Young and the Restless Thursday, October 19, 2000--Canada; or Friday, October 20, 2000--USA By Linda K. At
Gina’s, Victoria stands near Ashley and Olivia’s table, gloating.
I should have put you through to my father.
He would have congratulated you as well.
Yup. He seems to know about
you and Bradley. The good news is
out. Are you surprised?
Olivia: What possible
enjoyment could you possibly be deriving from all this?
Victoria: You wouldn’t
understand, Doc. Olivia:
Maybe you should just leave. Victoria:
Oh, I will, in a moment. I
was just really hoping to understand. Were
you expecting my father to ride in and rescue you and claim you as his own?
In fact, he hasn’t even called you.
You are not disappointed about that are you? (laughs).
Ashley: No, actually I’m
not. I am surprised that both of
you know. How did you find out?
Victoria: My mother told us.
Victoria: You know how good
news travels fast especially when the bride-to-be is as pregnant as you are
(looks disdainfully down at Ashley’s belly which Ashley pats affectionately).
You really kept the Genoa City grapevine buzzing.
Being pregnant by this strange man and Brad Carlton decided to marry you
anyway. It is perfect.
Ash: It ‘is’ perfect.
Are you done? Victoria's
voice is dripping with sarcasm and scorn: Almost.
Actually I wanted to thank you for leaving my father alone.
I was getting a little worried that you would be weaseling your way back
into his life (rolling her eyes and pursing her lips).
Thank God, that is not going to happen.
Have a nice breakfast. She
walks way with Olivia and Ashley shaking their heads in wonder. Unbelievable,
is what Olivia is describing Victoria's antics, all which seems to have rolled
off Ashley’s back. Olivia wonders
if Ashley was disappointed to know that Victor had heard about her engagement
and didn’t do anything about it. Ashley
admits that she wonders what Victor’s true reaction would be.
She is naturally curious, given their past history, but isn’t attaching
any significance to it. As far as
his lack of interest in her engagement goes, he seems to have moved on with his
life, as has she, as it should be, and she is fine with it.
Olivia doubts her sincerity. At
the Newman Ranch, Victor mentions that Victoria sounded distracted.
Maybe you caught her in the middle of something, Nikki said.
The couple wait in silence waiting for Victoria.
Nikki steals occasional glances at Victor who is quietly reading a book.
Victor: Something on your mind? Nikki:
No, what do you mean? Victor peers
at Nikki and removes his glasses sheepishly:
Because you keep looking at me. Something
on your mind? At that moment, Victoria enters the house and Victor tells
her the news about Cassie. Oh my
God, she may have tuberculosis? Victoria
asks with a note of disgust. They
need all the support they can get right now, Nikki tells her.
Victoria: Maybe I should
move back here for a while, what do you think?
Nikki: Your father has
decided to do the same thing. I’m glad you had the same instinct.
Victor’s phone rings and he excuses himself to answer it in private. Nikki:
Is everything OK with you? Your
father felt you were distracted earlier. Victoria: I
was standing right next to Ashley. I
congratulated her on her engagement. Nikki:
So, it is official. Victoria:
I don’t remember seeing a ring on her finger, but she did not deny it.
I am thrilled that Ashley and Brad are getting married and that dad is
over her once and for all! Nikki: I’m
not sure that your father is completely over Ashley.
Victoria: If dad would want
anything to do with her, he would have moved into action the moment he heard.
Nikki: You didn’t see his
reaction when I gave him the news. Maybe
his plate was too full, with work - this situation with Cassie.
Victoria, sarcastically: I
can’t imagine that he would want anything to do with her especially now that
she is back with Brad. Nikki:
Oh? What does that mean,
that once Brad is with a woman she is ‘damaged goods’?
Victoria: I didn’t mean it
that way. Oh, let’s not get
sidetracked, all right? Nikki:
Where Ashley and your father are concerned, I learned the hard way,
nothing is certain. Victoria:
Aren’t you the least bit curious?
Nikki: About what? Victoria: Ashley’s
reaction when I told her dad knew that she was engaged? Victor
walks down the stairs and stops to listen carefully, hearing Victoria say that
Ashley tried hard to cover up her reaction, but she seemed to be disappointed;
that she hopes Brad can distract Ashley enough to drive away any foolish
fantasies she still may have for her dad. Victoria’s
attention has drifted off to her brother’s car approaching his driveway.
Victor sadly leans his head against the stair wall.
enters the living room finding Victor getting set to leave.
There was somebody he needed to see.
Not the business associate, but someone else.
Nikki: By the way, you were
right about Victoria being distracted earlier, because she had just run into
Ashley. Victor pauses for a moment,
looking up at Nikki: Why are you
bringing that up now? Nikki:
I just wanted you to know what was going on with your daughter.
Victor: If there is any news
about Cassie, kindly let me know. I’ll
see you later, he tells her gently. At
Crimson Lights, Cassie is amazed that Noah didn’t cry at the doctor's office. Sharon
rewards him with a chocolate brownie. Nick
says to little Noah: That’s
because your sister was there to hold your hand.
It made it a lot less scarey, didn’t it buddy?
Yeah, Noah answers. Sharon
asks if Cassie wants anything to eat. She
shakes her head. Nick walks up to
Cody. He talks about making
changes. Carter is eavesdropping
and peering around for clues to what may be going on.
Nick tells Cody he needs him to cover for him due to his family
situation. At
the Chancellor Mansion, Kay leans over Jill Abbott who lies crumpled on the
floor. Dear God in Heavens, Katherine, what have you done!
Kay gently shakes her. Jill? Can
you hear me? It would be just like
you to die in the middle of my living room.
A groan is comes out of Jill. Thank
God! As happy as I would be to
dance at your funeral. I will.
Someday, I will. Jill
is coming to, but not without a great deal of pain and agony.
Kay pours a pitcher of water over her.
Jill is now fully conscious and very angry.
What the hell are you doing? Kay:
More water? Kay tells her
that she fell and hit her head on something.
Jill: You liar!
You did this. You cracked me
over the head with something. You
tried to kill me, you stupid old cow. Jill
is frightened and gasps with fear. Kay
leans over her still holding the empty water pitcher in her raised hand. Jill:
I don’t believe this! You
hit me with something. You tried to
murder me. Kay puts down the
pitcher: Oh, trust me.
If I wanted to kill you, I would have.
Jill: I am calling the police! I’m
having you arrested. Kay:
Don’t try to threaten me, and don’t threaten Mackenzie ever again.
Jill: Don’t make me gag.
You keep my granddaughter away from my son.
Kay: You are so full of
bitterness. You are so out of touch
with that young girl you once were. Who was so much in love with my
husband that you stole him from me. Why
can’t you remember how it felt to be young and in love.
Jill: I remember everyday of my life.
I remember pain and heartache and you caused it and I won’t forgive you
for it. The
women begin shouting. Kay:
Live is not just sunshine and roses!
Pain is a part of growing up. Jill
is suffering from an excruciating headache, but Kay keeps shouting.
Kay: Your son needs a mother who is going to listen to him and see what
he is going through and not punish him for what he feels or for the girl he
loves. Jill:
What do either of those kids know about love?
Kay: Probably a hell of a
lot more than you or I do. Jill:
You are pathetic and so is your granddaughter.
If she thinks she is going to get her hooks into my son.
That was the last straw. The yelling escalates and Katherine
charges at Jill shaking her fist! The
front door slams. Jill throws Kay
down the couch. Billy bursts
through the room and separates the two angry women.
He shouts at them to stop. Kay:
All right. Take care of your
mother. I have had enough.
Of both of you! Billy looks
disgusted at his mother. Her hair
and clothing are frumpy and wet. And
she continues to rant and rave that Kay was dangerous.
She insulted her. She hit
her over the head with a cut vase. Jill
stares at her son: What are you
looking at me like that for? Billy: I
think you know. Jill:
Oh, little Mackenzie probably came running to you for help.
Billy: I haven’t talked to
Mackenzie, but I hear you did. Jill: I
talked with J.T. He told me you
were lying and sneaking around with her all summer.
How could you do that to me? I
didn’t raise you this way. Lying
to me. I am your mother.
Billy: I didn’t lie to you. I
just didn’t tell you what was going on. Why
should I anyway? This is none of
your business. Jill:
None of my business? My
teenage son is running around with some little tramp while he uses some lovely
girl like Brittany. That is wrong
and I did not raise you that way. Billy
is fighting very hard to control his anger. Billy:
Don’t you ever call Mac a tramp. She
is a good decent person! Jill:
Trust me. She doesn’t know
the meaning of the word. Billy
points his fingers at Jill’s face: I
mean it. Back off!
You have no right coming down on Mac or me after what you’ve done.
You aren’t going to deny that you haven’t threatened her.
Jill: When somebody has done something wrong, particularly when it
affects with your adolescent son you show them that there are consequences.
Billy: Is that what you call
it? Threatening to tell Mac’s mom
where she is? I know that is what
you did. Which is the most
disgusting thing I can think of. My
own mom stooping that low! Jill: Don’t
you ever talk to me that way ever again. As
far as me letting Mac’s mother know where she is, I would hope – expect that
any adult would let me know if my child ran away.
Billy: You honestly think
Mac’s mom is all broken up about where her daughter is?
Come on, that is not your reason. You are trying to frighten Mac away.
Jill: You think you know so
much! You don’t know everything.
And you certainly don’t know the kind of girl Mac is. Billy yells:
What Kind? Will you listen
to yourself? Jill:
She is just using you. Why
can’t you see it? Billy screams:
Stop this! I am not
listening to this! You don’t know
Mac or me. Since the day I found
out what you were doing, I have not been able to be trust myself around you.
I knew you were out of control, but I was hoping you were not capable of
doing such horrible, vindictive things! But
you are! Jill beseeches her son: I
am trying to protect you! Billy
screams: I don’t need your
protection, mom! No thank you!
All I want to date a beautiful, sweet girl who wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Maybe it is because you hate her grandmother.
But if you care anything about me. Jill:
You are my son. I love you! Billy:
Is that why you are so determined to ruin my life?
By ruining Mac’s life? Because
that is what you are doing by being manipulative and dishonest.
Jill laughs: Obviously
spending all this time with her has affected you or you wouldn’t be talking
this way. My case is proved.
Mac has turned you against me. Billy:
You are so wrong. If you do
anything to hurt Mac, I will never speak to you again.
I won’t have a mother anymore and you won’t have a son.
Billy walks out of the house leaving Jill heartbroken with tears falling
down her face. Nina
is visiting Christine at the firm. She is
rejoicing that she has finished her book. She
wrapped up the last chapters but it is not ready to go to the publishers.
She dropped off the pages with Tomas last night and he should be reading
it as they speak. Christine: You
are going to get a response today? And
why wouldn’t it be positive? You
are pleased with it aren’t you? Nina:
Yeah, the words and emotions came out of me so fast and furiously.
It was like I wasn’t even writing it.
It was really amazing getting to this point, especially after everything
I went through to get to this book. Chris
is delighted to see the change over Nina and how confident she looks. Meanwhile,
at Tomas’ apartment, Tomas is in mental anguish pouring through manuscript.
My God, look at what you’ve done.
What you’ve created! He
peers at the bottle of whisky in front of him, but picks up the cup of coffee
instead. He resumes his reading.
Tomas’ nerves seem to be crawling.
Finally he pours himself a drink and downs it in one rapid swallow, his
mood progressing into darkness and torment.
He sits down again, and pours another glassful.
cell rings. Tomas: I read your
pages. Nina:
You think they are good? Tomas:
No. They are wonderful. Nina:
Thank you so much. They
would not have existed if it hadn’t been for that last session.
Nina is beaming with joy. Tomas: This
went beyond that. The emotions just
grabbed you in the gut. This is
just first rate. Nina: I
am sure there is still room for the notes. If I come there in an hour will you
still be there? Tomas
says to himself: Such wonderful
work! He slams down the pages on
the table and pours yet another drink and toasts to his career.
He will never, ever be able to write something this great again.
Tomas grimaces with pain as he swallows another glass of whiskey. Christine:
I take his response is positive? Is
something wrong? Nina tells
her how rough Tomas had once been because his writing wasn’t going well.
He lashed out at her and said some awful things, but of course she
forgave him after he apologized profusely.
I have never seen it before or seen it since.
I am so excited to get my hands on those notes and send it off to the
publishers and start on my next project. Which
is? Christine asks. Nina: Tomas.
I am going to concentrate all my time and energy on getting him back on the
right track. As wonderful as it has
been writing this book, the best part of this year is getting close to Tomas.
I am so grateful to have him as part of my life. Chris:
I am sure he feels the same way about you.
Nina leaves Christine’s office to visit Tomas. Nina
knocks on Tomas’ door. No answer.
She calls out his name. No
reply. She fumbles through her
purse for keys to his door. She enters his apartment and looks for him.
His apartment is silent. She
walks inside and finds her manuscript and sits down on the couch. She then
sees an empty bottle of whisky on the floor.
A horrible feeling has come over her. She picks it up and gasps!
Oh Tomas, no! Victoria
visits her brother at his home. She
is so sorry to hear the news about Cassie and tells him that she is moving back
to the main house. They are all
there for him. Nick tells her this
was not necessary. When
Cassie comes down, Victoria immediately embraces her as if she were a long-lost
niece. Cassie tells her about her
book report. They walk hand-in-hand
to Cassie’s room. Nick and Sharon
smile. Wow.
That was really nice of your sister.
Nick tells her she did more than that.
She has moved back into the main house just like dad, so the family can
be together. Sharon tells him she
hopes this will not be necessary for long. Sharon
is looking at the book to learn more about tuberculosis.
Nick tries to take the book away from Sharon.
He is afraid she might become obsessed over the disease.
Dr. Hudson says Cassie will probably be in good shape if she doesn’t
cough, show weight loss or lethargy. I
just want to look out for any other symptoms we should be looking for, she tries
to explain to him. Cassie comes
down and stays hidden on the stairs, listens to her parents discussing her
possible illness. Nick tells Sharon
that Cassie is scared. We all are.
We haven’t heard any coughing whatsoever.
Cassie tenses up as she listens. Sharon
agrees. Cassie hasn’t shown any
symptoms. Let’s hope it stays
that way. Victoria
tells her brother that Cassie’s report is masterful and she is a
perfectionist. That’s our
daughter, Nick proudly tells her.
Victoria tells him he should call her if he needs anything, but she has
to go back to the office. Sharon
thanks her for her support and embraces her.
Victoria leaves and when they are alone, Sharon tells Nick that his
family is so supportive. Well, we
love Cassie a lot. Both parents are
worried. Cassie happily writes at
her desk. She suppresses a cough.
In a moment she is stricken with coughs and grows fearful. Ashley
sits silently in her chair, daydreaming. Brad
walks in quietly and sneaks a kiss on her cheek.
Ashley wished he had stayed with them at Gina’s.
She tells him about her experience with Victoria, that she can be a very
cruel person sometimes. Did she
pour coffee over your head? Brad asks. Ashley:
Pretty darn close. Ashley is
disturbed and Brad seems helpless for the moment. Brad:
I’m sorry I wasn’t there with you when you had to deal with Victoria.
Speaking of happy reactions, your brother knows we are official.
Don’t worry, no blood was shed. Just
a few tears. You know how your
brother is when he doesn’t get his way. Ashley:
I should have told him. It
would have gone better. Brad:
I didn’t exactly tell him. I
was on the phone when he heard me refer to my 'fiancé' and he was off to the
races. Ashley:
Who were you talking to? The
attorney who is not on our staff? Brad:
I know you are going to be upset with me, but I felt I should get legal advice
concerning our earlier conversation. Ashley:
You are still on this kick about the natural father signing off some
document so he won’t be involved with my child’s life? Brad:
I know you don’t want to address it and ultimately it is your decision.
Ashley: It IS my decision
and I wish you would drop it, frankly. Brad:
I had to follow through my own instincts.
My attorney thought we should protect ourselves in this situation.
Ash: That is his opinion and
I have my opinion and mine in the only one which matters here.
I don’t want to pursue this Brad.
Brad: I thought that would
be your reacion, but I just thought we should get a legal opinion.
Ashley grows emphatic: This
isn’t a legal issue with me. It
is a very, very personal one and I really don’t’ want to talk about it
anymore, OK? Brad:
Ash before you hand me my head, please hear me out.
After my conversation with my attorney, another thought came to me.
One which makes me feel a lot better.
Ashley grows angry: I’m
glad something makes you feel better, Brad.
Brad: Just listen to me!
Give me a second here. If we
are married, before the baby is born, there is a strong presumption that the
child will be mine. We are a
family. Any problems which may
occur in the future, we will deal with them together.
That’s what I want. From
the moment the child is born, I want to be there.
You are a month away from giving birth.
Let’s get married before then. Ashley
stands by the window, looking out. When
she turns around, she find Victor
standing at the door. Hi. What
are you doing here? Victor:
I want to see you. Ash:
Why? Victor:
There is something I want to discuss with you.
Ash: Yeah? What is it.
He looks at her finger and draws in a deep breath.
Are you in here to congratulate me? Victor’s
expression is pain.