Wednesday Y&R Update 4/3/02



Y&R Update Wednesday 4/3/02

 By Donna

Victoria lashes out at her mother - asking her what had she done to change her father's mind about proposing. Nikki is shocked. Victoria continues that Nikki must have done something. Nikki doesn't understand. She tells her daughter that this is Victoria's fantasy but Victoria tells her she found the engagement ring. Nikki asks how she did that and Victoria says it fell out his coat pocket. Nikki starts putting the pieces together and Victoria assures her it was an engagement ring. Nikki doesn't understand what happened last night that changed his mind. She tells Victoria about the offer from Victoria for Nikki to work at Brash 'n Sassy and she told Victor that it would jeopardize her independence. Victoria believes that's the reason he didn't give her the engagement ring.

Paul surprises Isabella at their apartment with an interior decorator to design the baby's room. Isabella is excited. Since the parents don't know about the sex of the child, the decorator suggests a non-gender design, but Paul wants the blue for a boy, pink for a girl nursery. He suggests they get everything all set and then put up the wallpaper when the baby arrives. The designer suggests they choose wallpaper in each color and then finish the nursery when the baby arrives. They heartily agree. Plans complete, the designer leaves reminding them to call her and let her know when the baby arrives. Paul's proud of himself and Isabella tells him she's so happy, that soon it will be three of them. They kiss.

Nikki and Victoria continue talk about the ring. Nikki tells her daughter that maybe when she told Victor she wanted to keep their relationship low-key he decided not to propose. And she's fine with that, she tells her daughter, adding that she expects to do this in their own way. Victoria is afraid time is running out and that Nikki should reconsider. But Nikki tells her she's fine with the way the relationship is right now. Victoria storms out.

Jack and Phyllis continue to chat about the hearing later that morning. She says she understands that this is an important day in his life. Jack tells her he feels his family should know what's going on. Phyllis reluctantly agrees, and Jack agrees that it will be surprising to his family when they find out he's going for full custody. Phyllis is worried.

Brad and Ashley have breakfast, although Ashley can't eat before the procedure. Jack reaches Ashley on her cell phone, asking them to come by the house, that he has something to discuss with her and Brad. She reluctantly agrees. Brad asks what that was about and Ashley says it must be important because he won't take no for an answer.

The family together, Jack tells his father, Mamie, Ashley and Brad about the news of his fight for his son, explaining that the baby Diane Jenkins claimed to be Victor Newmans has, through tests, been found to be Jack's, and that he and Phyllis are suing for custody. They leave and the matter is discussed. John points out that at least Jack isn't involved with Diane, one thing to be grateful for. John notices Ashley is rather distracted and asks her the reason - she tells him she's fine.

Diane and Isabella continue their chat about the hearing and Diane informs her that her lawyers should limit Jack's visitation rights. She doesn't know what she's going to do yet. Michael and Diane's lawyer arrive at the apartment. Isabella excuses herself and leaves. Michael asks what Isabella was doing there and Diane tells her Isabella is a friend and it was none of his business what they were visiting about. Diane's lawyer wants to know just what Diane is going to do with the custody battle. Michael tells Diane that he wants to tell her that Jack will get temporary visitation rights and the question is, how much will he get. He advises her how the judge will determine this and there are two things that should remember - Kyle's needs and his mother's role in the child's life. But, Diane says, if she balks allowing Jack to have too much time with Kyle it could make her look bad in the eyes of the court and afterall, Jack does have rights. Michael says it's their job to protect her and her child's rights - which should be her top priority.

Diane turns on Michael, telling him her son's happiness is more important than anything. Sidney agrees, pointing out that this would demonstrates Jack's unwillingness to cooperate. She feels Jack is going to sue for full custody. Michael points out that John Silva will point out the risks involved. Michael adds that he knows Silva and if Jack makes this a war he'd have to put Phyllis under a microscope and he wouldn't do that. Diane reminds Michael she knows Jack very well. Michael asks Sidney to give him some time alone with Diane. She leaves, telling them she'll see them at the court house. Alone, Michael asks Diane what she's up to and has a bad feeling that he knows what that is.

Brad and Ashley prepare to go to the hospital for the procedure.

Nick is in Victor's office talking business. He praises his son for his work. Nick changes the subject, asking if Victor and Nikki's dinner was pleasant. Victor says it was. Nick says, talking business, it would only take one more meeting to wrap up the business at hand and that he'll have to change the meeting time since he and Sharon are having dinner together.

Victor asks about the date Nick has with his wife Sharon. Nick explains it was Sharon's idea, to start small, spend an evening together. But, Victor asks, Nick doesn't seem very optimistic. Nick explains that it started out like this the last time, with the same issues on the table - Sharon blames him for the death of their baby. He says all his wife has to say she's sorry and until she does they're wasting their time, going around in circles. Victor suggests they just get used to being around each other again and Nick says Sharon suggested the same. But, Nick adds, he's not expecting much for the evening. Victor asks Nick about Victoria and her strange actions that morning at his apartment, seeming disappointed at something with her mother. Nick says Victoria goes off the deep end when it comes to her parents, but Victor asks him to bring Victoria back to reality for him. Nick asks if his dad is alright. Victor say he is and then dismisses his son.

Connie the secretary brings Victor Leana Love's book - Ruthless - the story she wrote about Victor after their divorce. He pages through it.

Sharon enjoys her morning coffee at Crimson Lights going over the books. Diego asks if she's seen Raul and Sharon tells him she didn't see him. Diego says he got his first reply from college and wants to know if he was accepted. Sharon assures him Diego did all he could and Diego agrees, saying it's his brothers life. Diego tells her he talked to Nick last night. Sharon is thrilled that Nick helped him out, agreeing that Nick is a real solid guy. She apologizes to Diego.

Sharon apologizes for her attitude with him earlier and he tells her it's forgotten. She tells Diego that she and Nick are going to be spending time together tonight. Diego says it's a step and she agrees. Sharon isn't sure what to cook and Diego suggests some Cuban dishes that he mother has. Sharon thinks that maybe having dinner at home isn't a good idea with the history in the house - Diego suggests going to a restaurant. He suggests a special restaurant - Crimson Lights - for their 'date', and they can just close off the back room or even the whole coffee shop for the evening. "Afterall," Diego offers, "You're both the boss." Sharon likes the idea. She flashes back to the night Nick proposed. Sharon smiles as Diego asks about closing the place. She says she's decided they'll be in the back office tonight - where her husband first proposed to her. She's very optimistic about this, sure that this is just the thing their relationship needs.

Jack and Phyllis arrive at the court house, and they talk about the way his family took the story of how Kyle is Jack's baby. They're both surprised at Ashley's lack of comment. He asks Phyllis if she's sure she wants to be there, and she isn't sure. He tells her she needs to be comfortable. She has to think about it and leaves the room. John arrives, asking if Phyllis isn't staying for the hearing. Jack says she's deciding and he doesn't need any slack from his lawyer. John agrees. Silva reminds him that sooner or later they'll have to tell the court that he's going for full custody. He urges Jack to reconsider. Once they prove that Kyle is his son Silva is sure Jack will get visitation. However, going for full custody the other side will attack Phyllis. Silva asks if Jack or Phyllis are prepared for that? John warns Jack that this could get ugly and again, Jack assures him Phyllis has changed, is a different woman than she was when she lost custody of her child. But John tries to convince him to not go for full custody, that he can assure Jack liberal visitation rights. But, if they loose, Jack could have visitation substantially cut if the judge determines there's too much hostility between Jack and Diane. He pleads with Jack to reconsider this - if they go for broke they could end up with nothing.


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