Tuesday Y&R Update 8/13/02


The Young & The Restless Update Tuesday 8/13/02 --Canada; 8/14/02--USA

By Glynis

Mackenzie tells Billy that she wants to be with him on the trip to Louisiana. She told him at first that she wasn’t sure that she wanted to go, but now she has changed her mind and is willing to go with him to the ends of the earth.  She doesn’t  seem that sure that is what she wants to do, but that is what she is saying to him.  Billy is starting to sense something in the way that she is speaking to him.  He can tell that she is unsure of what she is saying to him.  He asks her if she had a choice to be with him and go to college, which would she take? She says that she would choose him of course.  She tells him that she can go to college anytime. It will always be there.  She knows what this means for him, and she knows that he would do this for her.  So with that said, she tries to convince him further that this is really what she wants.  He wants her to do this because she wants to, and not because she feels obligated for some silly reason.  She shouts at him that she isn’t like him and she can think different things than he does.  He is shocked to have her make an outburst like that.  That proves that she was feeling some pressure from him and he didn’t want to do that to her.  This is a big step and they should be doing this for the same reason.  She assures him that they are doing this for the same reason.  She is packed and ready to go with him.  He knows that college means a lot to her, so what is the hang-up?  He can sense that something is wrong. She didn’t know what her life would be before and she knows that eventually she will end up in college.  She thinks that she should be allowed to be sad that she has changed her plans.  He doesn’t want her to regret the decision to go.  She thinks that he could be the one that may regret going. They just don’t know.  Kay is going to drive them to the airport soon and she would like him to help her double-check that she has everything.  Billy refuses to do that.  He can’t let her do this.  He knows that this isn’t right. She said that she loved him and he loves her.  He wants her to stick to her plan.  She knows that school can wait, but he knows that college has been her dream. She has worked hard for that dream to come through. He couldn’t live with himself if he made her change her focus.  He is going to go to Louisiana and work with her dad. That is his dream right now.  He still can’t believe that he is doing this.  The summer changed him and he doesn’t see the world the same as he used to. She has had that experience too.  He is so glad that he has found her again. She means so much to him.  He will be so lost without her, but he has to do this.  It is like he knew that it was right for him to do this.  He is crying now.  College isn’t in the cards for him right now.  He did everything that she did to get to college, but he knows that he wouldn’t do well there right now.  She will do well, he knows that.  She has tears falling down her cheeks now.  She doesn’t want to be away from him, and it is going to hurt like hell.  This is not the end, and he wants her to believe that.  He trusts her so much, and he loves her so much.  They kiss.

Larry comes to talk to Jill and she is very cold to him.  He knows that she has things on her mind regarding her son, and so he tries to excuse her behaviour, but Jill is in a temper and nothing can be done to make her feel better.  Larry knows that she wants to be there when Billy leaves the house for a while, but she is being stubborn as usual. Larry knows about Billy going to Louisiana for the trip to build houses as Billy has confided in him about it.  Larry congratulated the boy on his decision and knows that he will do a good job wherever he ends up. She has called Larry over there to talk to him but the real reason that he is there hasn’t been shown to him yet. He jokes that she has called him for sex.  She tells him to go but he refuses to leave until he tells her a little story about his life.  He tells her that he remembers his mother coming to see him in jail once and to tell him that this is goodbye. She wasn’t going to be bothered with him anymore.  He had been too much of a disappointment to her and she didn’t’ want to live with the pain anymore.  She was really ticked off but at the last minute she changed her mind and decided that she couldn’t live without being in his life.  He screwed up his life and he hurt his mom real bad back then, but when he thought that he was going to lose her, that hurt him.  The story is touching but Jill doesn’t see how this has to do with her.  Her son is a model citizen who has never been to jail, so what does this have to do with her?  Larry tells her that she is the same as his mother because she wants to be against Billy’s ideas, but should that make her not go to him and see him and say goodbye?  Shouldn’t she still support him as best that she can?  Doesn’t he deserve to know that his mother is there for him?  This bothers her because he is going off with Mackenzie, that little trollop.  She stops that kind of talk as she knows that Larry really likes Mackenzie, in spite of the way that Jill feels about her.  That is no reason for her to let him take off and show him that she doesn’t respect his choices?  Larry knows that if she lets him get on that plane without saying goodbye, that is going to eat her up.  She will have hurt herself and her son in the process.  She has time to do what’s right and Larry hopes that she does the right thing.  He hopes that she gets over to her son and sends him off with all her love.  He walks out, leaving her to think on what he has told her.  Jill doesn’t think that Larry is all that smart, but he did have some interesting things to say just now.

Raul and Brittany are talking at the coffeehouse, and she has arranged for them to meet her parents.  He has to wonder if she is ashamed of him some how.  He can see that she is not okay. He asks her what is going on with her.  She tells him that her family is not the kind that has people over for dinner.  She is worried and concerned as to how the evening is going to come off.  He tells her that they had better get comfortable with the idea of him coming over as he is dying to meet them.  He wants them to see him as their daughter’s boyfriend.  He assures her that everything is going to be fine.  Raul is going to meet her for dinner later.

Lauren comes  to see Paul and she pokes her nose into his personal life yet again.  She brings up Christine and Paul reacts to that.  He still cares about the woman and was affected by her when he saw her the other night.  He thought that Christine didn’t have any feelings for him anymore, but he saw the way that she was looking at him the other night at the Collonade Room, and now he knows different.  Now he has to wonder about a lot of things that have happened.  This changes a lot of things in his mind.  She might have been suppressing feelings for some reason without really wanting to.  This doesn’t change how he feels for Isabella, but life is complicated and not cut and dry.  Things are not black and white anymore.  Paul is upset with what happened with Christine, but that doesn’t mean that there is trouble in his marriage.  He isn’t going to stop being a married man because Christine still loves him.  He thinks that Lauren would have felt the same way that he does now, if this had happened to her.  Maybe Christine is more screwed up than he thought.  Maybe she is having regrets about leaving him.  Maybe she is mad that she can’t have him now and that someone else has him. She told Paul that she wants nothing to do with him, but it seems like she is lying.  Paul knows that his feelings are the same as before.  He did his best to be truthful and honest with her, so he has no regrets as a result of his behaviour.  None of this would have happened if Christine didn’t go back to Australia.  Paul is moving on with his life and focusing on his family.  He wants to make some calls now and so Lauren gets ready to leave.  Lauren wants to know what Michael has to do with all this.  Paul doesn’t care what Michael is doing in the picture.  Can Paul really sit back and let Michael seek a relationship with Christine?  Paul has no answer to that.

Christine is deep in thought when Michael comes in with updates on some cases.  She was deep in thought, but she defends that by saying that she gets paid to be deep in thought.  Lynne said something to her about Paul and that has gotten to her.  Christine would like to get back to work, but Michael would like to talk about the other night.  He tells her that he is sorry for telling her that he thought that there could be more for them.  He says that he was just kidding.  He had a fantasy and was hurt to learn that they were only that.  Maybe there is a chance for him after all.  She cant’ tell him anything at this time.  She is not mad at him but there is so much history between them that she is reluctant to look at having a relationship with him.  He closes her office door and asks her how they cannot dwell on the idea of a relationship?  He used to be an obsessed, driven person once, and he thinks about that everyday. She knows that he isn’t’ the same person.  Back then, Michael didn’t think that it was possible that she could like him and that was what made him the way that he was.  He didn’t like himself and he didn’t approach her properly.  The standard approach of meeting a girl would probably work for him now.  He thinks that something good could happen between them if she only let it. She has to agree that he is not the pathetic guy that he used to be.  She feels that he is fishing for compliments.  She tells him that he is funny and he makes her laugh and he makes her feel like a woman should. She hasn’t felt that way in a long time.  She hasn’t been with a man that looked at her clearly in a long time.  He has a right to say what he feels, she only hopes that this doesn’t create problems.  Michael needs to know something.  Is there a chance for him or is the door closed forever?  She can’t answer that.  He can live with that.  She doesn’t want to feel like there is a bulls eye painted on her forehead.  He has to go now as he has an appointment in half an hour.

Ashley calls Olivia to tell her that she doesn’t want to go and look at wigs that day.  She has some cleaning to do and she would like to get that done.  Olivia would like her to get out but it isn’t a good day for Ashley and so she prefers to stay home.  They will talk later. 

Olivia shows up at Ashley’s house and she is ready to show her some wigs.  She has some wigs in a bag for Ashley.  Ashley told her that she didn’t want to go out that day but Olivia thinks that Ashley only wants to stay safe from the staring eyes.  Olivia whips out a wig from her bag and shows it to her.  Ashley isn’t all that thrilled at the sight of the thing. She gets up to get them a couple of glasses of iced tea.  She returns and they talk about Brad.  Ashley has spoken to him briefly and he is still the same.  Ashley is relieved to have Brad out of the house.  Ashley feels guilty feeling this way, but the both of them should have a break.  Ashley guesses that Brad has been speaking to her in private.  He has been talking to her.  Olivia thinks that Ashley is making more of the situation that she has than it really is.  Ashley knows what she is saying.  Sometimes families go through a lot of problems because of illnesses like this.  Olivia reminds her that she and Brad are the ones that will survive statistics.  Ashley starts trying on wigs.  Ashley is grateful that she has taken the time to do this for her.  Brad would have hated having to do this.  Ashley makes a selection of the wigs that she likes.  She heads to the mirror and takes a moment to remove the scarf form her head.  She is totally bald and she is surprised at her image in the mirror. 

Mary and Isabella are at the coffeehouse discussing dinner.  The baby is there and Mary agrees to make some dishes for the reception  at the christening for her son.  Isabella tells her that they went to the Collonade Room the other night.  They bumped into Christine and she was with Michael.  Normally, that would spoil the evening but it didn’t.  Isabella is sure that Paul is finally over Christine and Isabella would like Mary to know that.  Mary can’t believe that Christine would have anything to do with Michael.  If that is the case, then Christine shouldn’t be anywhere around Paul.  Isabella reminds her that she has a past with Michael.  Mary knows that.  Isabella makes sure that she understands that the relationship that she had with Michael is in the past now. 

Jill comes home and finds Billy and Mackenzie sitting on the couch and kissing.  The hear the door and they turn to face her. She can see that the teens have been crying and going through something.

Brittany arrives at Gina’s and sees her parents.  She reminds them that she is going off to college and so she thought that they could go out for dinner.  Her father thinks that her favourite meal is Peppered Steak but he is wrong.  That is her mother’s favourite meal.  Brittany is looking around and finally she sees Raul at the door.  Her parents are surprised to learn that Brittany has invited a friend to eat with them.  She runs to the door to greet him.  She asks him if he is sure that he wants to go along with this. 

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