coming to live in Genoa City.  John only wants to know how much time she is spending with JT.  The only place that she sees him is at the coffeehouse. She assures him that he is in college now, and she hardly ever sees him anymore.  She wants to spend time with JT, as he is her friend.  What is so wrong with that?  John is worried that JT wants to spend time with her, too. Why is that?  Why would a college boy want to spend time with a kid like Colleen?  John thinks that she is helpless, but doesn’t tell her that.  JT has a reputation after all, and he shouldn’t really be trusted with a young girl like her.  She thinks that she isn’t helpless, as JT is not after her.  He has done nothing to make her think that he is trying to get to her.  John finds her to be naïve.  He wants this to stop. She has a poetry reading to go to.  She knows that he has been talking to Caitlin.  That is so uncool. She is not dating the guy, and she hates him treating her like she is a child in diapers.  He shouldn’t worry about it. She tells him to get over it.  He is being unfair. He warns her to get home right after the poetry reading.

JT and Brittany talk about her parents noticing her now that she has almost killed Raul.  They are only doing it so that she doesn’t embarrass them.  She isn’t flattered by their attention. She knows that their motives are selfish.  Things should be better for her, but they are not.  They are blaming Raul for this and it wasn’t his fault.  Brittany is trying to take responsibility for this, but no one will let her.  Brittany isn’t going to college until Raul is better.  JT can’t believe that.  She doesn’t want to miss college, but she thinks that she can go later.  JT thinks that she is just making her parents jump to see how high they can go.  He finds this to be a ploy on her part to play on her parents guilt over the way that they have treated her in the past.  Brittany is serious about this.  She can’t leave Raul like this.  JT can’t understand this.  Brittany tells him that he has never been in love, and that is why he can’t understand this.  Raul could have died because of this, and that was something that she had to face.  She was the cause of his getting hurt and being in bed.  JT thinks that she is trying to get herself all worked up about this and she doesn’t have to.  JT knows that she is not thinking straight.  Raul has lots of support and doesn't need her to be in town to hold his hand.  Brittany can’t leave him like this in spite of everything that JT says to her.  JT tells her that Raul must have asked her to go, or did he beg her to stay?  He did that because she is a girl, JT thinks.  Brittany knows that Raul meant for her to get on with her life.  And by the way, he didn’t ask her to stay, he told her to go to college and forget about him.  He was thinking of what is best for her.  JT doesn’t understand.  He can see that she is really in love with this guy.  She feels that she has a reason for staying.  Raul is angry and she would be, too. He trusted her to love him, and she hurt him instead.  If she really loved him, she would stay wouldn’t she?  She knows that Raul still loves her, and she is going to get through this with him whether he likes it or not.  She walks out quickly as she knows that JT is just too shallow to know what she is going through.

The Hodges go to the hospital, and enter Raul’s room.  This is their only chance to settle things and get their daughter on the right track again.  He greets them when they enter. Mr. Hodges is glad to see that he is getting better.  Raul says that he has no choice in the matter as he can’t get up and kick them out.  Mr. Hodges tells him that a positive attitude is good at a time like this.  Brittany has told them that she is staying in town until he is better and they are not that happy with her decision.  She has worked hard to get into a good school, and they are worried that she will have to play catch up, and maybe not make it into college at all after some time.  Raul’s therapy could last a long time and they worry that she will wait forever for him to get better, while putting off her own life.  They want their daughter to get on with her life in spite of what happened. They want her to go to school and if Raul really cared for her, he would convince her to go to school and not keep her there.  They seem to feel that Raul is the reason why she is still in town.  He is the reason that Brittany is not going to college, but that is not what he wants for her.  Mr. Hodges knows that he has a lot to be upset about, but he doesn’t want her to suffer for him.  Raul shouldn’t be blaming Brittany and her family for what has happened.  Raul tells them that this was all Brittany’s doing.  They seem to have trouble swallowing that.  They think that on some level, Raul was the one that caused Brittany to drink and then drive.  Brittany has already made up her mind it seems and no one can change that for her.  Raul told her to go to college, he confesses.  The Hodges are shocked at that.  Raul doesn’t need to appease them, they should be appeasing him.  He tells them to tell Brittany to go to college.  He feels that there is no reason for her to be there.

Mackenzie comes into the coffeehouse and finds JT there. She isn’t going to college either until Raul is better.  JT should have guessed.  JT tells her that he is concentrating on school even though it seems that no one else is.  He even got an A in a class and he bought Colleen a sweatshirt as a thank you for helping him out.  She is coming to be with him at a poetry reading at the coffeehouse later on that night.  Mackenzie can hardly believe her ears.  She warned JT long ago not to lead the girl on and here he is hanging out with her in spite of the advice that he gave her.  Mackenzie is leery as to what he is up to.  She hopes that he is not going to take advantage of that girl.  He assures her that nothing of the sort is going to happen.  Mackenzie  thinks that he is encouraging the girl anyway, even if he doesn't want to.  Soon she is going to get hurt when she realizes that she can’t get him.  She only hopes that he is going to be gentle with her.  He tells her that he is always kidding around with women, but with Colleen, it is like being with a girl that doesn’t kid around.  She is cute.  He likes it that she likes him.  They relax together.  Mackenzie gives up. She hopes that when he does hurt her, he realizes it and is sorry.  He thanks her for the tip and leaves.

Phyllis thinks that Diane is going to make sure that ‘Shaft’ stays focused on her for the investigation.  Jack doesn’t believe that.  Phyllis just wants to go someplace safe. She tells him that she can do her work anywhere.  He can run his empire off shore.  She would like to go someplace lush and lavish.  He can’t do that.  He thinks that would make Diane a big influence in their lives.  He is not going to let her do that to herself.  Jack thinks that they should go off for a weekend away. The rest will fix itself.  He would like to go to Monaco with her.  She is looking forward to that. They hug.  Jack runs off to pack. The doorbell rings and it is Detective Webber.

Brittany goes to the hospital to Dr. Walker. She wants to know how Raul is doing.  He is making progress. She wants to know more. She wants Raul to get better.  Dr. Walker tells her that she should let him worry about Raul’s progress and she should worry about her drinking and driving.  She needs repair as does Raul’s spine.  He quickly leaves her there.  ‘

Brittany walks into Raul’s room and finds her parents there.  “What are you two doing here?”  Her parents tell her that Raul wants her to go to college.  Brittany says that this isn’t his decision.  Raul tells her that her parents want her to go to college and so does he.  Mrs. Hodges tries to play on that, but Raul tells them not to suck up to him.  Brittany asks her parents to leave.  Her parents leave and Brittany turns to Raul, who turns away from her.

Brad sees John in the office. He saw his daughter leaving the building and wants to know if everything is okay with her.  She looked pretty grim.  John says that Colleen is doing fine.  He tries to get the conversation back to work but Brad will not be pushed to the side.  John tells him that there are things that he talks to Colleen about that don’t involve anyone else.  Brad is insisting on finding out the truth.  John says that Brad shouldn’t try to handle this.  Brad tells him that he is the girl’s father and whether he is involved or not is not John’s decision to make.  John doesn’t want to tell him what is going on, so he heads to the door to ask her himself.  John stops him.  He tells Brad that Colleen has a crush on an older boy and John told her that he would like it to stop.  John kept quiet as he thought that Brad would rush into action.  Brad is grateful for that as he has been involved with Ashley.  John understands that.  John only hopes that he hasn’t applied too much pressure to the girl.  John tells him that he will always be informed.  John thinks that Colleen heard him and knows that he means business.

Colleen and JT are at the poetry reading and JT acts like a goof and applauds loudly for a girl that finishes up.  Colleen quiets him.  A boy goes up to the podium and starts him poem.  He is funny, but everyone just stares.  The host tells the boy that next time he should try to use more words. The poem was very short.  Elaine is next.  She is dressed sexily.  She makes sexy eyes and starts her poem.  “…long ago and far away…I hoped that my secret would be found…I called out with my heart…”  JT is really grooving on this chick.  The girl is clearly saying her sexy poem to JT. The host is even getting hot listening to the poem.  Colleen is not getting off on the girl at all.  The host gives a critique on the poem while Colleen watches JT closely.  Colleen wasn’t impressed with the poem at all.  She offers to get the girl’s number, but JT can get it himself.  He isn’t interested though as the girl is older than him.  It is getting late and JT thinks that she should be getting home. She thinks that he is getting rid of her, but he is only worried about her getting in trouble.  They are playing music now and Colleen decides that she likes that song.  He would like to dance, but it is a little crowded. She tells him to follow her.  He does and they go out to the patio.  They dance slowly together and she puts her head on his shoulder. He tells her to watch it, but she doesn’t care.  She puts her head back on his shoulder.

The detective comes to see Jack and Phyllis.  Phyllis says that she is going to go to pack. The detective says that he wishes that they wouldn’t do that. He would like for them to stay in town.

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