and the Restless Update Thursday, May 4 2000 (Canada) by StephanieGary’s
is knocking on Gary’s door saying “Gary, it’s Victoria, open up.”
The landlord comes and asks what she is doing? She introduces
herself and says she is there to help Gary clean up from the grease fire
in his apartment. The
landlord is surprised to hear this, as he knew nothing about a fire.
The landlord says, “first I heard of it.”
“Maybe I should check.” (He uses his keys to go inside Gary’s
apartment, Victoria and her bodyguard follow.)
is picking up a coffee to go and would like espresso.
Cody says he will go and grind some fresh for him.
Nick sees Gary and says “Ok, out with it.” Gary “Out with
what, Nick?” Nick “What is going on with you and my sister?”
Federman’s Office (Assistant District Attorney):
tells Greg he needs to talk to Ross Leigh and find out where the rest of
the bail money came from. Greg
asks if that is where he comes in? Paul says “You have to convince Ross
that I don’t want him to feel that he will be incriminating himself by
talking to me.” Paul asks Greg to help him as his friend. Greg says,
“The fact that I am ADA doesn’t have anything to do with it?” “I
will see what I can do about Mr. Leigh.” (Greg calls Ross).
Restaurant (Patio)
kisses Ashley’s hand (Marissa sees this and leaves). Victor “You
haven’t answered my question.” “Will
you move in with me?” Ashley “It is a lovely offer and I am moved by
it.” Victor “But not
enough to move in with me.” Ashley “I am concerned how my family will
react.” Victor “You are thinking of Jack?” Ashley “Not just him
but by father too.” “He
knows we are seeing each other but has no idea of how strong our feelings
are for each other.” “Don’t doubt that when the time is right, I
would be more than willing to move in with you.” (She kisses him).
(Jack’s Office)
is reading a report. Jill
comes in and asks if he has heard from Forsythe yet? Jack says no, not
yet. Jill says “Don’t you
realize the trouble we are in?” “How
can you be so calm?” Jack “I don’t have time to hold your hand.”
“I am handling things.” Jill “We need to work on our fall
back position.” Jack “Meaning what?” Jill “Not what, who.”
“Bradley Carlton.”
“You are here to say goodbye?” Megan “Yes.” Tricia “I am sure we
can work this out.” Megan “What’s to work out?” “Tony is dead
and there is nothing you can do to change that.” Tricia “I want to say
how sorry I am.” Megan “I can’t handle this any more.” Ryan “I
think there have been enough apologies and now it is time to move on.”
Tricia “You are right.” “Meg, you should go away for a few weeks.”
“Then come back and start school again.” “Stay at campus
housing.” “You just need a little distance.” Megan “I do need to
get away but I am going for good.” (Tricia looks stunned).
rings the bell, Esther answers and tells Nikki it is wonderful to see her
again and how lovely she looks. Nikki
comes in and thanks Esther. Esther
shows her the first place trophy she received for Bowling.
Kay comes in and says imagine what third place must have looked
like. She sends Esther away.
Kay says it is lovely to see Nikki again and hugs her.
Nikki says she has taken the bull by the horns and has achieved
results. Kay wants Nikki to
tell her everything. Nikki
explains she went to New York on a fashion seminar and it was wonderful.
Kay says she is happy for Nikki.
Nikki thanks her for her support and friendship and she asks Kay to
do her a favor.
Restaurant (Patio)
“What?” “I’m fine really.”
Victor “I love looking at you, your eyes, your lips.” “You
are so beautiful.” Ashley “It is because of you, you make me feel
wonderful.” “Are you upset with me for not moving in?” Victor “I
am not a patient man but I understand your reasons.” Ashley “You and
Jack are two men that I love and I am sure you two can build a bridge.”
Cell Phone Rings) Victor “Yes?” Neil “Victor, it is Neil Winters.”
“I need to discuss the JABOT situation with you.”
Victor “Ok, we will meet in 15 minutes at the Penthouse.”
“I forgot some papers that I need.” (He hangs up.) Victor “I
am sorry.” Ashley “That’s ok, I should get going.” “It will all
work out.” (She kisses him) Ashley leaves and Victor watches her leave.
Federman’s Office
arrives and enters Greg’s office. Greg
thanks him for coming. He
sees Paul and says, “If I had known he was here I would not have
come.” Greg “I need you to understand that it is ok for you to talk to
me without your lawyer present.” “I am not treating you as a
suspect.” Ross “You, I trust because you have laws to follow.”
“But him (meaning Paul), well he works for the Newman’s and I
don’t trust him!”
“Well, I am waiting.” “What is up with you and my sister?” Gary
“Did she say something?” Nick “I really had you going.”
“Did you think you would get the third degree from Victoria’s
little brother?” Gary “Well, I am happy to answer your questions.”
Nick “I am just looking out for my sister.” Gary “Victoria is a
beautiful person.” “I will say this.”
“If she is ½ as interested in me as much as I am interested in
her, I will do what I can to make her happy.” Nick “From what Victoria
says you do make her happy and that is good enough for me.”
looks around and says “No smoke damage.” The landlord checks on the
kitchen and comes out and says the stove seems fine.
He wonders how she knew about the fire? She says Gary told her.
Victoria “I think I know what is going on here.” “I asked
Gary to let me come for dinner.” “I
think he wasn’t ready and to buy himself some time.” She asks if they
can wait here until Gary returns? The landlord says since she has
explained things, he doesn’t have a problem with it. Victoria
thanks him and he leaves. Victoria
“No fire, so why didn’t he just tell me the truth.”
(Jack’s Office)
“We are not going to Brad.” Jill “If we don’t do something, this
company will be going belly up.” Jack “Nothing is going to happy
besides I spoke to Brad and he didn’t offer to help.” Jill “This is
an opportunity and we need to take it.” Jack “Brad doesn’t have
enough money.” Jill “Time is running out.” “Put aside your petty
differences or risk losing Jabot.” “If we lose it, it will break your
father’s heart.” Jack “I am not going to fight you on this issue.”
“We do need financing.” Jill “What, you are agreeing with me?”
“Who else is there besides Brad?” Jack “I want to deal with someone
who is closer to the family.” Jill “Who.”
Jack “Why, no one other than your roomiie
Katherine Chancellor.” (Jill
is floored).
arrives and says “hello.” There
is no answer, until Diane says, “I am here.” Marissa asks if she is
all right? Diane says “I have never been lower in my life.” “That
dinner I had with Victor.” “The
one that I thought would be the start of something new for us.”
“Turns out, Victor wants me to move out, right away.” Marissa
looks surprised and then says “Lynn and I were out for breakfast today
and I saw Victor and Ashley Abbott together.” “They were holding hands
and kissing.” (Diane looks devastated at this news).
Diane “Victor has played me for a fool!”
“The worst part is, I allowed myself to be played for a fool.”
“Ashley Abbott is the one.” “Marissa would you leave?” Marissa
“I don’t think you…” Diane
“Marissa, just go!” (Marissa leaves). (Diane is furious)
“You don’t have to leave.” Megan “Yes, I do.” Tricia “Ryan,
tell her that she doesn’t have to leave.” Ryan “Maybe it is for the
best.” “Where are you going?” Megan “To Boston.”
“I have a friend that moved there after she graduated.”
“I can stay with her for awhile.” Ryan “Well, I will make
some calls and set something up for you for work.” Tricia “Stop!”
Megan “Don’t take this out on your husband.” Tricia “Listen to
me.” “I know you feel the family has abandoned you, but that isn’t
true.” “I am taking steps to get better.”
“Does that make a difference?” Megan “Maybe for you and your
husband but not for me.” “Because
of you, my husband is dead!” “What
can you do to change that?” “There
is nothing you can do to bring him back.”
“Tell me what the favor is.” Nikki “This is a great opportunity,
something that will put my career on the fast track.” Kay “What?”
Nikki “JABOT.” Kay “I know you wanted to work there but I thought
Ashley shot it down?” Nikki “She did but JABOT needs Cash.”
“I can only come up with part of it.”
“I will buy my way in and there will be nothing Ashley can do
about it.” Kay “I am sure you are up for the battle.” Nikki “When
I suggested the idea to Jack, I wanted Brad to buy in the other half but
Jack balked at the idea.” “So now he will come to you for the rest of
the money.”
(Jack’s Office)
“Katherine Chancellor!” “No way, not in a million years.” Ashley
comes in and says what is going on? “I can hear you down the hallway.”
Jill “Have you heard his idea?” Ashley “I have no idea what you are
talking about.” “Tell me.” Jack
“I am considering asking Katherine Chancellor for the money to pay off
the debt.” Jill “No, it needs to be Brad Carlton.” Jack “We must
do what is right for the company.” “We have to put aside our petty
differences (right Jill).” Jill “Katherine will be here, every day,
shooting down my ideas.” Jack “Well that wouldn’t make a difference
since everyone has such a low opinion of you to begin with.” “But she
would be a silent partner and is unlikely to be interested in the day to
day running of the company.” “Unlike Brad who would want to come in
and make all kinds of changes.” “Katherine is a much better idea than
that little hedge clipper.”
“Could you have been more stupid.” “You thought you were getting
close to Victor.” “Ashley
got her hooks into him.” “That
bitch!” “Damn you!” “You won’t get away with it.” (Diane hears
the door opening and quickly makes a dash for her room).
(Victor comes in) “Diane.”
“Diane are you here?” (He
knocks on her bedroom door but there is no answer.)
arrives Victor “Is this about the Forsythe matter?” Neil “Yes, I
just wanted to go over how we were handling things, once more.” Victor
“I thought I made my instructions clear.” Neil “Yes, but this is a
delicate matter both business and personally.”
Victor “You’ve got that right.” (Diane listens in).
Federman’s Office
“I know you have a problem with Paul.” Paul “Did it ever occur to
you that you we might have another suspect in mind?” Ross “Or you
could be trying to nail me again!” “What happened, did you lose
another tape?” Greg “This is a waste of time.”
“Mr. Leigh, thank you for coming.”
“Good bye Mr. Leigh.” (Ross leaves)
He closes the door and then turns around and opens it again.
He goes back in saying “What the hell.”
“I could listen to your questions.” “What do you want to
“Victoria took me to see your tree house.” Nick “You saw it?” Gary
“Yes.” Nick “When?” Gary “Victoria took me there for a
picnic.” Nick “A picnic?” “Well I guess this is getting
serious.” “She isn’t hiding how she feels about you.” “So
what’s with the bag of Hardware supplies?” Gary “Well, I am having
your sister over for dinner tonight and I need to do some work around the
place.” Nick “Well I am sure you will be a gentleman tonight.”
Gary “Of course.” “I
should get going.” (Gary leaves) Nick “Well, Victoria, you sure have a
winner there.”
speaks to Gary’s secretary. After
she hangs up she tells Dave (her bodyguard) that Gary called in and said
he would be doing some repairs on his kitchen this morning.
Dave says that is what he told her too.
Victoria thinks Gary will be home any time now.
She tells Dave to wait downstairs in the car.
He leaves and she says “It’s time I got back at Mr. Dawson by
surprising him.”
(Jack’s Office)
“Will you talk to him, Ashley, tell him this idea is ludicrous.” Jack
“It’s not ludicrous.” “She would be a silent partner.” Ashley
“We need to think about this thoroughly.” Jack “Well, it’s doable
and it is an option.” “I would prefer a loan extension.” “Now, I
have an appointment since Mr. Forsythe won’t be calling for another
hour.” “Ash, stay here and guard the fort.”
“Hold her hand if you need to before they start rattling faster
than you can say Katherine Chancellor.”
He leaves.
“Don’t tell me you are involved with Brad Carlton again.” Nikki
“No, we are friends and this is business.” “The reality is Jack
doesn’t want his former partner involved in JABOT.” “He will come to
you for the money instead of Brad and I.” Kay “Well you can’t blame
Jack for feeling that way.” “Perhaps there is another solution?”
Nikki “What?” Kay “I could loan them the money.” “On the
condition that you can have any job you want.” Nikki “That is a lovely
offer but no, that would leave Brad our in the cold.” Kay “He still
gets to you.” “More than you are willing to admit to me or to
Federman’s Office
“Before you made Bail, Gary came to see you?” Ross “Yes.” Paul
“Did you tell him how much you needed to make bail?” Ross “Yes, him
and everyone else I could think of.” “But he didn’t have it.”
“If you think Gary bailed me out, you can forget it.”
Greg “Why is that?” Ross “There is no way Gary would have
bailed me out.” Greg “I thought you were friends?” Ross “We were,
but that was before.” Greg
“Before what?” Ross “Before Miss Vikki came along.” Greg “Did
you hang out before that?” Ross “ Drinks sometimes.” Paul “I spoke
to some of the people you worked with.”
“You had an active social life.” Ross “So?” Paul “Did you
and Gary ever double date?” Ross “I asked but he wouldn’t go.”
“He said it was not a good idea to mix business and pleasure.”
“That was until he found out I was interested in Vikki.” Paul “Well,
that’s everything.” Ross
“That’s it?” “You aren’t going to ask me about the rest of the
letters, that I didn’t write by the way.” Paul “You have been very
helpful.” Ross “Ok.” (He
leaves). Greg “Well, he
answered all of your questions about Gary.”
“I didn’t want it to be like this.”
“With me railing at you.” “Tell me what I am supposed to
do?” Tricia “I caused you pain and heartache.”
“For that I am sorry.” “I was not myself.” Megan “How
many times were you asked to get help?” “You couldn’t face facts.”
“You have problems.” “You are running to therapy and I am supposed
to be happy about that?” “If the truth hadn’t come out, would you
have done nothing?” “Things turned out exactly the way you wanted them
to.” Tricia “No, that isn’t true.” I didn’t want Tony dead.”
“I didn’t want this to happen.”
“To cause you pain.” “The last conversation Tony and I had
together, he wanted this kept from you.”
“He knew that if you found out then it would destroy us as
sisters.” Megan “Tony didn’t tell me because he loved me and wanted
to protect me.” “You
didn’t tell me because you wanted to hide your crimes.” “You
didn’t want me to figure out what you were capable of.”
Tricia “Don’t say that.” Megan “I don’t want to hear
another word.” “What happened, happened and Tony is dead!” “It
will be a long time before I can think of us as sisters, if I ever can at
“Brad is my friend.” Kay “Are you sure?” Nikki “Yes, this is
business not personal.” Kay “You and Brad were more than that once.”
Nikki “I need Brad as an ally there.”
“Sure I will have Jack but there will be Ashley to face every
day.” “We can help each other.” Kay “I’m sorry, but I cannot
support this, since I feel it is a big mistake for you.” Nikki “I
don’t believe this.” “You
are acting like Victor, making decisions for me.” (Doorbell rings)
Esther answers the door. Kay “Not at all, I am your friend.” Nikki
“Well, then don’t give Jack the money.” “Just stay out of it.”
(Jack arrives) “Well this my be my lucky day, my two favorite ladies in
the same place at the same time.” (Nikki mouths the word No at Kay).
“I have to leave now.” (Megan hugs Ryan) “Thank you for everything,
Ryan.” Ryan “Keep in touch ok?” Megan “When I get settled I
will.” (Megan looks at Tricia) Megan gets her purse and heads for the
door without looking back.
stops, looks once more at Tricia and leaves without saying a word.
(Tricia cries hysterically). Ryan
moves towards her to hold her but she pulls away.
is listening in) Victor “This Forsythe business.” Neil “They have
tried to get the money.” Victor “No luck?” Neil “No, thanks to our
phone calls, everyone knows they are desperate.” “Because of their
high debt, no one will help.” Victor “Good.” “We will continue as
we have been.” “Forsythe
will be a distraction.” Neil “I agree.” “Forsythe will make the
call.” “Keep their hopes of a loan alive.” Victor “Then we will
lower the boom.” Neil “There is no way out for them now.” “If our
plan should fail, the die is cast.” “Two weeks from now JABOT will be
down for the count.” Victor “You’ve got that right.” “I will
have my revenge on Jack Abbott.” “But I wonder at what cost?” (Diane
cannot believe what she is hearing).
is waiting for Gary to come. She
wonders how much longer he will be? She decides to take a peak at his
goes in and looks around. As
she turns around she sees the pictures of herself on one wall, she is
absolutely shocked and says “Oh my god!”
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Updated 05/12/17
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