Young and the Restless Monday October 29th, 2001--Canada; Tuesday October 30th 2001--USA by Glynis Olivia talks to Sharon’s family and she tells them that they are doing everything that they can to help. Nikki turns to Victor and they hug. Victor wants to know where Victoria and Ryan are. Victor is also worried about Tricia. Nikki can see that he is concerned. He tells her that something happened the night before and he feels that things may have taken a turn for the worse. He is going to leave to check up on her. Tricia is home when Matt shows up. He wants to know when she turned into a computer whiz? She is just looking at some thinks on the net. What happened to her plan to bring down Newman? She acts pretty cool. Matt thinks that she is worried because Victor didn’t come home the night before. She is trying to get some information before the therapy session. She talks to Matt without speaking. She talks to Matt in her mind. She has found exactly what she needs. Sharon is in the hospital sleeping. She dreams that she wants to hold her daughter and she turns to the Newman's and they won’t speak to her. Olivia then comes in and Sharon shouts out that she wants to hold her little girl. Nick wakes her from that terrible dream and she understands that she was having a nightmare. She tells him of the dream. It is only a dream. Her face is bruised from the fall. She sees something in his eyes and she asks him why he is looking at her like that. She wants to go and see her baby. Nick tells her to wait until Olivia comes by. It seems that the baby may not make it. The baby is hanging in there and she is a fighter. This is because of the fall. Sharon can’t believe that this is happening again. Nick explains how he found her on the floor. She wants to see the baby but Nick will not let her. They remember how they looked in on Noah when he was not well at birth. Sharon wants to do that for her little girl. Sharon insists on doing this for her daughter. She gets out of her bed and Olivia walks in at that moment. She says nothing, only, "I’m so sorry Sharon." Sharon starts crying to her husband who holds her as he cries. They put her back on the bed. Olivia leaves them alone and will be back later. Mack wanted to talk to Ned from the shelter but he is out of town. She wanted to talk to the woman that helped Colleen at the shelter but she doesn’t know who it is. What if the woman is gone and Mac never gets to thank her? That could have caused a huge mess not only for Colleen but for Billy and Mac. Things are great for Mac right not. When she thinks back she thought that there was no one that she could trust. That is great having people that love you. Kay wonders if Mac ever had a good relationship with her mother. Mac didn’t have a bad relationship with her mother at first. That happened later. Mac doesn’t want her mother there. why would she? When Mac thinks about her mother, she gets creeped out. Kay is not pushing her, but Amanda keeps coming up in their conversations. Mac must think about her. The two of them talked and that raised questions in Mac’s mind. Mac must have wanted to spend more time with her mother. Mac has to go and will see her grandmother later. Ned returns to the shelter and hopes that Amanda has reconsidered letting Mac thank her for helping Colleen out. The Abbotts want to thank her and he shouldn’t hide from them. Amanda tells him that she has a connection there at the shelter and she wanted to keep that hidden. She starts telling the story of how she is connected to the Abbotts. She wants her name kept out of this. Victor arrives home and Tricia tells him that he is just in time because she is ready to go to her therapy session. She can see that something is wrong with him. He rushed off the night before and she thought that had to do with her. Victor wonders what she thought of their discussion the night before. Tricia wrote Victor an apology for coming on to him the night before. She just wanted to feel closer to him. That is not uncommon for patients to fall for their therapists, but he has been very supportive. Tricia is sorry and she promises that will never happen again. Victor sincerely hopes not. He walks away from her and goes upstairs. Tricia arrives at the therapist’s office. Tricia didn’t sleep very well the night before. She wants a sedative but can’t get one. Tricia has been restless and things that something would help her calm down. the doctor wants to get at the cause of the insomnia. Maybe the session that they had the day before made her nervous. The doctor didn’t know how involved Victor had become over Tricia. Victor is the only support that Tricia has. He has been generous and kind to Tricia when she had no where else to go. She trusts Victor completely. There is one thing though. The day before, Victor suggested that her therapist be switched to someone else. The doctor doesn’t like that at all. Tricia can’t imagine where she would be without her doctor. Tricia was thinking about it not being appropriate that Victor not be there to watch her take her medication. She didn’t feel trusted. The doctor tries not to overreact but she wonders about Victor. The doctor wants to know that Tricia means. She explains that she looks at Victor as a father figure. She has been feeling Victor’s eyes on her when they were alone. Tricia could be wrong as he hasn’t made any moves or done anything. She has been starting to feel uncomfortable. The doctor tells her that she shouldn’t be staying with Victor any longer. Tricia wants to talk this through with Victor. If she feels strange after that she will call the doctor the next day. The doctor tells her to give a lot of thought to what they have discussed. The doctor leaves to get Tricia’s medication. Tricia goes to the doctor’s desk and searches the drawers till she finds a prescription pad. She gets a pen and writes down the name of a drug that her father used to take as a sedative. Soon the nurse comes with the pills and Tricia just holds them in her hands. Matt appears and he likes what he is seeing. There is another drug that she needs and she can’t get it from her doctor. She is going to get it elsewhere. Victoria and Ryan decide that it is time to plug the phone back in after spending some time alone. The second that they plug in the phone it rings. Victoria answers and it is her father. Ryan can tell by the sound of Victoria’s voice that the call is important. They go to the hospital and Victor has returned. Nikki tells them that Sharon hasn’t grasped what has happened yet. Olivia goes to see the family outside and tells them that Sharon suffered a shortage of blood to the baby. The baby was too weak to fight. Nick will need them soon. Nikki just holds Victor close to her. Nick sits with Sharon on the bed. She is strangely calm now. He wants her to lie down. Nikki and Victor knock on the door and Victoria and Ryan leave. Nikki and Victoria come into the room and hug their son and daughter-in-law close to them. Sharon wants to see the baby and Nikki agrees that she should see her baby if she wants to. Nick takes her to see the baby leaving Nikki and Victor alone in the room. The baby was a part of Sharon and she needed to see him and say goodbye. Sharon returns to the room and sits on the bed. Cassie and Noah spent the night at her mother’s house and they don’t’ know. Nikki will take care of that. Sharon wants to talk to Cassie right away. She will know that something is terribly wrong. Victor and Nikki hug and show their support for their family. Sharon knows that they love her desperately. Nick sees them out. Sharon doesn’t want anything to sleep. She took something that night before for her pain. Sharon never got to tell her daughter that she loved her. The couple cries together. Mac goes to the shelter and heads to his office. As Ned is talking to Amanda, there is a knock on the door. "Hey Ned, it’s Mac. Let me in!" Amanda panics realizing that it is her daughter that is ready to come into the room. Ned goes to talk to Mac so that she doesn’t come in the room. Ned explains while Amanda hears that the woman that helped Colleen doesn’t want to be noticed or thanked for helping. Mac is having a hard time accepting that. She still wants to know why the woman wants to stay hidden. Mac accepts the truth finally. Mac wishes that she could meet the woman face to face. There is a lab and a woman enters the lab and looks for some medication there. She checks the bottles for what she wants. She has waited until the attendant in the room has left and now she is alone. She finds what she wants. It is something for erectile dysfunction. "Perfect."