by Donna Christine is talking to her associate. He praises her ability to meet deadlines. Then he asks about Christine staying with the firm, pointing out her knowledge of American and international law would be of great benefit to the company. He asks if she's going home for a while telling her she needs a break. She says she isn't sure. He congratulates her on her win and leaves. Opening a drawer, Christine pulls out a picture of Paul. At that moment Mother Mary appears. Christine is surprised to see her in Australia, asking if she's traveling with a church group. Mary says she had to see her - she feels Paul's in danger - that Christine has no idea what 'that woman' has done. She promises to leave after she says what has to be said. Christine rolls her eyes. She agrees to listen. Christine gets Mary some water as the older woman takes a chair. Mary talks about Isabella, saying the woman had left town for a while and now feels it was just a scheme. She says Isabella manipulated her, even stayed at Mary's for a while after Mary took pity on her. Christine snaps at Mary, telling she deserves feeling guilty and if she had thought about this at all she would have realized she was talking to the wrong person. Christine asks Mary to leave but Mary wants her to know the whole story. She tells her ex-daughter-in-law that Isabella has no scruples, that she found out how badly Paul wants a baby and she's now giving him the child he wants. Christine is shocked. Brittany sits at the bar at Crimson Lights. Raul comes in, shaking hands with his friends. She slips out before he sees her, then turning, they make eye contact. He asks if she had plans and when she told him she didn't, invites her to sit with him. He mentions rehearsal will be a short one today and he suggests they come back to Crimson Lights for dinner afterwards. Raul goes to say something and then stops, but Brittany pursues it, telling him that food was the last thing on his mind. She says she may be shopping because she needs some time to herself. He asks if Brittany wants to run lines since they didn't finish last night, indicating the intimate moment and the kiss. Brittany reads this wrong and snaps at him that if they run lines, would he expect the same. Raul says he's thinking about what he's feeling and Brittany asks if he thinks she's head over heels and can't think straight? Raul tells her that they've been tap-dancing around their feels for each other for months and then it happened and how they're stunned. They aren't each others type and he can understand her first reaction that they walk away. Brittany says the first reactions are usually the right ones. Raul tells her he knows where he is in his mind. She asks where that is. He tells her they're on this wave and it's incredible, the fact they're both so different from each other. He'd like to ride this wave for as long as he can to see where it takes them. Brittany says she feels the same way. She takes her coffee and leaves. Raul grins. Nick and Nikki talks about Diego's work schedule. She asks about Nick and Sharon's relationship. He tells her better but not great. Nikki suggests she take the kids during spring break in order to give the couple some time alone, but he doesn't know if this is a very good idea. Nick doesn't feel Sharon is ready for that step. He doesn't feel it's the time. Nikki suggests that maybe Sharon is ready to go further with their relationship, to suggest it to her. She offers to run it by Sharon, but Nick is afraid the offer of the kids spending time with Nikki would look like the family was interfering. "It's worth the shot, isn't it?" Nikki asks. Sharon and Diego talk at the house. She tells him things are good some days; not so good other days. Diego says he knows the situation but he reminds her that communications must be kept open between her and Nick. She says she do esn't need all this free advice. Sharon tells him everyone thinks they have the answers but what Diego went through with his girl friend was a completely different situation. She and Nick, she goes on to explain, are married and have children together. She says when you experience a loss like this other people's opinion and advise isn't important or doesn't do any good. The only two people important in this is she and Nick. Diego tells her to give it some time, that he's rooting for them. He leaves, going back to the stables. Nikki appears at Sharon and Nick's place in time to send Cassie out the door for school. Sharon is surprised to see Nikki, but then says Nikki is probably there for the daily 'Sharon/Nick update'. Nikki tells her they love her and are concerned and yes, she and Nick have talked about this just this morning. Sharon tells her not to waste her time. Lynne takes Paul messages into his office and while there, he asks her if she's talked to Mary lately and if she's alright. Lynn says she hasn't talked to him and doesn't need to brought into the middle of this. Isabella arrives and Lynne leaves. Paul tells Isabella about his brief conversation with Lynne about his mother and says maybe his mother has learned her lesson and will keep her nose out of his business. Isabella reminds Paul that their first birthing class starts in twenty minutes and Paul wonders why Lynne didn't tell him. Isabella asks if Mary will ever leave them alone and Paul says he hopes so, that the sooner she accepts the inevitable, the better off she'll be. Isabella asks him if she feels that about them - inevitable; Paul agrees. Together they leave for class. Alex and Neal are still at the studio. Neal tells her that he wasn't going to take a drink. He knows that until this happened with Malcolm he was well on his way to making a mess of his life. He talks about his continued need to taste the alcohol in his mouth, feeling the burning in his stomach. Alex asks if he thought about that today and he told her it wasn't, that he wouldn't let her - or himself down. Mamie arrives with coffee and rolls, telling them she thought they may need some nourishment. Mamie says she was at Olivia's apartment. She and Alex imbrases. Alex says it's been hard. Neal asks about Nate, if he knows about this yet, and Mamie says she waited until this morning. Alex reminds them memorial arrangements should be made and Neal says only the Newmans know what has happened. Mamie says it's going to a terrible shock for his friends. They talk about the arrangements including the eulogy. Alex says she can't do that, and Mamie says neither of them should have this burden ... everyone will understand. There are a lot of people who would share words. Neal feels it's time he get to the office and so does Alex. He thanks Mamie for her support and leaves. Going through Malcolm's studio drawers, some family pictures are found by Alex. She wants to look at them but Mamie tells her to put them away, it isn't the time to look at them. Alex suggests she make a collage of Malcom's life for the memorial service. Mamie agrees. Alex says this would be one way to remember him. Mamie agrees, saying Malcolm was a very good man. Mamie says let her memories comfort her now and Alex agrees. Mamie says Neal seems to be handling this quite well and Alex agrees. Mamie says she knew there was some tension between them and glad to see they were together. The two women hug and Mamie leaves. Returning to the drawer, Alex recovers the pictures - and see one of her and Malcolm. At Olivia's, she tells Nate that she talked to Neal last night. Nate asks why he was there so long and Olivia tells him that something unexpected has happened. Nate guesses it has something to do with Malcolm and Olivia confirms his suspicions. She tells Nate that his dad won't be coming home. That Malcolm was dead. Nate is understandably upset, saying that he was on a photo shoot and was gone a long time, saying he just didn't disappear. Olivia explains about a bridge collapsing and the strong current of the river and a water fall ... saying it was a terrible accident and they just have to accept this. Nate feels if he was there he would have found them. Nate stares out the window, and Olivia suggests he sit with her on the couch. He moves to the hearth instead. She says they need to talk and Nate asks if talking will bring his daddy back - he doesn't want to talk. She tells Nate how his father was a hero, rescuing others. Nate says he doesn't care that he was brave, he needs his daddy and now he's gone. Olivia cradles her child in her arms and cries. Back to The TV MegaSite's Y&R Site