Y&R Update Wednesday 7/24/02--Canada; 7/25/02--USA By Glynis Nick has brought in his sister and wife to the office at the coffeehouse, and he is forcing them to talk and straighten out their problems. They are fighting over whether Victoria should be dating Diego or not and that is not something that Nick thought that he would ever see them fight about. He knows that he is not blowing this out of proportion. They have to put their differences aside. He can stay with them or he can go. He leaves it up to them to decide. No one says anything. He leaves warning them to work things out or no one will be leaving the room. The ladies square off. They can't believe that Nick has done this. His heart is in the right place though. Sharon warns her not to act so holier than thou. Victoria doesn't appreciate that Sharon says that or the stuff that Sharon has been saying about her and Diego to other people. She realizes that she has no idea who Sharon has been talking to about her. Sharon has been saying that they shouldn't get together. What right does she have to say anything like that about anyone? Victoria hates that Sharon says that she is a heartless bitch. Sharon points out that Diego is a stable boy and a drifter and normally Victoria wouldn't go out with a guy like that. Victoria reminds her that she was nothing when they first met so what right does she have looking down her nose at anyone else? Victoria is not the monster woman that Sharon thinks. How does she know that Victoria thinks that Diego is a diversion? Maybe she really likes the guy and is thinking of trying to really make things work. Victoria doesn't know what her seeing Diego is going to lead to so she has no idea how Sharon can profess to know that. Sharon doesn't like that Diego might get hurt, and she insists that is her only concern in the whole matter. She feels that she is entitled to her own opinion. Victoria says that she knows the real reason that Sharon doesn't want Diego seeing her. It is only a matter of time before Nick starts seeing the truth about his wife too...that gets Sharon's attention. Nick is outside wondering what is going on in the room where he has left his wife and sister. Diego comes in thinking that Nick has been wondering where he has been. He sees that Nick is staring in the office. He explains that he has put Victoria and Sharon in there to sort something out. Diego says that he knows nothing of what is going on between Sharon and Victoria, but he pretends to remain curious. Nick tells him that he is sure that they both know what is going on in there... Victoria wants to stop playing games. She knows that Sharon more than likes Diego. Things with she and Diego have gone farther than that. Victoria is sure of that...Nick is sure that Victoria said something to Diego about how Sharon feels about them dating. Diego will not get into the gossip regarding that. Nick asks about he and Victoria getting along but again Diego says nothing. Diego says that he feels that he will be in town for a while. They are worried about the two women in the office. Nick warns Diego to be good to his sister and Diego confirms that it is easy to be good to her...Victoria wants Sharon to be straight with her. Sharon says that there is nothing to be straight about. Victoria knows that Sharon was going through a horrible time and Diego was there for her at that time. Victoria says that she overheard a talk that Sharon had with Diego. The minute that Diego thought that she was gone, he called Sharon and told her that they had dodged a bullet. Sharon doesn't remember that conversation. Victoria tells her that she was relieved that 'nosey Victoria' wouldn't be hanging around anymore. Why does she act so jealous? Victoria doesn't know what her sister in law wants anymore. Sharon thinks that Victoria is the one that is jealous. Why is she making these ridiculous accusations? Sharon tells her that if she goes to Nick with this, Nick is not going to forgive her and she is going to cause a huge rift in the family. Victoria knows that she is not the one that is the enemy. Victoria doesn't want to tear Nick's world apart, but she knows that she isn't wrong. Victoria is going to be watching her...watching her every move. Victoria leaves and Sharon finally takes a breath! Jack, Phyllis and Kyle share some time together. He has been over to the house for dinner and has been having a lovely time with his new stepmother. Diane has come in the house again and she hates what she is seeing. She just can't keep away. She has been warned several times already not to come into the house but she keeps returning. Jack is not pleased to see her in the house. He walks over to her in an intimidating manner asking what she is doing there yet again. Jack said that he would bring the boy back, so there is no reason for Diane to be in the house to get him. It is not that late at all, so what is she doing there? Jack made it clear that she wasn't to come into the house. How many times is he going to have to say it? 1Diane is having a hard time sticking to the rules. The curiosity of what might be going on inside that house practically kills her. Diane says that she will call ahead next time before coming into the house. Jack tells her no! She must follow the rules. Phyllis has the boy now and they are playing with a toy. Diane wants her son's attention but she can't get it because Phyllis has his attention. Diane can see that her son is enamoured with Phyllis and that angers her to no end. It seems as if Kyle forgot all about her and that is a pain in her heart. Diane leaves in a hurry, and Jack goes out to the kitchen to get the boy some juice. He returns and they discuss Diane being upset at seeing her son with Phyllis. Phyllis mentions to Kyle that his mommy seems a little upset. Jack doesn't like that comment to the child. Jack suddenly wonders if his wife is sincere about wanting to get to know Kyle as a person or is there something else sinister going on with her. This isn't something that she should play at. If she wants to take jabs at Diane she shouldn't do it, but if she has to, she should do it some other way. She has been making big changes lately and that might be an indication that she isn't sincere, but has come up with a new plan. He doesn't want to doubt her, but he has to wonder a little. She used to doubt herself, but not anymore. Now that she has spent time with the boy, she realizes that this is easier than she though. Jack watches her to see how she is really doing with his son. She can't be faking that. She really does love that kid. Phyllis suggests that they get some ice cream for dessert. She picks up the child and gives him to his father as she goes into the kitchen to get the after meal snack. She returns with ice cream and feeds the child as Jack watches pleased as pudding. He hasn't even eaten his ice cream, as he is so busy enjoying watching Phyllis take care of Kyle. Jack feels like going to bed and Phyllis thinks that it is time for Jack to take the boy to his mother so that they can meet upstairs for some fun adult time. Jack likes that plan a lot. Phyllis and Kyle have had a nice visit and Phyllis is pleased with herself. She has accomplished what she wanted, and Kyle really likes her after all. Brittany has gotten a room at the Lodge since Raul was so nice to buy them an expensive dinner. The room is beautiful and Brittany has paid for it with her parent's credit card. She asks him for dessert. He thought that he was going to be the dessert. She is talking about some strawberries with whipped cream. They are there to have fun and Raul is going to make this a night that she won't soon forget. He gets the menu to order room service for them. The strawberries come and they eat them one by one, making sure to cover each and every one with as much whipped cream as possible. They enjoy it so much that she suggests that they get some more, but that isn't going to happen. He shudders as he thinks of her parents getting the credit card bill and seeing strawberries and cream on it. She suggests that they go on to other things. He is all for that. They start kissing. Kissing him is like...wow! She wishes that they had a bottle of wine there, as that would make her relax, but Raul doesn't need that. He thinks that she is nervous, but she assures him that she isn't. He has a gift for her and he presents her with a little silver box. He was going to give it to her at dinner but he is glad that he waited. She opens the box and finds a necklace inside with a little silver heart. He tells her to open the locket and inside she finds pictures of she and he. She is not as thrilled about it as he is. They make love and Raul wakes to turn and kiss her shoulder as she sleeps. He whispers to her, "I love you ...Brittany." Her eyes open, but he doesn't see that she has heard him. Diane returns to Isabella in the pool house and she tells her that Kyle seems to have already forgotten about her. Diane is crying now. It was really bad and now Diane knows that Phyllis is doing. She is bonding with Kyle. Diane feels that this isn't good for her son or anyone involved. Mac and Billy talk about the whole thing with Ralph while they are sitting with JT. They are having fun with him and he is acting normal. He mentions that they are all going to split up when college starts. JT thought that Raul and Brittany would be there that night but they are off on a big surprise. Billy tells them that Raul has set up a special evening for the both of them at the Lodge. That is where they had their first date. Mac finds that very sweet. Brittany really appreciates what Raul is doing, he hopes. He puts it on her. The necklace is only silver-plated but she loves it anyway. She kisses her thanks to him for it. He jumps on the bed, and it is great. They have total privacy and that is way cool. She walks over to him and sits on the bed with him. The kissing starts again. He offers to turn the light off but she doesn't understand why. He is a little uncomfortable this time getting into the lovemaking with her. Billy takes off after kissing Mac and Mac has a question for JT. Mac wants to know about Brittany. She is wondering if Brittany has said anything about how she really feels about Raul. Mac wants to think the best of her but she is no stranger to playing games. Brittany and Raul might be on different wavelengths. JT thinks that Raul is having the time of his life. JT thinks that Brittany is in love with Raul. She isn't the Brittany that he used to know. Now she is the princess in love. Jack brings Kyle back to his mother and reports that there were no problems at all. Kyle was having a lot of fun with Phyllis. Diane sees that Phyllis may be using Kyle. Jack doesn't believe that for a minute. Diane wonders why Phyllis is suddenly all interested in the boy. Jack tells Diane that Phyllis doesn't feel the boy to be a threat to her anymore. That is what Diane has been saying that she wants. Jack used to have some doubts but now he believes that Phyllis wants everyone to heal and he expects Diane to be a part of that process. He walks out and Isabella comes from the back room after hearing everything. Jack has returned and starts undressing in his room. Phyllis comes in behind him, "ahem." He turns around and is lost for words. She is wearing a pink bra set with a see-through maid's apron around her waist. He talks out loud, but Phyllis tells him to be quiet. She jokes that Kyle is in the room up the hall. Phyllis says that he is 10 years old and she gets along great with the kid. She says that the kid calls her mommy. This is her fantasy. She would like to be a family with Kyle and Jack. The idea gets them both hot. Phyllis gets down on the couch and assumes the position and Jack starts kissing her in all the right places. After the mind-blowing sex, Jack snuggles up to her. They were trying to be quiet, pretending that Kyle was in the next room and they blew it. Phyllis was louder than ever. Jack is glad to see that she is serious about making this effort. She is as serious as he is. She feels that this is a new journey into the future. Kyle is their son. Phyllis wants to be there for Kyle as if he were her real son. He is a lucky boy. Phyllis has proven herself to be an amazing lady. Diane is downing wine and Isabella returns after looking after Kyle upstairs. Diane shouldn't let this get to her, but she can't help it. Jack told her that he wanted her to be a part of the healing process. Isabella thinks that maybe Diane should give that a try. Diane knows that Phyllis is trying to get her hands on the steering wheel. Her son is her one and only advantage. That is not the only way that she sees her son. He means so much to her but she has to have a strategy. To Diane, Phyllis is making up an act. There is not a sincere bone in Phyllis's body. Isabella thinks that Jack will see that Phyllis isn't being sincere. Diane is not going to let Phyllis take over her child. She starts shouting and freaking out and she ends up breaking the wine glass in her hand, cutting herself. Isabella runs to get first aid while Diane vows that she is going to stop that bitch from getting her hands on her son. She is going to stop that woman...she swears she will. THE END Back to The TV MegaSite's Y&R Site