Monday 5/8/00 Update


Young and the Restless Monday, May 8, 2000--Canada, Tuesday May 9, 2000--USA

by Stephanie

Gary’s Apartment 

Paul and Dave burst into the apartment, guns drawn, the apartment is silent, Paul calls Victoria’s name.  He slowly opens the door to Gary’s bedroom and sees the collage on the wall “Damn!” “Damn!”

Victor’s Office

Victor is on the phone speaking with Brian Forsythe.  Forsythe “I will tell Mr. Abbott that he has sold me on the idea of a loan extension.” “Assure him it will go through.”  “Then went it doesn’t…” Victor “No, listen to me, this man is devious, he cannot be left with a way out.” “Before you see him next week, you come to see me first.” Forsythe “Any reason the plan may change?” (Other line rings) “I will talk to you soon.”  (Hangs up) (Picks up other line) Paul “Victor, it is Paul Williams.”  “I need you to go to Greg Federman’s office, the ADA, as soon as you can.”  Victor “Is this about Victoria?” Paul “I will explain it all when you get there.”  Victoria “Is Victoria ok?” Paul “I can’t go into it now.” “Just hurry.”  He hangs up.

Walnut Grove Academy

Brittany, Billy, Raul and Mac are talking.  Billy says that they can come over tonight.  Brittany asks what they will do? Billy suggests videos.  Brittany “Well, we could use the pool?” Billy “I will see what my dad thinks, but the water will be cold.” Brittany “I am sure we will find a way to heat it up.” “Are you guys up for it?” Mac “I don’t think so.”  “Raul, you can if you want?” Raul “No, thanks.” Billy “Well, we will figure it out later.” (Raul, Billy and Mac leave for their lockers).  Brittany follows Billy to his locker and says, “You have to home now?” Billy “No, I am volunteering at the shelter tonight.” Brittany “I would like to come some time.” Billy “You would be bored.” Brittany “Well, I guess you don’t know me that well.”  “I might surprise you.” (She kisses him).  Brittany “You know I don’t actually want to go swimming.” “I was using it as an excuse so we could be alone together.” “I hoped Mac and Raul would not want to come.” Mac and Raul come down the hallway holding hands.  Raul asks Mac if he should pick her up at the shelter? Mac says no, she will meet him at the Abbott’s She asks him to walk her to class? They leave, Billy is left looking confused. 

Michael’s Office

Diane arrives; she tells Michael she told his secretary she would let herself into his office.  He says he will have to speak to her about that.  Diane says, “Why, weren’t you going to let me in?” Michael says he has a busy schedule. Diane says she needs to talk to him.  Michael “All right, Diane, what is it?” “Does it have to do with Victor?” Diane looks surprised.

Gina’s Restaurant

Brad “I would say I am hardly chummy with Diane.”  “I ran into her here.” Nikki “Well, you two seemed awfully close.” Brad “Can we change the subject?” “You have some good news?” Nikki “We will get to it, but tell me did Diane say anything about getting her hooks back into Victor again?” Brad “I don’t think we need the negativity of Diane.” “We need to talk about the future.” Nikki “Don’t try to censor what I am thinking.” “I had enough of that with Victor.” “Now tell me what is going on?” Brad “Victor is forcing Diane out of the apartment.”  “He wants her out by the end of the month.”

Credits Roll

Nick’s Office

Sharon is packing up from their picnic.  Nick puts his arms around her waist and says her picnic was a wonderful surprise.  Sharon says he was not the only one that was surprised. Nick says he is very lucky and she tells him not to forget it.  (He kisses her).  Nick asks if the door is still locked.  Sharon says he is a bad boy and she is keeping him from his work.  She wonders what his secretary must think? Nick says she knows what they were doing, it was business.  Sharon “Monkey business you mean.” Nick says no “family business.” “Like Crimson Lights II.” (She kisses him.”

Chancellor Estate

Jill comes in and demands to know where Katherine is? Esther tells her if she were only polite she would say.  Jill asks if Jack has been by?  Esther says she just missed him.  Jill “I knew it!” Kay comes in.  Jill “You just couldn’t resist.” “Sticking it to me.” “You jumped at the chance to buy into JABOT.”

Gina’s Restaurant

Christine and Nina are discussing dinner last night, how wonderful it was having the four of them together.  Nina says she was surprised Paul knew any of Tomas’s work. Christine says she is surprised Paul has time to read, he has been so busy.  Nina asks if it is guy stalking Victoria? Christine says it is.  He was up at dawn speaking with the profiler in the case.  She hopes he wraps it up soon.

D.A Office (Greg Federman’s Office)

Paul arrives; Greg tells him he got the search warrant for Gary’s apartment.  Paul says he already went in.  He was unable to reach Victoria, found Dave her bodyguard waiting for her outside Gary’s apartment. They went in and found the apartment empty but irrefutable evidence that Gary is the stalker.  (Victor arrives).  Paul explains that Gary Dawson is the stalker.  Victor can’t believe that the man Victoria has been dating is her stalker.  Victor asks if Victoria is with him now? Paul says she is.  Victor asks where they are? Paul says he doesn’t know.  Greg says he will get a crime lab team over to the apartment right away.  (He leaves).  Paul tells Victor they broke into the apartment but Victoria and Gary were gone.  Victor says “Find her immediately.”  “Use whatever resources you need, it doesn’t matter what it costs.” “Find her now!” 

Gina’s Restaurant

Nina asks Christine if her marriage is back on track? Christine says it is.  Nina says that is amazing.  Christine says “Because of Michael?” Nina “Well, he is not Paul’s favorite person.” Christine says Paul is passed that.  Nina asks how things are going with Michael? Christine says things are going well with the firm.  Nina says they are too totally different people with different styles.  Christine says Michael has made the effort and they have agreed to steer clear of any clients from their past to avoid any conflict of interest.” Nina “Like the Newman’s and Diane Jenkins?”  Christine says they have let go of some clients and keep themselves out of trouble.

Michael’s Office

Michael “Diane you haven’t answered me.” Diane “Everything was going well, but now I have discovered for certain who the other woman is.” Michael “Who?” Diane “Guess.”  Michael “I don’t have time for 20 questions.” Diane “Ashley Abbott.” Michael “You need to get over this obsessions with Victor Newman.” Diane “I am not obsessed.”  Michael “An obsession is one where you chance after something at the expense of something else.” Diane “Is that sour grapes?” “I need your advice.” Michael “Advice takes time and time is money.” Diane “I can dip into my coffers from the divorce settlement.” Michael  “I don’t think I can.” Diane rubs his shoulders and “I think it is all this talk of Victor Newman that upsets you.” “You can take him on again.” “You will need ammunition.” Michael “That’s true.” Diane “I have a juicy piece you may find useful in the future.”

Genoa City Shelter

Mac and Billy come in, the kids follow along, The kids say they have made learning fun.  Billy says they have created a monster.

The kids ask if Billy and Mac are boyfriend and girlfriend?

Chancellor Estate

Jill says Katherine just couldn’t wait. Katherine says she has always wanted a cosmetic firm in her portfolio.  Jill says Katherine took advantage of the situation.  Katherine says she took a page from Jill’s playbook and shoved her way in, like she did with Katherine’s home.  Jill says everything she did to get the mansion was legal.  Jill says their truce didn’t last long.  Katherine thought Jill would be grateful or would she like to see JABOT go under for spite? Jill says she can’t stomach working and living with Katherine.  It would drive her crazy. She wonders if that is what Katherine wants?

Nick’s Office

Sharon and Nick are kissing.  Nick says he has an idea, they could go to Milwaukee.  Sharon says she promised Cassie the next time they went, she could come too.  Nick says he will explain it to her this is a trip for Mommy and Daddy.  Sharon doesn’t want to go back on her word.  Nick says he will see if he can negotiate.  He makes a phone call.

Gina’s Restaurant

Nikki “Victor will kick her out of the apartment?” Brad “How do you feel about that?” Nikki “Well, I don’t really care, and it isn’t as though I am going to go over and ask to stay in the spare room.” “By being partners with you and working with Jack I have burned my bridges with Victor.” Brad asks if she is sure about this? Nikki says she spoke to Jack about the idea of them putting up the money he needs.  Instead he went to Kay looking for it.  I asked her not to give it to him.  Brad asks if Jack knows? Nikki says yes, since he was there at the time.  “Kay offered to have both of us in on it but that would have left you out in the cold, Brad.” Brad “I know you want to create a niche at JABOT but you have to be sure.” Nikki “I am not concerned about how Victor reacts.” Brad “What about your family?” Nikki “My children are grown up and so am I.”  “Besides, Victoria didn’t offer me a job.” “They will have to accept things as they are.”

D.A’ Office (Greg Federman’s Office)

Pictures of Victoria and Gary have been arranged and the police have been notified. Victor wants to know how this happened? Paul says they only figured it out in the past few hours.  Victor says he was to have been kept updated.  Paul says they didn’t know who gave Ross the bail money.  Greg says there were discrepancies in Gary’s story and so they did some checking.  Paul says Gary withdrew the money and left it anonymously.  Victor says, “That bastard has my daughter!”

Chancellor Estate

Jill says Katherine has been salivating over this, her chance for revenge. Katherine says that played no part in her decision.  Jill asks if it was just her desire to help the Abbott’s? Katherine says Jill’s delusion of her importance is staggering. Jill says that is not true at all! She says Katherine is doing this out of revenge.  Katherine says revenge is hollow, after all look what it has done to her (Jill).  Jill says she learned every trick from Katherine. Katherine is surprised that Jill thinks her antipathy for Jill ruled her decision.  Jill says she will make Katherine’s life miserable.  Katherine says she can relax; she didn’t give Jack the money.  Jill can’t believe it. She asks why not? Katherine says she did it to help a friend.  Jill asks what friend? Katherine “Nikki.” (Jill is stunned).

Gina’s Restaurant

Brad asks Nikki if she is sure about this? Nikki assures him she is.  Brad says he has an idea? Nikki says if this is about the company in Eastern Europe, she isn’t interested.  He says no, it is about pooling their resources for a joint venture.  Nikki ‘s cell phone rings.  “This is Victor.”  “I need you to come to City Hall, to the D.A.’s office as soon as you can.” Nikki “Is something wrong?” Victor “Victoria is in grave danger.” Nikki “I will be right there.”  She hangs up and tells Brad she has to be going.  She leaves.

Genoa City Shelter

After the tutoring session is over.  Billy “Well, that was wild.” Mac “I am glad you said we were close associates.” Billy “You are very mysterious.” Mac “How so?” Billy “You told Raul not to meet you here, I just wondered why?”  “What were you afraid of?” Mac “Nothing, but it takes him out of his way to come here and pick me up.” (Door opens, Brock comes in).  He sees Billy and says, “What are you doing here?”

Nick’s Office

Cassie, Noah and the babysitter come in.  Cassie wants to know why Nick called and asked them to come? Nick says he has a surprise for her.  He explains that he and Sharon are going to Milwaukee.  Cassie is excited because she thinks she is going to.  Nick says no, the babysitter will take her to dinner and a movie.  Nick says she can’t come since she has school tomorrow.  She says she doesn’t.  Sharon says tomorrow is a teacher conference day, so there is no school.  Nick says he and Sharon need to go away.  Cassie says, so they can be alone.  She says it’s ok; we can go some other time, Daddy.  Nick “You always get to me when you call me that.” “What the heck, we will make it a family vacation.” Cassie “We can go?” She throws her arms around Nick and gives him a hug.  Cassie “We are going Noah.”

Gina’s Restaurant

Nina asks why Christine did it? Christine says it is a mystery to her too.  Nina says any firm would love to have her.  Christine says it is her own firm, well half of it.  Nina says it is risky.  Christine says yes but the risk fascinates her.  Nina says given their history together, he would not risk her career or marriage on Michael Baldwin.  Christine says Michael has been totally honest and she can always leave and go back to what she was doing before, if anything goes wrong. Nina says she hopes for her sake that it works out.  Christine says it has been fun but she has to get to work.

Walnut Grove Academy

Raul is getting ready to leave.  Brittany asks what’s up? Raul says he will see her tonight. Brittany asks what kind of movies Mac likes? Raul says she likes comedies.  Brittany says she does as well.  Brittany says it will be the first time in a long while that she and Billy have had any time alone together.  She asks Raul if he would consider leaving them alone, to go to the pool? Raul says he will on one condition.  And that is absolutely no drinking.  He says Billy is doing really well now.  Brittany says there will be no drinking and once they are together, it won’t be something he will think of.

Genoa City Shelter

Mac “Billy is volunteering here now.”  “Mr. Abbott arranged it.”  Brock “Is this true?” Billy “Yes, he thought it would be good for me.”  Brock “You volunteered to work here with Mac?” Billy “I didn’t even know Mac worked here.” Brock “I find that hard to believe.” Billy “My dad thought it might help me get my head on straight.” Mac “He does really well with the kids, you should see how they respond to him.” Brock “Perhaps they recognize a kindred lost spirit when they see one.” Mac “The kids should be back soon, if you want to stay and help?” Brock “No, I have things to do.” (He leaves, Mac follows him out) Mac “Why did you give Billy such a hard time?” Brock “I think you know why?” Mac “No, I don’t.” “Do you have a problem with Billy working here?”

Chancellor Estate

Jill “Nikki?” “Why would she want to be in the middle of this?” Katherine “She wanted to pool her resources with Brad and bail out JABOT.” Jill “Are you sure?” Katherine “Unfortunately, yes.” Jill “Why?” Katherine “A misguided attempt to have a place in JABOT.” Jill “She wanted it, so you backed off?” Katherine “I pleaded with her but she was determined.” Jill “Interesting, Brad and Nikki joining forces.” “Tell me more.” Katherine “Go to some other source for more information, Jill.” Jill “I will.”  “You are very fortunate you decided to back out.”  “If you had gotten involved…” Katherine “Just remember something, if the deal between JABOT and Brad and Nikki falls through, I will be their only saving grace.” “How do you like them apples?” 

Michael’s Office

Diane “How does that feel?” (She is massaging Michael’s shoulders).  Michael “Good.” Diane “Better than anything else, I have a plan.” Michael “A plan?” Diane “Nothing illegal or immoral.” “I over heard a conversation between Victor and Neil Winters in which they were discussing getting revenge on Jack Abbott and bringing JABOT to it’s knees.” Michael “Well, I knew Victor would want to get his revenge.”

Christine arrives and speaks to Maggie her secretary. Christine asks Maggie how she feels about taking her away from Legal Aid? Maggie says it will be an adventure and it is nice to see her enjoying her work again. 

Christine walks to her office, past Michael’s and stops at the door.  Diane “So, now you know, what do I do now.”  “Do I drop my bomb?” Michael “I don’t think you have to drop it at all.” Diane “You think I should do nothing?” Michael “Just sit back and watch Victor fall flat on his face.” “Then your hands will be clean.”

Nick’s Office

Nick calls his secretary Sherry in and tells her they are going away for a few days.  Since they are leaving early, she can leave early too.  Sherry leaves.  Nick “Ok, family, let’s go.”  He picks up his plans and gathers up the kids. He is about to leave when the phone begins to ring.  “Whoever it is, it can wait.” 

D.A. Office

Victor is calling Nick, there is no answer and he can’t reach his secretary either. 

Nikki arrives and she asks what’s happening? Paul tells her the stalker is Gary.  Nikki can’t believe that the nice young man Victoria has been dating is her stalker.  Victor “He has been biding his time.” “Now he has Victoria with him.” Nikki begins to cry. Paul “We will find them.” Victor “We had better.”  “If anything happens to Victoria, I will rip that boy’s heart out.”