Y&R Update Wednesday 7/3/02--Canada; 7/4/02--USA By Glynis At the hospital, John is there wtih Jill. At the office Kay was overcome with the stress from what has been going on and she passed out. They have put Kay in the hospital for stress and dehydration. There is still no word on Billy and Mackenzie. Raul is there and he is beating himself up for not knowing better than telling Ralph everything that wanted to know to find Billy and Mac. Ralph came to the coffeehouse dressed as a cop and he got all the information that he needed from Raul to find the kids. Now they are missing. John thinks that the police will find the kids and that they shouldn't worry unneccessarily. It is night now and the police come and find Mac and Billy who are alone. They have been there ever since Larry found them and fought with Ralph. The both of them went over the cliff and haven't been heard from since. Billy is hurt and lying on the ground with his head in Mac's lap. He tried to help Mac out when Ralph tried to attack Mac, but ended up getting hurt instead. Mac tells the police that Ralph and Larry went over the ledge. The cops can't see anything now, not even with their flashlights. They will have to do a search for the two men. Mac continues to console Billy. He hasn't gotten up off the ground yet, but he is alive. Thank God for that. It is all over thanks to Larry saving their lives. Sirens are heard in the distance. Mac hopes that Larry is fine. She is sure that he will be when they find him. Mac and Billy are taken to the hospital and Raul, John and Jill are there to see Billy brought in on a stretcher. He is in bad shape with his head bandaged and intr! avenous lines in him. Mac walks in by herself with her head down after the stretcher has been brough in. Amanda runs to her daughter asking if she is allright. She moves to touch her daughter but Mac pushes her hands off her asking, "It is true mother? Did you help Ralph?" Amanda just stares at her stunned as if she has been bitten by a rabid dog. Amanda admits that she knew that Ralph was there. Mac knows all that she needs to. John tells Amanda to leave Mac alone. The girl has been traumatized. John pushes her out of the way and goes to Mac takig her to a chair. He would like to know what happened. Jill would like to know eerything. Amanda stands by and listens. She tells that Billy thought that he killed Ralph and so Ralph hit Billy in thehead with a rock. First Ralph wanted money from Kay but then it turned into something else. John wants the whole story. Mac tells them that Ralph wanted her as he always has. At the lake, he tried to get her with a knife in her hand. Larry! showed up because of Raul telling him where they might be. Mac turns to him. Raul has saved their lives. Mac isn't sure if Larry is fine or not. She explains about the fight that Larry had with Ralph. The cliff there is pretty steep, a long way down. The police are down there looking for Larry now. They realize that Larry may be dead. If he didn't show up when he did... They all owe Larry a huge debt of gratitude. This nightmare is finally over. The doctor comes to talk to the group. There is no skull fracture. Billy needs plenty of recovery time and limited activity. He is going to be fine. The doctor is going to keep Billy for a day or two. They can see him now but not for long. Jill and John make their way to see their precious son. They kiss his face. He seems to be fine. Jill is grateful for a whole lot...Mac is worried about Larry and if he is still alive or not. Raul tells her that she shouldn't worry. Everything is going to be okay. Amanda stands away from the others ! thinking on what has developed. Nikki tells Victor that she knows everything about his trip. He has returned to Genoa City and has found her with Mr. Hollister who has since left. Nikki is mad as hell and Victor can't figure out why. Turns out that Victor didn't know that he was on television the night before. He is totally oblivious to the show that was on slinging crap at the Newman name. Leanna Love was the culprit that put the story of Victor on the air. As if that were a surprise. There were even pictures this time so if anyone doubted what she was saying, they really couldn't as they got to see Victor in action this time. "Everything that you ever wanted to know about Victor Newman". That was what it was called. She thinks that he went off to see his old lovers and that shouldn't bother Nikki but it does. Victor thinks that she should trust him but it is obvious that she doesn't. What bothers her is the way that everything was presented to her. He didn't even tell her where he was going this ! time. Sometimes he does that, but this time makes a huge difference considering he was going to give her a ring and get engaged to her for the hundreth time. He tells her that things didn't happen the way that she thinks. Nothing underhanded happened when he was away. She says that she even saw him making out in the diner with Hope. Victor denies that anything like that happened. Nikki hated the show but she continued to watch it out of morbid curiosity. Why shouldn't she watch it? She is the fool of it all. She is the one that looks like a joke to everyone now. She jokes that Leanna wasn't there for the other visits insinuating that he saw even more women than she thinks.. What other visits is she referring to, Victor wonders? He knows that she is doing this because of what other people think and he is shocked that she is falling into that trap. He tells her again that nothing happened and that she is being ridiculous. He can't defend himself to her as she thinks that she saw! everything that had to be seen. She is embarrassed in front of the entire world again. People talk about her constantly going back to Victor thinking that she is a fool but she still does it. She worries about what the kids might be thinking about this. He didn't see the show himself but he did see the kids and they were fine. They are going to hear about this with the rest of town if they haven't already. She finds him reckless and inconsiderate. This time he has topped himself for all time. He didnt' consider her feelings a little bit. What happens to her when she walks into a beauty shop or the gas station? He admits that he didn't think about this happening to her. It is clear that she isn't going to listen to him so he asks her a question. Why would he have to do something as she suggested? She can come up with a few possibilities. Maybe he went back to his former conquests to see if they can still be seduced... She is sure that he was doing this. She thinks that he was out shopping to see what he co! uld get. She wants to know now what he really was doing. He hates being put in the position of having to disprove what he was doing. If she chooses to believe Leanna Love, then so be it. The reason for his trip had nothing to do with the women, he says. This had to do with him. She agrees. He was probably feeding his needs. She is crying now. She gets up and runs up the stairs. He shakes his head behind her. He reaches into his pocket and takes out the giant diamond ring that he purchased for her. As he thinks about what he is going to do now, the ring glistens in the light. Noah is dying for the fireworks to start. He keeps running outside to see if they have started yet. He and his family are going to the park to have a picnic and then they are going to watch the fireworks. He can hardly wait. The family is getting ready and Noah is really scared of the upcoming fireworks in spite of his anxiety for it to get started. Cassie explains to him that he will be just fine, like last year. He ws scared that time too but it all turned out just fine. Sharon is trying to keep her mind straight, but she can't help thinking of her time with Diego when they made love. The scenes play over and over in her mind. Nick explains to the kids that 4th of July is the only time when people are allowed to make fires. All the other times, it is a crime and the firefighters don't like that. Sharon tries to keep her mind straight. The food is prepared for the picnic at the park and the kids are upstairs getting ready to go out. Nick and Sharon share some time alone. N! ick tells Sharon that something happened with Victoria at the office that day. He doesn't want to talk about it now. They are about to go out and have a happy time and he doesn't want to spoil it. Sharon can't settle for that. She pries to find out what is on Nick's mind. She gueses that this may have something to do with Diego. Nick is surprised that she has guessed that. She doesn't want to be left hanging wondering what has been going on with her husband and his sister. She demands to know what this is all about. She learns that this is about Victor who is up at the main house now and not Diego. Victor must have his hands full right about now. He has some serious explaining to do. Nick explains the things that have happened in the last few days. Sharon doesn't believe that Victor has done these things. she knows how the press can be to the family, especially Leanna Love. There was a time when Nikki would believe anything that Victor said but not anymore. She is a different ! person now. Mary is with Paul and Isabella at Gina's when Chris walks in with Michael. Paul tries to keep his mind on his immediate family and not look at his ex-wife. He loved her as his wife before but that has changed. Mary is trying to be nice to Isabella but she still thinks that they are not a match. Isabella seems too manipulative to Mary, Chris was a much better match in Mary's mind for her son. Isabella sees that Chris is in the restaurant and pretends that she doesn't...Michael points out to Chris that Paul and his family are there. Chris tells him that she saw them. She is very cool and handles herself wonderfully. She simply looks down at the menu to see what they should order. She changes the subject by telling him that he should make himself useful and order some food. Lynne arrives to meet Chris for a drink as they arranged earlier. Lynne said that she didn't mind meeting with Chris for a drink before she went elsewhere and so, here she is. ***She is surprised to see Chr! is with Michael but Chris explains that she thought that Michael should come out too. Lynne is uncomfortable with Michael there but she sits anyway. Lynne shares uncomfortable small talk with Michael and they all clink glasses...Isabella was hoping that Mary was going to come over to see the baby. Mary explains that she has been busy with her church work. Isabella picks up her baby and brings him over to his grandma. Mary takes the child and has a close up look at him. He has the most angelic face. Paul used to look the very same way when hewas small. It is almost as it she were having him in her arms again. Paul tells her that she should be happy as that is othe grandchild that she has wanted all along. He gets up and goes to his family all around the baby to hold them in his arms. Chris chances a glance over Paul's direction and sees the happy family...The family that Paul has always wanted....Lynne says that she has to get going. She has a hot date. chris gets up to walk he! r out. The ladies leave and Lynne asks Chris if she is bother seeing Paul with someone else. Chris says that she is fine. Lynne leaves and Chris sees that Paul is at the bar by himself. She goes over to which him a happy 4th of July. She remarks tht his shirt is very patriotic...Isabella comes over to Michael and makes a joke about them both having a lot to lose. Isabella thinks that everything is perfect for her. Seems like both of their dreams have come true. Isabella goes over to see Chris and her husband. She greets Chris shortly and sweetly. She grabs Paul's hand and pulls him back to her table. Chris goes back to her table and Michael tells her that the next time that she wants to bring him into her circle of friends, he would like a warning first. He didn't mean to be flippant as he knows that the situation is difficult for her too. She is drinking her wine and being very grown up. She is happy that someone else has to deal with Paul's mother besides her. Spanish music ! starts and Christime turns to see Isabella hamming it up on the floor. Mary is watching Isabella grind her hips to the music and she remarks to herself, "Oh, mercy..." Michael asks Christine if she would like to dance but she tells him no. Olivia and Nate arrive at Ashley and Brad's house. Abby is there and all decide that it is time to have a great celebration. Olivia wonders about Ashley's condition. Ashley says that she is feeling fine. She has been a little nauseous and won't be eating much, but aside from that, everything seems to be okay so far. Everyone is having a great time and Olivia goes over to Brad to thank him for including she and her son in the plans. He was only glad to do it. Brad thinks that he should be taking things slow with his wife and daughter. She has been thinking of Neil lately but then she treis to put him out of her mind. Brad thinks that they should hope for the best for Neil. Brad is busy with responsibilities but he would like to make time to spend time with Nate for Olivia. He is one of a kind and she knows it. He leaves to check on the food. Olivia looks over to Ashley and the kids and can't help but think off to her own thoughts. Nate tries to call Neil but no one answers. ! Olivia tells him that Neil has gone on a trip. She knows that because he has been gone ever since the day that Nate went over to see him. Nate wants to know if they can fix the sickness that Neil has. Olivia tries to explain the sickness that Neil has. Nate really wants to help his uncle. He is getting upset. Brad takes Nate for a talk as two guys. Olivia and Ashley watch him at work. Brad explains that Neil's problem is in his head. He thinks that he can fix his problems by drinking. Nate doesn't like that Brad is trying to give him explanations over his mother. He speaks to Brad rudely. Brad continues his explanation saying that they are not going to give up. They all want to help Neil. Nate leaves to play with Abby and Ashley goes with him. Olivia tells Brad that he handled the explanation wonderfully. Olivia is with the kids in another room and Brad comes to see his wife and make sure that she is okay. He offers to get her anything at all that she needs. he takes such good! care of her. He told Nate not to give up and Ashley liked him telling the boy that. with love, you can get through anything. He leaves her to sit by herself for a moment. At the bottom of the cliff, Larry is lying unconcious and very dirty and cut up from falling from the top of that cliff with Ralph. THE END Back to The TV MegaSite's Y&R Site