Friday Y&R Update 4/26/02



The Young & The Restless Update Friday 4/26/02 --USA

By Donna

At Crimson Lights, Grace hides behind a meno as Sharon wipes off tables. She eavesdrops as Sharon and Diego chat about the meeting her attorney had with Nick. she's eager to hear from her. Diego urges her to call Christine. She asks how she could ever repay Diego for his kindness and friendship. He tells her he owes her and Nick a lot for helping him pull his life together. She hugs him, not missed by Grace's spying eyes. Sharon rushes out the door to talk to Christine. Grace is please at what she sees.

Christine checks in with her secretary, saying she feels that Nick and Sharon will benefit from her counseling. She says there is a desire between the couple to work their problems out. Sharon appears and asks Christine what Nick says but Christine seems skeptical to tell her too much. Sharon decides that maybe she should talk to Nick herself.

Grace introduces herself to Diego, telling him she's a friend of Sharon and Nick's. She asks how their doing, since she heard they were having marital problems. He tells her they've separated and Grace feigns sadness, mentioning Cassie and Noah. Diego says the couple has a good support team. Grace decides to go talk to Nick at Newman Enterprises. Grace assures Diego she'll do her part to give the support and encouragement they need and urges him to continue to do so as well. Both Cody and Diego agree that Grace is good eye candy.

Nick's checking out travel brochures when Victor arrives at the office. He's pleased to hear that his son is optimistic about the marriage, adding that a cruise would be good for them. He tells Nick he's going out of town for a while, but Nick should continue his plans with Sharon, pointing out that Nick's marriage is more important than work. He asks his son to keep him informed on the relationship. Alone, Nick flashes back to the promise he made to Sharon about their second honeymoon - He realizes that's what he has to plan.

Amanda and Larry finish up their breakfast at Crimson Lights, with Amanda very impressed at the way Larry handles himself. He'd like to linger a while but Amanda points out she's needed at the school. Seeing Larry's disappointment, she stays. She thanks Larry for the way he cares for her. Larry wants to know about Ralph, saying that if the man knows what's good for him he'll stay in Tucson, although they both realize Genoa City is only a plane ride away. Amanda feels the man is a threat to Mac, that she was never Ralph's victim. Larry wants to protect his woman, and whatever Ralph did to her it wasn't her fault. He reminds her he's been around the block a few times and should benefit from his experience. Amanda smiles sweetly as Larry pays the bill.

Sean continues to push for marriage, promising Jill it will be a new experience for her. They argue - Jill isn't ready for marriage, she explains, and Sean storms out of the room. Kay enters and Jill snaps at the older woman, blaming her for eavesdropping. Kay teases Jill, saying that Jill's magic is failing on the younger man. Mac enters the room and Jill asks what the young woman's plans are for the summer, if she'll be taking part in the Glow by Jabot project. Mac declines. Jill is pleased, and says that Danielle, Billie's new girl friend, would be perfect. Mac says it didn't matter to her, that she's glad Billie and Danielle are together. Kay smolters, knowing that Jill is flaunting Billie's new love in Mac's face. Later, Kay asks if Mac is okay with the Billie/Danielle thing - Mac tells her she can handle it.

At Walnut Grove Academy, Billie and Raul talk about his acceptance to a college in Boston. Since Billie will be at Providence, they can hang out, his friend tells Raul. But Raul isn't sure if he's going to take the scholarship, depending on what college Brittany accepts. Raul asks about Mac's attitude towards Billie, that something weird's going on and for some reason she's blaming him, accusing him of stalking her. Billy blows off the conversation, saying that soon he'll be gong and out of her life completely. Mac overhears this. Ashley is in the Jabot board room when her father arrives for the meeting. Having a few minutes alone, John takes the opportunity to chat with his daughter about her first radiation treatment. He wants to go to the hospital with her, but she says he's in excellent hands. John feels he has to do something to help Ashley suggests that maybe it's time for her sister Tracy to know about the cancer and volunteers to call his daughter in New York. Brad shows up. John tells Brad he asked Ashley is there was something he could do to help them out. At that moment, Sean appears and John leaves. Brad is worried about John but Ashley assures him John was just being a dad.

At the meeting, Sean brings up some good suggestions for the summer Glow by Jabot program. He points out that Mac won't be there, but Billie's new girl friend, Danielle, is available. A new girl would be perfect, and Sean offers to see if the girl would be interested. As the meeting progresses, Jill finds out that Sean has sent out memos about this new girl, and continues to take the lead over the meeting with new ideas for the summer campaign. Jill isn't too happy, and after the meeting, Jill jumps all over him for going over her head. The others can't but help overhearing. Jill storms out.

Ashley asks Jack about the next custody hearing and he tells her he'd like her to meet his son. Ashley would like that. He feels the custody battle isn't going to get in the way of his relationship with his sister, he tells her. Ashley confides in Brad that it's nice to be loved and Brad agrees, saying it's good her family is there for her.

Sill hovering over cruise brochures, Nick gets a visitor - it's Grace, who prances in, a smile on her face, and sits down provocatively on the seat, asking him about his marriage, which, she heard, was in trouble. She wants to know if there's anything she can do to help?

Mac and Amanda meet backstage for a few minutes before class. Her mother tells her about her breakfast with Larry and Mac approves. Amanda tells her daughter she'll always be there for her. Mac leaves for class and Amanda checks out a noise in the back room - opening a door she finds - Ralph, who grabs her and covers her mouth with his hand.

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