The Young & The Restless Update
Friday, 9/6/02
--Canada; Monday, 9/9/02--USA
By Glynis
Proofread by Nicole
Pictures by
The Newman wedding has gone off without a hitch and now people are enjoying
drinks and good food to celebrate. The wedding was something to behold.
Sharon is having a drink and walking around in a daze pretending to be glad to
be there. When she meets the eyes of others, she smiles, but she doesn’t mean
it. Her mind is still on what has occurred earlier that morning. She might
have ruined her marriage with all that has gone on. Nick can’t even bear
to look at her face. She was not only unfaithful, but she was deceptive.
She went on a romantic trip with her husband and he was buying into the whole
idea that things were fine with them. That was untrue as all the while she
was keeping a horrible secret about having a lover. She thinks that she
made a mistake as he did when he had his affair, but Nick can’t see things that
way. She could lose everything over this. Maybe he will forgive her.
She finds Nick and tells him that the ceremony was nice. He doesn’t want
to talk to her and tries to ignore her. Small talk is the last thing on his
mind. She worries that people might have suspected that things were wrong
with the bridal party. Things were definitely not right with her. He
tells her that no one suspected and he didn’t either. Her secret is safe
he tells her. No one knows that she was sleeping with Diego. He
walks off and leaves her standing there. That is so hurtful to Sharon.
Sharon starts crying and Cassie sees her. This isn’t the regular crying
that people do at happy occasions and Cassie can see that. Sharon says she
always cries at weddings even though it is over. She tells the child not to
worry as everything is alright.
Victoria walks through the crowd and finds her
brother. She whispers in his ear and he has his cue. She takes his hand
and he announces the couple of the evening. Victoria calls out for Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Newman. Victor and Nikki walk out and stand at the top of the
steps as everyone claps for them. She is still dressed in her gown and looking
as beautiful as ever. Victor is handsome in his tuxedo. Their eyes are only on
each other. Nick tries to be happy for them, but he looks over to Sharon
and glares at her from time to time. The sight of her incites his anger. He can’t even believe that he is having the feelings that he is for
the woman that he has loved for so long. Victoria and Nick go up to their
parents and kiss and hug them in congratulations. The clapping
Phyllis comes to Jack telling him that she has to go to the office as
the website that they have has crashed. He thinks that she can do without
going into the office this once, but she insists that she has to get going right
away. She kisses his cheek and runs off. Jack looks after her in
wonderment. She sure is acting jumpy…Jack and Nikki walk and talk together
through the crowd. They are good friends and he is happy for her. He
has found a way to overcome the animosity that he has had for Victor in order to
wish the very best for his friend. Victor talks to Christine about his wonderful
wedding. She is very happy for him. Victor would like to know where
her guest is. She points to Michael. Victor is surprised to find
Michael at his wedding. That is not one of his favorite people at all.
He is not upset in the least however. There is nothing wrong with her being
there with Michael as far as he is concerned. It is a happy occasion and
even Michael can’t spoil it. Michael talks to Isabella who is surprised that he
is still there. She saw him earlier with Christine and Paul had some harsh
words for him, but that didn’t scare him off. Paul has to learn that he
doesn’t control everything. Even Christine told him to leave her alone and
mind his own business for a change. Michael wouldn’t leave and miss all
the fun at this wedding for all the money in the world. Isabella leaves
him quickly and goes to her husband. Paul can’t believe that Christine
brought that jerk there. What is the matter with her?
Nick is talking to
guests and Sharon watches him. Every time that their eyes meet, he ignores
her and walks off. Every time that he does that, she hurts a little more.
Nick calls to the guests telling them to gather around. Victor and Nikki
come to the front. Nick is the best man and so he has to make the speech.
He thanks everyone for coming and sharing this special day. “…they have
been through a lot, but it is well worth the wait. You said today dad,
that you were going to get it right, and I know that you will…you have love, you
have laughter and you have trust…to the newlyweds…” Everyone raises a
glass in a toast.
Leanna is at the wedding incognito. She is in the background
trying to be inconspicuous. She is dressed in black and has her glasses on.
She listens to the toasts and watches everyone as they celebrate the Newman
Mamie is with Kyle looking out at the night sky. Jack comes over to her
and relieves her of watching the child. She will go and enjoy the party
but she will check up on them from now and then. Jack and Kyle come up on
Paul who is alone. His child is at home with the sitter. Kyle doesn’t care
about the wedding, but Jack just wants to hold him. Isabella comes into
the picture. Paul thinks that Diane will be leaving town soon, but Jack
says that Diane is not going anywhere. Isabella leaves them. Jack goes
into the main room to show Kyle some more pretty girls. Isabella comes out
to see Paul after Jack leaves. Isabella says that she is going to go home
as she hasn’t been away from the child this long. She tells him to stay at
the party if he wants. She will meet up with him later. Mary sees
that she is leaving and tells her that she should think twice next time she is
going to leave the child with a babysitter. The child is just an infant.
Isabella has nothing to say to that and she kisses her husband and leaves. Nikki
comes to Victoria asking about Diego. Victoria says that he couldn’t make
it. Nick comes over to Victoria telling her that he is glad that his
mother hasn’t figured anything out yet. Nick knows that nothing is going
to be the same now. They walk off and Sharon watches them. Michael knows
that he is the most disliked person in the room. Christine tells him to
relax and enjoy himself. Michael leaves to get something to eat.
After he is gone, Paul goes over to Christine and pulls her out of the
room. Michael sees Leanna in her stupid disguise and he calls her name out loud.
She tells him to go away. She says that she is there for the food. This
place isn't really her kind of place as everyone seems pretty happy. She
is sure that won’t be the case for long. He tells her to be careful as she
might have bitten off more than she can chew. She isn’t sure about that.
She crams food into her mouth as she watches Nikki talking to her children. Nick
calls out that it is cake time. Victor and Nikki go over to the cake and
Victor takes the people off the cake remarking that the fellow doesn’t have a
moustache. Everyone laughs. Nikki cuts him a piece and licks cake
off her finger. Suddenly, somebody shouts, “Wait! I have something
to say!” It is Leanna. “To Victor and Nikki…may this marriage give
you everything that you deserve. Especially you Victor. You take the
cake.” With that, she smooches cake in Victor’s face. Nikki thanks her for
doing that and Leanna laughs her ass off with glee. Everyone claps.
Michael finds Leanna deep in her dream state and he snaps her out of it.
Victoria and Nick find Leanna as she is walking by and they tell her that she is
not welcomed there. She says that she is there as a member of the press.
Nick offers to show her the press room. With that, Nick and Victoria grab
her arms and drag her ass out of there. Jack and Kyle find John. He learns
that Phyllis had an emergency at the office and she isn’t coming back. She says
that she is coming back, but Jack is not sure.
Paul has taken Christine to a private room in the Collonade Room
and she demands to know what he is doing dragging her from the main area like
that. He tells her that he would like some answers and he would like them
now. She stares at him in amazement. She tells him that she has a
problem is she thinks that bringing Michael with her everywhere is getting her
points. She tells him that Isabella is as interesting as a tax return, but if
that turns him on…he tells her that doesn’t turn her on. He wants to know
what she really wants. She asks him if he really wants to know what she
wants. He tells her yes, he would like to know what she really wants.
With that, she grabs his face and kisses him. He kisses her back. It
has been what he wanted, too, all along. She stands back from him and stares
at him for a couple of seconds, then she bolts. She leaves the room and Michael
is outside walking by. He was looking for her and here she is. She
tells him that she would like to go now. Michael asks her where, but she
doesn’t care where. She only wants to go now. She runs off ahead of
him and as he is about to leave the area, Paul comes out of the room and the
men’s eyes meet. There is a pause where no one moves, then Michael heads
off to follow Christine. Brad comes into the room where Ashley is and finds her crying.
He knows that she was making another message for Abby. The child is in the room
with them. Brad asks her to tell him what she was saying to the child on
videotape to make her so upset. Ashley says that she just had something to
say to her child and really wanted to do that. Brad left the wedding
because he wanted to be with his wife. Ashley says that he is Nikki’s
friend and he should have stayed for the reception. Ashley clearly wants
to be alone. He tells her that he has his cell phone if she should need
him for anything. He turns and leaves.
At the hospital, Raul shows Mackenzie and Brittany that he can
move his toe. The doctor hopes that this trend can continue and then he can have
some physical therapy. He will have to wear a back brace until his spine is
better. He warns Raul to keep still. The doctor leaves and Raul asks
Mackenzie to let him speak to Brittany alone. Mackenzie gets up and leaves
the room. Brittany is watching his face trying to read it. Brittany
thinks that he is glad to see her and she starts talking a mile a minute about
him getting better. He tells her to stop. He wants her to understand that
they were almost killed that night. He would like to forget what happened but he
can’t. He used to feel differently about her but now, everything is
different. She wasn’t expecting that.
Isabella goes to the pool house and knocks on the door.
Diane opens the door surprised to see her friend. Isabella thought that
she would stop by to visit. Diane is not in the mood to speak about
Phyllis. Isabella tells her that Phyllis and Jack might have had a fight
as Phyllis has left the wedding. Diane is grateful for the information but
she has taken a sleeping pill and has to get back to bed. Isabella has to
go too. It is 10:15 and it is getting late. Isabella leaves and
Diane heads off to bed. Phyllis comes home as Isabella is leaving.
She hides so that Phyllis doesn’t see her there. Phyllis slams the car
door after she gets out and she heads to the house. Back at the pool house, someone has gotten the turpentine and
has gone into the pool house. They start pouring. Over the furniture, over
the pillows, over the stuffed toys, over the pictures of Diane. Then it
happens. (Strike…) A match is lit. Phyllis is back at the wedding. She has a different dress
on. She says that she got a stain on the other dress. She says that she has
dealt with the problem at Newman. She is back at the party now and she will
relax and enjoy the party. Kyle is fine but likes being outside more than
outside. She likes being with the 2 guys in her life. That is her little
family. Jack suggests they go back in and show the baby off. Olivia finds
Brad alone staring at the stars. She is about to leave him alone, but then
decides to go and speak to him. She walks up behind him. She can see that
he hasn’t been enjoying the festivities. She knows that he is thinking
about Ashley. She didn’t want him at home and she meant it. She is shoving him
out of her life. Cancer affects everyone and not just the patient.
Brad thinks that there may be more to her behavior than she is saying. He
knows her and something is going on. She warns him not to start problems
where they don’t exist. He has to hold on to his life getting back to
Gina sings for the bride and groom…”Please…don’t let this feeling end…”
Victor takes Nikki’s hand and leads her to the dance floor and they slowly
dance…”Since I….found….you….looking through the eyes….of love….” Victor
and Nikki slowly turn as they dance and everyone watches. “Knowing you’re
beside me….I’m alright…” Sharon is crying as she looks at Nick across the
crowded room. He is not ready to forget what she has done. He moves
his eyes from her. “….Since I found you…looking through….the
eyes….of ….love….” Victor and Nikki end their dance with a long passionate
At home, Ashley sits with her child again. She thinks of
what it would be like to tell Victor the truth of her situation. She would
tell him that Abby is his. That he is her father. She would have to
explain everything to him, but for now, he only has to know that Abby is his
daughter. She thinks that Victor would tell her that the news is
wonderful. “Do you know how wonderful that makes me feel?” The thought
that Victor would be happy about Abby makes her very happy. She smiles to
herself. She has visions of she, Abby and Victor being a family together.
Those thoughts truly make her happier than she has been in a while.
At the pool house, the fire is blazing. Diane managed to wake up. The
alarm is going off. She limps from the burning house coughing and she
collapses near the edge of the pool.
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