One Life to Live Update Wednesday 10/10/01 By Kelly Cristian and Jen Jen wants to know who Cris was talking to on the phone. Cris says no one and says he has to take care of something. She looks hurt.
Jen and Al Al finds Jen upset. Al says he can't watch Cris hurt her. She says Cris was just jealous of the guy (Keith) who gave her the necklace. Al says he'd be overprotective if she were his, too. Jen feels bad about talking to Al about Cris. He says she shouldn't because they're friends. Jen says she and Cris are in love. Al finds a flier about a modeling contest and thinks Jen should enter. She says she can't be a model, Shauna overhears and agrees. Al tells her and Molly off. Jen says she could use the $500 prize money and decides to enter.
Cristian, Antonio, and Keith Antonio says the guy he saw on a cell (from yesterday's show) was just a student. He says he has to question Jen. Cris says he doesn't want her to know. Cris says he can ID the guy. He finds Keith in a mug shot book. Meanwhile, Keith calls information for Jen's number. Antonio says the guy is a pro, and wanted for murder. Cris says he thinks RJ was worried about him. RJ told him to get out of town, probably so the guy couldn't kill him. Cris wants him to promise he'll protect her. Antonio says they can do their best. Cris says he has to break up with her so she's not in danger, since she's a target as long as Keith knows he cares about her.
Jessica and Troy Jessica tells Troy that Seth and Natalie are not dating. She says she is with Seth. Troy tells her he saw Seth and Natalie kissing. He says it wasn't a friendly kiss. He thinks she should talk to Seth. Natalie, Seth, and Vicki Vicki yells at Seth and Natalie and tries to figure out what's going on between them. Natalie says Vicki shouldn't bad mouth them. Seth says Natalie is just mad because Ben accused her of stealing. Vicki wants to talk to Natalie. She kicks Seth out. Vicki tells Natalie. She bets Natalie's dying to tell her the truth. Natalie says she's sick of sucking up to Jessica. She tells Vicki she and Seth are lovers and have been since before they met Jessica. She says it was all part of the plan. Vicki fires her and tries to kick her out. Natalie says she's not going anywhere. Jessica and Seth Jessica goes to Seth's. She finds the shirt she gave to Natalie. She starts to remember possible clues that lead to Natalie and Seth being together. She finds pictures of them together. Seth comes home. Jessica shows Seth the shirt and asks what is going on. Allison, Rae, and Ben Allison doesn't believe Rae that it was Ben she was talking to. Rae says Ben overprotective of Vicki, so it shouldn't bother her that he wanted to talk to her. Rae says she's going to talk to Ben. Allison figures out Dave came from Davidson. Ben comes back and asks Allison about her secret. He says she can wait until later for her to tell him. She says she wants to hang out for awhile. She wants to talk to Rae again before they leave. Ben tries to get her to tell him about the plan before Rae comes back. Allison says she'll tell him once they're gone from St. Anne's. She says she'll get her bag and they'll leave together. He says he'll wait there for her. Rae enters and yells at Ben for upsetting Allison. She's afraid it could mess up her therapy. Ben says Rae doesn't know what Allison's capable of.
Addy and Star Star doesn't know how to read print, so she asks Addy what the writing on the collage says. She tells Star she should give the letter to Todd. Star doesn't want to, they fight over the collage. Rae says to cut it in half. Addy does. Star has Rae read the words on her half of the collage. Star pieces the collage together, and figures out the baby is Todd's.
Blair, Todd, Troy, and Sam. Blair says the baby is premature and Todd doesn't understand how. She begs Todd not to leave her alone. Sam is mad Troy did tests on Matthew without asking him. Blair calls his cell for help. She says Todd left her there because he still thinks the baby is Max's. Todd wanders back in and then out again. Sam tells Blair to tell Todd the truth the first chance she gets. She's afraid Todd won't believe her. Sam gets Troy to talk to Blair. He tells her he can do it by herself. She calls for Todd. He comes back in. He says there are no people for miles. She tries to tell him the truth again, but has another contraction. Todd picks up the phone. Troy tells him he's going to talk him through the delivery. He says to look for the head. Troy tells him the baby is about to be born.