Thursday Y&R Update 8/8/02


The Young & The Restless Update 8/8/02 --Canada; 8/9/02--USA

By Glynis

Phyllis comes to see Michael who is very busy at work. She waits for him to get off the phone and then she pounces with her presence.  She tells him of her trip to the South of France with her husband. It was a glorious time that she got to spend with him and him alone.  She also has control over the situation at home, so she appears to have everything that she has ever wanted in life right now.  She is not worried about Diane, she says, she is only going to worry about Kyle and Jack. Her family is very real and everyone is starting to see that.  Some days are bad and some days are worse. He can tell that this day is not very good for Phyllis.  He can see right through her charade. She is covering but he knows better.  She tells him that she had a set back with Diane.  Jack left Phyllis with the baby and they were having a wonderful time.  Then Diane came in. She wasn’t allowed in the house, but Diane is the only one that doesn’t know that. She took Kyle out of Phyllis’s arms and that is when Phyllis freaked out, but not really. She didn’t wring Diane’s neck.  That is good for Phyllis. Everything is going her way. She just has to stop Diane from getting to her and that is easier said than done.  Phyllis has to be on her best behaviour from now on. She has to stop worrying about Diane.  She has to do this.  Michael can see that she is trying to convince herself.  Michael is not going to doubt her. She is doing a great job. This is a terrible situation and she has to control it and nothing is going to stop her, especially Diane.

Diane is out at the pool gathering toys when Isabella enters the yard.  She has been trying to get into the yard, but the staff wasn’t expecting her and they wouldn't let her in. They tried to call Diane, but she wasn’t answering as she has been out in the yard.  Diane had called her to come over right away, and Isabella doesn’t appreciate that she calls at the drop of a hat like that.  She has a newborn to take care of.  She senses that Jack and Phyllis are back by Diane’s funky mood.  Diane came home to find her son with that bitch in the house.  Jack was nowhere to be found and that really pissed Diane off.  She is freaking out now and has been all night. She sees that Phyllis is pretending to give a damn about Kyle, and Diane knows that is a big lie. She feels that Phyllis is using the child to get to her husband.  She told Diane that she would do anything to get rid of Diane and she meant it.  Phyllis hates her guts and now she being threatening on top of everything else. The woman is off her rocker and when she glares at Diane with that look in her eyes, Diane gets really scared.  There is something scary and deep about that look she has, like she could do Diane in.  She has told Jack the feelings that she has, but Jack ignores her.  He buys into everything that woman tells him now and Diane hasn’t found a way to break that bond that they have.  If Jack knew what kind of woman he was married to, he would leave her and go to Diane in a minute.  Isabella thinks that she is getting too uptight about all this.  Diane doesn’t think that she is getting the support that she deserves from her so-called friend. Isabella is only trying to make her see the light as best as she can.  She can see that Diane intends to do something, but what?  Diane is going to keep that sociopath away from her son, whatever that takes.  She can tell that Phyllis is going to get everything that she wants using Kyle and that is just not going to happen.

At the ranch, Victor comes down to find Nikki putting flowers in a vase.  Victor sneaks up on her and wonders what she would think about getting married in a castle. She finds that strange to suggest and thinks that he is joking, but he is not.  A castle has such history and they can even have their reception there too.  He would like to buy a castle and he has one in mind.  Nikki thinks that is just what they need. She loves the idea.  It is so very Victor Newman. She must be crazy marrying the man of her dreams one more time.  He tells her that this time it is going to be forever.  They hug and kiss.  Miguel comes in and learns that Victor is planning on buying a castle.  He finds that idea to be a fabulous one.  He has learned to accept the whims of this man over the years.  It is only a matter of a phone call for Victor to pull this off.  Miguel will be available if they need any help with the arrangements of it all.  He leaves and Nikki turns to Victor suggesting that they just have a small ceremony together.  People are always clamouring around to joke and make fun of their lives and Nikki thinks that they would be better off avoiding all of that this time around.  Victor can’t promise her a simple life, so she just has to get used to people being nosey and trying to see what they are up to all the time.  People are going to invade their privacy no matter what they do. They should just give the people a wedding that they will never forget. Blow their minds and give them something to really talk about.  He would fly her to the moon if he could to see the look on their faces. She doesn’t care where they go, as long as they are together.  Victor and Nikki discuss the timeline on all this.  Maybe in a month they will be able to pull all their plans together.  They pick the date for the wedding.  September 5th it is.  They kiss to celebrate.

At the coffeehouse, Colleen is on the computer when her friend comes over to see her.  She knows all about Colleen’s tutoring session and how it was a bust.  The mystery still exists as to how they got caught.  Colleen wants to know what her friend thinks of all this.  Colleen learns that JT thought that the night was very cool, and he wants her to call him on his cell phone.  The friend won’t say how she knows this information, and she even has JT’s phone number for Colleen to call him.  Colleen doesn’t understand this inside track that her friend has all of a sudden, but who cares.  JT wants to speak to her and so she will call him.

JT talks to Mackenzie telling her that there is nothing to worry about with Colleen, as she is too young for him.  Mackenzie has more to say on the subject.  She wants him to think of how Colleen feels about all this. It is clear to her that JT doesn’t know everything that there is to know about young impressionable girls.  Colleen has deep feelings for him and he hasn’t been aware of that.  He thinks that this is not a big deal.  She’ll get over it.  Truth is that the girl is crazy about him and this might not be so easy for her to get over.  Billy wasn’t the one that told Mackenzie that Colleen was crazy for JT, it was Colleen herself.  She is head over heels for JT and so he has to be careful, even though there is nothing going on at the moment.  Going to her dance recital wasn’t a good move, she tells him.  That only made her think that he was bigger than life.  He only went to her dance recital because her family didn’t go, but that is not the way that Colleen sees it. Colleen thinks that she is in love with him and he needs to recognize that. What if she throws herself at him?  Will he turn her down?  How will she react to that?  The phone rings and JT answers to Colleen.  Mackenzie stands by and hears the conversation.  He wasn’t expecting a call from her and is very surprised indeed.  JT turns to Mackenzie who is just as surprised to hear Colleen’s name in JT’s phone call.  She gives JT a look that say, “You better handle this right.”  Colleen says that she heard that JT wanted to talk to her.  JT knows nothing of which she speaks.  Colleen turns to look at her friend and she can see that the girl is laughing her ass off. She has played a terrible trick on her friend and caused her terrible embarrassment.  Colleen is mortified at what an ass she must sound like.  He tells her not to worry about it.  Mackenzie is giving JT a look and JT then tells Colleen that he is going to meet her at the coffeehouse, as they have to have a little talk.  JT gets off the phone and Mackenzie tells him that he has to have the talk with Colleen as soon as possible and make her see that nothing is going to come of them being together.

Mackenzie and Brittany are alone in the boutique now and Brittany wants to know where JT is.  She has been in the backroom allowing them to talk, but Mackenzie tells her nothing about Colleen and JT, but would like to know if Brittany has considered going to Louisiana.  Brittany has no interest in going on that stupid trip.  Brittany knows that Mackenzie is totally into this trip, she should go ahead and save the world, but Brittany thought that Mackenzie had more sense than all that.  That gets Mackenzie’s attention.  Why would Mackenzie want to do something like that, Brittany wonders?  Brittany only wants to move on with her life and going to college is the way for her.  Digging up sawdust is not for her. Mackenzie is offended that Brittany might be saying something bad about her father, but Brittany clears up the point a little.  That is cool for Mackenzie’s father but not for her.  Brittany can’t see what they are going to learn doing this. They should go to college and hang out with people their own lives.  They agree that they should go their separate ways.  They are just different and nothing is really going to change that.   Mackenzie should do what she wants as she always has.  Brittany can see that Mackenzie isn’t all that thrilled about the Louisiana talk, as Billy is. Why is that?  Maybe she is only considering this so that she doesn’t disappoint her boyfriend.  The trip is pretty tempting for a girl like Mackenzie. Mackenzie gets angry at Brittany’s insight.  Since when does Brittany understand anything?  Damn her!

Jack gets a visit from Billy who would like to run something by him.  He is supposed to be going to college soon, but there has been a change.  Billy wants to work instead in Louisiana.  He would like to go there and build houses for people that need help.  It is a really good outfit.  There is this program and Brock is there too doing work.  Jack doesn’t think that the idea is a bad one at all.  Billy is surprised to hear what his brother thinks.  Billy will go to college later and he will have an eye opening experience and helping people in the process. Jack thinks that this is a wonderful idea.  John will have some problems with this, but Jill is going to hate it.  Billy explains that he has already spoken to Jill.  She went nuclear on Billy.  Mackenzie will be coming with him to Louisiana.  ***Jack feels now that he can see what is happening here. Billy wants to be with Mackenzie.  He does, but there is more to it.  The horrible thing with Ralph, gave him a new perspective on what is important.  He sees that being with Mackenzie is the right place to be. She is like a part of his life.  Working with her and doing something important is important to him.  He hasn’t questioned anything before and now he will get perspective on what is important in life.  Jack is not going to help Billy out with Jill.  This is his decision and his alone.  Jill might go to John and ask him to cut Billy’s money off. That is risk that he will be taking if he does this.

Diane remembers Phyllis freaking out in the courtroom telling Diane that she is a sorry excuse for a mother.  “…You don’t care who you are or who you destroy do you?…I am sorry!  I can’t do this…Jack, I tried it but I don’t deserve you and I don’t deserve your love.  I don’t deserve to be mother to any child.  I don’t…”  Turning to Diane:  “…Are you happy?  There is a special place in hell for someone like you…Do you hear me?  I hope you burn you miserable bitch!”  Diane comes out of her thoughts and sees Isabella standing before her.  Isabella warns her that Phyllis is coming and she had better be careful with whatever she is up to.  She turns and leaves.  Diane gets on the phone and asks for Christine.  Phyllis comes up behind her and hears Diane calling and asking for Christine.  It was about Danny and his son.  Phyllis thinks that Diane is messing with her head.  Diane tells her that she is using Kyle and she is not going to let her do that.  Phyllis reminds her that she is using her son as a weapon to get back in his father’s life.  Diane says that she can’t hold a candle to Phyllis.  Diane asks when was the last time that Phyllis talked to her son.  Phyllis explains that Danny has a great handle on the situation.  Diane accuses her of using Daniel as she uses Kyle.  Phyllis reminds her that this is because she is Jack’s wife.  Diane says that she is an unfit mother to her own kid and she will not be an unfit mother to Diane’s. that is enough.  Phyllis pulls back and punches the woman dead in the jaw. That knocks Diane right off her feet and onto her back on the concrete floor.  Diane holds her jaw and turns to face her.

Mac comes to meet Billy at Jack’s office.  Billy is sitting in Jack’s chair joking that Jack had to be let go, as he wasn’t pulling his weight.  Billy tells her that he is taking her on an assignment and they are going to be helping people in need. They will also find time to relax and be together.  Mackenzie is being strangely silent.  He promises her that things are going to be awesome.  He has it all figured out. It is going to be perfect and they are going to be doing it together.  She pulls him to her and hugs him.  He tells her that his mother freaked out about the news, but Billy is going to hang tough.  He is not going to let his mother wreck this for them.  Jack loves the news and so does Kay.  All they have to do is talk to her dad.  He wants to call Brock right now.  Mackenzie is not sure that they should call Brock right away. She tells him that she isn’t sure that she wants to do this.

Colleen is at the computer in the coffeehouse, when JT comes to meet her. He has to have a talk with her.  He says that they have should go to the patio and that is where they go.  He tells her that she is always by herself, or with Caitlin. She finds the kids her age boring, especially guys.  She wants to know why he would like to talk to her.  He thinks that it is strange that she is helping him with his bookwork. She doesn’t think that is strange at all. She shows him a paper that she wrote on books.  He is really impressed with her work. She sits closer to him and explains it all to him.   She offers to get more of these reports for him if he would like it. She seems like a genius to him. She knows that she is good that this kind of stuff.  Her phone rings and she knows that it is her grandfather and so she rushes to answer.  She has to go now, but she will meet with JT the next day.  He agrees to see her then.  She walks off and JT could kick himself for not being strong enough to tell her what he set out to.

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