Wednesday Y&R Update 9/18/02


The Young & The Restless Update 9/18/02 --Canada; 9/19/02--USA

By Glynis
Pictures by Juanita
Proofread by Nicole

Victoria bumps into Brad at coffeehouse, and learns that Ashley isn’t having the time of her life.  Victoria and Brad don’t talk much since Brad left the company, but she knows that he has been having a rough time lately.  She knows that they have had their differences, but she wishes that things get better for Ashley and her family with the cancer and all. He thanks her for that.  It is nice to get support, even from those that you thought you’re your enemies.  He asks her how she has been doing.  Victoria knows that in comparison to what Ashley is going through, she is fine. That is not the right answer in Brad’s eyes.  Brad tells her that in spite of the difference in seriousness, Victoria’s troubles are just as important.  He informs her that she should take the opportunity to express herself, if she needs too.  She shouldn’t hold things in.  He would like to know how she is doing in spite of the issues going on in her life.  She isn’t really sure that he would really like to hear what she has to say. This isn’t about work.  She hasn’t had any romance in her life lately.  She was dating someone and thought that it was going to be serious, but it wasn’t.  Brad likes that she was trying to live a life anyway.  Brad hates that people think that they can’t talk to him because of Ashley, but that is not that way. She can see that he can’t communicate with his wife lately.  Everything causes tension.  They just don’t talk a lot.  He can’t help thinking that if the worse didn’t happen, they might not be getting along anyway.  Seize the day.  Brad has no idea what is going on with Victoria and this guy, but he tells her that whatever it is, she should hold onto it.  It is precious.  Brad feels like an idiot saying this to her as she already lost Ryan.  Victoria knows that people don’t like to get involved as they only get hurt, and she feels the same way.  Brad has to get going but he enjoyed listening.  Victoria tells him to pass a message to Ashley for good wishes.  Brad tells her that she shouldn’t give up on love. Win or lose, the bottom line is that it is worth the craziness.  She ponders that for a moment.

Diego comes to see his brother in the hospital.  Raul wants to get out of the hospital. He is going crazy thinking about Brittany just laying there endlessly.  Diego tells him that he has to get over that girl.  Diego has never felt that Brittany was right for his brother, and this proves it. She nearly killed the kid with her car and her drunk driving.  Raul tells him that he doesn’t want to talk about Brittany so if that is the reason that his brother has come to visit, he can leave.  Raul sees his brother’s face, and wants to know what has happened.  Diego is still covered with bruises on his face.  Nick put a beating on him, but that is not what is really hurting.  Diego tells him that he will be staying with their parents for a few days.  He has moved out of the Tack Room, and will not be going back.  He had a falling out with the Newmans.  Raul tells Diego that he can listen to Diego’s problems, and would like to help his brother out.  Diego tells him that this has to do with Victoria as they had been seeing each other.  Raul is having trouble rolling that idea over in his head.  Victoria?  That chick is from a different solar system.  Diego has been giving Raul grief over Brittany, and now this is dumped into his lap.  Talk about a hypocrite!  First Diego tells Raul that Brittany is not right for him, as they are too different, and then he goes out and gets himself a hot, rich girl whose father owns most of the world.  Diego knows that he is in love, and that is the difference when it comes to he and Victoria, as opposed to Raul and Brittany.  He doesn’t look very happy for a guy that is in love.  Raul thinks that the Newmans found out that he was dating Victoria, and they went ballistic as he was only the stable boy.  Diego corrects him.  He was the one that blew it. He blew it big time, and now he has nothing.  No job and no woman.  Diego was stupid, and he has to give up Victoria now.  Raul figures that Diego is going to leave town, but Diego assures him that he will not leave until he is sure that things are over with Victoria.  Diego has to leave now, and he heads to the door.

Neil is doing sit-ups on a chair, and feeling as healthy as possible when Olivia comes in to see him. She smiles when she sees how he is looking.  She can’t believe the change in him.  He wasn’t strong enough to do anything when he first got there.  They hug each other. He looks like his old self again, and he is starting to feel like his old self again.  He has shaved and gotten himself a haircut, and looks like the old Neil.  She tells him that someone else has been thinking about Neil, too.  Olivia backs up and opens the door to let Nate in. The boy runs to his uncle as he has missed him greatly.  The whole time when Neil had been drinking, Nate wasn’t allowed to go near the man, as Olivia felt that would hurt him seeing his uncle that way.  He hears that the boy has been getting 90’s in school, and is proud as ever.  Nate can’t wait for Neil to come home and spend time with him like the old days.  He asks Neil if he is still sick.  Neil tells him that he will be working on getting better all the days of his life.  Neil tells him that he has learned that with a lot of help, he can beat the alcohol forever, but it will be an ongoing battle.  Nate will do whatever he can to help his uncle.  Neil only wants the boy to be himself.  Nate makes that deal with him that he will always be his nephew, and the guys hug again.

Lily has come home and finds Wesley there with her mother.  She was with her father at rehab begging him to make her mother understand that she needs to go home to Paris, but Drucilla doesn’t know that.  She runs to the man, and hugs him like he was her father.  Drucilla is not pleased that she has taken things into her own hands by calling Wesley in Paris, and making him come to town to save her from Genoa City.  Lily thinks that they should go home together now that Wesley is there.  Drucilla stops that train of thought.  Excuse me?  Who said that you were going anywhere?    Lily feels that they are not doing any good there in town, and so they should head out.  Drucilla is upset that Lily went behind Wesley’s back to get him there.  Wesley feels a little duped, too.  Lily made up this fantastic story about how Drucilla wanted him there, and missed him.  Meanwhile, Drucilla never said anything of the sort.   That was just Lily trying to get things her way again.  Lily would like Wesley to fix this situation by taking them away.  He would love to do nothing more, but Drucilla seems to have some different feelings that he wasn’t aware of.  Lily says that they should go as she has made herself the boss. She is only 14,, and has to do what she is told.  When she is corrected as to who is the boss, she says, “DAMN!”  Wesley hates hearing her talk like that, and tells her so sharply. She is immediately sorry.  She listens to Wesley as she has never listened to Neil, her father.  Wesley tells Lily that she has to stay for a while if her mother wants her too.  Lily doesn’t want to stay as she doesn't think that she can trust her father. She knows that people are who they are, and that can’t be changed.  Neil has problems, and she is sorry for that, but she is not going to be the one to help him out. She has her life to figure out.  How can she help him when she is miserable?  She hates being in that town.  It is a hole.  Wesley takes nothing that she says serious.  He tells her to go, as he would like to talk to her mother.  Wesley hates it when Lily calls him shrink as she does before she leaves the room.  Just like her mother.  Drucilla knows that her daughter just wants to get out of there.  Wesley wants to know what has been happening. She seems defensive about his questions of why she is staying.  He will respect her decision to stay, and he still offers to leave if she wants him to.  He realizes that he came there under false assumptions, but he believes that he can help her.  He would like to stay. She tells him that she thinks that he should stay.

Colleen arrives at the coffeehouse, and sits on the patio.  She has started the new school year, and has come to study at the coffeehouse.  She gets her books out and starts reading.  She looks up to see a guy and girl kissing. That makes her smile. She remembers the kiss that she shared with JT some time ago.  Caitlin comes to see her, and sees that she is smiling at the couple.  What is up with her friend?  She tells Caitlin that she is remembering a kiss like that with JT.  Caitlin can’t believe that. She wants all the details. Why wasn’t she told about it earlier?  There was a kiss with Colleen and JT 2 weeks ago apparently, but she hasn’t heard from him since.  She hasn’t even gotten an email from him.  Caitlin thinks that JT wouldn’t be caught dead talking to a girl as young as Colleen.  That would be suicide for a guy his age.  Caitlin knows that sooner or later, Colleen would have gotten in trouble with her grandfather anyway, so it is a good thing that JT and Colleen hadn’t gotten any closer.  She tells Colleen that John saw Colleen and JT there at the coffeehouse one day.  Colleen is shocked to hear that.  When was that?  Why didn’t her friend tell her that sooner?  John asked Caitlin about the both of them seeing each other, and if they were an item.  Caitlin pretty much lied her way out of everything saying that she had no idea what was going on.  John even asked her to keep their talk a secret.  Colleen is horrified that happened.  Caitlin has to go, but she reminds Colleen that there are cool boys in school that she can go out with instead of the older, more troublesome ones.  Caitlin leaves, and JT comes up to find Colleen. He has been looking for her, and he puts a plastic bag on the table.  She likes hearing him say that he has been looking for her.  It is a sweatshirt from his college in the bag.  She is thrilled to have it.  He thanks her as he got an ‘A’ in school. She is disappointed to learn that she has been given the sweatshirt because he got an ‘A’ in a class.  She was hoping that the present was more for personal reasons.  She helped him because he wanted to.  She loves the sweatshirt.  He had trouble figuring out which one would go best with her eyes.

Neil talks to his friend, Darryl, who is getting out of the rehab center that day. They helped each other while they were in the rehab center, by sharing experiences.  Olivia returns alone, and is introduced to Darryl, who seems to have become Neil’s best new friend.  Neil and Darryl hug, and Darryl leaves, hopefully forever.  Olivia likes seeing Neil this way.  This is the man that she used to know.  He tells her that Darryl is leaving that day.  Neil didn’t have it that bad.  He thought that he was suffering greatly from his bout with alcoholism, but when he heard some other stories, he realized that what he lived through was only the tip of the iceberg.  Darryl has been there 4 times to dry out, and he is still working on staying sober.  Olivia is sure that this is going to be Neil’s first, and only, trip to rehab.  She wanted to spend some time alone with him and talk.  He thanks her for bringing Nate to see him. That meant a lot to him as there are things that she would like to touch on.  She would like to bring him up to speed on things in the outside world.  He is glad that Nate holds nothing against him.  That was very important to him as Nate was unable to understand exactly what he had been going through.  She asks about Lily, and learns that the girl came earlier to see him.  She was in a state of shock, as she had come to town in the middle of his crisis. Things didn’t go very well, but it could have been worse, he thinks.  Lily has a life somewhere else, and all she could think about was getting back to Paris and her life there. She wanted him to convince Drucilla to bring her back to Paris.  Olivia is not shocked at the news.  Lily has been trying all that she can to get her mother to leave town.  Neil can’t blame her for having that attitude, as he hasn’t been the shining example of a great role model.  Olivia knows that he is not to blame for the attitude that Lily has.  Olivia tells him that Drucilla has been having trouble with Lily.  She is having teenage problems.  Neil hates that he wasn’t able to help Drucilla out with this.  Olivia doesn’t want him to beat himself up.  Neil is going home the next day, and he is going to help his little girl.  Olivia worries that he is leaving too soon.  Neil can’t let his daughter leave thinking that he is nothing but a drunk.  She warns him that teens are hard on their parents.  Neil knows that, and he is determined to rebuild his relationship.  Drucilla is another matter. She wasn’t phased by his mistakes.  He has talked to Drucilla when she came to see him.  He feels that the lines of communication are still open, especially about their daughter, but as long as she is in town, there is an opportunity to make amends.  Olivia can see that he is determined.  He is as things are getting better for them.  Starting tomorrow, things are going to be better.

Nick and Sharon talk in the house.  He wants to talk about the affair.  He presents her with a scenario of a woman that can’t forget about a man that she had a brief affair with.  Why is he doing this?  He wants her to think about her feelings, and admit the truth to him.  He is giving her one chance to tell the truth.  She demands to know who he has been talking to?  That doesn’t matter.  He has been talking to Victoria and Diego and that is all that he will tell her. She says that she is being made to take the blame for all of this. He would like to think that Diego is the one that caused all of this, but that would be a lie.  She is lying to him.  Diego shouldn’t have done this, but that was not the end of it. Sharon was crazy when Victoria and Diego were getting closer and closer. She tells Nick that she loves him and wants to be with him. She would like to keep her family, but things have changed.  She slept with another man, and if Diego didn’t keep her away, things would be different now.  If Diego had responded to her, she might be off somewhere else.  She denies that she went after Diego. She says that she didn’t want to be with him, and she didn’t want to sleep with him.  Nick knows that the only reason that she didn’t sleep with him more was because he didn’t want to sleep with her. That hurt. She is crying now more and more.  Why couldn’t she make love to Nick? He knows that she was thinking about Diego.  Sharon says that she was feeling guilty for what she had done.  Nick is not buying it.  He knows that she wasn’t concerned about his feelings or she would have kept the truth.  He thinks that she was acting weird because she was jealous.  She was jealous of Diego and Victoria, and she wanted him.  He can see that she still does. The kids, and Nick, probably mean nothing to her. He tells her that if she wants the man so bad, she can go him as he is all hers.  Nick walks past her, and walks out the door.  Sharon runs to the couch and buries her face in it.

Victoria is at the coffeehouse and Diego comes in to get his pay check.  He would like to talk to her.  She doesn’t want to talk to him, but he sits on the chair beside her. He wonders if she has gotten some perspective on things.  He is not going to apologize to her anymore. There are only so many ways that he can say that he is sorry, at least in words.  She admits that he didn’t do everything himself. She told him that she was falling in love with him, but now she regrets it. She was feeling things for him that she thought that she would never feel. She had the worst experience that she has ever had.  He can see that she would like to get over this, but it can’t be erased.  Diego tells her that someway, somehow, he is going to fix this.  She isn’t sure that he can.  She turns and walks out.

Nick is at work and he can’t help thinking about Sharon, and how much he loved her.  He imagines her going to Diego the way that she used to go to him.  He imagines her taking off her clothes for Diego.  The thoughts plague him.  He can’t work.  He tries to read a report, but ends up thinking of them in bed kissing and groping each other, of Diego’s hands going up her skirt, and taking off her panties. He is sure that Sharon loved every minute of it.  What is Nick to do now?  He gets his phone book and opens it.  He flips through the pages, then shuts the book again.  He then dials a number. 

In New York City, Grace is at work when a call comes in.  No one is on the phone when she answers.  Finally, Nick talks.  “It is me….”  Grace recognizes the voice immediately…”Nick?”

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